如何在 Sharepoint 2010 中使用Session ?



很多开发人员喜欢在ASP.NET程序中使用Session,用它来记录当前登录用户的一些信息。但是在SharePoint 2010系统中,默认是禁用Session功能的。如果在一个应用程序中使用了Session,你很可能会发现代码会抛出一个“引用的对象没有实例化”异常。如果通过Visual Studio调试一下代码,就能发现HttpContext.Session属性返回的是null。

  要在一个SharePoint 2010程序中使用Session,开发人员会面临一些潜在的问题。SharePoint 2010系统很可能被部署为一个服务器场的模式,它可能包含有多台Web前端服务器,用户的Http请求会被NLB机制分发到多台Web前端服务器的任意一台上。这就要求开发人员应该尽可能的编写出“无状态”的代码,也就是说,代码不能依赖于某一台具体的服务器,因为开发人员没有办法确定自己的代码会始终运行在一个服务器上。有可能一个用户浏览一个页面时,它的请求被分配到Web服务器A,然后当用户刷新一下页面,这次请求则被分配到了Web服务器B。



  好吧,稍微扯远了一点。无论如何,SharePoint 2010由于某种原因,默认禁止在代码中使用Session。禁止的理由很可能是为了预防开发人员写出过于依赖Session的“有状态”代码,因为ASP.NET的Session默认是保存在服务器的内存中。一旦这些代码被部署到分布式服务器场环境中,它们就很可能由于依赖仅仅存储在某一台服务器内存中的Session数据而出错。

  “你就别忽悠了,不要以为我们不知道ASP.NET的Session除了默认的InProc模式,还支持StateServer和SQLServer模式!”嗯,是的,ASP.NET的Session其实是可以配置成StateServer和SQLServer模式。StateServer模式是使用一台特定服务器上的一个Session State服务,来为服务器场中的所有服务器提供状态保存服务,SQLServer模式则是将所有状态信息保存到SQL Server数据库中。这两个模式都是能够很好的支持分布式服务器场模型的。

  所以,对于喜欢在代码中使用Session的同学而言,我们可以大胆的通过修改Web应用程序的web.config文件,手工启用Session。不过,稍等,SharePoint 2010其实已经内置了一个PowerShell指令,让我们轻松的在服务器场里面启用Session。这个指令就是Enable-SPSessionStateService。

  如上图所示,打开SharePoint 2010 Management Shell,输入如上指令,就可以在SharePoint配置数据库所在的SQL Server服务器上,自动创建一个名为“SharePoint_Session_State”的数据库,然后在所有Web应用程序的web.config中自动添加相应的条目。

  这个自动添加的条目,指明了Session将使用SQLServer模式以及存放Session的数据库连接字符串。打开SQL Server Management Studio,就能找到这个由Enable-SPSessionStateService自动创建的数据库,它仅包含2个Table。




SharePoint 2010 uses two services related to session state that have similar names but are separate and have different purposes.

  1. ASP.NET session state may be used on SharePoint 2010 pages. This service is automatically disabled in normal installations of SharePoint 2010; it may be enabled using the instructions below. Once enabled, it appears on the Service Applications page as “SharePoint Server ASP.NET Session State Service.”
  2. The State Service service application is designed for and only available to Office internal components such as InfoPath Forms Services and Visio Services. This service is automatically enabled in typical installations of SharePoint 2010 and is not related to ASP.NET session state. It appears on the Service Applications page as “State Service.”

To enable ASP.NET session state:

  1. Enter the following PowerShell command in the SharePoint 2010 Management Shell window:
    Enable-SPSessionStateService –DefaultProvision
  2. On each web application for which you want to use session state, edit the web.config file and set the enableSessionState property of the pages element as follows:
    <pages enableSessionState="true"

Guidelines for using SharePoint Server ASP.NET Session State:

  1. This session state may be used by custom code in web parts and other page-hosted controls.
  2. Session state information is stored in a configurable SQL database; this implies the following:
    1. Load-balancer affinity is not required.
    2. Heavy use of session state must be included in database/capacity planning. By default, the session state database is created on the same database server hosting the SharePoint 2010 farm configuration database. This can be changed to place it on another server; this can be done at a later date if necessary. To move it to another SQL server, it should first be disabled, then enabled again with different configuration that points to the other server.
  3. When enabled, Session state is available to the whole 2010 farm. Each web application can choose to enable it for use on ASP.NET pages (enableSessionState="true").
  4. Session state is partitioned using the root URL. This means that different web applications will have different session state objects; a web part can only access the session state object available to it. If host header site collections are used, then different session objects will be used for each site collection (the browser will have multiple session ids in different cookies).

Additional information about enabling session state:

Syntax 1

Syntax 2


-DatabaseName <String>
[-DatabaseServer <String>]
[-DatabaseCredentials <PSCredential>]

Additional parameters are not discussed here; use Get-Help Enable-SPSessionStateService –full for more information.

The Enable-SPSessionStateService cmdlet creates a session state database, installs the ASP.NET session state schema, and updates the Web.config files on the farm to turn on the session state service.

If the DefaultProvision form of the command is used, all default settings are used. These are:

  • DatabaseName = “SessionStateService_<GUID>”
  • DatabaseServer = the same database server as the SharePoint 2010 configuration database
  • DatabaseCredentials = Integrated Windows Authentication

If the DatabaseName form of the command is used, then these parameters may be set explicitly. If some of the parameters are not included, they default as above. To set specific credentials for accessing the session state database, note that this allows you to specify a SQL Authentication credential only, not a Windows credential. Then, use the Get-Credential command to create a PSCredential object from a username and password, then use that object as the argument of the DatabaseCredentials parameter.

After this service is enabled, “SharePoint Server ASP.NET Session State Service” will appear on the Service Applications management page.

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