Part Ⅳ Shopping 购物??

Part Ⅳ Shopping 购物


Lesson40 At the Curio Shop 在古董店


Key Sentences(重点句子)

  1. Can I help you,sir? 要点儿什么,先生?

567. Yes,but may I have a look first? 噢,我可以先看看吗?

  1. You have so many antiques and Chinese paintings here. 你这儿有这么多古玩和中国画。
  2. Are they genuine? 它们是真品吗?
  3. All our reproductions are clearly marked and priced. 所有复制品都有明确的标志和标价。
  4. They are sold at a fair price. 它们都以公平的价格出售。
  5. May I see that ivory horse? 我可以看看那个乳白色的马吗?
  6. It's genuine,I bet. 我敢断定,它是真品。
  7. It's made of genuine ivory,besides,it's of exquisite workmanship. 它是由真象牙做的,而且做工精细。
  8. The price is marked 200 yuan. 标价 200 元。
  9. I'll take it. 我买了。
  10. I'm interested in Chinese antiques. 我对中国古董感兴趣。
  11. We have a great variety of Chinese antiques. 我们有各种各样的中国古董。
  12. We have landscape painting,figure painting and flower and-bird painting. 我们有山水画、人物画和花鸟画。
  13. I'd like a flower-and-bird painting. 我想要一幅花鸟画。
  14. How about this picture of cranes with pine trees? 您看这幅松鹤画如何?
  15. It was painted by a famous Chinese painter in Qing Dynasty. 这是中国清代的一位著名画家画的。
  16. Oh,they look just like live cranes. 哦,这些仙鹤看上去就像真的一样。
  17. And what is more,in t raditional Chinese thinking,cranes and pine trees symbolize longevity. 还有,按照中国的传统观念,仙鹤与松树都是长寿的象征。


Dialogue A

A:Can I help you,sir?

B:Yes,but may I have a look first?


B:You have so many antiques and Chinese paintings here. Are they genuine? A:No. Not all of them. All our reproductions are clearly marked and priced. They are sold at a fair price.

B:May I see that ivory horse?It's genuine,I bet.

A:Yes,you can be sure. It's made of genuine ivory,besides, it's of exquisite workmanship.

B:You are right. How much does it cost?

A:The price is marked 200 yuan.

B:It's a fair price. I'll take it.


Dialogue B

Shop Assistant:Good morning,sir. Could I be of any service to you?

Customer:Good morning. I'm interested in Chinese antiques, Have you got any good ones?

Assistant:Yes,we have a great variety of Chinese antiques. Are you looking for something special?

Customer:I want to see some traditional Chinese paintings.

Assistant:Well,we have landscape painting,figure painting and flower-and-bird painting. Which do you like best?

Customer:I'd like a flower-and-bird painting.

Assistant:Good. How about this picture of cranes with pine trees?It was painted by a famous Chinese painter in Qing Dynasty.

Customer:Oh,they look just like live cranes. I like this picture very much.

Assistant:And what is more,in traditional Chinese thinking, cranes and pine trees symbolize longevity.

Customer:That sounds very interesting. How much is it?

Assistant:Eight thousand yuan.

Customer:It's a lot of money,but the picture is excellent. I'll take it.

Assistant:All right. Please keep this invoice. You'll need it when you go through the Customs.

Customer:Thank you.


Words and Expressions

antique/$n>ti:k/ n. 古物,古器,古玩

genuine/>DNenjuin/ a. 真正的;名副其实的

ivory/>aiv+ri/ a. ①象牙色的,乳白色的 ②象牙制成的 exquisite/>ekskwizit/ a. 精巧的,精致的

workmanship/>w+:km+nMip/ n. 做工;工艺

crane/krein/ n. 鹤

symbolize/>simb+laiz/ vt. 象征

longevity/l&n>DNeviti/ n. 长寿,长命



Lesson 41 At the Jeweller's 在珠宝店里


Key Sentences(重点句子)

  1. Would you like jewellery? 您要不要首饰?
  2. Today is Mother's Day and all the jewellery is on sale at Rich's. 今天是母亲节,瑞奇店的所有首饰全部折价出售。
  3. Do you have gold jewels? 你们有黄金饰品吗?
  4. Yes,we have 14K and 18K gold necklaces,chains and earrings. 有,我们有 14K 和 18K 的金项链、手链和耳环。
  5. May I have a look? 我能看一下吗?
  6. Sure. Here is a nice gold necklace. 当然可以。这里有一根很好的金项链。
  7. Its regular price is$56,and now you can have it witha twenty percent discount. 原价是 56 美元,现在可以让你打八折买下。
  8. It's very elegant. I'll take it. 这项链非常精致。我买了。

593. I want to buy some jewellery. 我要买些首饰。

594. What kind of jewellery do you like to have? 你要哪种首饰呢?

595. I should like to look at some bracelets. 我想看看手镯。

596. Pure gold or carats? 纯金的还是 K 金的?

597. What's the price for this one? 这只手镯多少钱?

598. How about five hundred dollars? 500 元怎么样?

599. I'm sorry we only sell at fixed prices. 很抱歉,我们店不还价。

600. I wish to buy a diamond ring,too. 我还想买只钻戒。

601. Is this one suitable for you? 这只适合你吗?

602. No,it seems too old fashioned to me. 不,我觉得似乎太老式了。

603. Let me try it on. Oh,it's too small for me,havent't you got any larger ones? 让我戴戴看,呵,太小了。有稍大点儿的吗?

604.This fits me well,how much do you charge for it? 这只很合适,多少钱?

605. Is that a real string of pearls? 那串珍珠是真的吗?

606. You may take it on my word,if you find out it is an imitation you may return it to me. 请相信我的话,假如您发现是假的话可以拿来退还给我。


Dialogue A

A:Can I help you,madam?

B:Yes. I'd like to buy some presents for my friends.

A:Would you like jewellery? Today is Mother's Day and all the jewellery is on sale at Rich's.

B:That's great. Do you have gold jewels?

A:Yes,we have 14K and 18K gold necklaces,chain and ear-rings.

B:May I have a look?

A:Sure. Here is nice gold necklace. Its regular price is$ 56,and now you can have it with a twenty percent discount.

B:It's very elegant. I'll take it.

A:All right. Is there anything else you want?

B:Will you show the that key ring?

A:Yes. Here you are.

B:It's very nice. Give me ten like this. I'm sure they will be good gifts for my friends in China


Dialogue B

A:I want to buy some jewellery.

B:What kind of jewcllery do you like to have?

A:I should like to look at some bracelets.

B:May I show you gold ones or platinum ones?

A:Gold ones.

B:Pure gold or carats?

A:Pure gold ones,please.


A:What's the price for this one?

B:Five hundred and fifty dollars.

A:How about five hundred dollars?

B:I'm sorry we only sell at fixed prices.

A:OK. . I'll take it. I want to have my initials engraved on it.

B:Oh,that can be done.

A:I wish to buy a diamond ring,too.

B:How many carats would you like it to be?

A:I want three carats.

B:Is this one suitable for you?

A:No,it seems too old fashioned to me.

B:What about this?

A:Let me try it on. Oh,it's too small for me,haven't yougot any larger ones?

B:Then you may take that one. It's very nice and latest in style.

A:This fits me well,how much do you charge for it?

B:One thousand and two hundred dollars.

A:It's too expensive,I can only pay you one thousand dollars.

B:I told you before,ma'am,our shop doesn't ask two prices.

A:Is that a real string of pearls?

B:Yes,that's genuine.

A:Will you guarantee it?

B:You may take it on my word,if you find out it is an imitation you may return it to me.

A:What does it cost?

B:It costs three hundred dollars.

A:Good,I'll have it. Have you got any brooches?

B:With diamond,ruby or saphire?

A:Saphire,please,how much is it?

B:Four hundred.

A:All right,how much will it be altogether?Please send it to my address,I'll pay the messenger on delivery.

B:Excuse me,ma'am. It's our rule never to supply goods cash on delivery. A:Well then,I'll give you a check for the amount on the bank of China.


Words and Expressions

jewellery/>DNu: +lri/ n. [总称]珠宝,珠宝饰物

jewel/>DNu: +l/ n. ①宝石②宝石珠物;贵重饰物

necklace/>neklis/ n. 项圈

chain/tMein/ n. 链条;项圈;表链

earring/>i+riR/ n. 耳环,耳饰

discount/>diskaunt/ n. vt. 折扣,打去(若干)折扣

bracelet/>breislit/ n. 手镯

platinum/>pl$tin+m/ n. 白金

carat/>k$r+t/ n. 克拉(宝石的重量单位;等于二百毫克) messenger/>mesinDN+/ n. 送信者;使者

brooch/br +ut M / n. 胸针,饰针

ruby/ >ru:bi/n. 红宝石



Lesson42 At the Arts and Crafts Store 在工艺品商店


Key Sentences(重点句子)

  1. Don't you think we could use one to decorate our room? 难道你不想买一条来装饰我们的房间吗?
  2. Artistic tapestry is the highest form of expression of the rug weaving art,an exquisite handicraft of superb artistry in typical Chinese style. 艺术挂毯体现了地毯纺织艺术的最高水平,是具有典型中国风格的 手工艺精品。

609. Is this the marvellous landscape in Guilin? 挂毯上是不是美丽的桂林山水?

  1. What a lovely tapestry! 多美的挂毯啊!
  2. Which do you prefer,the linen one,the figured dacron or the brocade? 您要哪种台布,亚麻的、提花涤纶还是织锦缎的?
  3. You haven't anything cheaper,have you? 你们没有再便宜一点儿的吗? 613. Please have a look at the handembroldered one with anew design of bamboo. 请看这块手绣的有新式竹子图案的台布。
  1. What fine needlework! 多好的绣工啊!
  2. Are you being served,sir? 先生,有人接待您吗?
  3. I 'd like to buy a medium-sized cloisonne vase with alight blue background. 我想买一个中等尺寸的景泰蓝花瓶,底色要淡蓝的。
  4. I'm sorry,sir. They are sold out. 对不起,先生,它们已经卖完了。 618.The background is pale blue with traditional Chinese paintings of flowers and birds. 底色是浅蓝的,还有中国花鸟画。
  1. It's attractive. I'll take a pair. 这个很漂亮,我要一对。
  2. Can you pack the vases and send them to New York bymail for me? 你替我把花瓶包装好寄往纽约,行吗?
  3. They are made from different materials——dolomite,tough silk,organdie etc. 它们是用不同的材料做的,白云石、绡、蝉翼纱等。
  4. This is made of wild goose feather and this is made of skylark feather. 这把是用雁毛做的,这把是用云雀毛做的。


Dialogue A

(A:Shop Assistant B:Mr Stone C:Mrs Stone)

B:look,Maggie. These tapestries are beautiful!Don't you think we could use one to decorate our room?

C:All right. (Looking at the price tags)Oh,a bit too much!

A:Artistic tapestry is the highest form of expression of the rug weaving art,an exquisite handicraft of superb artistry in typical Chinese style. Considering the fine craftsmanship they are worth much more.

B:I agree. Is this the marvellous landscape in Guilin?Whata lovely tapestry!We are going to Guilin in two days-this tapestry is really impressive.

C:I prefer to buy some embroidered tablecloths to match the tapestry. A:Which do you prefer,the linen one,the figured dacron or the brocade? C:The brocade,please. How much is one piece?

A:Sixty yuan and sixty fen.

C:Too expensive. You haven't anything cheaper,have you?

A:Yes,we have. Here,please have a look at the handembroidered one with a new design of bamboo.

C:What fine needlework!What's the price?

A:Forty yuan and fifty fen.

B:IS this the sale price?

A:No,it isn't,sir. They are all first-class goods. We have price tags on each of them. Our shop holds a one price policy. We are not allowed to change the price at will.

C:I see. I'll take two then. Henry,you like them?

B:Yes,I do. Eh,could you send them to our room?

A:Certainly,sir. Please write down your name and yourroom number.


Dialogue B

A:Are you being served,sir?

B:I'd like to buy a medium-sized cloisonne vase with a light blue background.

A:I'm sorry,sir. They are sold out. We only have some big ones now,but we are expecting to have some tomorrow.

B:Oh,I am leaving China tomorrow. I don't think I have much time.

A:Could you go to the Shanghai Friendship Store and get it there?

B:Let me see. How much is the big one?

A:One hundred and eighty yuan.

B:That sounds reasonable. Will you show the some?

A:Yes,sir. How would you like this one?The background is pale blue with traditional Chinese paintings of flowers and brids.

B:It's attractive. I'll take a pair. I am sure my wife will like them. A:Yes. I'm sure she will,sir.

B:Can you pack the vases and send them to New York by mail for me?

A:Yes,sir. Please write your name and address on this slip.

B:OK. How much should I pay then?

A:Four hundred yuan altogether,including the postage and the charge for the packing. You know,we'll have to make a special box.

B:All right. Here's the money. Assistant:Thank you.


Dialogue C

(A:shop assistant B:Mr Smith C:Mrs Smith)

C:(to B)Come here,John,do you like the eggs?(to A) Are they made of real eggs?

A:They're made of egg shells. The yolk and white are taken off.

B:Let me see…. A pair of eggs is sold at two yuan and fifty fen. It's not expensive,Is it,Joan?

C:No,I think we'll take two pairs.

B:The small screens look lovely. (to A) What are they made from?

A:They are made from different materiais-dolomite,tough silk, organdie, etc. The frames are made of mahogany. The designs are painted by hand. B:(to C)Shall we take one?

C:I think so. But shall we buy some fans?

B:Yes. (to A) Are these all sandal fans?

A:Not all of them. Some are made of Chinese little leaf boxwood with scent sprayed on. Those made of real sandalwood are much more expensive.

C:May I take a smell of them and compare which one I like better.

A:Yes,please. Here you are.

(After smelling them)

C:This one smells better. I'll take this and buy a feather fan. Please show me some.

A:Yes,this is made of wild goose feather and this is made of skylark feather.

C:I'll take both of them. Please put all things I selected to-get her and tell me how much do I owe you?

A:Just a moment,please. I'll figure them out.


Words and Expressions

artistry/>%:tistri/ n. 艺术性;艺术技巧

weave/wi:v/ vt. 织,编(制)

embroidery/im>br&id+ri/ n. 绣花,绣制品

shell/Mel/ n. 壳;果壳;荚

yolk/j+uk/ n. 蛋黄;卵黄

domolite/>d&m+lait/ n. 白云石;石灰岩;大理石

organdie/>&:g+ndi/ n. 蝉翼纱

frame/freim/ n. 架子;框架

mahogany/m+>h&g+ni/ n. 红木;核花心木;红柳桉木

sandal/>s$ndl/ n. 凉鞋;檀香

spray/sprei/ vt. 喷;喷涂;向……喷射(out)

scent/sent/ n. 气味;香味;香水 (or:perfume)

compare/k+m>p#+/ v. 比较,对照

feather fan 羽毛扇

skylark/>skail%:k/ n. 云雀


Lesson43 At the Porcelain Shop 在瓷器店


Key Sentences(重点句子)

  1. You're made a good choice. This china tea set is unusual. 您真是好眼力,这种茶具不同寻常。
  2. It was made in Jingdezhen. 这种茶具产于景德镇。
  3. This is the very thing I've been dreaming of. 这真是我梦寐以求的。 626. Jingdezhen?Isn't it called“the capital of porcelain”? 景德镇,它不是被称为瓷都吗?
  1. It is the best quality procelain—the famous egg-shell China. 这种瓷器质量最好,是著名的薄胎瓷器。
  2. It must be most precious. 那肯定十分昂贵。
  3. No wonder it's so expensive. 怪不得这么贵。
  4. Where do these flower vases come from? 这些花瓶是哪里生产的? 631.The flower vases are made of porcelain and covered with tiny bamboo sticks. 花瓶是瓷器做的,上面有细竹丝。
  1. Are they breakable? 它们容易碎吗?
  2. Do you like such animals woven with bamboo sticks? 您喜欢这种用竹篾编成的动物吗?
  3. Are they light in weight? 它们轻吗?
  4. They are not only ornamental,but also useful. 它们不但具有装饰性,而且是实用的。


Dialogue A

Shop Assistant(A):You've made a good choice. This china tea set is unusual. It was made in Jingdezhen. There are few others like it.

Mrs Bell:It is extremely beautiful. This is the very thing I've been dreaming of.

Mr Bell:Jingdezhen?Oh I know it. Isn't it called“the capital of porcelain”?

A:Yes,sir. Is there anything else you want,sir and madam?

Mr bell : ( Points to a set of blue and white porcelain tableware)It's of perfect Chinese traditional design,isn't it?

A:Yes,indeed. It is the best quality porcelain-the famous egg-shell china. It is not for use,but for show. It is also made in Jingdezhen. Mr Bell:Oh,it must be most precious. Can I have a look?

A:Yes,sir. It is known to be“as white as jade and as thinas paper” Mr Bell:No wonder it's so expensive. I'll take it.

A:Shall I wrap them together or separately?

Mrs Bell:Separately,please. What do they come to in round figures?

A:Altogether 356 yuan.

Mrs Bell:Here is 360 yuan.

Shop Assistant:(Counting money)Sir,there are thirty notes of ten yuan and six notes of five yuan so it is 330 yuan in all. Would you please check it,sir?

Mr Bell:I'm awfully sorry. I've made a mistake. I took five for ten. Here's another thirty yuan.


Dialogue B

(A:shop assistant B:Mr Jones C:Mrs Jones)

B:(to A)Where do these flower vases come from?What are they made of? A:They come from Jiangxi Province. The flower vases are made of porcelain and covered with tiny bamboo sticks.

B:Are they breakable?

A:No,if you take some care when you use them.

B:Oh,I see. (to C)Do you like such animals woven with bamboo sticks? C:Let me see. Lions,camels,elephants,deer…I like the camels best. (to A) Are they light in weight?

A:Yes,they are. They are not only ornamental,but also useful. You can put things inside. You see,you can takethe lid off.

C:Well,we'll buy a camel.


Words and Expressions

porcelain/>p&:slin/ n. 瓷;[总称]瓷器

tiny/>taini/ a. 极小的;微小的

camel/>k$m+l/ n. 骆驼

deer/di+/ n. 鹿

ornamental/&:n+>mentl/ a. 装饰的 n. 装饰品

lid/lid/ n. 盖子

china/>tMain+/ n. 瓷器

egg-shell/>egMel/ n. 蛋壳(色)(~china)薄胎瓷器

tableware/>teiblw#+/ n. 餐具


Lesson44 At the Silk and Satin Shop 在绸布店


Key Sentences(重点句子)

  1. You want to buy some Chinese silk and satin,don't you? 您想买些中国绸缎,是吗?
  2. Is it made of pure Chinese silk? 它是纯粹中国丝织的吗?
  3. It's velvety and the colour is brilliant. 它柔软光滑而且颜色鲜艳。 639. Is the colour fast? 不褪色吗?
  1. You can only wash it in lukewarm water. 您只能在温水中洗。
  2. What's the width? 门幅多少?
  3. It's two feet and four inches wide. 宽二英尺四英寸。
  4. I want to make a Chinese fashion coat. How many feet should I buy? 我要做一件中式上衣,应买多少?
  5. Let me take a measurement and calculate. 让我量一量,计算一下。

645. Seven feet will be enough. 七英尺就足够了。

646. By the way,what is the brand? 顺便问一下,是什么牌子?

647. It is well received the world over. 它在世界各地很受欢迎。

648. How much would that come to? 总共要多少钱?

649.There is the satin suitable for making cushion covers there. 那里有适宜做垫套的缎子。

650. I think the pink one is quite good. 我看那粉红色的很好。

651. Ask the shop assistant to cut a pair for us. 要店员给我们剪一对。


Dialogue A

(A:Shop Assistant B:Mr. Smith C:Mrs. Smith)

B:(to C)You want to buy some Chinese silk and satin,don't you?

C:Yes,I do. Let's have a look at the counter. Oh, they are very beautiful! B:(to A) IS it made of pure Chinese silk?

A:Yes,it is. It's velvety and the colour is brilliant.

C:Is the colour fast?

A:Yes,it is.

C:Is it washable?

A:Yes,it is. But you have to be careful. You can only washit in lukewarm water. Don't rub. Just use soapy water and rinse well.

C:What's the width?

A:It's two feet and four inches wide.

C:I want to make a Chinese fashion coat. How many feetshould I buy?

A:Let me take a measurement and calculate. Seven feet willbe enough.

C:By the way,what is the brand?

A:Double Horse.

C:Oh,it,s a famous brand.

A:Yes,it is well received the world over.

C:How much would that come to?

A:It costs you only twenty five yuan and fifty fen.

C:All right. I'll take this.

B:(to C)Jone,there is the satin suitable for making cushion covers there.

C:I think the pink one is quite good. Ask the shop assistant to cut a pair for us. B:Very well. (to A)Have you any fur coat on sale?

A:Sorry,we don't sell fur coats. You had better visit the Shanghai Friendship Store and see whether they sell Chinese fur coats.

C:Do you sell lace?

A:Yes. The counter is over there. Let me show you the way.

C:Thanks a lot.

A:Not at all.


Dialogue B

A:Good afternoon,madam. Anything I can do for you?

B:Good afternoon. Will you show me some silk fabrics. please?

A:Yes,madam. We have many kinds of silk fabrics,There are Suzhou brocade and gauze…

B:Do you have natural silk fabrics?

A:Certainly,madam. We have brocade of natural silk and figured satin of natural silk. Which do you prefer,madam?

B:I want brocade. Will you please let me have a look at the best you have? A:Yes,madam. Which color would like to have,dark or light?

B:I like light colors.

A:Here is a light one. It's orange. Will this do?

B:Oh,it seems a bit too loud. Will you show me some thing else?

A:Yes,madam. What about this color?

B:This one is fine. No wonder Chinese silk is so famous all over the world. A:Well,China is the cradle of silk fabrics.

B:OK. Please give me two metres;if I'm not mistaken,that's equal to six Chinese chi. Am I right?(laughs)

A:Yes,madam. You're very good at figures.

B:Thank you. Er,I wonder if the silk piece's color won't go off.

A:As a matter of fact,all the materials here are colorfast. But please wash it in lukewarm soap water and rinse well. Don't rub or wring it.


Words and Expressions

velvety/>velviti/ a. 柔软光滑的;(酒)可口的

brilliant/>brilj+nt/ a. (色彩)鲜明的

fast/f%: st/ a. 不褪色的

lukewarm/>lju:kw&:m/ a. 微温的

soapy/>s+upi/ a. 含有肥皂的

rinse/rins/ v. 冲洗

width/widI/ n. 宽度,阔度

fashion/>f$M+n/ n. 样子;方式,流行式样

in fashion 风行,流行

out of fashion 过时,不流行

measurement/>meN+m+nt/ n. 衡量,测量

calculate/>k$lkjuleit/ v. 计算,核算

brand/br$nd/ n. 商标,牌子

cushion/>kuM+n/ n. 垫子,靠垫

pink/piRk/ n. 桃红色,粉红色

fur/f+:/ n. 毛皮,皮子

lace/leis/ n. 花边;饰带

satin/>s$tin/ n. 缎子

wring/riR/ vt. 绞,拧


Lesson45 At the Pastry Shop 在点心店


Key Sentences(重点句子)

  1. What can I do for you,Madam! 夫人,您要买什么?
  2. I'd like to buy two boxes of Chinese moon cakes. 我想买两盒中国月饼。
  3. We have the Guangdong style and the Suzhou style. 我们有广式的和苏式的。
  4. Which do you want? 您要哪种?
  5. Sorry,bananas are out of season now. 对不起,现在是香蕉淡季。
  6. I'll take these ten oranges. 我就买这 10 个桔子。
  7. Forty yuan for the moon cakes and seven yuan for the oranges. 月饼 40 元桔子是 7 元。
  8. That'll be forty seven yuan in all. 一共是 47 元。
  9. I'd like to buy some Chinese cakes. 我要买些中国糕点。
  10. We have cream birthday cakes,ten yuan each. Do youlike it? 我们有奶油生日蛋糕,每只 10 元,您喜欢吗?
  11. Give me a cream birthday cake and two boxes of famous Chinese cakes. 请给我一只奶油生日蛋糕,同时还买两盒中国名点。
  12. The skin of the Cantonese style cake is sweet,soft puffy palatable and filled with heavy stuffing. 广式糕点的特点是外面的皮甜,软而松,味美,馅儿多。
  13. The skin of Suzhou style cakes is puffy and filled with fragrant nuts. 苏式糕点外面的皮子松、馅儿味芳香。
  14. Will you wrap them up separately. 请你给我分开包装。
  15. Anything else? 还要什么?
  16. Nothing more. 够了。
  17. Please step in again. 请下次再来。


Dialogue A

A:What can I do for you,madam?

B:I'd like to buy two boxes of Chinese moon cakes.

A:All right. We have the Guangdong style and the Suzhou style. Which do you want?

B:The Suzhou style.

A:OK. Anything else?

B:Let me see. Ah,yes!I want some bananas.

A:Sorry,bananas are out of season now. But we have some good oranges. They are just in from the country.

B:Good. I 'll take these ten oranges. How much would that come to?

A:Just a moment,please. Forty yuan for the moon cakes and seven yuan for the oranges. That'll be forty-seven yuan in all.

B:Here you are,sir.

A:Thank you. Here's your change.

B:Thank you. Good-bye.


Dialogue B

(A:shop Assistant B:Mr Smith C:Mrs Smith)

A:Can I help you?

C:I'd like to buy some Chinese cakes.

A:We have cream birthday cakes,ten yuan each. Do you like it?

C:Fine. Give me a cream birthday cake and two boxes of famous Chinese cakes,and help me to pick a variety of them,please.

A:All right. For Chinese style cakes,we have the Cantonese style and the Suzhou style. The skin of the Cantonese style cakes is sweet,soft,puffy palatable and filled with heavy stuffing. The famous Cantonese cakes are moon cakes from Guangdong, Sha— pi—ma….The skin of the Suzhou style cakes is puffy and filled with fragrant nuts. There are not only sweet cakes but also meat moon cakes.

C:Well,will you wrap them up separately?

A:Certainly. Any thing else?

C:Nothing more. How much altogether?

A:Nineteen yuan and forty-five fen.

C:Here are two ten-yuan notes. Keep the change.

A:For me?Oh,no. We don't accept tips. But thank you all the same.

C:O. K. . Good-bye.

A:Good-bye. Please step in again.


Words and Expressions

Cantonese/k$nt+>ni:z/ a. n. 广东的,广东人,广东话

puffy/>p)fi/ n. 松脆的

palatable/>p$l+t+bl/ a. 可口的,味美的

stuffing/>st)fiR/ n. 填塞;填馅

fragrant/>freigr+nt/ a. 芬芳的


Lesson 46 At the Department Store(Ⅰ) 在百货公司


Key Sentences(重点句子)

  1. May I see these ties? 请让我看看这些领带好吗?
  2. Here's a nice-looking one. 这条挺好看。
  3. These are silk ties embroidered with dragons, pandas or goldfishes. 这些都是丝质领带,绣有龙、熊猫或金鱼等。
  4. Will there be anything else, madam? 夫人,您还要什么吗?
  5. Could you tell me where the ladies' department is? 你能告诉我女装部在哪里吗?
  6. Will you show me some pure silk blouses? 请拿几件真丝衬衫给我看看好吗?
  7. What size do you want? 您要多大尺寸的?
  8. Can I try it on? 我可以试穿一下吗?
  9. The fitting room is right over there. 试衣室就在那里。
  10. Let me check for you. 让我给您找一找。
  11. No, it's a little too loud, but thank you just the same. 不用了,这种颜色过于花哨了点,不过我还是要谢谢你。
  12. I'd like to buy a white shirt. 我想买件白衬衣。
  13. What size,please? 请问多大尺寸?
  14. This is a very fine shirt. 这件衬衫挺好。
  15. Don't you have any less expensive shirts? 你们没有便宜点儿的衬衣? 684. I'd also like to see the tie in the showcase. 我想看看陈列柜里的那条领带。
  1. The price is all right,but it's a bit showy,isn't it? 价格还可以,可是有点花哨了,对不对?


Dialogue A

A:Can I help you, madam?

B:Yes,may I see these ties?

A:Certainly, madam. Here's a nice-looking one.

B:Yes, it's nice. But my friend wants a silk tie with a Chinese pattern. A:All right. Please come over this side, madam. These are silk ties embroidered with dragons,pandas or goldfishes.

B:They are beautiful. I'll take these two. How much?

A:Only twenty yuan each. Will there be anything else,madam?

B:No, thank you. Here's the money. Oh, could you tell mew here the ladies' department is?

A:Yes. It is on the next floor up.

(In the ladies department)

B:Will you show me some pure silk blouses?

A:Sure. What size do you want?


A:Here's yellow one and it's large.

B: Good. Can I try it on?

A:Yes, the fitting room is right over there.

B:(Ten minutes later) Excuse me. This is too large. Have you got any medium size?

A:Let me check for you. Yes, we do, but only in scarlet. Would you like to try it on anyway?

B:No,it's a little too loud, but thank you just the same.

A:You're welcome.


Dialogue B

A:Good afternoon, sir. May I help you?

B:Yes. I'd like to buy a white shirt.

A:Yes,sir. I 'd be glad to show you some. What size,please?


A:Here's one in your size. This is a very fine shirt.

B:How much is it?

A:These are fifty-nine each.

B:That's a little more than I want to pay. Don't you have any less expensive shirts?

A:Yes,I think I can find some for you. Here are some forforty yuan,and then we have some here for thirty-five.

B:Thirty-five will be all right. I'll take this one.

A:Are you sure one will be enough?

B:Yes, that's all I need just now.

A:Do you need anything else?

B:I'd also like to see the tie in the showcase.

A:Which one, sir?

B:The green one.

A:This one?

B:Yes, that one. Is it pure silk?

A:Yes,sir,pure silk and hand-made.

B:How much it is?

A:Twenty yuan,sir.

B:I'm afraid it doesn't fit me very well. Have you got any other ones? A:How about this one? It's ten yuan.

B:The price is all right, but it's a bit showy, isn't it?

A:Oh,I don't think so,sir. I think it becomes you.

B:Then I'll take it.

A:Thank you, sir. Will you wait a moment please? I'll have it wrapped.


Words and Expressions

scarlet/>sk%:lit/ n. 猩红色

loud/laud/ a. 过分花哨的,俗艳的

showcase/>M+ukeis/ n. 陈列柜,橱窗

showy/>M+ui/ a. (过分)装饰的,(太)华丽的


Lesson 47 At the Department Store(Ⅱ) 在百货公司


Key Sentences(重点句子)

  1. I'd like to see an overcoat for the autumn. 我想看看秋天穿的大衣。 687. Not too heavy and not too light. 既不要太厚也不要太薄。
  1. How do you like this,ma'am? 夫人,这件您喜欢吗?
  2. It's much too light in color for the autumn. 这件衣服秋天穿颜色太浅。
  3. It's made of exceptionally good quality,pure wool,very soft. 这件衣服质量特别好,全毛的,非常柔软。
  4. Please come with me to the fitting room. 请随我到试衣间。
  5. I like this style, but I don't care for the color. 我喜欢这个式样,但是不喜欢这颜色。
  6. Let me see the crimson one, in my size, please. 请拿件深红色的给我看看,要合我的尺寸。
  7. This is your size, it's a lovely dress and very smart. 这是您要的尺寸,这件衣服很漂亮,非常时髦。
  8. It's in fashion now. 现在正流行。
  9. Would you like to try it? 您要不要试试?
  10. It just suits me,I'll take it. 这件衣服正合我身,我买了。
  11. How much do I have to pay? 我该付多少钱?
  12. That's rather more than I thought of paying. 这价钱比我想的要贵些。 700. I should have like something cheaper. 我想买较为便宜的。
  1. Maybe a little dearer, but the quality is very good. 价格可能稍贵些,不过,质量非常好。
  2. It's exceptionally good in material and the handicraft is more exquisite. 这件衣服的料子质地特别好,做工精细。
  3. Here's a gorgeous outfit. 这儿有套华丽的服装。
  4. It looks just great on you. 您穿这衣服真是棒极了。


Dialogue A

A:Do you want some assistance,ma'am?

B:I'd like to see an overcoat for the autumn. Not too heavy and not too light.

A:How do you like this, ma'am?

B:It's much too light in color for the autumn. I'd rather havesomething darker, and a bit heavier.

A:What about this then? It's made of exceptionally good quality, pure wool, very soft.

B:Very good. May I try this on?

A:Please come with me to the fitting room.

B:I like this style, but I don't care for the color. It's loose at the waist, and it's a bit too large.

A:What about this one? We have this model in several sizes and colors,dark brown, light green, light yellow, crimson.

B:Let me see the crimson one, in my size, please.

A:Yes, ma'am. This is your size, it's a lovely dress and very smart. It's in fashion now. Would you like to try it?

B:All right, it just suits me, I'll take it. How much do I have to pay? A:Three hundred yuan.

B:That's rather more than I thought of paying. I should have something cheaper.

A:Maybe a little dearer, but the quality is very good. ma'am. It's exceptionally good in material and the handicraft is more exquisite. It wears very well and keeps its shape.

B:All right, I'll take it. I expect it's worth it. Can I pay by Visa Card?

A:We don't accept Visa Card,you have to pay cash.

B:OK. Will you accept Master Card?

A:Yes, we do. Please go to the cash counter and pay for it. I'll wrap it up for you.

B:All right, thank you.


Dialogue B

Rosa:I never expected there would be so many people.

Miss Liu:Oh, this is nothing. On weekends, you won't even be able to move around. Don't forget you're in China.

Rosa:You're right. Let's go upstairs. It might be less crowded on the second floor. I want to look for an outfit for myself.

Miss Liu:Oh,there is the directory over by the escalator.

Rosa: Yeah, but can't read all the characters.

Miss Liu: Let's see… first floor, cosmetics, footwear, traveling bags. Second floor… sportswear, ladies clothing…

Rosa:Let's go directly to the second floor.

(At the ladies section on the second floor. )

Rosa:Here's a gorgeous outfit. Jacket and pants to match. They look the right size. It'll probably fit me.

Miss Liu:Why don't you try it on? The fitting-room is over there.

Rosa:I think I will. (Trying the clothes on. ) Well,what do you think, Liu?

Miss Liu:Terrific. It looks just great on you.

Rosa:Thanks. I think I'll take it. Let's go and pay.


Words and Expressions

exceptionally/ik>sepM+nli/ ad. 异常地

crimson/>krimzn/ n. 深红

directory/di>rekt+ri/ n. 购物指南;电话簿

cosmetic/k&z>metik/ n.化妆品

footwear/>futw#+/ n. 鞋类

gorgeous/>g&:DN+s/ a. 好看的;华丽的

terrific/t+>rifik/ a. 好极了;棒极了

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