Tokens that aim to bring a little happiness

In the cryto-universe, nearly every token has its role to play. There are tokens which are on a mission to change the world, such as Bitcoin which debuts as an alternative to fiat currency with aims to provide a brand-new cash system, or WomenCoin which aims to change the dilemma of modern women and girls by providing education through blockchain technology or offering finance and business support to break the glass ceiling in the workforce. There are callings within them.

However, there are also new tokens in the community aiming to change the individual life, by providing a better lifestyle or bring convenience to people’s daily life.


1. Fatcoin



As we can seen from the picture, in Fatcoin protocol, people will reward with fatcoin as soon as they lose weight. Maybe it’s the first time that your calorie can turn into “money”. And this sure to be a good motive for people to develop a healthy lifestyle.


2. Runners

The founder of Runners' team is 4 runners who first met at a marathon. Since then, they join together to work out a plan that aims to create a token which can be used as payment when they buy sport equipment. Really nice vision.


3. Oyster Pearl

Note to users who ever freaked out for the invasive or intrusive advisement on website, here comes the Oyster Pearl which aims to create a new system to provide ad-free content in the website. No more spams.



I remember an answer to the question talking about the real function of blockchain technology and crytocurrency:


“The real function of the technology is to bring real change into people’s life, not the vision for them to get rich quick, just the current dilemma of Bitcoin, which initially aims to bring up a new cash system and delegate the power, but ends with speculative activities and goes far from its vision.”


We may have already bombarded by the new coverage about the scandals or hypes on the speculative tokens. But there are also teams in that complex field who were start off with simple aims to make contribution to people’s well-being from a relatively small but practical aspects.


We see cause for hope. In a age when technology has permeated and is permeating into every aspects in our life. Blockchain technology is  sure to be a new gadget that can bring revolutionary change ,just like trains and light lamp. But how to use it to bring real change and convenience to our daily life? That’s a question.



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### 回答1: tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids是一个函数,用于将token转换为对应的id。在自然语言处理中,我们通常将文本转换为token序列,然后再将token序列转换为对应的id序列,以便于模型的输入和处理。这个函数是在tokenization模块中定义的,常用于BERT等预训练模型的输入处理中。 ### 回答2: tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids是一个在自然语言处理中十分常用的函数,这个函数的作用是将文本序列中的每个单词或符号转换为其对应的ID号。具体来说,tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids函数将接受一个文本序列作为输入参数,然后返回一个列表,列表中的每个元素都是文本序列中对应单词或符号的ID号。 tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids函数通常用于将文本序列中的单词或符号转化为机器能够理解和处理的数字形式。在进行自然语言处理任务时,通常需要将文本序列表示成数字矩阵,并进一步输入到神经网络中进行训练和模型预测。因此,tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids被广泛应用于机器翻译、情感分析、文本分类、问答系统等自然语言处理任务中。 需要注意的是,tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids函数的使用需要先进行初始化。对于绝大部分的预训练模型,它们都提供了相应的tokenizer,我们需要先实例化tokenizer对象并将其预训练的词表加载进来,然后才能使用tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids函数将文本序列转化为数字矩阵。 总之,tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids是一个非常常用的自然语言处理函数,它能够将文本序列中的单词或符号转化为数字矩阵,并被广泛应用于自然语言处理任务中。 ### 回答3: tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids是transformers库中的一个方法,主要功能是将单词(token)列表转换为对应的ID编号列表。在NLP中,文本经常需要被转换为数值型数据才能输入到神经网络中进行训练或预测。因此,经常需要将文本进行tokenization(分词)并将单词映射到对应的ID编号。这个过程就是使用tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids方法可以实现的。 该方法所需参数为一个单词列表,该列表包含分词后的文本。它可以用来将句子(例如英文句子)转换为一个数字列表,将每个单词替换为对应的数字编号。这些数字可以表示单词在字典中的位置。例如,一个长度为N的句子可以转换为一个包含N个数字的列表。 具体来说,tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids方法将分词后的单词列表作为输入,返回一个包含与这些单词对应的ID编号的列表。注意,这里的ID是映射到所选tokenizer的词汇表的编号。 为了进一步了解这个方法的用法,我们可以通过以下示例进行说明: ```python from transformers import BertTokenizer tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased') # 句子分词后的结果 text = "This is an example of text tokenization." tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(text) print(tokens) >>> ['this', 'is', 'an', 'example', 'of', 'text', 'token', '##ization', '.'] # 将分词后的结果转换为对应的ID ids = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(tokens) print(ids) >>> [2023, 2003, 2019, 2742, 1997, 3793, 19204, 20570, 1012] ``` 在上面的示例中,我们首先使用`BertTokenizer`进行分词处理,然后使用`convert_tokens_to_ids`将分词后的单词列表转换为对应的ID编号列表。该方法将`tokens`列表中的每个单词映射为与其对应的唯一ID编号。最终,我们可以得到一个包含所有单词ID编号的列表`ids`。通过这个方法,我们可以将文本转换为一个数字列表,使它可以输入到神经网络进行训练或其他操作。


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