路径规划: 模型预测控制(MPC,Model Predictive Control)mark

  1. 发展历史 
    20世纪70年代后期,一类新型的计算机控制算法出现在美法等国的工业过程领域,如动态矩阵控制(DMC,Dynamic Matrix Control)、模型算法控制(MAC,Model Algorithm Control)。1987年,首次有学者阐述了该系列算法的动因、机理及其在控制工业中的控制效果。自此,预测控制(Predictive Control)开始出现在控制领域中。 
    现在我们所说的预测控制,包括工业控制、自适应控制及内模控制等多方面研究成果,统称为模型预测控制(MPC,Model Predictive Control),或基于模型的控制(Model-based Control),其应用范围也早已超出了过程控制领域,转而应用到机器人、飞行器、网络系统等更高新的领域内。[1]

  2. 特点 
    大量的预测控制权威性文献都无一例外地指出, 预测控制最大的吸引力在于它具有显式处理约束的能力, 这种能力来自其基于模型对系统未来动态行为的预测, 通过把约束加到未来的输入、输出或状态变量上, 可以把约束显式表示在一个在线求解的二次规划或非线性规划问题中. [2] 

  3. 组成 
    图1 经典模型预测控制流程 

Model Predictive Control:Theory, Computation, and Design,2nd Edition. James B. Rawlings, David Q. Mayne, Moritz M. Diehl. Chapter 1 is introductory. It is intended for graduate students in engineering who have not yet had a systems course. But it serves a second purpose for those who have already taken the first graduate systems course. It derives all the results of the linear quadratic regulator and optimal Kalman filter using only those arguments that extend to the nonlinear and constrained cases to be covered in the later chapters. Instructors may find that this tailored treatment of the introductory systems material serves both as a review and a preview of arguments to come in the later chapters. Chapters 2-4 are foundational and should probably be covered in any graduate level MPC course. Chapter 2 covers regulation to the origin for nonlinear and constrained systems. This material presents in a unified fashion many of the major research advances in MPC that took place during the last 20 years. It also includes more recent topics such as regulation to an unreachable setpoint that are only now appearing in the research literature. Chapter 3 addresses MPC design for robustness, with a focus on MPC using tubes or bundles of trajectories in place of the single nominal trajectory. This chapter again unifies a large body of research literature concerned with robust MPC. Chapter 4 covers state estimation with an emphasis on moving horizon estimation, but also covers extended and unscented Kalman filtering, and particle filtering. Chapters 5-7 present more specialized topics. Chapter 5 addressesthe special requirements of MPC based on output measurement instead of state measurement. Chapter 6 discusses how to design distributed MPC controllers for large-scale systems that are decomposed into many smaller, interacting subsystems. Chapter 7 covers the explicit optimal control of constrained linear systems. The choice of coverage of these three chapters may vary depending on the instructor's or student's own research interests. Three appendices are included, again, so that the reader is not sent off to search a large research literature for the fundamental arguments used in the text. Appendix A covers the required mathematical background. Appendix B summarizes the results used for stability analysis including the various types of stability and Lyapunov function theory. Since MPC is an optimization-based controller, Appendix C covers the relevant results from optimization theory.




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