
XML解析技术有两种 DOM SAX

  • DOM方式 
    • 优点: 便于实现   
    • 缺点: XML文件过大可能造成内存溢出
  • SAX方式 
    采用事件驱动模型边读边解析:从上到下一行行解析,解析到某一元素, 调用相应解析方法 
    • 优点: 不会造成内存溢出,
    • 缺点: 查询不方便,但不能实现   







<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
  <book id="001"> 
      <title>Harry Potter</title> 
      <author>J K. Rowling</author> 
  <book id="002"> 
      <title>Learning XML</title> 
      <author>Erik T. Ray</author> 



import java.util.List;  
import org.dom4j.Attribute;
import org.dom4j.Document;
import org.dom4j.Element;
public class Demo {  
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
        File file = new File("books.xml");
        Document document =;
        Element root = document.getRootElement();
        List<Element> childElements = root.elements();
        for (Element child : childElements) {
            /*List<Attribute> attributeList = child.attributes();
            for (Attribute attr : attributeList) {
//        	// 字符串转XML
//        	String xmlStr = "......";
//        	Document document = DocumentHelper.parseText(xmlStr);
//        	// XML转字符串 
//        	Document document = ...;
//        	String text = document.asXML();
                System.out.println(attr.getName() + ": " + attr.getValue());
            System.out.println("id: " + child.attributeValue("id"));              
            /*List<Element> elementList = child.elements();
            for (Element ele : elementList) {
                System.out.println(ele.getName() + ": " + ele.getText());
            System.out.println("title" + child.elementText("title"));

示例XML如下,下面我们会使用Dom4j对他进行   操作:

  • config.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<beans xmlns:xsi=""
    <bean id="id1" class="com.fq.benz">
        <property name="name" value="benz"/>
    <bean id="id2" class="com.fq.domain.Bean">
        <property name="isUsed" value="true"/>
        <property name="complexBean" ref="id1"/>
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  • context.xsd
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<schema xmlns=""
    <element name="beans">
                <element name="bean" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                            <element name="property" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                                    <attribute name="name" type="string" use="required"/>
                                    <attribute name="value" type="string" use="optional"/>
                                    <attribute name="ref" type="string" use="optional"/>
                        <attribute name="id" type="string" use="required"/>
                        <attribute name="class" type="string" use="required"/>
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 * @author jifang
 * @since 16/1/18下午4:02.
public class Dom4jRead {

    public void client() throws DocumentException {
        SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
        Document document ="config.xml"));
        // ...
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与JAXP类似Document也是一个接口(org.dom4j包下),其父接口是NodeNode的子接口还有Element Attribute Document Text CDATA Branch

  • Node
Node常用方法 释义
Element getParent() getParent returns the parent Element if this node supports the parent relationship or null if it is the root element or does not support the parent relationship.
  • Document
Document常用方法 释义
Element getRootElement() Returns the root Elementfor this document.
  • Element
Element常用方法 释义
void add(Attribute/Text param) Adds the given Attribute/Text to this element.
Element addAttribute(String name, String value) Adds the attribute value of the given local name.
Attribute attribute(int index) Returns the attribute at the specified indexGets the
Attribute attribute(String name) Returns the attribute with the given name
Element element(String name) Returns the first element for the given local name and any namespace.
Iterator elementIterator() Returns an iterator over all this elements child elements.
Iterator elementIterator(String name) Returns an iterator over the elements contained in this element which match the given local name and any namespace.
List elements() Returns the elements contained in this element.
List elements(String name) Returns the elements contained in this element with the given local name and any namespace.
  • Branch
Branch常用方法 释义
Element addElement(String name) Adds a new Element node with the given name to this branch and returns a reference to the new node.
boolean remove(Node node) Removes the given Node if the node is an immediate child of this branch.

  • 打印所有属性信息:
 * @author jifang
 * @since 16/1/18下午4:02.
public class Dom4jRead {

    private Document document;

    public void setUp() throws DocumentException {
        document = new SAXReader()

    public void client() {
        Element beans = document.getRootElement();

        for (Iterator iterator = beans.elementIterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
            Element bean = (Element);
            String id = bean.attributeValue("id");
            String clazz = bean.attributeValue("class");
            System.out.println("id: " + id + ", class: " + clazz);


    public void scanProperties(List<? extends Element> properties) {
        for (Element property : properties) {
            System.out.print("name: " + property.attributeValue("name"));
            Attribute value = property.attribute("value");
            if (value != null) {
                System.out.println("," + value.getName() + ": " + value.getValue());
            Attribute ref = property.attribute("ref");
            if (ref != null) {
                System.out.println("," + ref.getName() + ": " + ref.getValue());
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<bean id="id1" class="com.fq.benz"> 
    <property name="name" value="benz"/>  
    <property name="refBean" ref="id2">新添加的标签</property>
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 * @author jifang
 * @since 16/1/19上午9:50.
public class Dom4jAppend {


    public void client() {
        Element beans = document.getRootElement();
        Element firstBean = beans.element("bean");
        Element property = firstBean.addElement("property");
        property.addAttribute("name", "refBean");
        property.addAttribute("ref", "id2");

    public void tearDown() throws IOException {
        // 回写XML
        OutputFormat format = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint();
        XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter(new FileOutputStream("src/main/resources/config.xml"), format);
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我们可以将获取读写XML操作封装成一个工具, 以后调用时会方便些:

 * @author jifang
 * @since 16/1/19下午2:12.
public class XmlUtils {

    public static Document getXmlDocument(String config) {
        try {
            return new SAXReader().read(ClassLoader.getSystemResource(config));
        } catch (DocumentException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    public static void writeXmlDocument(String path, Document document) {
        try {
            new XMLWriter(new FileOutputStream(path), OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint()).write(document);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
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  • 在第一个<bean/>的第一个<property/>后面添加一个<property/>标签
<bean id="id1" class="com.fq.benz"> 
    <property name="name" value="benz"/>  
    <property name="rate" value="3.14"/>
    <property name="refBean" ref="id2">新添加的标签</property> 
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public class Dom4jAppend {

    private Document document;

    public void setUp() {
        document = XmlUtils.getXmlDocument("config.xml");

    public void client() {
        Element beans = document.getRootElement();
        Element firstBean = beans.element("bean");
        List<Element> properties = firstBean.elements();

        //Element property = DocumentHelper
        // .createElement(QName.get("property", firstBean.getNamespaceURI()));
        Element property = DocumentFactory.getInstance()
                .createElement("property", firstBean.getNamespaceURI());
        property.addAttribute("name", "rate");
        property.addAttribute("value", "3.14");
        properties.add(1, property);

    public void tearDown() {
        XmlUtils.writeXmlDocument("src/main/resources/config.xml", document);
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  • id1 bean的第一个<property/>修改如下:
<property name="name" value="翡青"/>  
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public void client() {
    Element beans = document.getRootElement();
    Element firstBean = beans.element("bean");
    List<Element> properties = firstBean.elements();

    Element property = DocumentFactory.getInstance()
            .createElement("property", firstBean.getNamespaceURI());
    property.addAttribute("name", "rate");
    property.addAttribute("value", "3.14");
    properties.add(1, property);
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Dom4j 删除节点
  • 删除刚刚修改的节点
public void delete() {
    List<Element> beans = document.getRootElement().elements("bean");
    for (Element bean : beans) {
        if (bean.attributeValue("id").equals("id1")) {
            List<Element> properties = bean.elements("property");
            for (Element property : properties) {
                if (property.attributeValue("name").equals("name")) {
                    // 执行删除动作
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Java 反射一文中我们实现了根据JSON配置文件来加载bean的对象池,现在我们可以为其添加根据XML配置(XML文件同前):

 * @author jifang
 * @since 16/1/18下午9:18.
public class XmlParse {

    private static final ObjectPool POOL = ObjectPoolBuilder.init(null);

    public static Element parseBeans(String config) {
        try {
            return new SAXReader().read(ClassLoader.getSystemResource(config)).getRootElement();
        } catch (DocumentException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    public static void processObject(Element bean, List<? extends Element> properties)
            throws ClassNotFoundException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, NoSuchFieldException {
        Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(bean.attributeValue(CommonConstant.CLASS));
        Object targetObject = clazz.newInstance();

        for (Element property : properties) {
            String fieldName = property.attributeValue(CommonConstant.NAME);
            Field field = clazz.getDeclaredField(fieldName);
            // 含有value属性
            if (property.attributeValue(CommonConstant.VALUE) != null) {
                SimpleValueSetUtils.setSimpleValue(field, targetObject, property.attributeValue(CommonConstant.VALUE));
            } else if (property.attributeValue(CommonConstant.REF) != null) {
                String refId = property.attributeValue(CommonConstant.REF);
                Object object = POOL.getObject(refId);
                field.set(targetObject, object);
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException("neither value nor ref");

        POOL.putObject(bean.attributeValue(CommonConstant.ID), targetObject);
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注: 上面代码只是对象池项目的XML解析部分,完整项目可参考



表达式 描述
/ 从根节点开始获取(/beans:匹配根下的<beans/>/beans/bean:匹配<beans/>下面的<bean/>)
// 从当前文档中搜索,而不用考虑它们的位置(//property: 匹配当前文档中所有<property/>)
* 匹配任何元素节点(/*: 匹配所有标签)
@ 匹配属性(例: //@name: 匹配所有name属性)
[position] 位置谓语匹配(例: //property[1]: 匹配第一个<property/>;//property[last()]: 匹配最后一个<property/>)
[@attr] 属性谓语匹配(例: //bean[@id]: 匹配所有带id属性的标签; //bean[@id='id1']: 匹配所有id属性值为’id1’的标签)

谓语: 谓语用来查找某个特定的节点或者包含某个指定的值的节点.

XPath的语法详细内容可以参考W3School XPath 教程.


默认的情况下Dom4j并不支持XPath, 需要在pom下添加如下依赖:

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List selectNodes(String xpathExpression)
List selectNodes(String xpathExpression, String comparisonXPathExpression)
List selectNodes(String xpathExpression, String comparisonXPathExpression, boolean removeDuplicates)
Object selectObject(String xpathExpression)
Node selectSingleNode(String xpathExpression)


  • 查询所有bean标签上的属性值
 * @author jifang
 * @since 16/1/20上午9:28.
public class XPathRead {

    private Document document;

    public void setUp() throws DocumentException {
        document = XmlUtils.getXmlDocument("config.xml");

    public void client() {
        List<Element> beans = document.selectNodes("//bean");
        for (Element bean : beans) {
            System.out.println("id: " + bean.attributeValue("id") +
                    ", class: " + bean.attributeValue("class"));
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  • 删除id=”id2”的<bean/>
public void client() {
    Node bean = document.selectSingleNode("//bean[@id=\"id2\"]");





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