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原创 【PAT】1001 A+B Format

ProblemCalculate a+b and output the sum in standard format – that is, the digits must be separated into groups of three by commas (unless there are less than four digits).Input Specification:Each i...

2020-01-25 15:20:23 191

原创 【MOOC学习笔记】面向对象程序设计——JAVA


2020-01-03 20:10:46 317

原创 【学习笔记:操作系统】Chapter 4:线程


2020-01-03 20:10:21 243

原创 【学习笔记:计算机网络】Chapter 2:The Physical Layer

数据通信的理论基础傅里叶分析任何一个行为合理周期为T的函数g(T),都可以表示为用正弦函数和余弦函数组成的无穷级数:g(t)=12c+∑n=1∞ansin(2πnft)+∑n=1∞bncos(2πnft)g(t) = \frac{1}{2}c+\sum^{\infin}_{n=1}a_nsin(2\pi nft)+\sum^{\infin}_{n=1}b_ncos(2\pi nft)g(...

2019-11-06 21:44:29 414

原创 【学习笔记:操作系统】Chapter 1: Introduction

一、计算机系统组织Save and load can’t be done without CPUDirect memory access(DMA) can be done without CPUI/O可与CPU同时运行每个设备控制器负责特定的设备类型。每个设备控制器都有本地缓冲区。CPU将数据从/向主存储器移入/移出本地缓冲区I/O是从设备到控制器的本地缓冲区。设备控制器通过引...

2019-10-04 23:02:46 234

原创 【MOOC学习笔记】零基础学Java语言

输出:System.out.println("hello world");输入:import java.util.Scanner;public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Scanner in = new Scanner(Syst...

2019-09-25 22:44:26 215

原创 【学习笔记:计算机体系结构】Chapter1:量化设计与分析基础

五种计算机:个人移动设备(PMD)桌面计算(Desktop)服务器(Server)集群/仓库级计算机(Cluster/WSC)嵌入式计算机(Embedded computer)并行方式:数据级并行(DLP):可以同时操作许多数据项任务级并行(TLP):创建一些能够单独处理但是大量采用并行方式执行的工作任务开发应用并行的方式:指令级并行(ILP)向量体系结构和图形处理...

2019-09-22 21:48:20 406

原创 【学习笔记:操作系统】Chapter 3: Processes

进程(process):执行中的程序(=jobs=tasks)进程可以包括:文本段(text section)/代码段(code)、程序计数器(program counter)、堆栈段(stack: function parameters, local vars, return addresses)、数据段(data section: global vars)、堆(heap: malloc sy...

2019-09-20 13:21:20 434

原创 【学习笔记:操作系统】Chapter 2: Operating System Structures

一、操作系统服务操作系统提供用以执行程序的环境,为程序和用户提供一定服务。对用户很有用的函数:用户界面(user interface, UI)两种基本方法:1.提供命令行界面(CLI)或命令中断,允许用户直接输入通过操作系统完成的命令2.允许用户通过图形用户界面(GUI)与操作系统交互程序执行I/O操作文件系统操作通信错误检测确保系统本身高效运行的函数:资源分配C...

2019-09-19 19:21:24 308

原创 【学习笔记:计算机网络】Chapter 1. Introduction

计算机网络功能:资源共享(首要)、通讯模型:client-server model(c-s) 客户服务器模型peer-to-peer(p2p) 对等通讯Some forms of e-commerce:移动(mobile):在不同位置使用同一IDLAN(Local Area Network):局域网WAN(Wide Area Network):广域网MAN(Metrop...

2019-09-15 23:20:59 397

原创 Lecture 06. Relational database design

First Normal FormatomicFunctional dependenciesThe functional dependency α → β holds on R if and only if for any legal relations r®, whenever any two tuples t1 and t2 of r agree on the attributes α...

2019-06-30 08:45:26 298

原创 Lecture 05. E-R model

keysE-R DiagramRectangles represent entity sets.Diamonds represent relationship sets.Lines link attributes to entity sets and entity sets to relationship sets.Ellipses represent attributes.Dou...

2019-06-29 22:56:47 341

原创 Lecture 04.Advanced SQL

Advanced SQLIntegrity Constraintnot null (主码不可为空)uniquecheck ( <predicate> )CREATE table branch2(branch_name varchar(30) primary key, branch_city varchar(30), ...

2019-06-29 22:44:32 409

原创 Lecture 03. SQL

Domain Types in SQLchar(n): Fixed length character string, with user-specified length.varchar(n): Variable length character strings, with user-specified maximum length n.int: Integer (a finit...

2019-06-29 19:35:11 248

原创 External sorting

number of passes: 1+⌈log2(N/M)⌉1+ \lceil log_2 (N/M) \rceil1+⌈log2​(N/M)⌉seek time: O(number of passes)a k-way mergenumber of passes: 1+⌈logk(N/M)⌉1+ \lceil log_k (N/M) \rceil1+⌈logk​(N/M)⌉require...

2019-06-27 16:15:26 619

原创 Parallel Algorithm

Parallel Random Access Machine (PRAM)EREW PRAM模型(Exclusive-Read Exclusive-Write)。每次只允许一台处理机读或写某一共享单元内容。CREW PRAM模型(Concurrent-Read Exclusive-Write)。每次可允许多台处理机同时读同一个共享单元内容,但每次只允许一台处理机向某个共享单元写内容。ERC...

2019-06-27 16:09:50 1075 1

原创 Randomized Algorithm

Hiring problemsExercises

2019-06-27 14:07:57 1143

原创 Lecture 11. Query Processing

Meaturing of query costtTt_TtT​ – time to transfer one block. (≈ 0.1ms)tSt_StS​ – time for one seek. (≈ 4ms)Cost for b block transfers plus S seeks : b∗tT+S∗tSb* t_T + S* t_Sb∗tT​+S∗tS​External ...

2019-06-27 13:32:30 672

原创 Local Search

2019-06-26 16:17:34 1940

原创 Approximation

Approximation ratio【Definition】 An algorithm has an approximation ratio of ρ\rhoρ(n) if, for any input of size n, the cost C of the solution produced by the algorithm is within a factor of ρ\rhoρ (n...

2019-06-26 15:35:04 2688

原创 Time Complexity

Time ComplexityBSTAVLSplayRB-treeB+ tree(M)SearchO(n)O(logn)O(logn)O(logn)O(logM/2n)O(log_{M/2}n)O(logM/2​n)InsertO(n)O(logn)O(logn)O(logn)O(MlogMlogn)O(\frac{M}{logM}logn)O...

2019-06-26 10:55:48 372

原创 NP-Completeness


2019-06-26 10:54:28 1600

原创 Greedy Algorithm

Greedy algorithm works only if the local optimum is equal to the global optimum.活动选择问题Consider any nonempty subproblem SkS_kSk​, and let am be an activity in SkS_kSk​ with the earliest finish time....

2019-06-26 09:11:56 1247

原创 Dynamic programming

Ordering matrix multiplicationcode/* r contains number of columns for each of the N matrices */ /* r[ 0 ] is the number of rows in matrix 1 */ /* Minimum number of multiplications is left in M[ 1...

2019-06-26 08:49:32 199

原创 Divide & Conquer

Master theoremsubstitution methodrecursion tree methodmaster methodExercisesWhich one of the following is the lowest upper bound of T(n) for the following recursion T(n)=2T(n)+lognT(n)=2T(\s...

2019-06-25 17:35:32 683

原创 Binomial Queue

Time complexityFind min: O(logN)Merge: O(logN)Insert: average time is const, worst case is O(N)A binomial queue of N elements can be built by N successive insertions in O(N) time.Tworst=O(logN),T...

2019-06-25 16:16:19 730

原创 Skew Heap


2019-06-25 15:22:02 854

原创 Leftist Heap

二叉堆的合并需要耗费O(N)的代价,而leftist heap只需O(logN)[Definition]Npl (X)The null path length, Npl(X), of any node X is the length of the shortest path from X to a node without two children. Define Npl(NULL) = –...

2019-06-25 15:12:16 518

原创 Inverted file index

while ( read a document D ) { while ( read a term T in D ) { if ( Find( Dictionary, T ) == false ) Insert( Dictionary, T ); Get T’s posting list; Insert a node ...

2019-06-25 14:26:08 338

原创 B+ Tree

DefinitionA B+ tree of order M is a tree with the following structural properties:(1) The root is either a leaf or has between 2 and M children.(2) All nonleaf nodes (except the root) have betwee...

2019-06-25 13:48:54 764 1

原创 Red-BlackTree

DefinitionA red-black tree is a binary search tree that satisfies the following red-black properties:(1) Every node is either red or black.(2) The root is black.(3) Every leaf (NIL) is black.(...

2019-06-25 10:58:10 2168 1

原创 Amortized analysis

Amortized analysis聚合分析核算法势能法c^i−ci=credit=Φ(Di)−Φ(Di−1)\hat c_i - c_i = credit = \Phi (D_i)- \Phi (D_{i-1})c^i​−ci​=credit=Φ(Di​)−Φ(Di−1​)∑c^i=∑ci+Φ(D−i)−Φ(Di−1)\sum \hat c_i = \sum c_i + \Phi(...

2019-06-25 10:50:09 587

原创 Splay tree

Splay tree将被查找的节点置于根的位置deletionfind xremove xfindmax ( TLT_LTL​ )make TRT_RTR​ the right child of the root of TLT_LTL​https://blog.csdn.net/Woolseyyy/article/details/51512589...

2019-06-25 09:14:13 303

原创 AVL tree

AVL treeDefinationAn empty binary tree is height balanced. If T is a nonempty binary tree with TLT_LTL​ and TRT_RTR​ as its left and right subtrees, then T is height balanced iff(1) TLT_LTL​ and ...

2019-06-25 08:55:33 941

原创 Lecture 10. Indexing and Hashing

Indexing and Hashing顺序索引:基于值的顺序排序散列索引:基于将值平均分布到若干散列桶中聚集索引(clustering index)or 主索引(primary index):如果包含记录的文件按照某个搜索码指定的顺序排序,那么该搜索码对应的索引称为聚集索引。聚集索引的搜索码常常是主码,尽管并非必须如此。非聚集索引(nonclustering index)or 辅助索引(...

2019-06-10 19:19:25 290

原创 Lecture 09. Storage and File Structure

Storage and File Structure存储器层次结构(向上变快变贵但是易失)基本存储(primary storage): 高速缓冲存储器(cache)、主存储器(main memory)辅助存储(secondary storage)或联机存储(online storage): 基本存储下一层,如磁盘(magnetic disk)三级存储(tertiary storage)或...

2019-06-10 16:07:35 322

转载 欢迎使用CSDN-markdown编辑器*

这里写自定义目录标题欢迎使用Markdown编辑器新的改变功能快捷键合理的创建标题,有助于目录的生成如何改变文本的样式插入链接与图片如何插入一段漂亮的代码片生成一个适合你的列表创建一个表格设定内容居中、居左、居右SmartyPants创建一个自定义列表如何创建一个注脚注释也是必不可少的KaTeX数学公式新的甘特图功能,丰富你的文章UML 图表FLowchart流程图导出与导入导出导入欢迎使用Ma...

2019-05-18 10:08:46 138



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