Load Multiple Increment After (Load Multiple Full Descending) loads multiple registers from consecutive memory
locations using an address from a base register. The consecutive memory locations start at this address, and the
address just above the highest of those locations can optionally be written back to the base register.
上面三者都是 LDM
通常在从满减栈中 pop 数据的场合使用。
LDM sp!, {R1-R7} // 等价于 pop {R1-R7}
The lowest-numbered register is loaded from the lowest memory address,
through to the highest-numbered register from the highest memory address.
LDMIA R0!, {R1, R2, R3} --> addr=R0, R1 = [addr], R2 = [addr+4], R3 = [addr+8], R0 = R0+12
Load Multiple Increment Before (Load Multiple Empty Descending) loads multiple registers from consecutive
memory locations using an address from a base register. The consecutive memory locations start just above this
address, and the address of the last of those locations can optionally be written back to the base register.
通常用在空减栈中 pop 数据的场合使用。
LDMED R0!, {R1, R2, R3} --> addr = R0+4, R1 = [addr], R2 = [addr+4], R3 = [addr+8], R0 = R0+12
Load Multiple Decrement After (Load Multiple Full Ascending) loads multiple registers from consecutive memory
locations using an address from a base register. The consecutive memory locations end at this address, and the
address just below the lowest of those locations can optionally be written back to the base register.
通常用在满增栈中 pop 数据的场合使用。
LDMDA R0!, {R1, R2, R3} --> addr = R0-8, R1 = [addr], R2 = [addr+4], R3 = [addr+8], R0 = R0-12
Load Multiple Decrement Before (Load Multiple Empty Ascending) loads multiple registers from consecutive
memory locations using an address from a base register. The consecutive memory locations end just below this
address, and the address of the lowest of those locations can optionally be written back to the base register.
通常用在空增栈中 pop 数据的场合使用。
LDMEA R0!, {R1, R2, R3} --> addr = R0-12, R1 = [addr], R2 = [addr+4], R3 = [addr+8], R0 = R0-12
Store Multiple Increment After (Store Multiple Empty Ascending) stores multiple registers to consecutive memory
locations using an address from a base register. The consecutive memory locations start at this address, and the
address just above the last of those locations can optionally be written back to the base register.
通常用在空增栈中 push 数据的场合使用。
STMEA R0!, {R1, R2, R3} --> addr = R0, [addr] = R1, [addr+4] = R2, [addr+8] = R3, R0 = R0+12
Store Multiple Decrement After (Store Multiple Empty Descending) stores multiple registers to consecutive
memory locations using an address from a base register. The consecutive memory locations end at this address, and
the address just below the lowest of those locations can optionally be written back to the base register.
通常用在空减栈中 push 数据的场合使用。
STMED R0!, {R1, R2, R3} --> addr = R0-8, [addr] = R1, [addr+4] = R2, [addr+8] = R3, R0 = R0-12
Store Multiple Decrement Before (Store Multiple Full Descending) stores multiple registers to consecutive memory
locations using an address from a base register. The consecutive memory locations end just below this address, and
the address of the first of those locations can optionally be written back to the base register.
通常在从满减栈中 push 数据的场合使用。
STMDB sp!, {R1, R2, R3} // 等价于 push {R1, R2, R3}
The lowest-numbered register is stored to the lowest memory address,
through to the highest-numbered register to the highest memory address.
STMDB R0!, {R1, R2, R3} --> addr = R0-12, [addr] = R1, [addr+4] = R2, [addr+8] = R3, R0 = R0-12
Store Multiple Increment Before (Store Multiple Full Ascending) stores multiple registers to consecutive memory
locations using an address from a base register. The consecutive memory locations start just above this address, and
the address of the last of those locations can optionally be written back to the base register.
通常在从满增栈中 push 数据的场合使用。
STMFA R0!, {R1, R2, R3} --> addr = R0+4, [addr] = R1, [addr+4] = R2, [addr+8] = R3, R0 = R0+12