Data Structure: All you should know about Hash


另外还有一个比较容易记混的方法叫toString,对于没有重载这个方法的类,它的默认是返回classname @ heximal 的内存地址(与上面的10进制不同)。

而hash table的基本原理是,对于任何的对象,利用hashcode产生一个独一无二的数,再用这个数放进地址压缩算法返回一个index值。下面讨论的是,如何在压缩算法上做文章。

Why do we need hashing?

Assume we store our data in an array, and we want to search for an element. The normal time consume is O(n). Since we need to traversal the array's element one by one. 

If we got a sorted array, we can use binary search to improve the performance by cutting it down to O(logn). 

However, if we think even bigger, we should try to solve this problem in O(1). It needs us to know the index of element in advance. 

What hashing is doing? 

1) Convert an object to an integer(index). In java, we use hashCode() method to do this. 

2) Use an array to store the data. However, the length of array need to be compressed by using module (%).

Workarounds for Collision 

The length of array is compressed; therefore, it is inevitable to have collisions by having two different elements hashed to the same index using the same hash function. If such situation happened, we need some workarounds to handle it.

Open addressing(the address of element is not necessary follow the index value calculated by hash function): 

1) Linear Probing (drawback: primary clustering) (python使用)

如果遇到冲突,沿着当前计算的index值,不断以步距为1 的探索范围向后探索,直至查找到free slot可以存储当前element. 

Primary cluster:如果有一连串连续的元素已经在array中存在,那么linear probing将会变得十分time consuming. 另外,以下图为例:


2) Quadratic Probing (drawback: second clustering)

如果遇到冲突,则以当前index值+1, +2, +4, +9, +16去探索,直至查找到free slot可以存储当前element. 

Second clustering同理。只不过造成浪费的概率稍微小一些。

3) Double hasing (Java 使用)

在遇到冲突时,进行第二次hash来计算step size。怎么理解呢?

让我们来总结下上述的open addressing的方法先。总体而言,linear probing, quadratic probing和double hash其实都可以归结到一个公式当中:

所以double hash的实质是:hi=(h(key)+ih1(key))%m 0≤i≤m-1 //即di=i*h1(key)。 


在open addressing的时候,需要考虑load factor的问题。load factor是一项指标: number of occupied slots / length of array. 

一般,当load factor > 1/2的时候,linear probing 效率就十分低下。而对于所有的open addressing方法而言,大于2/3时,都需要创建一个新的array, 再rehashing。这一做法类似于ArrayList。所以,hashtable的效率不总是O(1). 

Close addressing(the address of element must follow the index value calculated by hash function):

Separate Chaining 

这个方法是通过为每个index下设置一个链表。将所有属于这个Index的元素都放在链表中。当元素很多,很容易产生high load factor时,应该使用这种情况。

因为这个不方法不需要考虑load factor的问题。

package com.xjieli.datastrc;

interface HashTableInterface{
	boolean search(int key);
	int delete(int key);
	void insert(int key);

public class HashTableSimple implements HashTableInterface{
	private static final DataItem DELETED = new DataItem(-1);
	//internal data storage
	private DataItem[] hashArray;
	public HashTableSimple(int initialCapacity){
		hashArray = new DataItem[initialCapacity];
	private static class DataItem{
		private int key;
		public DataItem (int k){
			this.key = k;
	//implement methods here
	private int hashFunc(int key){
		return key % hashArray.length;
	public boolean search(int key){
		int hash_val = hashFunc(key);
		while(hashArray[hash_val] != null){
			if(hashArray[hash_val].key == key){
				return true;
			hash_val++;//linear probing
			//because hash table never get full,
			//we do not need to worry about dead loop
			hash_val = hash_val % (hashArray.length);//control the range
		return false;
	public int delete(int key){
		int hash_val = hashFunc(key);
		int return_val = 0;// used for return
		while(hashArray[hash_val] != null){
			if(hashArray[hash_val].key == key){
				 return_val = hashArray[hash_val].key;
				 hashArray[hash_val] = DELETED;
				 return return_val;
			hash_val = hash_val % (hashArray.length);
		return -1;
	public void insert(int key){
		DataItem item = new DataItem(key);
		int hash_val = hashFunc(key);
		while(hashArray[hash_val] != null &&
				hashArray[hash_val] != DELETED){
			hash_val = hash_val % (hashArray.length);
		hashArray[hash_val] = item;
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub


What makes a Good Hash Function  

The first concern of hash function is the input variables. 

Whether the input variables are totally random or not: 

Random: we can directly use module. (%)

Non-random: like car numbers. Different parts of it can be interpreted differently. In the situation of non-random, we need to take care of these:

1) Never use the non-information numbers. Like checksum of ID. It is just a sum of other information. There is not new information from it. 

2) Set the length of hash internal storage array to be prime number. This will be extremely helpful when you are using double hashing as the solution to conflict. 

If the length is 15, there will be a chance: 

1st hash:

0 -- 5 -- 10 -- 0

2nd hash:

5 -- 10 -- ...



3) Use folding: 

Folding is to break keys into groups of digits and adding the groups. 

A reasonable rule of breaking groups is break the number into groups that have n-1 digits when the length of array is n digits. 

This way, you can distribute the numbers better. 

4) If a particular serial of numbers' step size is not 1, then you must shrink to interval to step size of 1. 

Like: 100 150 200 250 300 --> 1 2 3 4 5

How Java do with Hash

hashCode() is a function that is listed in the Object class. However, some subclass of Object may override the function. 

Like: Integer类就会直接用其value作为hashcode,而String类则是用一下的公式:

s.charAt(0)*31^(n-1) + s.charAt(1)*31^(n-1) + ... + s.charAt(n-1)

Fun facts: 

在2004年,Java 1.4以前,Java也是用求余符号来做hash的。但是,求余符号最不好的是计算时间太差。


我们需要把array的长度设置成2^n长,接着把所有的输入变量都转换成2进制后,按位与(n-1),得到的结果就是hashcode. 其实质是dropping the higher bit or signed bit. 

注意,使用此方法的前提是,array的长度必须是power of two. 

利用当array长度为8,输入变量是86时,1010110 && 0111 = 110 = 6. 

所以,在Java的HashMap的源码中,也是要求内部存储结构的长度需要是power of 2。 

部分源码(java采用close addressing, separate chain):

package com.xjieli.datastrc;

public class HashTable<K,V> {
    Entry<K,V>[] table;
    public HashTable(){
    	this.loadFactor = DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR;
    	table = new Entry[DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY];
    static class Entry<K,V>{
    	final K key;
    	V value;
    	Entry<K,V> next;
    	int hash;
    	Entry(int h, K k, V v, Entry<K,V> n){
    		value = v;
    		next = n;
    		key = k;
    		hash = h;
    public V put(K key, V value){
    	if(key == null){
    		return null;
    	int hash = hash(key.hashCode());
    	int i = indexFor(hash, table.length);
    	for(Entry<K,V> e = table[i]; e != null; e ={
    		//看看是否需要update,不是linear probing
    		Object k;
    		//if the hash are the same --> same object, then need to be updated
    		if(e.hash == hash && ((k = e.key) == key || key.equals(k))){
    			V old_value = e.value;
    			e.value = value;
    			return old_value;
    	addEntry(hash, key, value, i);
    	return null;//如果不是更新,就返回null
    static int indexFor(int h, int length){
    	return h & (length - 1);
    void addEntry(int hash, K key, V value, int bucket_index){// separate chain
    	Entry<K,V> e= table[bucket_index];
    	table[bucket_index] = new Entry<K,V>(hash, key, value, e);
    	if(size++ >= threshold){
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub



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Sure, here's an implementation of a hash table with chaining in Python: ```python import random class HashTable: def __init__(self, capacity=10): self.capacity = capacity self.size = 0 self.table = [[] for _ in range(self.capacity)] def hash(self, key): hash_value = 0 for i in range(len(key)): hash_value = (hash_value * 31 + ord(key[i])) % self.capacity return hash_value def search(self, key): hash_value = self.hash(key) bucket = self.table[hash_value] for i in range(len(bucket)): if bucket[i][0] == key: return True return False def insert(self, key): if return hash_value = self.hash(key) bucket = self.table[hash_value] bucket.append((key, None)) self.size += 1 if self.size >= self.capacity * 0.7: self._resize() def delete(self, key): hash_value = self.hash(key) bucket = self.table[hash_value] for i in range(len(bucket)): if bucket[i][0] == key: bucket.pop(i) self.size -= 1 if self.size <= self.capacity * 0.3: self._resize() return def size(self): return self.capacity def _resize(self): self.capacity *= 2 new_table = [[] for _ in range(self.capacity)] for bucket in self.table: for key, value in bucket: hash_value = self.hash(key) new_table[hash_value].append((key, value)) self.table = new_table ``` The `__init__` method initializes the hash table with a specified capacity (default is 10), and creates a list of empty lists to represent the buckets. The `hash` method takes in a key and maps it to an integer value between 0 and the capacity of the table using a hash function. In this case, we're using a simple polynomial rolling hash function. The `search` method searches for a key in the table by computing its hash value and checking if it exists in the corresponding bucket. The `insert` method inserts a key into the table by computing its hash value and appending it to the corresponding bucket. If the load factor of the table exceeds 0.7, the table is resized to double its capacity. The `delete` method deletes a key from the table by computing its hash value and removing it from the corresponding bucket. If the load factor of the table falls below 0.3, the table is resized to half its capacity. The `size` method simply returns the current capacity of the table. The `_resize` method is a private helper method that is called by the `insert` and `delete` methods when the load factor threshold is exceeded. It creates a new table with double or half the capacity of the current table, and rehashes all the keys in the old table into the new table.


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