
New words and expressions】生词和短语(13)

detective                     n. 侦探

airport                          n. 机场

expect                          v. 期待,等待

valuable                      adj. 贵重的

parcel                           n. 包裹

diamond                     n. 钻石

steal                             v. 偷

main                            adj. 主要的

airfield                         n. 飞机起落的场地

guard                           n. 警戒,守卫

precious                       adj. 珍贵的

stone                            n. 石子

sand                             n. 沙子

detective           n. 侦探

detective story        侦探小说

airport           n. 机场

airfield         n. 飞机起落的场地

port      港口;airport 航空港

at the airport 在机场

field 田野;airfield 停机坪

on the airfield         在停机坪上

expect           v. 期待, 等待

① vt.&vi. 预计,预料

Jim has failed in mathematics as his teacher expected.


② vt. 等待,期待,盼望(心理上的等待)

They are expecting guests tonight.         今晚有人要去他们那里作客。

expect 所表示的等待一般暗含着根据某些信息或规律而作出相应反应的意思,而 wait for 主要接续“等


expect sth.

I expect a letter from Jimmy.

expect sb.to do sth.       期待某人做某事

I expect you to write back.

I expect my mother to come back. wait for sth./sb.                     动作上的等待

I wait for my mother.

③ vt. 认为,猜想(一般用于口语)

I expect so./I think so. 我希望如此[口语]

I expect you’ve heard the news. 我想你已经听到这个消息了。

valuable   adj.  贵 重 的

precious   adj.  珍 贵 的

value      n.&v. 价值;valuable     adj.有价值的sth.is valuable/sth.is precious

precious      adj. 珍贵的(带有一定的感情色彩)

precious photo 珍贵的照片

-less 表否定;

priceless adj. 没有价格的, 无价的valueless adj. 没有价值, 不足道的worthless adj. 无 价 值 的

diamond        n. 钻石

diamond ring      钻石戒指

precious stone 宝石;crystal 水晶;jade 玉

steal(stole,stolen)   v. 偷

① vt.&vi. 偷盗,行窃

英语中“偷”用 steal 和 rob 来表达,宾语是物,用 steal;宾语是人,用 rob;跟地点相连,也用 rob steal sth.  偷(某物)

My wallet was stolen.

John never steals.     约翰从不偷东西。

rob sb. 抢(某人) I was robbed. rob the bank

② vt. 巧妙地占用,偷偷地弄到手

He has stolen away Mary’s heart.      他已赢得玛丽的芳心。

③ vi. 偷偷地行动,悄悄靠近

He stole into the room.    他悄悄地进了房间。

main        adj. 主要的

main building;main street;main sentence;main idea main 不能与人连用

guard           n. 警戒, 守卫

life guard        救生员

body guard        保镖

keep guard        守望,警戒

They kept a close guard over the thieves.         他们对小偷们严加看管。

stand guard 站岗,放哨


The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning. They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa. A few hours earlier, someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds. When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield. Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the Customs House. While two detectives were keeping guard at the door, two others opened the parcel. To their surprise, the precious parcel was full of stones and sand!


飞机误点了, 侦探们在机场等了整整一上午. 他们正期待从南非来的一个装着钻石的贵重包裹. 数小时以前, 有人向警方报告, 说有人企图偷走这些钻石. 当飞机到达时, 一些侦探等候在主楼内, 另一些侦探则守候在停机坪上. 有两个人把包裹拿下飞机, 进了海关. 这时两个侦探把住门口, 另外两个侦探打开了包裹. 令他们吃惊的是, 那珍贵的包裹里面装的全是石头和沙子!


1、The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning.

all 一般直接加表示时间的单数名词构成副词短语,如:all day,all night,all week,all winter,all year

等。但不说 all hour。

whole 在表达同样的意思时一般要加冠词或数词,如 a whole day/year,two whole weeks。all morning=all the morning

The plane was late 飞机晚(点)了

The bus was late./The train was late.

detectives 没有强调一些侦探或者那些侦探, 强调侦探这种人,笼统感念, 可不加some, the

2、They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa. a valuable parcel of diamonds

a cup of tea 强调的是茶

South Africa 南非

3、A few hours earlier, someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds. a few hours earlier 几个小时以前

= a few hours before/a few hours ago

would +do 过去将来时,间接方式, 转述, 站在过去看未来

4、When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while

others were waiting on the airfield.

代词 others 常常和some 连用,表示“有些(人)……,也有些(人)……”或“有的……,其余的……” one…the other…                        一个……另一个……

some…others…        一些……另一些……

Some students are very hard-working, others are not. others=other+名词复数

5、Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the Customs House. take sth. off…=take sth. away from…

and carried it into…carried 表示看得很重

Customs House  海关

6、While two detectives were keeping guard at the door, two others opened the parcel. To their surprise, the precious parcel was full of stones and sand!

…were keeping guard at the door, two others opened the parcel.

表面上是分工, 两个动作同时发生, 不是同时开始同时结束, 延续时间不一致, 长一点时间的动作用进

行时态, 短时间的动作用过去时.

When someone knocked at the door, I was having dinner. keep guard                          守卫

They kept a close guard over the thieves. at the door                         在门边(固定搭配)

two others=two other detectives

to one's surprise,让某人惊讶的是

To my surprise, the teacher was late.

To one’s +表达人情绪的名词to one's joy

To my joy, my mother came here yesterday. to one's excitement

To our excitement, our team wins.

be full of ...装满

My bag was full of books. The cup is full of water.

Key structures



过去进行时的构成:be 的过去式+现在分词

过去进行时和一般过去时经常同在一个句子里使用。过去进行时表示过去正在进行的动作或情况,一  般过去时则表示比较短暂的动作或事件。正在进行中的动作或情况往往由连词 when,while,as,just as 等引导。

when,while 当……时候(强调动作同时发生)

while+从句, 动词一定是延续性动词


while 能用 when 代替,但是 when 却不一定能用 while 代替。while 通常只引导持续时间较长的动作,

并且主句和从句可以同时用过去进行时,而 when 和as 一般不这么用。

John was watching TV while his wife was talking with a neighbour over the phone. Just as I was leaving the house, you came in.

when 也可以引导比较短暂的动作,while 和 as 则一般不行。

We were having supper when the lights went out.

过去进行时往往与表示一段时间的状语连用,如 all morning,all night,all day,all evening,the whole week 等,表示这段时间一直在干什么。

What were you doing all evening? I couldn’t find you anywhere.


① 过去两个动作同时发生, 习惯上一个用一般过去时, 另一个用过去进行时;动作长用过去进行时,

动作短用一般过去时; 分工的情况, 动作的开始时间和结束时间几乎相同, 均用过去进行时; I was listening to the radio, my sister was dancing.

When my mother was doing the housework, my father was watching TV.

② 两个动作在同时段进行, 在不同时间结束, 先发生的动作未结束, 另一个动作发生, 先发生的动作用进行时态, 另一个动作用过去时.

When I was opening the door, the telephone rang. 先 开 门 When the telephone was ringing, I opened the door.                      电话先响

③ 瞬间动词(如:arrive)没有进行时态, 所以两个动作同时发生, 延续性动词用进行时态, 瞬间动词


When he arrived, I was having dinner. I am arriving 进行时态表示将要

Exercises D

1 As my father ______ (leave) the house, the postman______ (arrive).

was leaving;arrived(两个瞬间动词同时发生可能性很小, 应具体分析, 故用进行时态表将来)

5   While mother ______ (prepare) lunch, Janet_____ (set) the table.

set the table 摆桌子was preparing;set

Special Difficulties


许多动词加上介词或副词后就会改变词义,这些介词和副词通常被称为小品词。它们没有词形的变化。  有些小品词既可以作介词又可以作副词。判断一个小品词是副词还是介词要看小品词有没有带宾语。有宾   语的是介词,没有宾语的是副词,介词的位置相对固定,不能变动。

① vi.&vt.+ prep./adv.+宾语(n.) She is walking up the hill.

② vt.+宾语(n./pron.)+adv.

take off the coat =take the coat off =take it off

put on your shoes =put your shoes on =put them on I always take money with me.我身上总带些钱


  1. They have pulled down the old building. pull down… (pull<vt.>;down<adv.>) pull one's leg 开玩笑

You are pulling my leg.你开我玩笑

  1. Make up your mind.

make up…--->make up one's mind      习惯用法不换,语法上可换

  1. He asked for permission to leave.

ask for…-->ask (sb.) for sth. 其实是省略 sb.故不可换

Multiple choice questions

5 Someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds. This happened ___a___ the plane arrived.

a. before            b. after             c. when          d. as soon as

两个动作先后发生(一个动作结束, 另一个动作才发生)用过去完成时

before        在……之前;as soon as      一……就

  1. The parcel was valuable. It was _ c___ .

a. worth                      b. worthy                  c. precious                d. value valuable= precious

value        n. 价值

worth         v. 值得……,后面一定要加词

something is worth…

The book is worth reading.       (动名词) The book is worth three dollars.

worthy           adj. 有价值的

be worthy of…           值得……

This book is worthy of being read [to be read]. 这本书值得一读. acts worthy of punishment 应该受处分的行为

worthless         adj. 无价值的

something is worthless(后面不加任何东西)

  1. The thieves wanted to ___b___ the diamonds.

a. rob                          b. steal                c. take from             d. take to

加 something 做宾语的一定是 steal





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