假若支持RGB16,那么只需要将RGB分别除以一个比较大的数就可以了,这个例子中是100。那么对应的解压公式为:decoded.rgb = encoded.rgb dot max_value
假若支持RGBE8,那就要做多一点工作了,看一下这个解压公式:decoded.rgb = encoded.rgb * 2encoded.a,那压缩方法也清楚了,直接看下面:
float4 EncodeRGBE8( in float3 rgb )
float4 vEncoded;
// Determine the largest color component
float maxComponent = max( max(rgb.r, rgb.g), rgb.b );
// Round to the nearest integer exponent
float fExp = ceil( log2(maxComponent) );
// Divide the components by the shared exponent
vEncoded.rgb = rgb / exp2(fExp);
// Store the shared exponent in the alpha channel
vEncoded.a = (fExp + 128) / 255;
return vEncoded;