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原创 thrift0.12.0 golang.org 解决办法

首先是安装各种依赖,这一步有问题找其他教程make的时候,(make -j 就是多线程编译。)出现了golang.org/x/net一开始升级go为1.16 ,好使用go proxy,然后不行使用蓝灯,使用代理不行,设置http_proxy,设置host文件,那个ip就ping一直失败然后发现是要下载gomock和golang/x/net这两个包重点来了,放在你的$ GOPATH不管用,同时要放在你的$ GOROOT/src中,因为我的gopath和goroot不在同一文件夹下。一.

2021-03-05 11:32:54 269

原创 boost pyconfig.h 修复方法

问题anaconda3环境下安装boost,找不到pyconfig.h解决办法:首先确保python的requirement.txt 是否成功安装输入以下代码pip install python-devpip install python3-devpip install libpython-devpip install libpython3-devpip install libpython3.7-dev查看boost文件夹下 project_config.jam中python

2021-03-04 15:03:08 1554 2

原创 go语言http调用Tushare财经数据包

go语言http调用Tushare财经数据包Tushare平台介绍Tushare平台网址 https://tushare.pro/document/1,网址上就有下载安装以及数据获取的方式免费获取,数据准确,适合量化投资分析师(Quant),对金融市场进行大数据分析的企业和个人,开发以证券为基础的金融类产品和解决方案的公司,正在学习利用python进行数据分析的人使用。使用go + http方式调用Tushare数据// 具体http网站查看https://tushare.pro/docume

2020-12-11 13:59:57 857 1

原创 算法概论第八章课后题--8.3

算法概论第八章课后题–8.3题目描述STINGY SAT is the following problem: given a set of clauses (each a disjunction of literals) and an integer k, find a satisfying assignment in which at most k variables are tr

2018-01-13 15:41:35 332

原创 LeetCode --Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III

LeetCode –Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III 技术与社会生态的相互作用,使得技术发展经常带来更深远的问题,远远超出了技术设备的直接目的和运作本身,同样的技术,引入不同的环境,或在不同条件下,会带来非常不同的结果LeetCode Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III题目描述算法解释代码

2018-01-13 14:44:20 259

原创 LeetCode--Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II

Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IIBest Time to Buy and Sell Stock II题目描述算法解释代码题目描述Say you have an array for which the ith element is the price of a given stock on day i.Design an

2018-01-13 14:38:40 196

原创 LeetCode- kadane algorithm

LeetCode - kadane algorithm

2018-01-13 11:17:31 357

原创 LeetCode- Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock

LeetCode- Best Time to Buy and Sell StockLeetCode- Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock题目描述算法理解代码块题目描述Say you have an array for which the ith element is the price of a given stock o

2018-01-13 09:39:54 266

原创 LeetCode -Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown

LeetCode -Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with CooldownLeetCode -Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown题目描述算法解释代码题目描述Say you have an array for which the ith element is the p

2018-01-13 09:35:22 226

原创 LeetCode--Add two Number II

LeetCode–Add two Number IILeetCodeAdd two Number II题目描述算法解释代码题目描述You are given two non-empty linked lists representing two non-negative integers. The most significant digit comes

2018-01-10 20:14:24 262

原创 LeetCode- Add two number I

LeetCode- Add two number I

2018-01-10 17:09:18 245

原创 leetCode -Counting Bits

leetCode 解题报告之Counting Bits

2018-01-06 21:36:28 213

原创 LeetCode - jump game II

LeetCode - jump game II

2017-11-16 09:18:11 382

原创 LeetCode- Jump game

jump game I

2017-11-14 21:25:08 315

原创 py 十大原则

The Zen of Python

2017-11-14 21:19:50 265

原创 LeetCode - Maximum Length Of Pair Chain(算法)

算法概论之LeetCode- Maximum Length Of Pair Chain算法概论之LeetCode- Maximum Length Of Pair Chain题目描述样例输入输出算法描述1. 题目描述You are given n pairs of numbers. In every pair, the first number is

2017-10-27 16:31:42 264

原创 动态规划--LIS与LCS

动态规划动态规划动态规划DP的基本描述动态规划的核心动态规划与贪心算法分治的区别LIS最长递增子序列问题1. 动态规划(DP)的基本描述 dynamic programming is a method for solving a complex problem by breaking it down into a collection of simpler subproblems.动态

2017-10-26 14:43:12 1588

原创 贪心算法之Assign Cookie-leetcode

LeetCode-Assign CookieLeetCode-Assign Cookie问题描述详细讲解代码1. 问题描述 Assume you are an awesome parent and want to give your children some cookies. But, you should give each child at mos

2017-10-15 22:41:27 258

原创 LeetCode-Majority Element

Majority ElementMajority Element题目描述算法1 暴力求解n22 桶排序 n较小3 找中位数问题4 Divide and conquer5 Randomization6 Boyer-Moore Algorithm1. 题目描述 Given an array of size n, find the majority element. The m

2017-09-17 10:16:52 212

原创 LeetCode-Maximum Subarray

最大子序列和问题最大子序列和问题题目描述解题思路直接求解On-动态规划利用分治的方法Onlogn代码1. 题目描述 Find the contiguous subarray within an array (containing at least one number) which has the largest sum. Example given the array [-2

2017-09-17 08:54:51 300

原创 LeetCode--Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters

LeetCode—Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters

2017-09-07 13:06:40 280

原创 证明符号扩展位补0(补1)

证明符号扩展位补0(补1)符号位扩展证明: 令I为k位正二进制数,m > k,aia_i为 0或1.令I为k位正二进制数,m > k, aia_i为 0或1. I=∑k0ai2i{\sum^k_0{a_i2^i}} =0+∑k0ai2i\sum^k_0{a_i2^i} =∑m0k+12i\sum_{k+1}^{m_0}2^i+ ∑k0ai2i\sum^k_0{a_i

2017-01-02 08:52:32 857

原创 妖刀不曾生锈

妖刀不曾生锈 Presented by 学号15331404 数据科学与计算机学院(http://sdcs.sysu.edu.cn/) 目录妖刀不曾生锈who is he他所崇尚的篮球团队精神就像下面的公式一个小程序表达他的斗志 whatever happen,I believe that he can make it.1.who is he“1999年的夏天,马刺队1

2016-10-17 16:15:12 1062 15





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