Man or Machine

“As machines get to be more and more like men, men will come to be more like machines” Joseph Wood Krutch

We can consider this statement true because every innovator of any machine tries to make it self dependent. The word “AUTOMATIC” pinches the innovator that always tries to replace man with a machine. If same pattern keeps repeating, there will come a day when the world becomes a MACHINE WORLD.

I was really intrigued by the phrase “Artificial Intelligence” and when I got familiar with it, the first question that popped in my mind was: - “How long will it take before computers can basically do everything that the human brain does?

In 1950 Alan Turing defined a way in which we can say that a computer is operating at human levels. A human judge interviews a computer and a human - maybe several of each. If the judge can’t tell which is which, we say the computer has passed the Turing test.

Every year, our Turing test is run by the Loebner Foundation, and the computers are getting better every year. If you just look at the rate at which they’re getting better, the crossover is at about 2029. My prediction is that computers will be able to deal with a full range of human intelligence by 2029.

This is shocking statement for most people , is it not? If we look 300 years back, technology seems to be nothing compared to the present day, yet this statement seems be true - we can’t disagree on that. But what differs us from the machines is that we have emotions, feelings - anger, creativity, thinking power and innovation.

Here we ask another question: “Will machines have emotions? Emotion is not some sort of sideshow; there’s intelligence and then there’s emotion. Emotion is all these high-level concepts. It’s the most sophisticated thing we do. Being funny, being sexy, being loving, these are very complicated and intelligent behaviors. It’s the cutting edge of human intelligence.”

Emotions are more sophisticated than we have ever expected, making some device humanlike is a more complicated process than most of us even imagine, but time will unlock this myth.
So far, the machines have converted the world from dark age to the atomic age, shortened the distances, opened new worlds, changed the way people think and made life full of luxuries. But the real problem lies in the innovator and whether he’ll set limits, boundaries to the powers of his creation. These limits have different definitions according to the different frames of minds. Some consider it to be a world with huge and massive computerized machines and some imagine it to be a world that solves their daily problems.

Nevertheless, the questions that beckons answers are: “What is the future of machines?” Will human intelligence be replaced by artificial intelligence?





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