1. constexpr 与 const
const 指的是编译期常量和运行时常量
constexpr 指编译期常量
int var_1 = 111; // 正确 var_1 是一个普通的变量,既不是编译期常量,也不是运行时常量
const int var_2 = 222; // 正确 var_2 是一个编译期常量
const int var_3 = var_1; // 正确 var_3 是一个运行时常量
constexpr int var_4 = 333; // 正确 var_4 是常量表达式,即为编译期常量
constexpr int var_5 = var_1; // 错误 var_5 不是编译期常量,因为 var_1 的值,需要程序的执行到达其所在的声明处时才初始化
2. constexpr 常量会被 Visual Studio 优化
class MyClass3 {
static constexpr int kUserDataKey = 1;
class MyClass4 {
static constexpr int kUserDataKey = 1;
int main() {
char sz[1024]{ 0 };
sprintf_s(sz, "MyClass3::kUserDataKey=%p | MyClass4::kUserDataKey=%p",
&MyClass3::kUserDataKey, &MyClass4::kUserDataKey);
std::cout << sz << std::endl;
return 0;
// 使用VS2017,编译运行,结果如下:
// Debug
MyClass3::kUserDataKey=00989B78 | MyClass4::kUserDataKey=00989B7C
// Release
MyClass3::kUserDataKey=00D53160 | MyClass4::kUserDataKey=00D53160
通过输出内容看出,同一段代码在Debug和Release编译运行后,输出的结果不同,后来发现是Release版本编译器会启动【/GL (Whole Program Optimization)】优化导致的。因为constexpr的语义就是编译期常量,所以编译器如果两个constexpr常量的值相同,则只分配一块内存存放此常量,所以如果你是用这个静态成员的地址做key的话就肯定出问题了,因为两个key是一样的(好坑。。。)。
3. /GL (Whole Program Optimization) 优化
Whole program optimization allows the compiler to perform optimizations with information on all modules in the program. Without whole program optimization, optimizations are performed on a per module (compiland) basis.
Whole program optimization is off by default and must be explicitly enabled. However, it is also possible to explicitly disable it with /GL-.
With information on all modules, the compiler can:
Optimize the use of registers across function boundaries.
Do a better job of tracking modifications to global data, allowing a reduction in the number of loads and stores. (应该就是这一条了,会尽量减少全局变量的存储)
Do a better job of tracking the possible set of items modified by a pointer dereference,
reducing the numbers of loads and stores. -
Inline a function in a module even when the function is defined in another module.
4. 汇编看下 constexpr 常量
5. 总结