Econometrics Homework (Lab Course: Chapters 2, 3, 4)


Exercise 1


Data set CEOSAL2.RAW includes information about 177 CEOs, which can be used to explore the effect of corporate performance on the salary of CEOs. Check variable labels and know the meanings of the variables. Complete the following questions:

  1. Estimate the regression model of annual salary with sales volume and market value as independent variables in which constant elasticity of each variable is specified. Present the estimation result.

  2. If adding profits into the model in 1, could this variable be in logarithmic form? Do these corporate performance variables explain most of the variation in CEOs’ salaries?

  3. Based on 2, add ceoten into the model and keep other conditions the same. What is the estimated percentage return if CEO tenure increases by one year?

  4. Calculate the correlation coefficient between logarithmic market value and profits. Are they highly correlated? How it affects the OLS estimation?

  5. Use partial regression to calculate the elasticity of market value to CEO’s salary by using a single regression model.

Do.file document and results:

1. Import data : “CEOSAL2.DTA”
use "CEOSAL2.DTA", clear	
2. Describe the variables to know meanings of them
variable name storage type display format variable label
salary int %9.0g 1990 compensation, $1000s
age byte %9.0g in years
college byte %9.0g =1 if attended college
grad byte %9.0g =1 if attended graduate school
comten byte %9.0g years with company
ceoten byte %9.0g years as ceo with company
sales float %9.0g 1990 firm sales, millions
profits int %9.0g 1990 profits, millions
mktval float %9.0g market value, end 1990, mills.
lsalary float %9.0g log(salary)
lsales float %9.0g log(sales)
lmktval float %9.0g log(mktval)
comtensq int %9.0g comten^2
ceotensq int %9.0g ceoten^2
profmarg float %9.0g profits as % of sales
e_lmktval float %9.0g Residuals
3. Answer to 1.1

l o g ( s a l a r y ) = β 0 + β 1 l o g ( s a l e s ) + β 2 l o g ( m k t v a l ) + u log(salary)=\beta_0+\beta_1log(sales)+\beta_2log(mktval)+u log(salary)=β0+β1log(sales)+β2log(mktval)+u

reg lsalary lsales lmktval
dis "log(salary)=" _b[_cons] "+" _b[lsales] "log(sales)+" _b[lmktval] "log(mktval)"
Source SS df MS
Model 19.3365617 2 9.66828083 Number of obs = 177
Residual 45.3096514 174 .260400295 F(2, 174) = 37.13
Total 64.6462131 176 .367308029 Prob > F = 0.0000
R-squared = 0.2991
Adj R-squared = 0.2911
Root MSE = .51029
lsalary Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
lsales .1621283 .0396703 4.09 0.000 .0838315 .2404252
lmktval .106708 .050124 2.13 0.035 .0077787 .2056372
_cons 4.620917 .2544083 18.16 0.000 4.118794 5.123041

l o g ( s a l a r y ) = 4.6209175 + . 16212831 l o g ( s a l e s ) + . 10670798 l o g ( m k t v a l ) log(salary)=4.6209175+.16212831log(sales)+.10670798log(mktval) log(salary)=4.6209175+.16212831log(sales)+.10670798log(mktval)

4. Answer to 1.2

First we need to know if it is appropriate to add profits into the model in 1 in logarithmic form.

sum profit   
Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
profits 177 207.8305 404.4543 -463 2700

We can see the minimum of profit is negative.

count if profit < 0
count if profit < 0

We can see if we add profits into the model in 1 in logarithmic form, there will be nine missing value. Because there are nine negative observations in variable profit. Hence, we should not add profits into the model in 1 in logarithmic form, but in level form.

l o g ( s a l a r y ) = β 0 + β 1 l o g ( s a l e s ) + β 2 l o g ( m k t v a l ) + β 3 p r o f i t s + u log(salary)=\beta_0+\beta_1log(sales)+\beta_2log(mktval)+\beta_3profits+u log(salary)=β</





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