
total: I + II + III + IV = 19 + 147 + III.A + 104 + 15 = III.A + 285

Part I Writing

total: 19


[1] In today's knowledge age that...

[2] comprehensive quality

[3] as an old saying goes

[4] that is to say 也就是说

[5] they open their hearts 他们敞开心扉

[6] quality-oriented

[7] controlling and tightening rules 严加管束

[8] be unfit for

[9] individaualistic

[10] less disturbing 更易于接受[文中]

[11] teaching approaches

[12] paternalistic 家长式的[文中]

[13] force-feeding methods 填鸭式方法[文中]

[14] take initiative 发挥主观能动性[文中]

[15] be concerned for 关心,关怀

[16] in every aspect 方方面面

[17] hence 由此可见

[18] win-win outcome

[19] rewarding

Part II Listening Comprehension

total: 28 + 42 + 77 = 147

Section A

==total: 13 + 15 = 28 ==

Conversation One 兔子咖啡馆

total: 6 + 7 = 13

1 question

[1] bear

  • bearing

[2] profitable

[3] business sector 行业

  • market sector
  • industry

[4]By selecting breeds that are tame and peaceful. that指rabbits

[5] brief

[6] give sb sth give 使役动词

  • They give her café favorite reviews.
2 conversation

[1] a local establishment

[2] simply put

[3] brush against

[4] the required shots 疫苗[文中]

[5] whatsoever

[6] on the contrary

[7] take care of

Conversation Two 垃圾食品和电视广告

total: 5 + 10 = 15

1 question

[1] additive

[2] TV commercials

  • TV advertising
  • TV advertisements

[3] market v 推销[文中]

[4] trick ... into ...

[5] choose from 从中选择[文中]

2 conversation

[1] It's good to ...

[2] all that 所有这些[文中],那么

[3] It's all that ... 全是因为···[文中]

[4] No surprise. 毫不奇怪。

[5] That's just the thing.

[6] stand 抵抗[文中]

[7] You are so right. 你说的太对了。

  • You bet. 你说的没错。

[8] turn out

[9] alien

[10] so differen back 如此不同的过去[文中]

Section B

total: 22 + 20 = 42

Passage One 尼罗河和亚马逊河

total: 8 + 14 = 22

1 question

[1] animal farms

[2] ruin

[3] devastating floods

[4] explore 探索

  • exploit 开发

[5] one fifth

[6] fresh water

[7] second only to

  • next only to
  • next to

[8] the Mississippi River

  • the Nile
  • the Yangtze
2 passage

[1] hosted 孕育[文中]

[2] thereby

[3] topsoil

[4] livelihood

[5] up and down

[6] unobstruct

[7] splendid

[8] tomb

[9] great civilizations

[10] intensive stlement 密集的聚落[文中]

[11] from its center neither shore can be seen 从河中心看不到两岸.

[12] at the Amazon's mouth

[13] most important of all

[14] tropical rain forest

Passage Two 放慢生活节奏

total: 5 + 15 = 20

1 question

[1] in a rush

[2] be accustomed/used to doing/sth.

  • custom
  • customs
  • consume
  • consumer

[3] tight schedules

[4] fatigue

[5] cultural norms

2 passage

[1] I haven't got time for that.

[2] life in the fast lane

  • a fast-paced life 其中 fast-paced 作为 adj.。
  • a fast pace of life 其中 fast作为adj.,pace作为n.。

[3] grow up in ... 成长于某地

[4] tranquility

  • quality
  • quantity
  • quilt
  • quiet
  • quite
  • quit

[5] for a number os years

[6] a to-do list 一份待办事项清单

  • calendar 日程表[文中]
  • schedule

[7] ??? with loads of things to do written across it.

[8] up with endless

  • up with

[9] detrimental

  • devastating
  • disastrous
  • destroy

[10] praise

[11] the various practical steps 各种实用措施

  • measure

[12] revolt against

[13] daily acitvities

  • routines
  • everyday tasks
  • routine tasks

[14] from now on

[15] how your life is? 你过得怎么样?

Section C

total: 37 + 14 + 26 = 77

Recording One 正确看待外来物种

total: 7 + 30 = 37

1 question

[1] pose 造成[文中]

[2] corssbreed

[3] interaction

  • intersection

[4] definition

  • define
  • definite

[5] changeable

[6] benefit

  • profit
  • favor

[7] only 10 percent of ...

2 recording

[1] root out

[2] non-naive organisms

[3] question 质疑[文中]

[4] inherently bad

  • inherit
  • exhibit
  • habitat

[5] distinct

  • distinguish
  • distinguished
  • destination

[6] exotic

  • noxious
  • pernicious

[7] pick a date

[8] show up 出现[文中]

[9] be free of 免于[文中]

  • fail to

[10] by default

[11] roll back 倒转[文中],回滚

  • track back to

[12] invade invasive

[13] get out of hand

[14] at its core

[15] next to

  • next only to
  • second only to

[16] habitat loss loss 消失[文中]

[17] represent

  • presentation
  • present

[18] accidentally

[19] deliberately

[20] contact

[21] round off 大约[文中]

[22] 1500 AD[Anno Domini]

  • 1500 BC[before Christ]

[23] a major shift 一个重大转变[文中]

[24] crops and livestock

[25] of the 7000 alien species 在7000个外来物种中

[26] Appearances can deceive. 眼见不一定为实。[文中]

[27] only because

[28] document 记录[文中]

[29] harmless

[30] for decades

Recording Two 跨国商务中的跨文化意识

total: 0 + 14 = 14

1 question


2 recording

[1] business seminars

[2] intercultural

[3] polite

  • police
  • policy

[4] a short quiz

[5] possession

[6] attract the waiter 招呼服务员[文中]

[7] appointment

[8] ? OK. Everyone had a chance to make some notes? 大家都做好笔记了吗?

[9] arrival coincides with ... 碰巧······

[10] without parallel 无可比拟[文中]

[11] cheap

  • purchase

[12] clicking the fingers 打响指

[13] clapping your hands 拍手

[14] inconspicuous

Recording Three 《读者文摘》的过去与现在

total: 3 + 23 = 26

1 question

[1] renovate
[2] serve

  • severe

[3] carry 刊登[文中]

2 recording

[1] take over

[2] symbolic

[3] leadership

[4] True to his word, 确实如他所说的,

[5] shake up 重塑[文中]

[6] To get an idea get 弄明白[文中]

[7] artwork

[8] Monet

  • Piccaso

[9] house v. 存放[文中]

[10] ... be topped with ...... ···顶部为······

[11] sculpture

  • statue

[12] launch 创办[文中]

[13] in 17 languages and 41 different editions

[14] uplifting

[15] mom-and-pop

[16] shower 给予[文中]

[17] died in their nineties

[18] in the early 1980s

[19] salesman

[20] in a few short years

[21] laid off

[22] blue- and pink-collar

[23] fulfillment

Part III Reading Comprehension

total: III.A + 52 + 52 = III.A + 104

Section A

total: III.A



Section B

**total: 52 **


total: 1 + 51 = 52

1 question

[1] ripe

2 passage

[1] come and go

[2] lush leafy greens

[3] dry up

[4] blow away

[5] ongoing

[6] answer 办法[文中]

[7] rainfall

[8] trait

[9] grow 变成[文中]

[10] literally 实际上,事实上[文中]

  • actually
  • virtually
  • in fact
  • liter
  • literature

[11] inselberge

[12] rear up from

[13] remnant

  • heritage
  • remain
  • legacy
  • legend

[14] geological era

[15] it is scraped bare of most soil and exposed to the elements.

  • bare of
  • the elements pl. 天气(尤指坏天气)

[16] fomation 组成物,形成物[文中]

[17] fierce 顽强的[文中]

[18] harsh

[19] wither

[20] tape

[21] in reverse

[22] metabolism

[23] tactic

  • strategy

[24] spell (持续的)一段时间[文中]

[25] see sth through把(任务、过程等)进行到底,坚持完成

[26] tap 利用,开发,发掘[文中]

  • tape

[27] cease growing

  • halt
  • pause button

[28] dry mass 干重

[29] stress-associated 应激相关的

[30] avocados

[31] lychee

[32] robust

[33] wait out 熬过[文中]

[34] Ph. D. 博士

[35] gene promoter

[36] push ahead with sth (尤指坚定地)继续进行,大力推进

[37] prevail 获胜,占上风[文中]

[38] get together

[39] so far

[40] genome

[41] tough-as-nail 非常坚强的

[42] on the way 即将问世[文中]

[43] help sb. do

  • help researchers test their ideas

[44] test plot

[45] sort of

[46] be never going to do 不可能做…

  • The yield is never going to be high.

[47] out of 从…里[文中]

[48] subsistence

[49] vision 愿景[文中]

[50] resilient

[51] resurrection

Section C

total: 20 + 32 = 52

Passage One 终极人脸识别算法

total: 3 + 17 = 20

1 question

[1] perceive

[2] fall short of

[3] variety

  • vary varies
  • various
  • variant
2 passage

[1] quantify

[2] be good at

[3] contemporary

[4] surveillns

[5] the thing is,

  • the trouble is,

[6] it comes to ...

[7] only just

[8] struggle

[9] a variety of

  • kinds of

[10] scale up

[11] featur 以…为特征[文中]

[12] consistent with

[13] across the board 全面地,包括一切地

[14] right 95% of the time

[15] identify ... as...

  • view … as …

[16] be invariant to 于······不变/恒定

[17] ultimate

Passage Two 不应由纳税人为大学教育买单

total: 4 + 28 = 32

1 question

[1] irrational

[2] benefit at ... 获益于······

[3] impractical

[4] embody

2 passage

[1] given that ...

[2] trillion

[3] books

[4] far from ... 远非······,远远不是······

  • far from sensible 不理智

[5] upon graduation 毕业时[文中]

[6] multiply v. 大大增加,倍增[文中]

[7] faculty and staff

  • factually

[8] utility

  • utilize

[9] have a say in... 对·····有发言权

[10] forgive 免除(债务)[文中]

  • forget

[11] dime

[12] foot the bill 负担费用,付账

[13] be of (great) benefit to ... 对······非常有益

  • benefit at … 获益于······

[14] in this respect

[15] is what

  • students making their own choices in this respect is what caused the problem in the first place.
  • But if we’re talking about the benefits to society, the only thing that matters is what the major enables the student to produce for society.
  • is what 在名词性从句中往往充当the thing(things) that、the person that、the time that、the amount(number) that、the place that

[16] in the first place

[17] society

[18] matter v. 重要,紧要

[19] petroleum

[20] one more

[21] pick up 承担,负担(费用)[文中]

[22] tuition

[23] in exchange for

[24] dicate

[25] financing 筹资,融资[文中]

[26] desirable 值得拥有的,合意的[文中]

[27] either way

[28] have no business 没有理由/不该(做某事)[文中]

Part IV Translation

total: 15


[1] currently

[2] largest and fastest

[3] high-speed rail network

[4] high-speed train

[5] greatly 大大地、极大地[文中]

[6] different from 相对于······而言[文中]

[7] prominent 突出[文中]

[8] on time

[9] traffic control

[10] change

[11] business trip

  • holiday trip

[12] means of transportation

[13] take high-speed trains

[14] a growing number of people

  • more and more people
  • increasing people

[15] commuting

  • 0
  • 0
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




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