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原创 数字政府业务学习笔记


2022-12-12 21:09:57 169 1

原创 Unit 3, Playback Buffer

What is playback buffers?Look at the grey line below: packets that have been buffered but have not yet been played back to the user.Principles of playback buffers每个router都有queueing delay。为什么曲线长这样?因为each packet arrives in first come first serve order.

2020-07-04 19:03:53 376

原创 A tutorial for getting trip information

Following steps are a repeat from the Place Search Tutorial.To get an API key:Visit https://developers.google.com/console and log in with a Google Account.Select one of your existing projects, or...

2020-06-07 16:42:15 158

原创 Unit 3, Packet Switching

lecture 1Why packet switching is chosen for the Internet?Circuit switching, the predecessor of ~Circuit switching is all manually connected. The line is dedicated for the end hosts during the call.Every phone call has its 64Kb/s circuit that it doesn

2020-06-07 14:37:20 356

原创 Unit 3, intro to networking and the Internet

History of networkingEarly information transportation: limited in the information they could carry(fires) or by the speed of delivery (horses, humans, pigeons).Initiating: start of TX(transmission)Protocols的诞生协调两个party之间如何通讯。Protocol的feature在于contro

2020-06-07 14:08:30 136

原创 Unit 2, Transport layer recap

Three widely used transport layers:TCP (reliable bi-directional byte stream), UDP(unreliable delivery of datagrams between applications), ICMP(detect when things go wrong, e.g. ping, traceroute)End-to-end principle: 功能放到断点,giving mild reason and stro

2020-06-07 11:55:25 155

原创 Unit 2, TCP header recap

P35 TCP header recaprefere to the documentation for detailed information. Here is just to walk through the main fields in the standard TCP header.The basic TCP header you see in most conncections is 20 bytes long.每行32bit, 4 octets, 2个字节bytes.← 32

2020-06-06 15:22:36 168

原创 Unit 2, finite state machine

理解FSM的diagram: 圆圈表示状态,Edge中的上方表示event causing state transmission, 下方是action.

2020-06-06 14:01:48 166

原创 Unit 2, Flow control

The finite state machine of “stop and wait”Sliding window可以填充满network pipe的capacity,比如bottleneck为10Mbps (Mega-bits per second), RTT(round trip time)为50ms,那么1s内能发送 1000/50 = 20次 rount trip,10Mbps/20 = 500Kbps, 每个Eternet frame大小为12bits,那么 500/12 ≈ 41 个 fra

2020-06-06 14:00:23 249

原创 Unit 2, Checksum, CRC and MAC

Although Checksums, CRC and MAC can’t guarantee many types of errors, but remember that “guarantee” is a strong statement, while in reality they still have great chance of detecting errors. Moreover, in practice you tend to have multiple layers of error d.

2020-06-04 11:48:52 272

原创 Unit 2, UDP & ICMP & End-to-End Principle

UDP,相比较之下,就非常简单了。Sending self-contained message。UDP与IP干的活非常类似,the unique feature is that it allows the layer to senddata to a specific appliacation. That’s also why it is called, theUser Demultiplexing Protocal1.它自己(UDP peer层内)无法实现missing datare-tra

2020-05-25 22:34:47 209

原创 Unit 2,Transport Layer

In summary, TCP provides in-order, reliable delivery of a stream of bytes between application processes.TCP is a specific example of transportation layer protocols. Otherprotocols include UDP, ICMP and the like.TCP的end-to-end, byte-stream通信是大多数(几乎95%)a

2020-05-25 17:06:39 189

原创 Unit 1, LPM

On each hop of each packet, a router decides which link to forward the packet over.x表示任意一个number, wildcards(百搭牌)。dash(/)后面的数字代表block size,为子网掩码,32-掩码为主机位数。因为子网掩码表示从前往后多少位为1.Longest prefix matchNow, 因为A可以走通either the default or link 3,而link 3 has long

2020-05-19 23:09:31 175

原创 Unit 1, IPv4

IPv4 (Internet Protocol)协议嘛,大家要规定一种语言,这样计算机直接才可以建立有效的通信。32位,有4个八位(octets), often denoted as a.b.c.d.Netmask,掩码。告诉你这次连接走外网(go through IP)还是内网转发。毕竟一些连接不需要经过router。掩码也是4位octets,in big endian,告诉你前n位IP地址match的话,就属于同一个网络。E.g., = 1111, 1111. 111

2020-05-19 14:54:04 204

原创 Unit 1, Endian

Caution: Different processors layout numbers differently. Byte order,不同处理器的byte排序方式是不同的,有分big endian和little endian。E.g. 在比较network传来的port地址和本地host的port地址时,记得进行byte order转换。Host and network order can be different. Internet protocols decide how the order is.

2020-05-19 14:28:50 335

原创 Unit 1, Encapsulation

Encapsulation unifies layering and packet switching. It is how we take protocal layers and assemble them into packets in a way that’s flwxible and maintains the separation of conerns.Encapsulation is the principle by which you organize information in pac

2020-05-18 18:07:26 259

原创 Unit 1, Layering

Layering分层,抽象。它是一个很重要的概念,在计算机科学的其他领域(通信等)都有应用。Layering has Hierachy.Abstract:为什么叫抽象?将什么东西抽象了?Example: 去订票网站查询机票价格,the platform provides a service layer on top of each airline, abstracting away the details of each airline’s details for you.The separat

2020-05-18 17:19:15 255

原创 Unit 1, Packet switching

Packet switching每一个switch在forward的时候不记录从src到dst的完整route,只从forward table上寻找下一个hop点,并将它和dst地址发给下一个switch。A sequence of packets is defined as a “flow”, e.g. datagrams transported in a voice call. A collection of datagrams that belong to the same end-to-end

2020-05-18 16:48:33 246

原创 Unit 1, CS144, Stanford course

Week 1: how the Internet works以下内容来自1-2每一层为上一层提供服务Notice that the Network layer doesn’t need to concern itself with “how” the link layer sends the datagram over the link.这就是抽象的作用!它不需要知道为它服务的下一层,是如何实现的。network layer为Link layer提供接口,让它服务。因为有不同的link la

2020-05-15 16:36:11 233

原创 A tutorial for Place search using G-map and OS-map APIs

Tutorials for Google APIsCreated on Feb.19, 2020. @author: Kai Shen, shenkai.gary.grimes@gmail.comWhat are Google Maps APIs?Google places API allows developers to access a wealth of information fr...

2020-02-20 14:50:17 620

原创 数仓相关

OLAP• OLTP 事务,是传统的关系型数据库的主要应用。主要是基本的、日常的事务处理,例如银行交易。• OLAP 分析,是数据仓库系统的主要应用,支持复杂的分析操作,侧重决策支持,并且提供直观易懂的查询结果。模型表为什么叫模型表因为可以通过不同模式(面向业务过程、面向分析、面向事件event主题)建模,这样表就按照某一个逻辑呈现、储存数据了。数仓为什么要分层?在实际项目中,常...

2019-10-18 09:29:42 281

原创 新手markdown编辑器教程

新的改变我们对Markdown编辑器进行了一些功能拓展与语法支持,除了标准的Markdown编辑器功能,我们增加了如下几点新功能,帮助你用它写博客:全新的界面设计 ,将会带来全新的写作体验;在创作中心设置你喜爱的代码高亮样式,Markdown 将代码片显示选择的高亮样式 进行展示;增加了 图片拖拽 功能,你可以将本地的图片直接拖拽到编辑区域直接展示;全新的 KaTeX数学公式 语法;...

2019-10-17 21:12:29 192

原创 数据库

数据库相关索引为什么要创建索引在哪建索引新的改变功能快捷键合理的创建标题,有助于目录的生成如何改变文本的样式插入链接与图片如何插入一段漂亮的代码片生成一个适合你的列表创建一个表格设定内容居中、居左、居右SmartyPants创建一个自定义列表如何创建一个注脚注释也是必不可少的KaTeX数学公式新的甘特图功能,丰富你的文章UML 图表FLowchart流程图导出与导入导出导入索引为什么要创建索引...

2019-10-17 20:45:37 130



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