
导读本篇是【促销定价】系列5篇文章的最后一篇。用5篇文章,我们系统介绍了如何将一个实际的促销定问题转化为一个数学问题,并利用数据预处理与挖掘、统计学与机器学习、运筹优化等技术从 0-1 的解决该问题。 帮助大家对定价算法落地应用有了一个基本的认识,为后续的深入学习奠定基础。

作者 1:张哲铭,算法专家,某互联网大厂
作者 2:向杜兵,算法专家,某制造业龙头

  • 明人不说暗话,【运筹匠心】想要大家的赞!赞!赞!。先赞后看,多多益善(* ̄︶ ̄)~~~
  • 本期推文代码获取方式,将推文转发朋友圈获20赞,截图发后台,管理员会定期回复数据代码连接哈~~~
  • 各个系列的开源资料会定期整理发放,大家可以加粉丝群领取哦~~~



大家好!我们是IndustryOR 团队,致力于分享业界落地的OR+AI技术。欢迎关注微信公众号/知乎【运筹匠心】 。本期我们来谈一谈《促销定价背后的算法技术》。促销活动五花八门、玩法多变,但其底层的核心商业逻辑是“价格”。因此,本期案例将选择某零售商超“促销定价”场景,共分 5 篇文章依次讲解:(1)业务问题拆解;(2)数据预处理生成;(3)数据挖掘分析;(4)模型算法实现-价格弹性模型;(5)模型算法实现-运筹决策模型。


共分为 5 个部分,依次为:

注:本案例数据改编自【2019 年全国大学生数学建模 E 题】公开数据集。

01 问题聚焦

max ⁡ ∑ s ∈ S ( p s − c s ) × q s     ( 1 ) \max \sum_{s \in S} (p_{s}-c_{s})\times q_{s} \space\space\space (1) maxsS(pscs)×qs   (1)
q s = f ( p s , θ s )     ∀ s ∈ S     ( 2 ) q_{s}=f(p_{s},\theta_{s}) \space\space\space \forall s \in S \space\space\space (2) qs=f(ps,θs)   sS   (2)
l s ≤ p s ≤ h s     ∀ s ∈ S     ( 3 ) l_{s} \leq p_{s} \leq h_{s} \space\space\space \forall s \in S \space\space\space (3) lspshs   sS   (3)

上述公式中, S S S 表示商家售卖商品集合; c s c_{s} cs 表示商品 s s s 的成本价; p s p_{s} ps 表示商品 s s s 的售价; q s q_{s} qs 表示商品 s s s 的销量; f ( p s , θ s ) f(p_{s},\theta_{s}) f(ps,θs) 表示商品 s s s 销量与商品售价之间的量化函数; l s l_{s} ls h s h_{s} hs 分别商品合适的价格区间的左右边界价格。式 ( 1 ) (1) (1) 表示商家利润最大化,即所有种类商品利润加和最大化;式 ( 2 ) (2) (2) 表示每种商品的销量与售价之间的关系;式 ( 3 ) (3) (3) 表示每种商品的价格均要在合适的区间。进而,我们明确了实现促销定价需要解决的三个问题:(1)量化出商品价格与销量的关系,即确定 f ( p s , θ s ) f(p_{s},\theta_{s}) f(ps,θs) 的具体形式;(2)找到商品合适的价格区间,即确定 l s l_{s} ls h s h_{s} hs 的取值。(3)选择出能使总利润最大化的不同商品的最佳价格,即求解出能使 ∑ s ∈ S ( p s − c s ) × q s \sum_{s \in S} (p_{s}-c_{s})\times q_{s} sS(pscs)×qs 最大化的 p s p_{s} ps



  • 如何找到商品合适的价格区间,确定 l s l_{s} ls h s h_{s} hs 的取值
  • 如何选择出能使总利润最大化的不同商品的最佳价格,求解出能使 ∑ s ∈ S ( p s − c s ) × q s \sum_{s \in S} (p_{s}-c_{s})\times q_{s} sS(pscs)×qs 最大化的 p s p_{s} ps


02 数学建模

1) l s l_{s} ls h s h_{s} hs 的确定

l s l_{s} ls h s h_{s} hs 的取值可以根据历史数据统计得出,我们这里通过取商品原价、售价和成本价的历史最小最大值得到。即:
l s = min ⁡ ( . . . , o s t , p s t , c s t , . . . )     ( 4 ) l_{s} = \min(...,o_{st},p_{st},c_{st},... ) \space\space\space (4) ls=min(...,ost,pst,cst,...)   (4)
h s = max ⁡ ( . . . , o s t , p s t , c s t , . . . )     ( 5 ) h_{s} = \max(...,o_{st},p_{st},c_{st},... ) \space\space\space (5) hs=max(...,ost,pst,cst,...)   (5)
上式中, t t t 表示历史第 t t t 天, o s t / p s t / c s t o_{st}/p_{st}/c_{st} ost/pst/cst 分别表示商品 s s s 历史第 t t t 天的原价、售价、成本价。


促销定价的决策模型通常有两类建模方式,分别为带有指数二次项的凸优化模型和 0-1 整数规划模型。


q s = e x p ( e s ∗ p s + b s )     ( 6 ) q_{s} = exp(e_{s} * p_{s} + b_{s}) \space\space\space (6) qs=exp(esps+bs)   (6)
式(1)表示商品 s s s 的价格 p s p_{s} ps 和销量 q s q_{s} qs 之间的关系, e s e_{s} es 表示价格弹性, b s b_{s} bs 表示回归偏置项。

max ⁡ ∑ s ∈ S ( p s − c s ) × e x p ( e s ∗ p s + b s )     ( 7 ) \max \sum_{s \in S} (p_{s}-c_{s})\times exp(e_{s} * p_{s} + b_{s}) \space\space\space (7) maxsS(pscs)×exp(esps+bs)   (7)
l s ≤ p s ≤ h s     ∀ s ∈ S     ( 3 ) l_{s} \leq p_{s} \leq h_{s} \space\space\space \forall s \in S \space\space\space (3) lspshs   sS   (3)

其中, p s p_{s} ps 为连续型决策变量,其余项均为已知常量;式(7)表示我们决策的目标函数,即利润最大化。可以发现,上述模型是一个含有指数二次项 p s × e x p ( e s ∗ p s + b s ) p_{s}\times exp(e_{s} * p_{s} + b_{s}) ps×exp(esps+bs) 的凸优化问题,模型比较简单,可直接求得解析解。

方案二:0-1 整数规划模型

除方案一外,也可以将商品价格 p s p_{s} ps 离散化为可选价格集合 P s = [ p s 1 , p s 2 , . . . , p s n ] P_{s} = [p_{s_{1}},p_{s_{2}},...,p_{s_{n}}] Ps=[ps1,ps2,...,psn],用(4)计算出对应的预测销量集合 Q s = [ q s 1 , q s 2 , . . . , q s n ] Q_{s} = [q_{s_{1}},q_{s_{2}},...,q_{s_{n}}] Qs=[qs1,qs2,...,qsn],用 r s i = p s i − c s r_{si} = p_{si}-c_{s} rsi=psics 表示商品价格 s s s 定价为 p s i p_{s_{i}} psi 时所产生的的单个商品利润。然后建立如下模型:
max ⁡ ∑ s ∈ S ∑ i ∈ P s r s i × q s i × x s i     ( 8 ) \max \sum_{s \in S}\sum_{i \in P_{s}} r_{si} \times q_{si} \times x_{si} \space\space\space (8) maxsSiPsrsi×qsi×xsi   (8)
∑ i ∈ P s x s i = 1     ∀ s ∈ S     ( 9 ) \sum_{i \in P_{s}}x_{si}=1 \space\space\space \forall s \in S \space\space\space (9) iPsxsi=1   sS   (9)
x s i ∈ { 0 , 1 }     ∀ s ∈ S , ∀ i ∈ P s     ( 10 ) x_{si} \in \{0,1\} \space\space\space \forall s \in S, \forall i \in P_{s} \space\space\space (10) xsi{0,1}   sS,iPs   (10)
其中, x s i x_{si} xsi 为 0-1 决策变量,表示商品 s s s 的第 i i i 个备选价格 p s i p_{si} psi 是否被选中;式(8)表示利润最大化的决策目标;式(9)表示每个商品 s s s 只能制定一个价格。可以发现,上述模型是一个 0-1 整数规划模型。

分析实际业务,我们发现:促销商品的价格基本是以 58、66、68、88、98、99 等吉利数字结尾。显然,方案二更适合于实际业务。 因此,我们采用方案二的建模方式求解促销定价问题。



  • 本次促销需要保证总利润率(总利润/总成本)在 20%-30%之间;

  • 同时用生鲜品进行引流,保证:

    • 蔬菜类商品 S v S_{v} Sv 平均折扣率不低于 30%;
    • 国产水果类商品 S f S_{f} Sf 平均折扣率不低于 20%;
    • 猪肉类商品 S p S_{p} Sp 平均折扣率不低于 10%;

我们将如上约束转化为数学语言。定义 d s i = o s − p s i o s d_{si}=\frac {o_{s}-p_{si}}{o_{s}} dsi=osospsi 表示商品 s s s 定价 p s i p_{si} psi 时的折扣率。则数学公式可表示为:

0.2 ≤ ∑ s ∈ S ∑ i ∈ P s r s i × q s i × x s i ∑ s ∈ S ∑ i ∈ P s c s × q s i × x s i ≤ 0.3     ( 11 ) 0.2 \le \frac {\sum_{s \in S}\sum_{i \in P_{s}} r_{si} \times q_{si} \times x_{si}} {\sum_{s \in S}\sum_{i \in P_{s}} c_{s} \times q_{si} \times x_{si}} \le 0.3 \space\space\space (11) 0.2sSiPscs×qsi×xsisSiPsrsi×qsi×xsi0.3   (11)
∑ s ∈ S v ∑ i ∈ P s d s i × x s i ∑ s ∈ S v ∑ i ∈ P s x s i ≥ 0.3     ( 12 ) \frac {\sum_{s \in S_{v}}\sum_{i \in P_{s}}d_{si} \times x_{si}} {\sum_{s \in S_{v}}\sum_{i \in P_{s}}x_{si}} \ge 0.3 \space\space\space(12) sSviPsxsisSviPsdsi×xsi0.3   (12)
∑ s ∈ S f ∑ i ∈ P s d s i × x s i ∑ s ∈ S f ∑ i ∈ P s x s i ≥ 0.2     ( 13 ) \frac {\sum_{s \in S_{f}}\sum_{i \in P_{s}}d_{si} \times x_{si}} {\sum_{s \in S_{f}}\sum_{i \in P_{s}}x_{si}} \ge 0.2 \space\space\space(13) sSfiPsxsisSfiPsdsi×xsi0.2   (13)
∑ s ∈ S p ∑ i ∈ P s d s i × x s i ∑ s ∈ S p ∑ i ∈ P s x s i ≥ 0.1     ( 14 ) \frac {\sum_{s \in S_{p}}\sum_{i \in P_{s}}d_{si} \times x_{si}} {\sum_{s \in S_{p}}\sum_{i \in P_{s}}x_{si}} \ge 0.1 \space\space\space(14) sSpiPsxsisSpiPsdsi×xsi0.1   (14)
上述公式中:式(11)表示总利润率在 20%-30%之间,分子表示总利润,分母表示总成本;式(12)(13)(14)分别表示蔬菜/国产水果/猪肉类商品平均折扣率不低于 30%/20%/10%,分子表示该类商品的折扣率之和,分母表示该类商品的商品数量。


我们合并 2)、3)节内容,形成最终模型。由于引入式(11)(12)(13)(14)业务约束,模型可能无解并且存在非线性项不利于模型求解。因此,我们引入松弛变量保证模型可解;同时对模型进行不等式变换消除非线性项。


分别引入 α 1 , α 2 , β v , β f , β p \alpha_{1},\alpha_{2},\beta_{v},\beta_{f},\beta_{p} α1,α2,βv,βf,βp 松弛变量。
0.2 ≤ α 1 + ∑ s ∈ S ∑ i ∈ P s r s i × q s i × x s i ∑ s ∈ S ∑ i ∈ P s c s × q s i × x s i − α 2 ≤ 0.3     ( 15 ) 0.2 \le \alpha_{1} + \frac {\sum_{s \in S}\sum_{i \in P_{s}} r_{si} \times q_{si} \times x_{si}} {\sum_{s \in S}\sum_{i \in P_{s}} c_{s} \times q_{si} \times x_{si}} - \alpha_{2} \le 0.3 \space\space\space (15) 0.2α1+sSiPscs×qsi×xsisSiPsrsi×qsi×xsiα20.3   (15)
∑ s ∈ S v ∑ i ∈ P s d s i × x s i ∑ s ∈ S v ∑ i ∈ P s x s i + β v ≥ 0.3     ( 16 ) \frac {\sum_{s \in S_{v}}\sum_{i \in P_{s}}d_{si} \times x_{si}} {\sum_{s \in S_{v}}\sum_{i \in P_{s}}x_{si}} + \beta_{v} \ge 0.3 \space\space\space(16) sSviPsxsisSviPsdsi×xsi+βv0.3   (16)
∑ s ∈ S f ∑ i ∈ P s d s i × x s i ∑ s ∈ S f ∑ i ∈ P s x s i + β f ≥ 0.2     ( 17 ) \frac {\sum_{s \in S_{f}}\sum_{i \in P_{s}}d_{si} \times x_{si}} {\sum_{s \in S_{f}}\sum_{i \in P_{s}}x_{si}} + \beta_{f} \ge 0.2 \space\space\space(17) sSfiPsxsisSfiPsdsi×xsi+βf0.2   (17)
∑ s ∈ S p ∑ i ∈ P s d s i × x s i ∑ s ∈ S p ∑ i ∈ P s x s i + β p ≥ 0.1     ( 18 ) \frac {\sum_{s \in S_{p}}\sum_{i \in P_{s}}d_{si} \times x_{si}} {\sum_{s \in S_{p}}\sum_{i \in P_{s}}x_{si}} + \beta_{p} \ge 0.1 \space\space\space(18) sSpiPsxsisSpiPsdsi×xsi+βp0.1   (18)
α 1 , α 2 , β v , β f , β p ≥ 0     ( 19 ) \alpha_{1},\alpha_{2},\beta_{v},\beta_{f},\beta_{p} \ge 0 \space\space\space(19) α1,α2,βv,βf,βp0   (19)


由于式(9)(10)(11)(12)的分母恒大于 0,因此将分母移到不等式的另一边不等式符号不改变。以式(14)为例,等价于:
∑ s ∈ S v ∑ i ∈ P s d s i × x s i + β v × ∑ s ∈ S v ∑ i ∈ P s x s i ≥ 0.3 × ∑ s ∈ S v ∑ i ∈ P s x s i     ( 20 ) \sum_{s \in S_{v}}\sum_{i \in P_{s}}d_{si} \times x_{si} + \beta_{v} \times\sum_{s \in S_{v}}\sum_{i \in P_{s}}x_{si} \ge 0.3 \times \sum_{s \in S_{v}}\sum_{i \in P_{s}}x_{si} \space\space\space(20) sSviPsdsi×xsi+βv×sSviPsxsi0.3×sSviPsxsi   (20)

又因为, β v \beta_{v} βv 为松弛变量,且 ≥ 0 \ge 0 0。所以,可将 β v × ∑ s ∈ S v ∑ i ∈ P s x s i \beta_{v} \times\sum_{s \in S_{v}}\sum_{i \in P_{s}}x_{si} βv×sSviPsxsi 等价为 β v \beta_{v} βv。因此,不等式可转化为:
∑ s ∈ S v ∑ i ∈ P s d s i × x s i + β v ≥ 0.3 × ∑ s ∈ S v ∑ i ∈ P s x s i     ( 21 ) \sum_{s \in S_{v}}\sum_{i \in P_{s}}d_{si} \times x_{si} + \beta_{v} \ge 0.3 \times \sum_{s \in S_{v}}\sum_{i \in P_{s}}x_{si} \space\space\space(21) sSviPsdsi×xsi+βv0.3×sSviPsxsi   (21)


∑ s ∈ S v ∑ i ∈ P s ( d s i − 0.3 ) × x s i + β v ≥ 0     ( 22 ) \sum_{s \in S_{v}}\sum_{i \in P_{s}}(d_{si} -0.3) \times x_{si} + \beta_{v} \ge 0 \space\space\space(22) sSviPs(dsi0.3)×xsi+βv0   (22)


max ⁡ ∑ s ∈ S ∑ i ∈ P s r s i × q s i × x s i − M × ( α 1 + α 2 + β v + β f + β p )     ( 23 ) \max \sum_{s \in S}\sum_{i \in P_{s}} r_{si} \times q_{si} \times x_{si} - M \times(\alpha_{1}+\alpha_{2}+\beta_{v}+\beta_{f}+\beta_{p}) \space\space\space (23) maxsSiPsrsi×qsi×xsiM×(α1+α2+βv+βf+βp)   (23)
∑ i ∈ P s x s i = 1     ∀ s ∈ S     ( 9 ) \sum_{i \in P_{s}}x_{si}=1 \space\space\space \forall s \in S \space\space\space (9) iPsxsi=1   sS   (9)

∑ s ∈ S ∑ i ∈ P s ( r s i − 0.3 × c s ) × q s i × x s i + α 1 ≤ 0     ( 24 ) \sum_{s \in S}\sum_{i \in P_{s}} (r_{si}-0.3 \times c_{s}) \times q_{si} \times x_{si} + \alpha_{1} \le 0 \space\space\space (24) sSiPs(rsi0.3×cs)×qsi×xsi+α10   (24)
∑ s ∈ S ∑ i ∈ P s ( r s i − 0.2 × c s ) × q s i × x s i + α 2 ≥ 0     ( 25 ) \sum_{s \in S}\sum_{i \in P_{s}} (r_{si}-0.2 \times c_{s}) \times q_{si} \times x_{si} + \alpha_{2} \ge 0 \space\space\space (25) sSiPs(rsi0.2×cs)×qsi×xsi+α20   (25)
∑ s ∈ S v ∑ i ∈ P s ( d s i − 0.3 ) × x s i + β v ≥ 0     ( 22 ) \sum_{s \in S_{v}}\sum_{i \in P_{s}}(d_{si} -0.3) \times x_{si} + \beta_{v} \ge 0 \space\space\space(22) sSviPs(dsi0.3)×xsi+βv0   (22)
∑ s ∈ S f ∑ i ∈ P s ( d s i − 0.2 ) × x s i + β f ≥ 0     ( 26 ) \sum_{s \in S_{f}}\sum_{i \in P_{s}}(d_{si} -0.2) \times x_{si} + \beta_{f} \ge 0 \space\space\space(26) sSfiPs(dsi0.2)×xsi+βf0   (26)
∑ s ∈ S p ∑ i ∈ P s ( d s i − 0.1 ) × x s i + β p ≥ 0     ( 27 ) \sum_{s \in S_{p}}\sum_{i \in P_{s}}(d_{si} -0.1) \times x_{si} + \beta_{p} \ge 0 \space\space\space(27) sSpiPs(dsi0.1)×xsi+βp0   (27)
x s i ∈ { 0 , 1 }     ∀ s ∈ S , ∀ i ∈ P s     ( 10 ) x_{si} \in \{0,1\} \space\space\space \forall s \in S, \forall i \in P_{s} \space\space\space (10) xsi{0,1}   sS,iPs   (10)
α 1 , α 2 , β v , β f , β p ≥ 0     ( 19 ) \alpha_{1},\alpha_{2},\beta_{v},\beta_{f},\beta_{p} \ge 0 \space\space\space(19) α1,α2,βv,βf,βp0   (19)
其中, M M M 为极大地数,以便松弛变量尽可能取 0,及所有业务约束均被满足。

03 代码实现


# 制作每个sku的价格备选集合
prc_sale_cnt_sample = []
for row_id, sku in sku_cst_rhs_df.iterrows():
    for int_prc in range(int(sku.prc_lower), int(sku.prc_upper) + 1, 1):
        deci_prc_list = [0.58, 0.66, 0.68, 0.88, 0.98, 0.99]
        for deci_prc in deci_prc_list:
            prc = int_prc + deci_prc
            if sku.prc_lower < prc < sku.prc_upper:
                prc_sale_cnt_sample.append([sku.sku_id, sku.sku_name, sku.cate1_name, sku.cate2_name, sku.cate3_id, sku.cate3_name, sku.label, prc, sku.cost_prc_max, sku.ori_prc_max])
    # 添加成本价与原价(标签价)
    prc_sale_cnt_sample.append([sku.sku_id, sku.sku_name, sku.cate1_name, sku.cate2_name, sku.cate3_id, sku.cate3_name, sku.label, sku.prc_lower, sku.cost_prc_max, sku.ori_prc_max])
    prc_sale_cnt_sample.append([sku.sku_id, sku.sku_name, sku.cate1_name, sku.cate2_name, sku.cate3_id, sku.cate3_name, sku.label, sku.prc_upper, sku.cost_prc_max, sku.ori_prc_max])


prc_sale_cnt_df['sale_prc_lg'] =  np.log(prc_sale_cnt_df['sale_prc'])
prc_sale_cnt_df['sale_cnt_hat'] = prc_sale_cnt_df.apply(func=predict_sku, axis=1)
prc_sale_cnt_df['sale_cnt_hat'] = prc_sale_cnt_df['sale_cnt_hat'].round(0)

3)ORTools 建模与 SCIP 求解

创建 solver
from ortools.linear_solver import pywraplp

mp_solver = pywraplp.Solver.CreateSolver('SCIP')
inf = mp_solver.infinity()
M = 1e7
tol = 1e-3
profit_ratio_lower = 0.2 + tol
profit_ratio_upper = 0.3 - tol
vegetable_min_discount_ratio = 0.3 + tol
fruit_min_discount_ratio = 0.2 + tol
pork_min_discount_ratio = 0.1 + tol
vegetable_c2 = '蔬菜'
fruit_c2 = '国产水果'
pork_c2 = '猪肉'
sku_x_dict = defaultdict(list)
x_dict = {}
vegetable_x_dict = {}
fruit_x_dict = {}
pork_x_dict = {}

# 决策变量
for row_id, sku_prc in prc_sale_cnt_df.iterrows():
    x_key = '{}_{}'.format(sku_prc.sku_id, sku_prc.sale_prc)
    x = mp_solver.NumVar(0, 1, name=x_key)
    c = sku_prc.unit_profit * sku_prc.sale_cnt_hat
    x_dict[x_key] = (x, c, sku_prc)
    if sku_prc.cate2_name == vegetable_c2:
        vegetable_x_dict[x_key] = (x, c, sku_prc)
    if sku_prc.cate2_name == fruit_c2:
        fruit_x_dict[x_key] = (x, c, sku_prc)
    if sku_prc.cate2_name == pork_c2:
        pork_x_dict[x_key] = (x, c, sku_prc)

# 松弛变量
profit_ratio_lower_slack = mp_solver.NumVar(0, inf, name='profit_ratio_lower_slack')
profit_ratio_upper_slack = mp_solver.NumVar(0, inf, name='profit_ratio_upper_slack')
vegetable_discount_ratio_lower_slack = mp_solver.NumVar(0, inf, name='vegetable_discount_ratio_lower_slack')
fruit_discount_ratio_lower_slack = mp_solver.NumVar(0, inf, name='fruit_discount_ratio_lower_slack')
pork_discount_ratio_lower_slack = mp_solver.NumVar(0, inf, name='pork_discount_ratio_lower_slack')
st_dict = {}
st_list = []
# 每个sku只能选1个价格
for sku, xs in sku_x_dict.items():
    st = mp_solver.Constraint(1,1, str(sku))
    for x in xs:
        st.SetCoefficient(x, 1)
    st_dict[sku] = st

# 总利润率>=0.2
# sum(利润)  >= 0.2*sum(成本) ->  sum(利润) - 0.2*sum(成本) + slack >= 0
st = mp_solver.Constraint(0, inf, 'profit_ratio_lower_st')
for _, x_obj in x_dict.items():
    x, sku_prc = x_obj[0], x_obj[2]
    a = (sku_prc.unit_profit - profit_ratio_lower * sku_prc.cost_prc)* sku_prc.sale_cnt_hat
    st.SetCoefficient(x, a)
st.SetCoefficient(profit_ratio_lower_slack, 1)
st_dict['profit_ratio_lower_st'] = st

# 总利润率<=0.3
# sum(利润) <= 0.3*sum(成本) ->  sum(利润) - 0.3*sum(成本) - slack <= 0
st = mp_solver.Constraint(-inf, 0, 'profit_ratio_upper_st')
for _, x_obj in x_dict.items():
    x, sku_prc = x_obj[0], x_obj[2]
    a = (sku_prc.unit_profit - profit_ratio_upper * sku_prc.cost_prc)* sku_prc.sale_cnt_hat
    st.SetCoefficient(x, a)
st.SetCoefficient(profit_ratio_upper_slack, -1)
st_dict['profit_ratio_upper_st'] = st

# sum(折扣率) / sum(sku数) >= 最低折扣率  ->  sum(折扣率) -最低折扣率 * sum(sku数) + slack >= 0
# 蔬菜
st = mp_solver.Constraint(0, inf, 'vegetable_discount_ratio_lower_st')
for  _, x_obj in vegetable_x_dict.items():
    x, sku_prc = x_obj[0], x_obj[2]
    a = (sku_prc.discount_ratio - vegetable_min_discount_ratio * 1)
    st.SetCoefficient(x, a)
st.SetCoefficient(vegetable_discount_ratio_lower_slack, 1)
st_dict['vegetable_discount_ratio_lower_st'] = st

# 国产水果
st = mp_solver.Constraint(0, inf, 'fruit_discount_ratio_lower_st')
for  _, x_obj in fruit_x_dict.items():
    x, sku_prc = x_obj[0], x_obj[2]
    a = (sku_prc.discount_ratio - fruit_min_discount_ratio * 1)
    st.SetCoefficient(x, a)
st.SetCoefficient(fruit_discount_ratio_lower_slack, 1)
st_dict['fruit_discount_ratio_lower_st'] = st

# 猪肉
st = mp_solver.Constraint(0, inf, 'pork_discount_ratio_lower_st')
for  _, x_obj in pork_x_dict.items():
    x, sku_prc = x_obj[0], x_obj[2]
    a = (sku_prc.discount_ratio - pork_min_discount_ratio * 1)
    st.SetCoefficient(x, a)
st.SetCoefficient(pork_discount_ratio_lower_slack, 1)
st_dict['pork_discount_ratio_lower_st'] = st
# 目标
objective = mp_solver.Objective()
for _, x_obj in x_dict.items():
    x, c = x_obj[0], x_obj[1]
    objective.SetCoefficient(x, c)
objective.SetCoefficient(profit_ratio_lower_slack, -M)
objective.SetCoefficient(profit_ratio_upper_slack, -M)
objective.SetCoefficient(vegetable_discount_ratio_lower_slack, -M)
objective.SetCoefficient(fruit_discount_ratio_lower_slack, -M)
objective.SetCoefficient(pork_discount_ratio_lower_slack, -M)
 # 求解
f = open('./mp.lp', 'w')
# f.write(mp_solver.ExportModelAsLpFormat(False))

mp_solver.EnableOutput() # 开启log
# mp_solver.SuppressOutput()
mp_solver.SetTimeLimit(1000 * 1 * 300) # ms
param = pywraplp.MPSolverParameters()
param.PRESOLVE_ON = 1
param.RELATIVE_MIP_GAP = 0.0
status = mp_solver.Solve(param)

求解 log 如下:

(round 1, fast)       18 del vars, 6 del conss, 0 add conss, 0 chg bounds, 0 chg sides, 0 chg coeffs, 0 upgd conss, 0 impls, 0 clqs
(round 2, fast)       18 del vars, 6 del conss, 0 add conss, 0 chg bounds, 12 chg sides, 0 chg coeffs, 0 upgd conss, 0 impls, 0 clqs
(round 3, fast)       218 del vars, 8 del conss, 0 add conss, 0 chg bounds, 12 chg sides, 0 chg coeffs, 0 upgd conss, 0 impls, 0 clqs
(round 4, exhaustive) 4178 del vars, 8 del conss, 0 add conss, 5 chg bounds, 12 chg sides, 0 chg coeffs, 0 upgd conss, 0 impls, 0 clqs
   Deactivated symmetry handling methods, since SCIP was built without symmetry detector (SYM=none).
presolving (5 rounds: 5 fast, 2 medium, 2 exhaustive):
 4178 deleted vars, 8 deleted constraints, 0 added constraints, 8 tightened bounds, 0 added holes, 12 changed sides, 0 changed coefficients
 0 implications, 0 cliques
presolved problem has 185999 variables (0 bin, 0 int, 0 impl, 185999 cont) and 3184 constraints
   3184 constraints of type <linear>
Presolving Time: 9.00

 time | node  | left  |LP iter|LP it/n|mem/heur|mdpt |vars |cons |rows |cuts |sepa|confs|strbr|  dualbound   | primalbound  |  gap   | compl.
*24.0s|     1 |     0 | 44153 |     - |    LP  |   0 | 185k|3184 |3184 |   0 |  0 |   0 |   0 | 3.694357e+04 | 3.694357e+04 |   0.00%| unknown
 24.0s|     1 |     0 | 44153 |     - |   851M |   0 | 185k|3184 |3184 |   0 |  0 |   0 |   0 | 3.694357e+04 | 3.694357e+04 |   0.00%| unknown

SCIP Status        : problem is solved [optimal solution found]
Solving Time (sec) : 24.00
Solving Nodes      : 1
Primal Bound       : +3.69435660720141e+04 (1 solutions)
Dual Bound         : +3.69435660720141e+04
Gap                : 0.00 %
[I 21:09:48.234 NotebookApp] Saving file at /4.model_algorithm_elasticity.ipynb
[I 21:11:47.859 NotebookApp] Saving file at /4.model_algorithm_elasticity.ipynb
[I 21:13:48.244 NotebookApp] Saving file at /4.model_algorithm_elasticity.ipynb
[I 21:15:44.505 NotebookApp] Saving file at /4.model_algorithm_elasticity.ipynb
[I 21:15:48.779 NotebookApp] Starting buffering for b14080f5-0663-41c6-b4f6-ac64dcade9f1:9a94821c2c27446a9b8551c893a4613f
[I 21:15:50.912 NotebookApp] Kernel restarted: b14080f5-0663-41c6-b4f6-ac64dcade9f1
[I 21:15:51.976 NotebookApp] Restoring connection for b14080f5-0663-41c6-b4f6-ac64dcade9f1:9a94821c2c27446a9b8551c893a4613f
[I 21:15:51.976 NotebookApp] Replaying 3 buffered messages
[I 21:17:54.218 NotebookApp] Saving file at /4.model_algorithm_elasticity.ipynb
(round 1, fast)       18 del vars, 6 del conss, 0 add conss, 0 chg bounds, 0 chg sides, 0 chg coeffs, 0 upgd conss, 0 impls, 0 clqs
(round 2, fast)       18 del vars, 6 del conss, 0 add conss, 0 chg bounds, 12 chg sides, 0 chg coeffs, 0 upgd conss, 0 impls, 0 clqs
(round 3, fast)       218 del vars, 8 del conss, 0 add conss, 0 chg bounds, 12 chg sides, 0 chg coeffs, 0 upgd conss, 0 impls, 0 clqs
(round 4, exhaustive) 4178 del vars, 8 del conss, 0 add conss, 5 chg bounds, 12 chg sides, 0 chg coeffs, 0 upgd conss, 0 impls, 0 clqs
   Deactivated symmetry handling methods, since SCIP was built without symmetry detector (SYM=none).
presolving (5 rounds: 5 fast, 2 medium, 2 exhaustive):
 4178 deleted vars, 8 deleted constraints, 0 added constraints, 8 tightened bounds, 0 added holes, 12 changed sides, 0 changed coefficients
 0 implications, 0 cliques
presolved problem has 185999 variables (0 bin, 0 int, 0 impl, 185999 cont) and 3184 constraints
   3184 constraints of type <linear>
Presolving Time: 10.00

 time | node  | left  |LP iter|LP it/n|mem/heur|mdpt |vars |cons |rows |cuts |sepa|confs|strbr|  dualbound   | primalbound  |  gap   | compl.
*28.0s|     1 |     0 | 44372 |     - |    LP  |   0 | 185k|3184 |3184 |   0 |  0 |   0 |   0 | 3.694604e+04 | 3.694604e+04 |   0.00%| unknown
 28.0s|     1 |     0 | 44372 |     - |   851M |   0 | 185k|3184 |3184 |   0 |  0 |   0 |   0 | 3.694604e+04 | 3.694604e+04 |   0.00%| unknown

SCIP Status        : problem is solved [optimal solution found]
Solving Time (sec) : 28.00
Solving Nodes      : 1
Primal Bound       : +3.69460373439469e+04 (1 solutions)
Dual Bound         : +3.69460373439469e+04
Gap                : 0.00 %

# 结果统计
sol_df['profit'] = sol_df['unit_profit'] * sol_df['sale_cnt_hat']
sol_df['cost'] = sol_df['cost_prc'] * sol_df['sale_cnt_hat']
sol_df['gmv'] = sol_df['sale_prc'] * sol_df['sale_cnt_hat']
sol_df['discount'] = sol_df['unit_profit'] * sol_df['sale_cnt_hat']
sol_df['ori_gmv'] = sol_df['ori_prc'] * sol_df['sale_cnt_hat']
profit = sol_df['profit'].sum()
cost = sol_df['cost'].sum()
gmv = sol_df['gmv'].sum()
discount_ratio = sol_df['discount_ratio'].mean()
vegetable_df = sol_df[(sol_df['cate2_name'] == vegetable_c2)]
fruit_df = sol_df[(sol_df['cate2_name'] == fruit_c2)]
pork_df = sol_df[(sol_df['cate2_name'] == pork_c2)]

print('最优解状态:', status)
print('总利润率:{}'.format(profit / cost))
print('蔬菜利润率:{}'.format(vegetable_df['profit'].sum() / vegetable_df['cost'].sum()))
print('国产水果利润率:{}'.format(fruit_df['profit'].sum() / fruit_df['cost'].sum()))
print('猪肉利润率:{}'.format(pork_df['profit'].sum() / pork_df['cost'].sum()))
最优解状态: 0
总利润: 36880.27
总成本: 123319.58
总营收: 160199.84999999998

我们发现:模型求得了最优解,所有业务约束均被满足。 这说明了:精细化定价可以保证商家的利润,同时也能让消费者买到低价的商品,实现双赢。


04 本期小结






05 下期预告


我们是**【运筹匠心】** ,咱们下期见~~~

  1. Hua J, Yan L, Xu H,et al. Markdowns in E-Commerce Fresh Retail: A Counterfactual Prediction and Multi-Period Optimization Approach[J]. arxiv, 2021.(https://arxiv.org/pdf/2105.08313.pdf)
  2. Kui Zhao, Junhao Hua, Ling Yan, et al. A Unified Framework for Marketing Budget Allocation[J]. arxiv, 20.(https://arxiv.org/pdf/1902.01128.pdf)
  3. 用相关系数进行Kmeans聚类,利用利润率、打折率、销售额、毛利润得到商品价格弹性标签,建立价格折扣力度模型(https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_45934622/article/details/114382037)
  4. 2019全国大学生数学建模竞赛讲评:“薄利多销”分析(https://dxs.moe.gov.cn/zx/a/hd_sxjm_sxjmstjp_2019sxjmstjp/210604/1699445.shtml)
  5. 策略算法工程师之路-基于线性规划的简单价格优化模型(https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/145192690)
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