Python for Data Analysis_2nd_Task 5 之 Pandas 进阶

Python for Data Analysis_2nd_Task 5 之 Pandas 进阶


  • 开始了解你的数据:探索 Chipotle 快餐数据
  • 数据过滤排序:探索 2012 欧洲杯数据
  • 数据分组:探索酒类消费数据
  • Apply 函数:探索 1960-2014 美国犯罪数据
  • 合并:探索虚拟姓名数据
  • 统计:探索风速数据
  • 可视化:探索泰坦尼克灾难数据
  • 创建数据框:探索 Pokemon 数据
  • 时间序列:探索 Apple 公司股价数据
  • 删除数据:探索 Iris 纸鸢花数据

开始了解你的数据:探索 Chipotle 快餐数据


探索 Chipotle 快餐数据

ls ../input/pandas_exercise/exercise_data/

Apple_stock.csv  drinks.csv          second_cars_info.csv          wechart.csv
cars.csv         Euro2012_stats.csv  train.csv           
chipotle.tsv     iris.csv            US_Crime_Rates_1960_2014.csv
Step 1 导入必要的库
import pandas as np
Step 2 导入数据集
path1 = "../input/pandas_exercise/exercise_data/chipotle.tsv" 
Step 3 将数据集存入 chipo 的 DataFrame 类型
chipo = pd.read_csv(path1, sep = '\t')
Step 4 查看前 10 行内容

 	order_id 	quantity 	item_name 	choice_description 	item_price
0 	1 	1 	Chips and Fresh Tomato Salsa 	NaN 	$2.39
1 	1 	1 	Izze 	[Clementine] 	$3.39
2 	1 	1 	Nantucket Nectar 	[Apple] 	$3.39
3 	1 	1 	Chips and Tomatillo-Green Chili Salsa 	NaN 	$2.39
4 	2 	2 	Chicken Bowl 	[Tomatillo-Red Chili Salsa (Hot), [Black Beans... 	$16.98
5 	3 	1 	Chicken Bowl 	[Fresh Tomato Salsa (Mild), [Rice, Cheese, Sou... 	$10.98
6 	3 	1 	Side of Chips 	NaN 	$1.69
7 	4 	1 	Steak Burrito 	[Tomatillo Red Chili Salsa, [Fajita Vegetables... 	$11.75
8 	4 	1 	Steak Soft Tacos 	[Tomatillo Green Chili Salsa, [Pinto Beans, Ch... 	$9.25
9 	5 	1 	Steak Burrito 	[Fresh Tomato Salsa, [Rice, Black Beans, Pinto... 	$9.25
Step 5 产看数据集中的列数
# columns


# rows

Step 6 打印全部列名

Index(['order_id', 'quantity', 'item_name', 'choice_description',
      dtype='object') # [4622 rows x 5 columns]

<bound method of       order_id  quantity                              item_name  \
0            1         1           Chips and Fresh Tomato Salsa   
1            1         1                                   Izze   
2            1         1                       Nantucket Nectar   
3            1         1  Chips and Tomatillo-Green Chili Salsa   
4            2         2                           Chicken Bowl   
5            3         1                           Chicken Bowl   
6            3         1                          Side of Chips   
7            4         1                          Steak Burrito   
8            4         1                       Steak Soft Tacos   
9            5         1                          Steak Burrito   
10           5         1                    Chips and Guacamole   
11           6         1                   Chicken Crispy Tacos   
12           6         1                     Chicken Soft Tacos   
13           7         1                           Chicken Bowl   
14           7         1                    Chips and Guacamole   
15           8         1  Chips and Tomatillo-Green Chili Salsa   
16           8         1                        Chicken Burrito   
17           9         1                        Chicken Burrito   
18           9         2                            Canned Soda   
19          10         1                           Chicken Bowl   
20          10         1                    Chips and Guacamole   
21          11         1                       Barbacoa Burrito   
22          11         1                       Nantucket Nectar   
23          12         1                        Chicken Burrito   
24          12         1                                   Izze   
25          13         1           Chips and Fresh Tomato Salsa   
26          13         1                           Chicken Bowl   
27          14         1                       Carnitas Burrito   
28          14         1                            Canned Soda   
29          15         1                        Chicken Burrito   
...        ...       ...                                    ...   
4592      1825         1                       Barbacoa Burrito   
4593      1825         1                          Carnitas Bowl   
4594      1825         1                          Barbacoa Bowl   
4595      1826         1                           Chicken Bowl   
4596      1826         1                    Chips and Guacamole   
4597      1826         1                      Canned Soft Drink   
4598      1826         1                          Bottled Water   
4599      1827         1                           Chicken Bowl   
4600      1827         1                    Chips and Guacamole   
4601      1827         1                      Canned Soft Drink   
4602      1827         1                       Barbacoa Burrito   
4603      1827         1                       Barbacoa Burrito   
4604      1828         1                           Chicken Bowl   
4605      1828         1                    Chips and Guacamole   
4606      1828         1                      Canned Soft Drink   
4607      1829         1                          Steak Burrito   
4608      1829         1                         Veggie Burrito   
4609      1829         1                      Canned Soft Drink   
4610      1830         1                          Steak Burrito   
4611      1830         1                         Veggie Burrito   
4612      1831         1                          Carnitas Bowl   
4613      1831         1                                  Chips   
4614      1831         1                          Bottled Water   
4615      1832         1                     Chicken Soft Tacos   
4616      1832         1                    Chips and Guacamole   
4617      1833         1                          Steak Burrito   
4618      1833         1                          Steak Burrito   
4619      1834         1                     Chicken Salad Bowl   
4620      1834         1                     Chicken Salad Bowl   
4621      1834         1                     Chicken Salad Bowl   

                                     choice_description item_price  
0                                                   NaN     $2.39   
1                                          [Clementine]     $3.39   
2                                               [Apple]     $3.39   
3                                                   NaN     $2.39   
4     [Tomatillo-Red Chili Salsa (Hot), [Black Beans...    $16.98   
5     [Fresh Tomato Salsa (Mild), [Rice, Cheese, Sou...    $10.98   
6                                                   NaN     $1.69   
7     [Tomatillo Red Chili Salsa, [Fajita Vegetables...    $11.75   
8     [Tomatillo Green Chili Salsa, [Pinto Beans, Ch...     $9.25   
9     [Fresh Tomato Salsa, [Rice, Black Beans, Pinto...     $9.25   
10                                                  NaN     $4.45   
11    [Roasted Chili Corn Salsa, [Fajita Vegetables,...     $8.75   
12    [Roasted Chili Corn Salsa, [Rice, Black Beans,...     $8.75   
13    [Fresh Tomato Salsa, [Fajita Vegetables, Rice,...    $11.25   
14                                                  NaN     $4.45   
15                                                  NaN     $2.39   
16    [Tomatillo-Green Chili Salsa (Medium), [Pinto ...     $8.49   
17    [Fresh Tomato Salsa (Mild), [Black Beans, Rice...     $8.49   
18                                             [Sprite]     $2.18   
19    [Tomatillo Red Chili Salsa, [Fajita Vegetables...     $8.75   
20                                                  NaN     $4.45   
21    [[Fresh Tomato Salsa (Mild), Tomatillo-Green C...     $8.99   
22                                 [Pomegranate Cherry]     $3.39   
23    [[Tomatillo-Green Chili Salsa (Medium), Tomati...    $10.98   
24                                         [Grapefruit]     $3.39   
25                                                  NaN     $2.39   
26    [Roasted Chili Corn Salsa (Medium), [Pinto Bea...     $8.49   
27    [[Tomatillo-Green Chili Salsa (Medium), Roaste...     $8.99   
28                                         [Dr. Pepper]     $1.09   
29    [Tomatillo-Green Chili Salsa (Medium), [Pinto ...     $8.49   
...                                                 ...        ...  
4592  [Tomatillo Red Chili Salsa, [Rice, Fajita Vege...    $11.75   
4593  [Roasted Chili Corn Salsa, [Rice, Sour Cream, ...    $11.75   
4594  [Roasted Chili Corn Salsa, [Pinto Beans, Sour ...    $11.75   
4595  [Tomatillo Green Chili Salsa, [Rice, Black Bea...     $8.75   
4596                                                NaN     $4.45   
4597                                           [Nestea]     $1.25   
4598                                                NaN     $1.50   
4599      [Roasted Chili Corn Salsa, [Cheese, Lettuce]]     $8.75   
4600                                                NaN     $4.45   
4601                                        [Diet Coke]     $1.25   
4602                      [Tomatillo Green Chili Salsa]     $9.25   
4603                      [Tomatillo Green Chili Salsa]     $9.25   
4604  [Fresh Tomato Salsa, [Rice, Black Beans, Chees...     $8.75   
4605                                                NaN     $4.45   
4606                                             [Coke]     $1.25   
4607  [Tomatillo Green Chili Salsa, [Rice, Cheese, S...    $11.75   
4608  [Tomatillo Red Chili Salsa, [Fajita Vegetables...    $11.25   
4609                                           [Sprite]     $1.25   
4610  [Fresh Tomato Salsa, [Rice, Sour Cream, Cheese...    $11.75   
4611  [Tomatillo Green Chili Salsa, [Rice, Fajita Ve...    $11.25   
4612  [Fresh Tomato Salsa, [Fajita Vegetables, Rice,...     $9.25   
4613                                                NaN     $2.15   
4614                                                NaN     $1.50   
4615   [Fresh Tomato Salsa, [Rice, Cheese, Sour Cream]]     $8.75   
4616                                                NaN     $4.45   
4617  [Fresh Tomato Salsa, [Rice, Black Beans, Sour ...    $11.75   
4618  [Fresh Tomato Salsa, [Rice, Sour Cream, Cheese...    $11.75   
4619  [Fresh Tomato Salsa, [Fajita Vegetables, Pinto...    $11.25   
4620  [Fresh Tomato Salsa, [Fajita Vegetables, Lettu...     $8.75   
4621  [Fresh Tomato Salsa, [Fajita Vegetables, Pinto...     $8.75   

[4622 rows x 5 columns]>
 	order_id 	quantity
count 	4622.000000 	4622.000000
mean 	927.254868 	1.075725
std 	528.890796 	0.410186
min 	1.000000 	1.000000
25% 	477.250000 	1.000000
50% 	926.000000 	1.000000
75% 	1393.000000 	1.000000
max 	1834.000000 	15.000000
Step 7 查看数据集的索引

RangeIndex(start=0, stop=4622, step=1)
Step 8 查看下单最多的商品 (item)
c = chipo[['item_name', 'quantity']].groupby(['item_name'], as_index=False).agg({'quantity':sum})
c.sort_values(['quantity'], ascending=False, inplace=True)

item_name 	quantity
17 	Chicken Bowl 	761
18 	Chicken Burrito 	591
25 	Chips and Guacamole 	506
39 	Steak Burrito 	386
10 	Canned Soft Drink 	351
Step 9 在指定列中,产看商品下单的种类

Step 10 在指定列 choice_description 中,查看下单最多的商品名

[Diet Coke]                                                                          134
[Coke]                                                                               123
[Sprite]                                                                              77
[Fresh Tomato Salsa, [Rice, Black Beans, Cheese, Sour Cream, Lettuce]]                42
[Fresh Tomato Salsa, [Rice, Black Beans, Cheese, Sour Cream, Guacamole, Lettuce]]     40
Name: choice_description, dtype: int64
Step 11 一共有多少商品被下单
total_items_orders = chipo['quantity'].sum()

Step 12 将 item_price 转换为 float 类型
dollarizer = lamnda x : float(x[1:-1])
chipo['item_price'] = chipo['item_price'].apply(dollarizer)

0     2.39
1     3.39
2     3.39
3     2.39
4    16.98
Name: item_price, dtype: float64
  • 0
  • 0
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


