Part Ⅵ Transportation 交通??


Part Ⅵ Transportation 交通


Lesson 56 Making a Plane Reservation 预定机票


Key Sentences(重点句子)

  1. Leisure Travel Agency. May I help you? 这里是休闲旅行社。要我帮忙吗?
  2. I 'd like to make a plane reservation to Shanghai,China. 我想预定一个去中国上海的机位。
  3. Let me see what's a vailable…yes,Air China has a flight on March 28th at 7∶30 in the evening. 让我看看有什么班机……有了,中国航空公司在 3 月 28 日晚上 7 点 半有一班飞机。

807. I'll need an economy ticket. 我需要一张经济舱的机票。

808. One way trip or round trip? 单程还是来回?

809. What's the fare please? 请问票价是多少?

810. Economy fare for one way trip from New York to Shanghai is $800. 从纽约到上海的经济舱单程票价是 800 美元。

811. Is my ticket confirmed then? 那我的机票确认了吗?

812. Please arrive at the airport one hour before departure. 请在起飞前一小时到达机场。

813. May I have your flight number,please? 请问您的航班号码?

814. My flight number is 232 leaving JFK Airport at 10∶00in the morning on July 10. 我的航班号码是 232,7 月 10 日上午 10 点,从 JFK 机场出发。 815. You're flying economy class. Is that correct? 您乘坐的是经济舱,对吗?

816. Enjoy your flight. 祝您旅途愉快。

817. I'd like to reserve a flight to Tokyo for the first of October. 我想预订 10 月 1 日飞往东京的航班。

818. How do you want fly coach or first class? 您要订二等票还是一等票? 819. Is there any difference in price? 票价有什么不同?

820. We have several flights from New York to Los Angeleson October1. 10 月 1 日,我们有好几个由纽约飞往洛杉矶的班机。

821. When do I have to check in? 何时登记办理乘机手续?

822. You have to be there forty-five or an hour before the departure. 您必须在出发前 45 分钟或 1 小时到机场。

823. Do I have to confirm my plane reservation? 我必须确认我预定的机票吗?


Dialogue A

A:Leisure Travel Agency. May I help you?

B:Yes,I'd like to make a plane reservation to Shanghai, China.

A:Your name,please.

B:Li Yang. I'd like to leave on March 28th.

A:Let me see what's available…yes,Air China has a flight on March 28th at 7∶30 in the evening.

B:Good. I'll need an economy ticket.

A:One way trip or round trip?

B:One way trip. What's the fare please?

A:Economy fare for one way trip from New York to Shanghai is $800.

B:I see. Is my ticket confirmed then?

A:Yes,your seat is confirmed on that flight. Please arrive at the airport one hour before departure.


Dialogue B

A:Pan American World Airways.

B:Hello. I'd like to reconfirm my flight.

A:May I have your flight number,please?

B:My flight number is 232 leaving JFK Airport at 10∶00 in the morning on July 10.

A:Yes,that's our regular flight to Shanghai. What's your name, please? B:I'm Linda Hunt. My first initial is“L”.

A:Just a second…Oh,yes,here we are. You're flying economy class. It that correct?

B: That's right.

A:Okay,you're all set,Ms Hunt. Enjoy your flight.

B: Thanks.


Dialogue C

Agent: Hello,Sir! May I help you?

Bill:I'd like to reserve a flight to Tokyo for the first of October.

Agent:Just a moment,please.

Bill:OK. I don't mind.

Agent : AA happens to get a Boeing 757 leaving at 3∶40 onOctober1. Is it all right with you?

Bill:Pretty good.

Agent:How do you want fly coach or first class?

Bill:Is there any difference in price?

Agent:Flying first class is more expensive.

Bill:I'm not rich like Wall Streeters. I fly coach.

Agent:We have several flights from New York to Los Angeles on October1. Which one will you take?

Bill:Any one will do. How much is the fare?

Agent:$ 132.

Bill:OK. Here you are. By the way,what time does the flight get into L. A. ?

Agent:It'll leave New York at 19∶35 and arrive in L. A. at23∶ 20. Any other questions?

Bill:When do I have to check in?

Agent:You have to be there forty-five or an hour before the departure. Your ticket is ready.

Bill:Do I have to confirm my plane reservation?

Agent:Sure. You do have to. Remember the flight number is AA 304 at gate 8,Kennedy International Airport.

Bill:Thank you for your nice service,sir.

Agent:Thank you for flying with us. Hope you have a nice trip.

Bill:Have a nice day!

Agent:One more thing:Check-in time is an hour or so be-fore take-off.


Words and Expressions

leisure/>leN+/ n. 休闲

available/+>veil+bl/ a. 可得到的

confirm/k+n>f+:m/ v. 确认 L. A 洛杉矶

departure/di>p%:tM+/ n. 启程;离开


Lesson 57 Checking in at the Airport 办理乘机手续


Key Sentences(重点句子)

  1. Ticket,please. A window or aisle seat, sir. 请出示机票。你是要靠窗的还是要靠通道的座位,先生。
  2. I'd like a seat in the smoking section. 我想要吸烟间里靠窗的座位。 826. Put your bags on the scale. 请把您的旅行包放在秤上。
  1. What's the weight limit? 重量限制是多少?

828. May I carry this satchel? 我可以带着这个小提包吗?

829. Your boarding pass,sir. 这是您的登机证,先生。

830. Have a good flight, sir. 祝您飞行顺利,先生。

831. I have two pieces of baggage to check in. 我有两件行李要办托运手续。

832. Do you have any hand baggage? 您还有手提行李吗?

833.These are your baggage checks. 这是您的行李提单。

834. Which would you like to have, aisle seats or windows eats. 您二位喜欢什么座位,靠通道的还是靠窗的。

835. We'd like to have one window seat definitely, in then on smoking section. 我们一定要一个靠窗的座位,在不抽烟区。

836. Here are your boarding passes. 给您登机牌。


Dialogue A

  1. C. :Airline Clerk)
  1. C. :Ticket,please. A window or aisle seat, sir?

Visitor:A window seat,please. Also,I'd like a seat in the smoking section. A. C. :Please put your bags on the scale.

Visitor:What's the weight limit?

  1. C. :Forty-four pounds.

Visitor:I hope my bags aren't overweight.

  1. C. :No,you're O. K. .

Visitor:May I carry this satchel?

  1. C. :Yes,sir. But,please attach this claim tag.

Visitor:All right.

  1. C. :Your boarding pass,sir.

Visitor:What gate?

  1. C. :Gate twelve.


  1. C. : Have a good flight,sir.


Dialogue B

Dancy:I have two pieces of baggage to check in.

Agent: Fine. Just a minute,please. Your baggage is a little bit overweight. It's two kilos.

Dancy:May I take something out of it? There's an over coat I can carry by hand.

Agent: As you like. Do you have any hand baggage?

Dancy:I don't have any. But my wife has a handbag.

Agent:That's O. K. .These are your baggage checks. Which would you like to have,aisle seats or window seats?You don't smoke, do you?

Dancy:We'd like to have one window seat definitely,in thenon smoking section.

Agent:O. K. . Here are your boarding passes. Please go and have a seat in the satellite hall.


Words and Expressions

scale/skeil/ n. 秤盘;磅秤

satchel/>s$tM+l/ n. (皮或帆布的)书包;小提包

baggage/>b$giDN/ n. 行李

aisle/ail/ n. 通道,走廊

nonsmoking section 不抽烟区

satellite hall 卫星厅


Lesson 58 Aboard a Plane 在飞机上


Key Sentences(重点句子)

  1. Excuse me,miss. I don't know how to turn on the reading light. 对不起,小姐,我不知道如何开那只阅读用的灯。
  2. Just press the switch on your arm rest. 您按一下扶手上的那个开关就行了。
  3. By the way,Would you like a copy of the latest“TIME”? 顺便问一下,您是否要一本最新的《时代》杂志?
  4. Could I stretch out on those two empty seats? 我可不可以躺在那两个空的座位上?
  5. You're probably airsick,and I'll get some medicine for you right away. 您很可能晕机了,我马上去给您弄些药来。
  6. I've just realized I don't have my travelling bag. 我刚发觉我的旅行包不在身边。
  7. I think I must have left it by your air-line counter at the airport. 我想我肯定把它忘在机场你们航空公司的柜台边上了。
  8. Don't worry,sir. Can you tell me what it is like? 别急,先生,您能告诉我那只包是什么样子吗?
  9. It is made of black leather, with my name and address on it. 它是黑色皮革制品,而且上面还有我的姓名和住址。
  10. I really appreciate your help. 衷心感谢你的帮助。

847. Ladies and Gentleman!It is about time to arrive in San Francisco. 女士们,先生们!快要到旧金山了。

848. What forms must we fill out, miss? 我们得填什么表格,小姐? 849.They are E/D Card and Customs Decharation Card. E/D 卡和海关申报表。 850. All passengers except American citizens must complete this form. 除了美国公民以外,所有的乘客都得填此卡。

851. It will save you much time when you go through the customs. 这样可以让您在过海关时省去许多时间。


Dialogue A

Passenger(A):Excuse me,miss. I don't know how to turn on the reading light.

Stewardess:Just press the switch on your arm rest. By the way, would you like a copy of the latest“TIME”?

Passenger(A):Yes,thank you.

Passenger(B):I'm not feeling well,miss. Could I stretch out on those two empty seats?

Stewardess:No problem. You're probably airsick,and I 'll get some medicine for you right away. Here are your pillow and blanket.

Passenger(B):Thank you very much.

Passenger(C):Oh,I've just realized I don't have my traveling bag. I think I must have left it by your airline counter at the airport. Stewardess:Don't worry,sir. Can you tell me what it is like?

Passenger(C):Yes. It is made of black leather,with my name and address on it.

Stewardess:All right. I'll have our ground personnel try to find it for you and can get it on tomorrow's flight if we find it.

Passenger(C):I really appreciate your help. This is my card.

Stewardess:That's fine. When the plane arrives tomorrow, we'll contact yon.


Dialogue B

Stewardess:Ladies and Gentlemen!It is about time to arrive in San Francisco. Here are a couple of forms for you to fill out.

Passenger:What forms must we fill out,miss?

Stewardess:They are E/D Card and Customs Declaration Card.

Passenger:What is E/D Card?

Stewardess:It is the Embarkation/Disembarkation Card. All passengers except American citizens must complete this form.

Passenger : I see. But why must we fill out the Customs Declaration Card now?

Stewardess:It will save you much time when you go throng the Customs. Passenger:Thank you for telling me so much. Could you please help me to fill out the two forms?

Stewardess:Sure. I'll be back as soon as I give out these forms.


Words and Expressions

switch/switM/ n. [电器]开关

airsick/>#+sik/ a. 晕机的

pillow/>pil+u/ n. 枕头

declaration/?dekl+>reiM+n/ n. 宣告,宣布

embarkation/emb%:>keiM+n/ n. 乘坐飞机

disembarkation/disemb%:>keiM+n/ n. 登陆,上岸


Lesson 59 Travelling by Train 乘火车


Key Sentences(重点句子)

  1. How long will this express take to go to Shanghai? 这列直达快车开到上海要多久?
  2. This express will go straight from Beijing to Shanghai without a stop. 这列快车从北京直达上海,中途不停车。
  3. I'd like to have two soft berth tickets to Shanghai for tomorrow. 我想买两张明天的到上海的软卧票。
  4. OK. It comes to 1,200 yuan including service fee. 好的,加上手续费一共 1,200 元。
  5. May I have two lower berths? 我可以要两张下铺吗?
  6. Sorry. We usually pair the upper and lower together to sell. 对不起,我们通常上下铺搭配在一起卖。
  7. Which car are we in? 我们在第几车厢?
  8. Here we are,Car 14. 到了,14 车厢。
  9. Seats No. 20 and 21. It's nice that we've got a windowseat. 20 和 21 座。真好,我们有了靠窗的座位。
  10. Let's put our suitcases on the rack. 我们把手提箱子放到架子上。
  11. But I prefer the aisle seat here. 可我想要靠走道的座位。
  12. Do you know when the train is due in Beijing? 你知道这趟车什么时候到北京?
  13. Look at the vast stretches of green fields. 看这一望无垠的绿色田野。
  14. We'll be coming into Shanghaiguan in a few minutes. 再过几分钟我们就要到山海关了。
  15. Look,is that part of the Great Wall over there? 瞧,那边是一段长城吗?


Dialogue A

(Buying berth tickets)

A:How long will this express take to go to Shanghai?

B:About 18 hours.

A:How many stations will it stop at?

B:This express will go straight from Beijing to Shanghai with out a stop. A:Oh. Is there a train that leaves in the afternoon?

B:Yes,ma'am. Do you need a ticket?

A:I'd like to have two soft berth tickets to Shanghai for tomorrow.

B:OK. It comes to 1,200 yuan including service fee.

A:May I have two lower berths?

B:Sorry. We usually pair the upper and lower together to sell. You may ask the conductor to change it for you.

A:I see. Thanks a lot.

B:Have a nice trip.


Dialogue B

(They are hurrying to the platform when the bell begins to ring. )

A:We're about to miss the train. Hurry up!

B:Hold on. I haven't heard the whistle,so there's time.

A:Which car are we in?

B:Let me see. Oh, No. 14.

A:Oh,bother!It's the very end of the train.

B:We have no choice.

A:Here we are,Car 14. Let's get in.

B:Seats No. 20 and 21. It's nice that we've got a windows eat.

A:But I prefer the aisle seat here. I feel sick with a seat back to the engine.

B:Take whichever you like. Let's put our suitcases on the rack.

A:Oh,the baggage rack is full. Put them under the seat for the time being. B:All right. But I must take my camera out. It's….

A:It's expensive,isn't it?It must have cost you a fortune.

B:Don't be so sarcastic.

A:Well, there goes the whistle. We're leaving. Do you know when the train is due in Beijing?

B:I'm not quite sure. But it takes about 15 hours, so we'll arrive around 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.

A:That's good. We'll have enough time to find a hotel and have a sound sleep.

B:I hope so.


Dialogue C (On the train. )

A:(Looking out of the window)How beautiful the sceneryis! Look at the vast stretches of green fields.

B:But it looks lovely only at this time of the year. It's rather monotonous in winter.

A:That's why I prefer to travel in the summer.

B:Me too,except for the terrible heat.

A:Really!I've just about had enough of that.

(The conductor comes around with a kettle of boiled water. )

B:Why don't we have some tea? Here,I've brought some tea bags with me. A:Wonderful!That's exactly what I want now.

B:The service is excellent,isn't it?

A:Yes,it sure is. But it's a pity they don't sell light snacks. I feel a little bit hungry now.

B:We'll be coming into Shanghaiguan in a few minutes. There'll be plenty of food venders on the platform there.

A:Splendid. Look,is that part of the Great Wall over there?

B : I suppose it is. We must be near Shanghaiguan now.

(Announcer:Attention,please. We shall be arriving Shanghaiguan shortly , at four o'clock. The train's five minutesbehind schedule. ) A:The train's pulling in. Do we have time to get off and stretch our legs? B:You may go out if you want. The train leaves in a quarter of an hour. Whatever you do, don't miss it.

A:No worry at all.


Words and Expressions

berth/b+:I/ n. 卧铺

express/iks>pres/ n. 快车

conductor/k+n>d)kt+/ n. 售票员;列车员

platform/>pl$tf&:m/ n. 站台,月台

whistle/>(h)wisl/ n. 汽笛

baggage rack 行李架

sarcastic/s%:>k$stik/ a. 讽刺的,嘲笑的

monotonous/m+>n&t+n+s/ a. 单调的

kettle/>ketl/ n. 水壶

vender/>vend+/ n. 小贩


Lesson 60 Travelling by Ship 乘船


Key Sentences(重点句子)

  1. The ship is about to start. Let's go on board. 船就要开了,我们上船吧。
  2. Is there a daily passenger ship to Dalian? 每天都有班船开往大连吗?
  3. Look!The ship is lifting anchor. 瞧,船起锚了。
  4. How many ports do me call at on our passage to Dalian? 去大连一路上要停靠几个港口?

871.The ship is rolling and pitching now. 船摇晃起来了。

872. You look pale. Are you seasick? 你脸色不太好,是不是晕船?

873. I have some tablets for seasickness. 我有止晕药片。

874.The sea is very rough. 风浪很大。

875. I'm afraid I'm going to be sick. 恐怕我要吐了。

876. Maybe we'll be in port before long. 我们可能快进港了。

877. A sea trip is always enjoyable in fine weather like this. 遇到这样的好天气,乘船旅行总是使人惬意的。


Dialogue A

A:The ship is about to start. Let's go on board.

B:All right. (passing up the gangway)

A:Where is our cabin?

B:Cabin No. 3,the upper deck. It's near amid ship.

A:Here we are. There're four berths,two upper berths and two lower berths. B:Which is your berth?

A:The upper one. B:Let's go for a walk on the deck.

A:OK. Is there a daily passenger ship to Dalian?


A:When does this ship 1eave?

B:Four sharp.

A:How many days does it take to Dalian?

B:About two days. It arrives in Dalian at 6∶00p. m. The day after tomorrow. Look!The ship is lifting anchor.

A:How many ports do we call at on our passage to Dalian?

B:Two ports.

A:The ship is going very fast.

B:Perhaps she makes about 25 knots an hour.

A:Ah,there is a small boat coming towards us.

B:And she is signaling to us.

A:The weather doesn't look very good. look at all those clouds over there. B:Yes,the wind is beginning to blow but the radio said the weather would be fine today.

A:The wind is blowing hard. It's started to rain. There's going to be a storm.

B:The ship is rolling and pitching now. You look pale. Are you seasick? A:I don't feel very good.

B:I have some tablets for seasickness.

A:They give me no help at all.

B:Then we'd better go back to our cabin.

A:The sea is very rough. I get terribly seasick. I'm afraid I'm going to be sick.

B:Go to bed and shut your eyes. It will be all right. The storm will be over soon.

(The wind is dropping and the clouds are breaking. )

B:Well,the storm is over,the sea's calming down. How do you feel?

A:I feel much better now.

B:I see a red light off our bows.

A:Is that a light house?

B:Yes,may be we'll be in port before long.

A:How long does this ship lie at anchor here?

B:Half an hour.

A:It is going to dock. Let's go ashore to buy some local and special products.


Dialogue B

(Austin is taking a boat trip to Tasamnia. He and his friendare strolling on the deck. )

A:Nice day,isn't it?

B:Yes,it couldn't be better!A sea trip is always enjoyable in fine weather like this.

A:I hope it will remain fine all the way.

B:So do I. It can be very rough,though. Is this your first voyage in Australia?

A:Yes. How long does it take to get to Tasmania?

B:The ship is making about thirty knots per hour,so we should arrive there within ten hours.

A:I'm glad it's not very long.

B:Do you get seasick?

A:Usually not. But I don't know how I'd fee1 if the ship was pitching and rolling.

B:In that case,better eat some solid food. Don't drink any liquids.

A:Is that the best remedy?

B:That helped me an uncomfortable voyage.

A:Thank you for your advice. It's a bit chilly,isn't it?

B:Are you feeling cold?Would you like to come with me tomy cabin for a beer?

A:Thank you. It's nice of you to invite me.


Words and Expressions

pass up the gangway 上船

amidship/+>midMip/ ad. 在船舰中部

anchor/>$Rk+/ n.锚

knot/n&t/ n.节;海里/每小时

roll/r+ul/ v.左右摇晃

pitch/>pitM/ v.前后颠簸

tablet/>t$blit/ n.药片

(to)calm down 平静下来

bows/bauz/ n. 船头

Tasmania/t$z>meinj+/ n.塔斯马尼亚岛

remedy/>remidi/ n. 补救(法),疗法


Lesson 61 Using the Subway 乘地铁


Key Sentences(重点句子)

  1. Can you tell me how to get to Manhattan? 你能否告诉我去曼哈顿怎么走吗?
  1. You can take the subway. 您可以乘地铁。
  2. Oh,I just can't figure out the subway system at all. 哦,我对地铁系统就是弄不明白。
  3. But it's easy to get to Manhattan from here by the sub-way. 可是从这儿乘地铁到曼哈顿很方便。
  4. You take the uptown R train and get off at 42nd street. 您乘北线方向的 R 路车到第 42 街下车。
  5. O. K. ,do you know where the nearest subway station is. 好吧。您知道最近的地铁车站在哪么?
  6. It's over there across the street in front of the cinema. 就在街对面电影院的前面。
  7. Is this the right subway to the Rockefeller Center? 这就是去洛克菲勒中心的地铁吗?
  8. Yes,you take the D train on the downtown platform,and go three stops. 是的,您在南线站乘 D 路车,一共三站路。
  9. How much is the fare? 车费多少?
  10. What should I do with the token? 我该怎么用这个辅币呢?
  11. You put it in the slot at the turnstile and then push the turnstile to get into the platform. 您把它投入旋转栅门的缝槽里,然后推动旋转栅门就可以进入站台 了。
  12. By the way,how can I get out of the platform after I get off the train? 顺便问一下,我下车后怎么出站台呢?
  13. That's very easy. The exit is always open. 那很容易,出口处总是敞开着。
  14. Remember,the D train,the downtown platform. 记住,D 路车,南线站台。


Dialogue A

Linhua:Excuse me,officer. Can you help me?


Linhua:Can you tell me how to get to Manhattan?

Policeman:You can take the subway.

Linhua:Oh,I just can't figure out the subway system at all. As soon as I get underground I lose my sense of direction.

Policeman:But it's easy to get to Manhattan from here by the subway. You take the uptown R train and get off at 42nd Street.

Linhua:O. K. ,do you know where the nearest subway station is? Policeman:It's over there across the street in front of the cinema. Linhua:Thanks a lot.

Policeman:You're welcome.


Dialogue B

(A:Visitor;B:Token man)

A:Is this right subway to the Rockefeller Center?

B:Yes,you take the D train on the downtown platform,and go three stops. A:How much is the fare?

B:One dollar and fifteen cents. You give me the money and I 'll exchange it for a token.

A:What should I do with the token?

B:You put it in the slot at the turnstile and then push the turnstile to get into the platform.

A:Oh,I see. By the way,how can I get out of the platform after I get off the train?

B:That's very easy. The exit is always open.

A:Thank you very much.

B:My pleasure. Remember,the D train,the downtown platform.


Dialogue C

A:How did you enjoy your subway trip yesterday,Yang?

B:Very much and I found it very funny,too.

A:Really?When did you take your trip there?

B:I was down at the Lilan Station at 7∶30. I guess that was a bad time to travel. When a train pulled in I was simply swept in by the rush of people from behind.

A:Oh,poor you!But did you manage to find a seat?

B:That was out of the question. The train left the station before I was able to get back my breath. I planned to get off at the Bridge Station for a visit,but I found myself landed at an entirely new one.

A:So you overrode your station.

B:That's right,and it took me half an hour to get on a train back.


Words and Expressions

tokenman/>t+uk+nm+n/ n. 地铁售票员

slot/sl&:t/ n. 槽

turnstile/>t+:nstil/ n. (每次容许一人进入的)旋转栅门

pull/pul/ vi. 拉,牵

override/?+uv+>raid/ vt. 越过

platform/>pl$tf&:m/ n. (火车站的)月台

token/>t+uk+n/ n. 用作交通运输费等的替代货币的)筹码


Lesson 62 Taking a Bus 乘公共汽车


Key Sentences(重点句子)

  1. Yes,you get off at Connecticut Avenue. 是的,您在康涅狄格大道下车。
  2. How long is the ride? 要坐多久?
  3. Well,you will get there in about a quarter of an hour if the traffic isn't too heavy. 如果交通不太拥挤的话,大约一刻钟您就能到了。
  4. Drop fifty cents in the box,please. 请在盒子里放 50 美分。
  5. O. K. Would you please let me know when we get to the stop? 好的。到了站请叫我一声好吗?
  6. Welcome to our“Special Line 2” Bus. 欢迎您乘坐我们特 2 路汽车。 898. We'd like to go and visit the Asian Games Village. 我们是去亚运村看看。
  1. Please drop your money into the box and take seats in-side. 请将钱投入这个箱子,到车上坐好。
  2. When we reach the Asian Games Village I'll let youknow. 到亚运村时我会告诉你们。
  3. Would you have a look at the overpass in front of us. 你看前面的立交桥。
  4. It's called a three-way intersection. 这叫三立交桥。
  5. It is a country full of energy and vitality. 这是一个充满了活力和生机的国家。
  6. They're so skilled in riding bikes. 他们骑车技术很老练。
  7. We'll be at the Asian Games Village in a minute. 亚运村快到了。
  8. Please get ready to get off the bus. 请您做好下车准备。


Dialogue A

A:Excuse me,driver. Does this bus go to the National Park?

B:Yes,you get off at Connecticut Avenue.

A:How long is the ride?

B:Well,you will get there in about a quarter of an hour if the traffic isn't too heavy.

A:Thank you. How much is the fare?

B:Drop fifty cents in the box,please.

A:O. K. . W ould you please let me know when we get to the stop? I'm a stranger here.

B:Sure,sir. I'll remind you.


Dialogue B

(Taking a double decker bus)

Driver:Welcome to our“Special Line 2”Bus.

Fred:It's quite empty. Very good.

Nora:Driver,we'd like to go and visit the Asian Games Village. How much is the ticket?

Driver:It's 2 yuan for each person. Please drop your money into the box and take seats inside. When we reach the Asian Games Village I 'll let you know. Then step down at the back door,please.

(They are seated by the window on the top deck. )

Nora:Fred,would you have a look at the overpass in front of us. It's a pretty shape.

Fred:It's called a three-way intersection. It helps a great deal to reduce the congestion of ground transportation.

Nora:Have you noticed the most obvious difference between China and the States with respect to ground transportation?

Fred:Yes. They're got so many pedestrians walking,and so many bicycles riding.

Nora:And everywhere and anytime from morning till night.

Fred : It's a country full of energy and vitality. It's interesting to see them running in the street in a hurry.

Nora:I like seeing those girls in short skirts and high heeled shoes on bicycles,showing no sign of tension. They're so skilled in riding bikes. Driver:We'll be at the Asian Games Village in a minute. Please get ready to get off the bus.

Fred:We will. Thank you. Bye-bye!

Driver:Take care. Bye!


Words and Expressions

overpass/>+uv+p%:s/ n. 立交桥

congestion/k+n>DNestM+n/ n. 拥挤

transportation/?tr$nsp&:>teiM+n/ n. 交通;运输

pedestrian/pi>destri+n/ n. 行人

vitality/vai>t$liti/ n. 活力,生命力


Lesson 63 A Sightseeing Bus 游览车


Key Sentences(重点句子)

  1. May I help you? 你要什么?
  2. I'm interested in a tour. 我想去旅游。
  3. Is there anything special you want to see? 你有什么专门要参观的吗?
  4. Yes,I'm interested in seeing the U. N. . 是,我想参观联合国总部。 911. We have three basic tours. 我们主要有三趟旅游。
  1. Does the morning tour visit the U. N. ? 上午这次旅游参观联合国总部吗?
  2. That's in the all-day tour. 只有全天旅游去。
  3. That's a tour of all the most famous places. 这趟旅游可以参观所有最著名的地方。
  4. Where do I meet the bus? 我在哪儿乘车?
  5. 916. At the Hilton at nine thirty. 9 点半在希尔顿。
  6. Fine. Please reserve me a seat for this Saturday. 好,请为我预订一个本周六的座位。
  7. It seems to be going at least 60 miles an hour. 我看至少有 60 英里的时速。
  8. This is a good quality highway,and very wide. 这是一条很高级的快车道,而且很宽。
  9. This adjustable seat is so comfortable that I may take anap before climbing the Great Wall. 这个可调式座椅非常舒服。我可以在爬长城前先睡一小觉。


Dialogue A

A:Yes,sir. May I help you?

B:I'm interested in a tour.

A:Is there any tying special you want to see?

B:Yes,I'm interested in seeing the U. N. .

A:All right. Let me give you some brochures. We have three basic tours. B:Does the morning tour visit the U. N. ?

A:No,sir. That's in the all-day tour.

B:Then,I'd better take the all-day tour.

A:That's a tour of all the most famous places.

B:Where do I meet the bus?

A:At the Hilton at nine thirty.

B:Fine. Please reserve me a seat for this Saturday. How long is the tour? A:It takes six hours,sir.

B:I see. Can I pay in traveler's checks?

A:Of course. That's twenty-five fifty,sir.


Dialogue B

(A and B are taking a tour bus)

A:Look at the highway outside. Now our bus is going very fast.

B:Yeah. It seems to be going at least 60 miles an hour.

A:I've been looking for traffic lights,but there don't seem to be any. B:This is a good quality highway,and very wide. It has six lanes.

A:I feel as if I'm back in the States.

B:You see the barrier area in the middle of the highway is also very wide,and the information signs are large enough to be seen from far away.

A:These symbols are all internationally standardized.

B:This motor coach is also first class. It's a new mode l Japanese Hi no.

A:This adjustable seat is so comfortable that I may take a nap before climbing the Great Wall.

B:Go ahead. And I might do some reading.


Words and Expressions

brochure/>br+uju+/ n. 小册子

traveler's checks 旅行支票

lane/lein/ n. 规定的单向行车道;航道

symbol/>simb+l/ n. 标志

motorcoach/>m+ut+k+utM/ n. 游览车

adjustable/+>DN)stbl/ a. 可调整的


Lesson 64 Taking a Taxi 乘出租车


Key Sentences(重点句子)

  1. We'd like to go to Tiantan Park. 我们想去天坛公园。
  2. One of my friends told me it's very difficult to get a cabin Beijing. 我的一个朋友告诉我说在北京很难找到出租车。
  3. What is the rate? 要多少钱啊?
  4. Mine is 1. 2 yuan a kilometre. 我的车是 1. 2 元钱一公里。
  5. Do you use the metre? 你使用计价器吗?
  6. Does this car belong to you? 这辆车是你自己的吗?
  7. Do you have a good business being a taxi driver? 出租车生意好吗? 928. I've rented the car since last year. 我从去年租了这辆车。

929. Look at those yellow minis,the drivers are almost all the owners. 你看那些黄的面包车,多数司机都是开自己的车。

930.To the Nike Company,the fifth Avenue. 到第 5 大街的耐克公司去。

931. Slow down please so that I can enjoy the sights. 开慢点,我们好欣赏景色。

932.There're blue sky,beautiful trees and big buildings ahead. 晴空丽日,前面是婀娜多姿的树木和高楼大厦。

933. We'll walk over to the White House for a visit. 我们步行到白宫参观吧。

934. Let me check the metre out. 我察看一下计价器。


Dialogue A


Driver:Hello. What can I do for you?

Betty:We'd like to go to Tiantan Park.

Driver:Get in,please.

Betty:One of my friends told me it's very difficult to get a cab in Beijing. Driver : That was several years ago. Now you see taxis every-where in Beijing.

Betty:And the price is rather cheap. What is the rate?

Driver:Mine is 2 yuan a kilometer. Some others,like those yellow ones,are much cheaper,only 1 yuan per kilo-meter.

Betty:Do you use the meter?

Driver:Here it is. That's the regulation.

Betty:Do you receive tips?


Allen:How nice you people are.

Betty:Do you make cars in China or import them from abroad?

Driver:We used to buy a lot from Germany and Japan,but now we've begun to produce them ourselves. We have several good jointventure car plants in China. You see this red one,that black one and the blue one here are all made in China.

Betty:How nice!Does this car belong to you?Do you have a good business being a taxi driver?

Driver:I've rented the car since last year. It's too much for me to buy this luxurious one. Look at those yellow minis,the drivers are almost all the owners.

Betty:I see.

Driver:Here we are.

Betty:That's 30 yuan. Keey the change.

Driver:Just a minute. Here's your change.


Dialogue B

Mark:Hurry up,John. We'll be late.

John:Wait a minute!

Mark:Taxi is coming. Taxi!

Cabby:I'm afraid it's taken,sir.

Mark:It's all right.

John:Here comes another taxi!Hey,taxi!

Cabby:Step in,please!Where do you wish me to take you?

John:To the Nike Company,the fifth Avenue.

Cabby:OK. Close the door,please.

John:Slow down please so that I can enjoy the sights.

Cabby:If you are not in a hurry.

John:No. We've got lots of time.

Mark:It's all traffic. Are you sure we're on the right road?

Cabby:Sure enough.

Mark:Look!We have to stop for the red light.

Cabby:It's green now. But we can't move. We're in a trafficjam.

John:Let's go back to that crossroad and turn the other way.

Cabby:This is one way traffic.

John:Enough!Enough!Nothing but vehicles!

Mark:Look,John!There're blue sky,beautiful trees and big buildings ahead. What nice pictures!

Cabby:Ahead is the White House!

John:Really!Am I in a dream?

Cabby:Here you are.

John:Just drop us here. We'll walk over to the White House for a visit. How much is the fare?

Cabby:Let me check the meter out. Oh $ 28.

Mark:John,you get the money ready?

John:Yes,here's $ 30. Keep the change.

Cabby:Thank you. Enjoy yourselves!

John,Mark:Have a nice day!


Words and Expressions

regulation/?regju>leiM+n/ n. 规定

jointventure car plants 合资汽车厂

luxurious/?l)g>zju+ri+s/ a. 豪华的;奢侈的

traffic jam 交通拥挤

vehicle/>vi:ikl/ n. 车辆

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