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原创 课程设计报告内容(源代码在另一个文章中)


2015-07-10 01:49:06 1675

原创 课程设计

#include "stdafx.h" #include#include#include#includeusing namespace std;  void infoSave();  //信息保存函数void infoSaveAgain();  //再次保存void display();   //显示char press;//全局变量,用于表示键盘输入的字母

2015-07-10 01:45:46 629 2

原创 8.16

#includeusing namespace std;template //函数模板void rank(T *a,int n){ int i,j; for (i=0;i<n-1;i++) for (j=0;j<n-i-1;j++) if (a[j]>a[j+1]) { T temp= a[j]; a[j]=a

2015-07-03 15:10:50 482

原创 8.15

#includeusing namespace std;template //函数模板,T为类型参数T max(T *a,int n){ int i,j=1; for(i=0;i<n;i++) if(a[j]<a[i]) j=i; return a[j];}int main(){ int ia[]={10,4,11,2,3,7}; double da[]={1

2015-07-03 14:47:20 508

原创 6.13

#includeusing namespace std;class Base{protected: double h;public: virtual void disp(){} //虚函数disp Base(){} Base(double h1) {h=h1;}};class Cuboid:public Base //定义长方体派生类{pri

2015-07-02 16:15:16 518

原创 6.14

#includeusing namespace std;class container{ //声明抽象类containerprotected: double radius;public: container(double radius1); //抽象类container的构造函数 virtual double surface_a

2015-07-02 16:00:25 550

原创 7.12

#include #includeclass Matrix { public: Matrix(); //构造函数 friend Matrix operator+(Matrix&,Matrix&); //声明重载运算符"+" friend istream& operator>>(ist

2015-06-27 18:12:46 621

原创 7.11

#include using namespace std;class Date { public: Date(){} Date(int m,int d,int y) { month=m; day=d; year=y; } void print() { cout<<year<<"."<<month<<"."<<day<<endl; } Date

2015-06-27 15:54:17 435

原创 7.10

#include #includeconst int r=2; const int c=3;class A { public: A(); //构造函数 A(int a,int b,int c,int d,int e,int f); void get_A( ); //键盘输入数组的

2015-06-26 18:20:44 448

原创 7.9

#include #includeusing namespace std;const int r=2; const int c=3;class A { public: A(); //构造函数 A(int a,int b,int c,int d,int e,int f); void get

2015-06-26 17:58:12 459

原创 5.18

#include #include using namespace std; class Person //声明基类Person{ public: void input() { cout<<"请输入编号:"; cin>>number; cout<

2015-06-11 01:27:50 474

原创 magic(4*4)

#include#includeusing namespace std;class magic{public: void getdata(int st,int f,int s) { step=st; first=f; sum=s; } void setfirstmagic() { int i,j;

2015-06-04 12:36:41 693

原创 4.22

#include #include using namespace std; class point { private: int x; int y; public: point(int m,int n); //声明构造函数 friend void dist(point &a,point &b);

2015-06-04 11:16:57 422

原创 4.21

#include #include using namespace std; class Student { private: int number; string name; float mark; static float sum; static float aver; static int total;

2015-06-04 00:38:25 408

原创 4.20

#include using namespace std; class book {private: int qu; int price; public: book(int q,int p) { qu=q; price=p; } void print() { cout<<qu*price<<endl; } }

2015-06-04 00:20:32 526

原创 4.19

#include using namespace std; class book {private: int qu; int price; public: book(int q,int p) { qu=q; price=p; } void print() { cout<<qu*price<<endl; } }

2015-06-04 00:09:20 440

原创 4.18

#include using namespace std; int a=1; class Student { int number; float english; public: Student(int n,float e) { number=n;

2015-06-03 17:49:58 461

原创 4.17

#include using namespace std; class Student { int number; float english; float math; float PE; public: Student(int n,float e,float m,float p) { nu

2015-06-03 17:43:07 506

原创 3.24

#includeusing namespace std;class Date{private: int year,y; int month,m; int day,d;public:Date(int y,int m,int d){ year=y; month=m; day=d;}Date(){}void setDate(int o,int p,int q){

2015-06-03 17:35:00 414

原创 3.22

#includeusing namespace std;#define pi 3.14class Circle{public:void radius_input(){ cout<<"the radius of the circle:"; cin>>r;}void area_out(){ a=pi*r*r; cout<<"the area of the circle:"<

2015-04-01 20:32:08 505 1

原创 3.23

#includeusing namespace std;const double PI=3.14;class Cylinder{public:void radius_input(){ cout<<"请输入圆柱体的半径:"; cin>>r;}void height_input(){ cout<<"请输入圆柱体的高度:"; cin>>h;}void vol_out()

2015-04-01 20:23:40 546 1

原创 2.30

#include#includeusing namespace std;int sroot(int a){ return sqrt(a);}long sroot(long b){ return sqrt(b);}double sroot(double c){ return sqrt(c);}int main(){ int a; long b; do

2015-04-01 19:25:03 534 1

原创 2.29

#includeusing namespace std;int main(){int *f=new int[19];int *p=new int(2);f[0]=1;f[1]=1;cout<<f[0]<<endl;cout<<f[1]<<endl;do{f[*p]=f[*p-1]+f[*p-2];cout<<f[*p]<<endl;}while(++*p<20);re

2015-04-01 19:12:40 567 1



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