Part Ⅴ Entertainment 娱乐活动??


Part Ⅴ Entertainment 娱乐活动


Lesson 48 At the Theater 看戏


Key sentences(重点句子)

  1. How did you enjoy the play? 这出戏你认为怎么样?
  2. Not too bad so far. 还不错。
  3. But seriously, the leading lady seems a little stiff. 不过,仔细分析一下,女主角似乎有点生硬。
  4. I don't know whether she doesn't know how to act or whether it's just because she's a movie star. 我真不明白,她是不知道该怎么表演呢,还是因为她是客串的电影 明星。
  5. What did you think of the love scene? 你觉得那场爱情戏怎么样? 713.They're married in real life, but they're going to get a divorce soon. 他们台下是真夫妻,不过他们很快就要离婚了。
  1. It's all here in the gossip columns. 报上闲话栏里登的。
  2. I perfer straight plays. 我喜欢看通俗易懂的话剧。
  3. This one is very dull,and the production isn't very satifactory either. 今天这个不带劲,演出水平也不怎么样。
  4. To be fair,though, both the costumes and scenery are marvellous. 不过话又说回来,服装和布景妙极了。
  5. We'd better go to a comedy next time. 下次我们最好去看场喜剧。
  6. I think the musical comedy we saw last month was very good. 我觉得上个月我们看的那场音乐剧很不错。
  7. They had constant changes of scenes, and I love variety. 剧中舞台布景经常更换。我就喜欢换花样的。


Dialogue A

A:Morris, how did you enjoy the play?

B: Not too bad so far. But seriously, the leading lady seems a little stiff. I don't know whether she doesn't know how to act or whether it's just because she's a movie star;it see ms that she doesn't exert herself enough.

A: What did you think of the love scene?

B:Both the leading man and woman acted as if they were bored to death with each other.

A:Do you know why?They're married in real life,but they're going to get a divorce soon.

B:Are you kidding?

A:Of course not. It's all here in the gossip columns. I just read it yesterday. I always read reviews about a show be-fore going to it.


Dialogue B

A:You don't like our plays, do you?

B:No,not really. I prefer straight plays. This one is very dull,and the production isn't very satisfactory, either.

A:You're absolutely right. I think the acting could be better.

B:To be fair,though,both the costumes and scenery are marvellous.

A: Well, I don't like the men's costumes, but the women's dresses are lovely.

B: Who's the actor who plays the doctor?

A:That's Frederick Veal. He was in a movie I saw last week. He played the hero, but I didn't like that either.

B:Well, we'd better go to a comedy next time. I think the musical comedy we saw last month was very good.

A:Yeah, they had constant changes of scenes, and I love variety.

B:Me,too. I hate to sit there and look at the same stage scenery one act after another.


Words and Expressions

exert/ig>z+:t/ vt.尽(力);发挥(威力等)

love scene 爱情戏

divorce/div&:s/ n. 离婚

gossip columns (报刊等的)闲话专栏

satisfactory/s$tisf$kt+ri/ a. 令人满意的,良好的

costume/>k&stju:m/ n. 服装;戏装

scenery/>si:n+ri/ n. [总称]舞台布景

comedy/>k&midi/ n. 喜剧


Lesson 49 At Dance 跳舞


Key Sentences(重点句子)

  1. May I have the first dance? 我可以和你跳第一个舞吗?
  2. I like the old styles of dance, such as fox-trot, waltz, rumba,tango and so on. 我喜欢老式舞,如快狐步、华尔兹舞、伦巴、探戈等等。 723.They're all so graceful. 这些舞非常优雅。
  1. Most young people like modern dances, such as rock and roll, the twist, and especially the break dance. 年轻人大都喜欢跳现代舞,比如摇摆舞、扭摆舞,尤其喜欢霹雳舞。
  2. I like the elegant atmosphere of the old styles. 我喜欢老式舞的优雅气氛。
  3. May I have the pleasure of there next dance? 我有幸和你跳下一个舞吗?
  4. I admire your gracefulness. 我欣赏你的优美舞姿。
  5. The lights are amazing and the music is wonderful,too. 灯光闪烁,音乐也美妙。
  6. I like rumba and jitterbug very much. 我很喜欢伦巴舞和吉特巴舞。
  7. Which dances do you like best? 你最喜欢哪种舞?
  8. I like fast fox-trot and Viennese waltz best, but sometimes I like to dance disco and twist. 我喜欢快狐步和维也纳华尔兹舞,但有时候我喜欢跳迪斯科和扭摆 舞。
  9. Tango is my favorite. 探戈是我最喜爱的。
  10. Have you ever tried break dance? 你是否曾跳过霹雳舞?
  11. It's called la conga which is one of the most popular dances in South America. 这叫做康茄舞,这种舞是在南美洲最流行的一种。
  12. Let's dance the disco. 让我们跳迪斯科吧。
  13. I think I'll sit out the next dance, I'm tired. 我想坐一会儿,等过了下只舞吧,我累了。
  14. We've really enjoyed ourselves and had a very pleas ant weekend night. 我们都玩得很开心,度过了一个很愉快的周末之夜。


Dialogue A

John:(To Lusy) May I have the first dance?

Lusy:With pleasure!

J:(They are talking while dancing. )I know that you are a good dancer. What dances do you like?

L:I like the old styles of dance, such as fox-trot, waltz, rumba,tango and so on. They're all so graceful.

J: Why do you like the old styles of dance?

L:Why not?Is it strange?Do you think I should like modern dances?

J:I think so,because most young people like modern dances, such as rock and roll, the twist, and especially the break dance.

L:Oh,sorry,I don't rumba. Susan can do it well. Why no task her?

J: Yes,I will. Thank you.

L:You are welcome.

J:I admire your gracefulness.

L:That's very kind of you to say so. (The music stops. )

J:Thanks. I'll go ask her. (He leaves to find Susan. )

L:(Smiles. )Enjoy yourself!


Dialogue B

(They drive to the dance hall, get off the car and walk towards the hall directly. )

A:Here we are. Be careful. The ground is wet. It's just rained.

B:Yes, it feels a bit slippery. Come on,though. The band has already started.

(After entering the hall, they get at able near the dance pool. )

C:The place looks quite nice.

B:Yes. The lights are amazing and the music is wonderful, too. Hay! Jack, what is this band called?

A:It's called New Waves. Recently came from Guangzhou.

B:Wonderful! I like rumba and jitterbug very much. Susan, which dances do you like best?

C:Mmm… I like fast fox-trot and Viennese waltz best,but sometimes I like to dance disco and twist. And then,what about you, Jack?

A:Tango. Tango is my favorite.

B:Have you ever tried break dance? I reckon it's very hard to dance. A:Yes. But I'm quite interested in break dance.

B:What is that tempo called?

A:Oh, it's called la conga which is one of the most popular dances in South America.

C:Let's dance the disco.

(After that)

A:Helen,shall we have a dance?

B:With pleasure. But I'm not a good dancer.

A:Susan,may I dance with you?

C:Sorry. I think I'll sit out the next dance, I'm tired.

B:(Looking at her watch…)Oh,it's late now. I reckon we'd better leave. A:Ah,yes. Let's hurry. Do you enjoy tonight's dancing?

B&C:(Saying at the same time) Thanks a lot, Jack. We've really enjoyed ourselves and had a very pleasant weekend night.


Words and Expressions

fox-trot/>f&kstr&t/ n. 狐步舞

rumba/>r)mb+/ n. 伦巴舞 vi. 跳伦巴舞

tango/>t$Rg+u/ n. 探戈舞

twist/twist/ n. 扭摆舞

elegant/>elig+nt/ a. 优美的,讲究的

atmosphere/>$tm+sfi+/ n. 气氛,环境

gracefulness/>greisfulnis/ n. 优美,雅致

slippery/>slip+ri/ a. 滑的

amazing/+>meiziR/ a. 令人惊异的

Viennese waltz 维也纳华尔兹舞

break dance 霹雳舞

reckon/>rek+n/ vt. 认为

tempo/>temp+u/ n. (音)速度;拍子

conga/>k&Rg+/ n. 康茄舞


Lesson 50 Going to the Cinema 看电影


Key Sentences(重点句子)

  1. Would you like to see the movie Forget Me Not? 电影《勿忘我》你想看吗?
  2. They say the heroine is played by Jane Fonda. 听说女主角是由简·方达担任。
  3. I've already got the tickets reserved at the box office. 我已在票房订了票。
  4. You just wait for me in your place, and I'll come and pick you up at 6:30. 你就在住处等我好了,6 点半我开车来接你。
  5. Thank you very much for inviting me. 谢谢你邀请我。
  6. Let's hope the movie's good. 只要今天的电影不错就行。
  7. What else is on the program? 加演什么吗?
  8. I suppose there's the usual cartoon. 我估计还不是那老一套,放个动画片。
  9. The critics in Times said it was rather light and colorful and entertaining. 《泰晤士报》的影评家认为,这个片子主题轻松,内容丰 富,情节 引人。
  10. We'll have a better idea after seeing it ourselves,don't you think so? 看完电影我们自己就会清楚了,你说呢?
  11. What did the review say about the movie? 影评界对这部片子有何评论?
  12. Sh! We'd better stop annoying people around us. 嘘!最好别再影响周围观众了。


Dialogue A

A:Would you like to see the movie Forget Me Not?

B:It's a new one, I suppose?

A:You bet. They say the heroine is played by Jane Fonda.

B:Good, Fonda's my favorite star. I must go and see it.

A:I've already got the tickets reserved at the box office. You just wait for me in your place, and I'll come and pick you up at 6:30.

B:Thank you very much for inviting me. I 'll be expecting you.


Dialogue B

A:Did you see the dirty look the usher gave us when we rushed past him down the aisle?

B:Well, who cares? Let's hope the movie's good.

A:What else is on the program?

B:I suppose there's the usual cartoon.

A:What did the review say about the movie?

B:Not too bad. The critics in Times said it was rather light and colorful and entertaining. The Daily News gave it three stars.

A:But mind you, you can't always rely on the reviews. We'll have a better idea after seeing it ourselves, don't you think so?

B:Yes,I guess you're right. Well, these seats aren't bad, are they? We're pretty lucky, after all.

A:Sh!We'd better stop annoying people around us.

B:Sorry, I didn't realize I was talking so loudly.


Words and Expressions

heroine/>her+uin/ n. 女主角

box office 票房 usher/>)M+/ n. 引座员

cartoon/k%:>tu:n/ n. 动画片

entertaining/?ent+>teiniR/ a. 有趣的;使人娱乐的

annoy/+>n&i/ vt. 使烦恼;打搅


Lesson 51 In the Ninght Club 在夜总会


Key Sentences(重点句子)

  1. There is a very good nightclub nearby. 附近有一家很好的夜总会。
  2. Oh,the dance hall looks very nice and the music is wonderful. 哦,这舞厅看上去真不错,音乐也好极了。
  3. The band is called“Four and One”. 这个乐队名叫“四合一”。 753.They are good especially at playing rock and roll. 他们特别擅长演奏摇滚乐。
  1. Then you must be interested in disco dancing, aren't you? 那你肯定对迪斯科舞感兴趣,是吗?
  2. Disco dancing is my favorite. 迪斯科舞是我最喜欢的。

756. It is great fun and a good exercise as well. 跳这种舞十分带劲,而且还是一种很好的锻炼。

757. Look at all the crazy girls on the dance floor. 你看舞池里那些狂热的女孩。

758. Yeah,this could be the most swinging place in the whole Asia. 是啊,这可能是整个亚洲最热闹最欢乐的夜总会。

759. Wait until their rock band comes on. 等到摇滚乐队出场时你再看。

760. I was told that they are really first rate. 听说这儿的乐队是真正一流的乐队。


Dialogue A

Rose:How is the night life in Nanjing, Mike?

Mike:Very interesting!

Rose:What do you suggest then?

Mike:How about going to dance?There is a very good nightclub nearby. Rose:That's fine idea. Let's go.

(At the club)

Rose:Oh,the dance hall looks very nice and the music is wonderful.

Mike:I'm glad you like it. The band is called“Four and One”.They are good especially at playing rock and roll.

Rose:That's great! I love to dance to fast music.

Mike:Then you must be interested in disco dancing, aren't you?

Rose:Yes,disco dancing is my favorite. It is great fun and a good exercise as well.

Mike: O. K. . Let's dance the disco.

(After that)

Rose:Now the band are playing a slow dance.

Mike:That's waltz. It's beautiful dance. Will you have a try?

Rose:Sorry, I think I'll sit out the next dance.

Mike:All right. Let me get you something to drink.

Rose:That's very kind of you, thanks.


Dialogue B

Reception Waiter:Good evening! How many, please?


Reception Waiter:There is a cover charge of 25 yuan per person, sir. Yours is 75 yuan.

Peter:What?25 yuan even before we enter?

Reception Waiter: Yes, sir. But of the 20 yuan cover charge you'll get your first drink free. You have a choice of any drink under 15 yuan.

Sam:That's not too bad. O. K. ,here is 100 yuan.

Reception Waiter:Thank you. And here is your change and your tickets,sir.

Dan:What are we supposed to do with the tickets?

Reception Waiter:You take it to the bar counter and trade it for your selected drink there.

Dan:I see. Thank you.

(They go inside)

Peter:Wow, this place is wild. I never expected to see any-thing like this in China.

Dan:Yeah, we could be in Hong Kong for that matter. Look at all the crazy girls on the dance floor.

Peter:Yeah,this could be in most swinging place in the whole Asia.

Sam:Surprised already,eh?We haven't seen anything. Wait until their rock band comes on. I was told that they arereally first rate. But let's go and get out“free drinks”first.

Dan and Peter:Good idea.


Words and Expressions

nightclub/>naitkl)b/ n. 夜总会

especially/is>peM+li/ ad. 特别,尤其

disco/>disk+u/ n. 放送流行歌曲唱片供人跳舞的夜总会

waltz/w&:lts/ n. 华尔兹舞,圆舞曲

crazy/>kreizi/ a. 疯狂的;狂热的

swinging/>swinDNiR/ a. 极好的,第一流的


Lesson 52 Going to Acrobatic Performance 看杂技表演

Key Sentences(重点句子)

  1. It's very difficult to see Chinese acrobatics at home. 在国内很难看到中国杂技。
  2. Oh!They're breathtaking. 呵,空中飞人真是惊心动魂。
  3. Those hair-raising performances can be scary. 那些惊险的表演很吓人。
  4. It must be very difficult for them to be trained as very skillful acrobats. 训练出技巧高超的杂技演员肯定很难。
  5. That goes without saying. 这是不言而喻的。
  6. Look at the girl who is building a pagoda of bowls. 瞧瞧那个正在顶着一摞碗的姑娘。
  7. It's almost incredible. 简直令人难以置信。
  8. Ah,it's bicycle stabilizing feats on a raised platform. 噢,这是高台定车。
  9. More people do performances on a still bike. 还有许多人在一动不动的自行车上表演。
  10. There might be a performance called trick cycling tonight. 今晚也许有称为车技的节目。


Dialogue A

(Mary and Bill are going to an acrobatic performance. )

Mary:I'm all dressed up and ready to go.

Bill:That was pretty fast. It only took you fifteen minutes.

M:I don't dilly dally when there's the prospect of a good acrobatic performance in the offing. Let's go.

B:Yes,it's very difficult to see Chinese acrobatics at home. So it's great to have this opportunity since I like them very much.

M:So do I. What kind of things do you prefer?

B:All kinds. Such as magic shows, flying trapeze acts, tightrope walking, and even the clowns.

M:Flying trapeze acts! Oh! They're breathtaking. I'm the nervous type and get too nervous.

B:Yes,those hair-raising performances can be scary. I saw a little girl fell off a pyramid of chairs when she was balancing on them.

M:Really? Was she hurt?

B:Fortunately,she survived the accident because of the safety rope fastened on her.

M:That's too bad. It must be very difficult for them to be trained as very skillful acrobats.

B:Yes,that goes without saying.

M:Oh, it's a hard and very dangerous job. I hope we won'tsee the same thing today.

B:I don't think so. It seldom happens.


Dialogue B

(Mary and Bill are watching the performances. )

B:Can you see clearly? If not,we can move to the front.

M:No problem. It's very good here.

B:Look at the girl who is building a pagoda of bowls. She's stacking the bowls one by one very skillfully.

M:Oh,it's almost incredible. How can she do that?

B: I heard they are trained when they were very young. Oh, she's finished. Let's applaud her.

M:All right. What's next?

B : We have to wait for the announcer. Ah , it's bicycle stabilizing feats on a raised platform.

M:What's that like?

B:Er…one or more people do performances on a still bike. The bike is on a raised platform.

M:That's difficult, unless the bike is moving.

B:Yeah. It's not easy even on a moving bike. There might be a performance called trick cycling tonight. That's the one with a moving bike. If there is one, you can see it with your own eyes.

M:That kind of act would take a lot of skill. Everything is easier when you are skillful at it.

B:Yes, just like speaking Chinese. We feel it's difficult, yet the Chinese use it freely.


Words and Expressions

dillydally/>dilid$li/ vi. [口] 磨蹭,吊儿郎当地消 磨时间 prospect/>pr&spekt/ n. 前景

acrobatics/?$kr+>b$tiks/ n. 杂技;[军] 特技飞行

offing/>&fiR/ n. 在附近,不远的将来

magic/>m$DNik/ n. 魔术

trapeze/tr+>pi:z/ n. 高秋干

clown/klaun/ n. 小丑

breathtaking/>breI?teikiR/ a. 惊险的;惊人的

hair-raising/>h#+reiziR/ [口]恐怖的,使人毛发竖起的

scary/>sk#+ri/ a. 吓人的;(马等)易受惊的

pyramid/>pir+mid/ n. 金字塔形;金字塔现象;金字塔

balance/>b$l+ns/ n. v. 平衡

skillful/s>kilful/ a. 熟练的

acrobat/>$kr+b$t/ 杂技演员(尤指走钢丝者)

pagoda/p+>g+ud+/ n. 塔,宝塔

incredible/in>kred+bl/ a. 难以置信的

applaud/+>pl&:d/ vt. vi. 喝彩;叫好

announcer/+>nauns+/ n. 报幕员;(电视、电台)播音员; (比赛等的)解说员

stabilize/>steibilaiz/ vt. 稳定

feat/fi:t/ n. 技艺

platform/>pl$tf&:m/ n. 平台;台

rick-cycling/>trik>saikliR/ n. 车技

trick/trik/ n. 特技;花招;巧技

stack/st$k/ vt. 堆积,堆起


Lesson 53 Going To a Circus 看马戏


Key Sentences(重点句子)

  1. Do they have any monkey tricks? 他们有猴子耍把戏吗?
  2. If the dog trainer says one plus two, one of the dogs goes and brings the board with a“3” on it to the trainer. 如果驯狗师说 1+2,其中有只狗手拿写着“3”的木板走过来交给他。
  3. Clowns play an important role in a circus. 小丑在马戏团起着重要作用。
  4. They make the circus lively and cause people to laugh. 他们使马戏充满生气,使观众捧腹大笑。
  5. What funny faces and costumes! 多么滑稽可笑的面孔和服装啊! 776.This is quite a show. 表演真棒。
  1. He poured a big barrel of water into his mouth. 他把一大桶水倒进自己的嘴里。
  2. He didn't really pour the water into his mouth. 他并没有真的把水倒进嘴里。
  3. He poured it into a big plastic bag. 他把水倒进一只大塑料袋里。
  4. Look,two streams of water are spurting from his nose. 看!两束水流正从他的鼻子里喷出来。


Dialogue A

(A and B are going to circus. )

A:It will be Sunday tomorrow. Why not go to a circus?

B:What do they have?

A:Oh,they have a lot of animal acts. “Tiger act jumping through a fire ring”. “A seal that does tricks with a ball”, and so on.

B:Do they have any monkey tricks?

A:Yes. And also dog tricks.

B:What kind?

A:For instance,a group of cute little dogs sit in a line. They can calculate. If the dog trainer says one plus two, one of the dogs goes and brings the board with a “3” on it to the trainer.

B:Oh,can we see them tomorrow?

A:Maybe. Shall we plan to go tomorrow?

B:Mm…are you sure that we can see all these?

A:No, but we can go ask Wang Li. He went to see some of them yesterday. B:Will you go ask him and let me know your decision after supper?

A:Can we go together? B:I'm sorry I can't. I have an appointment with Mr Li. A:O.K. in that case I've go to by myself.

B:By the way,would you please ask him whether there are horse tricks?I like them very much.

A:Yes,I like them,too. I used to go to see horse tricks with my mum before.

B:I'll be expecting you after dinner then.

A:O. K. Bye!


Dialogue B

(A and B are talking about the clowns. )

A:Clowns play an important role in a circus.

B:Yes,they make the circus lively and cause people to laugh.

A:Look. There come two of them. What funny faces and costumes!

B:And funny performances!

A:Oh,this is quite a show. Ah,he pretends to be dead.

B:The other is pouring water into his mouth.

A:That's incredible. He poured a big barrel of water into his mouth. How can he drink so much water? What a big stomach he has!

B:No,he didn't really pour the water into his mouth. He poured it into a big plastic bag.

A:Oh,yeah. Where's the bag then?

B:Inside his coat in the front,he's taking it out.

A:Oh,I see. Look,two streams of water are spurting from his nose. I must tell Bill about all this.


Words and Expressions

ring/riR/ n. 环,圈

seal/si:l/ n. 海豹

monkey/>m)Rki/ n. 猴子

cute/kju:t/ a. 伶俐的;逗人喜爱的

calculate/>k$lkjuleit/ vt. 计算

plus/pl)s/ prep. 加

promise/>pr&mis/ v. 允诺;约定

pretend/pri>tend/ vt. 假装

pour/p&:/ vt. 灌(注),倾(注)

barrel/>b$r+l/ n. 桶

stomach/>st)m+k/ n. 胃

plastic/>pl$stik/ a. 塑料的

spurt/sp +:t/ vt. 喷射

costume/ > k &stju:m/ n. 服装


Lesson 54 Going to a Botanical Garden 植物园一游


Key Sentences(重点句子)

  1. They look just like the ones we saw at the tulip fair last spring. 它们看上去就像去年春天我们在郁金香花展上见过的郁金香花。
  2. And what a riot of color there is with all kinds of flowers in blossom! 各种各样的花竞相开放,真是五彩缤纷。
  3. Do you see those red,white and yellow roses blooming by the fountain? 你看见在喷泉旁那些含苞怒放的红、白、黄色玫瑰花吗?
  4. What are those small yellow and white flowers sprouting up on the lawn? 在草坪上含苞欲放的那些黄色和白色的小花是什么花?
  5. The yellow ones are buttercups and the white ones are daisies. 黄花是毛茛属植物,白花是雏菊。
  6. Aren't those azalea bushes beautiful? 那些杜鹃花丛难道不美吗? 787. Here's an interesting bed with a mixture of daffodils, violets,lilies of the valley and bluebells. 这个花坛真有趣,水仙花、紫罗兰、铃兰和风铃草混种在一起。
  1. You've got to water them and see that they get enough bright sunlight. 你得给花浇水,并确保它们有充足的阳光。
  2. Some flowers need special care. Others need special food. 有些花需要特别照看,其他的则需要特殊的肥料。
  3. But the satisfaction out of the labor is incomparable. 可是,由劳动而得到的满足感是难以比拟的。


Dialogue A

(At the entrance of botanical garden)

Li Ming:Look at those crowds of people milling about just inside the gate. It seems that some public meetings are going on.

Wang Lin:Oh,don't you know that in parks nowadays,there are many open air performances? There must be some plays or acrobatics going on there. Let's go in and have a look.

L:Oh,look at those cute children. How happy they seem!

W:I can't help recalling my own childhood as I look at them. So innocent!So carefree!

L:Don't be so sentimental. Look at that old couple on that bench. Do you think they are happy?

W:Perhaps they are. But behind their smiles,I can see a kind of sadness and loneliness. They're here to drink invigor from the youth. Don't you think so?

L:Oh,it's hard to say. Anyway,they can enjoy themselves here. It's good for their health. Let's stop talking about people and go a little faster. W:All right. Let's. Dialogue B Wang Lin:Just look at those gorgeous tulips there. Let's go over and have a closer look at them,shall we?

Li Ming:OK. They are beautiful,aren't they? Do you think they are the East Anglican species?

W:I think so. They look just like the ones we saw at the tulip fair last spring.

L:What a wonderful time of the year!It's so restful.

W:And what a riot of color there is with all kinds of flower sin blossom! Do you see those red,white and yellow roses blooming by the fountain? L:What are those small yellow and white flowers sprouting up on the lawn,Wang?

W:The yellow ones are buttercups and the white ones are daisies.

L:I wonder why they weren't planted in proper flower beds?

W:They look more natural peeping up out of the grass like that.

L:Aren't those azalea bushes beautiful?

W:Yes. Here's an interesting bed with a mixture of daffodils, violets,lilies of the valley and bluebells.

L:By the way,do you know much about how to grow flow-ers?

W:Oh,not much. But my mother grows a lot at my home.

L:It takes plenty of time to take care of them.

W:Of course. You've got to water them and see that they get enough bright sunlight. Sometimes you also have to give plant food.

L:Plant food?

W:Yes. Healthy plant food mixed in clean water.

L:It really takes a lot of knowledge.

W:Some flowers need special care. Others need special food.

L:That's too complicated. But the satisfaction out of the labor is incomparable.


Words and Expressions

botanical/b+>t$nik+l/ a. 植物(学)的

botanical garden 植物园

cute/kju:t/ a. 漂亮的,逗人喜欢的;聪明的, 伶俐的

innocent/>in+snt/ a. 天真的,单纯的;清白的; 无罪的

carefree/>k#+fri:/ a. 无忧无虑的

sentimental/?senti>mentl/ a. 易动感情的,多愁善感的; 充满感情的,感情上的; 感伤的,无病呻吟的

vigor/>vig+/ n. 活力,精力;气势,魄力

tulip/tju:lip/ n. [植]郁金香

restful/>restful/ a. 宁静的;悠闲的

riot/>rai+t/ n. (色彩)丰富;狂欢;暴乱

sprout/spraut/ vi. 发芽;很快地生长(发展)

buttercup/>b)t+k)p/ n. 毛茛属植物

daisy/>deizi/ n. [植]菊;雏菊属

peep/pi:p/ vi. 显露出来(out)

azalea/+>zilj+/ n. [植]杜鹃花

daffodil/>d$f+dil/ n. [植]黄水仙

violet/>vai+lit/ n. [植]紫罗兰

lily/>lili/ n. [植]百合花

lily of the valley 铃兰

bluebell/>blu:bel/ n. [植]风铃草;开蓝色铃状 花的植物(如风信子等) incomparable/in>k&mp+r+bl/ a. 无比的;举世无双的; 不能比较的


Lesson 55 Going to the Zoo 去动物园


Key Sentences(重点句子)

  1. Look,a pair of eagles from North America. 瞧,一对北美洲的鹰。
  2. What are those repulsive-looking birds of prey in the cage beside them? 在鹰旁边的笼子里关着的那些面目可憎的猛禽是什么?
  3. Those long-tailed, multicolored parrots are a delight to the eye. 那些长尾巴、五彩缤纷的鹦鹉真是好看极了。
  4. We'd better go and see the carniverous animals. 我们最好去看食肉动物。
  5. Just feast your eyes on that majestic lion prancing about its cage! 尽情欣赏一下在笼子里窜来窜去的大狮子吧。
  6. He seems fully aware of being“the king of beasts”. 他似乎完全意识到自己是“兽中之王”。
  7. Those sleek leopards are very fascinating. 那些养得壮壮的豹非常迷人。
  8. Those white and black giant pandas are gentle and lovable, though. 那些皮色黑白相间的大熊猫温顺可爱。
  9. Look,the foxes seem to be dead asleep. 瞧,那些狐狸似乎睡得很甜。 799. Do you like to watch those aquatic animals? 你喜欢看那些水栖动物吗?
  1. Have you ever seen a giant salamander? 你见过娃娃鱼吗?
  2. I hear it is very much like a baby. 听说这种鱼长得很像娃娃。
  3. That big,lazy seal is climbing onto the bank. 那只懒洋洋的大海豹正往岸上爬。
  4. You're really attracted by the seals,aren't you? 你真的被那些海豹迷住了,不是吗?


Dialogue A

A:Now,let's go and see the aviary first.

B:All right. (They enter the aviary. )Look,a pair of eagles from North America. Huge birds,aren't they? And so stately.

A:What are those repulsive-looking birds of prey in the cage beside them?

B : They're hawks,buzzards and vultures. Vicious looking creatures,aren't they?Look at the falcons?

A: I must say I prefer the more gentle type of fowl. Look at those tropical birds , for instance , those long - tailed , multicolored parrots are a delight to the eye.

B:Considering the size and the strength of their beaks,I wouldn't say those parrots look all that gentle.

A:Look at the peacock. Isn't it beautiful!

B:Yes,it is. So pround and so beautiful!Well,look at the turkeys,swans,and ducks. Let's go nearer.

A:We'd better go and see the carniverous animals.

B:Carniverous animals?What does“carniverous” mean?

A:“Carniverous” means meat-eating. They feed on other animals. Here we are. Just feast your eyes on that majestic lion prancing about its cage! He seems fully aware of being“the king of beasts”.

B:He looks great behind the bars,but it wouldn't be funny to meet one in the jungle.

A:No,of course not. I wouldn't fancy those tigers there as household pets,either.

B: Those sleek leopards are very fascinating. I 've seldom seen such beautiful furs. Oh,here are the jackals,wolves,and wild cats.

A:What a horrible,moanful noise they're making. It really frightens me. Those white and black giant pandas are gentle and lovable,though.

B:Look,the foxes seem to be dead asleep. They're probably fed up with all the people staring at them. Shall we go over to see the elephant and monkeys? A:O. K. . Let's go.


Dialogue B

(Visiting the aquarium)

A:Look!Why are there so many people crowded there?

B : Perhaps that's the aquarium. Do you like to watch thoseaquatic animals?

A:They are my favorites. Isn't it magnificent to see them playing about in water?

B:Yes,let's go.

A:Look at those goldfish. Can you name some of them?

B:That's beyond my power. Oh,those fish are different colors: red,white and black.

A:Look at that one. There's a flower on its head. It's eyes are like water bubbles.

B:It's really beautiful. Look, how fast that fish swims. It's chasing that one. It must be a snapper.

A:Hey,Wang, have you ever seen a giant salamander?

B:Yes. When I had my work practice in Yanjing Hotel,I saw one in the small water pond which was built in the ground floor of the hotel.

A:What a pity we can't find one here. I hear it is very much like a baby. B:Well,not exactly. That fish has paws which are a lot like the fingers of little babies,but that's all.

A:What's that over there?

B:It must be a seal or a dolphin. Let's go have a look.

A:Oh!It's a seal. Look! That big, lazy seal is climbing onto the bank. It probably wants to get some sunshine.

B:It looks clumsy on the bank, but is quite graceful in water. Look at that seal. It's doing the breaststroke.

A:Shall we go and look at the other sea animals?

B:Oh,wait a moment. How nice to see those seals!

A:There's still a lot to see,the sea horse and the sea cow, the turtle and sea snakes, and the beaver and globefish.

B:Come on. That seal is going to play games. The man over there must be t he animal trainer. It seems that the seal is quite familiar with him. A:You're really attracted by the seals, aren't you?

B:Yes. Don't you like them?

A:Of course I do,but we haven't got much time to linger on here. If you are interested,we can find another whole day to have a good look at the seals.

B:All right. What else do you want to see?

A:Let's go to see the turtles,shall we?

B:O. K. . Let's.


Words and Expressions

aviary/>eivi+ri/ n. 鸟舍;鸟类饲养场

repulsive/>rip)lsiv/ a. 使人反感的;可憎的;排斥的

prey/prei/ n. 被捕食之动物;掠食;牺牲者

bird of prey 食肉鸟(鹰等),猛禽

hawk/h&:k/ n. [动]鹰

buzzard/>b)z+d/ n. [动]美国秃鹰

vulture/>v)ltM+/ n. [动]秃鹫,坐山雕;贪得无 厌的人;劫掠成性的人; vicious/>viM+s/ a. [动]凶恶的;恶意的;恶性的; 险恶的

falcon/>f&:lk+n,f&:k+n/ n. [动]猎鹰

fowl/faul/ n. 禽

tropical/>tr&pik+l/ a. 热带的

parrot/>p$r+t/ n. [动]鹦鹉

considering/k+n>sid+riR/ prep.就……而论,考虑到

beak/bi:k/ n. (猛禽、甲鱼等的)嘴喙

swan/sw&n/ n. [动]天鹅

carniverous/k%:>niv+r+s/ a. 食肉的

majestic/m+>DNestik/ a. 威严的;雄伟的;庄严的

jungle/>DN)Rgl/ n. 丛林;密林

sleek/sli:k/ a. (动物)养得好的;健壮的; (毛发)光滑的

leopard/>lep+d/ n. [动]豹

jackal/>DN$k&:l/ n. [动]豺

moanful/>m+unful/ a. 呻吟的;悲伤的

aquarium/+>kw#+ri+m/ 水族馆;养鱼缸

aquatic/+>kw$tik/ a. 水的;水产的;水栖的

aquatic animal 水栖动物

snapper/>sn$p+/ n. [动]甲鱼

salamander/>s$l+?m$nd+/ n. [动]蝾螈

giant salamander [动]娃娃鱼

paw/p&:/ n. 脚,爪,爪子

seal/si:l/ n. 海豹;海豹(毛)皮

dolphin/>d&lfin/ n. [动]海豚





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