uva 1329 Corporative Network && uva 1160 X-Plosives 并查集

A very big corporation is developing its corporative network. In the beginning each of the N enterprisesof the corporation, numerated from 1 to N, organized its own computing and telecommunication center.Soon, for amelioration of the services, the corporation started to collect some enterprises in clusters,each of them served by a single computing and telecommunication center as follow. The corporationchose one of the existing centers I (serving the cluster A) and one of the enterprises J in some othercluster B (not necessarily the center) and link them with telecommunication line. The length of theline between the enterprises I and J is |I −J|(mod 1000). In such a way the two old clusters are joinedin a new cluster, served by the center of the old cluster B. Unfortunately after each join the sum of thelengths of the lines linking an enterprise to its serving center could be changed and the end users wouldlike to know what is the new length. Write a program to keep trace of the changes in the organizationof the network that is able in each moment to answer the questions of the users.Your program has to be ready to solve more than one test case.


E i 查询节点i到根节点距离

I u v 将节点u链接到v节点下(此时u无父节点)


<strong>#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;

const int maxn = 2e4 + 10;
int fa[maxn], T, n, d[maxn];

int find(int x) {
    if (x == fa[x]) return x;
    int root = find(fa[x]);
    d[x] += d[fa[x]];
    fa[x] = root;
    return root;

int main() {
    cin >> T;
    while (T--) {
        cin >> n;
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) fa[i] = i;
        memset(d, 0, sizeof(d));
        char a;
        int x, y;
        while (1) {
            cin >> a;
            if (a == 'O') break;
            if (a == 'I') {
                cin >> x >> y;
                fa[x] = y;
                d[x] = abs(x - y) % 1000;
            if (a == 'E') {
                cin >> x;
                cout << d[x] << endl;
    return 0;

A secret service developed a new kind of explosive that attain its volatile property only when a specificassociation of products occurs. Each product is a mix of two different simple compounds, to which wecall a binding pair. If N > 2, then mixing N different binding pairs containing N simple compoundscreates a powerful explosive. For example, the binding pairs A+B, B+C, A+C (three pairs, threecompounds) result in an explosive, while A+B, B+C, A+D (three pairs, four compounds) does not.You are not a secret agent but only a guy in a delivery agency with one dangerous problem: receivebinding pairs in sequential order and place them in a cargo ship. However, you must avoid placing inthe same room an explosive association. So, after placing a set of pairs, if you receive one pair thatmight produce an explosion with some of the pairs already in stock, you must refuse it, otherwise, youmust accept it.An example. Lets assume you receive the following sequence: A+B, G+B, D+F, A+E, E+G,F+H. You would accept the first four pairs but then refuse E+G since it would be possible to make thefollowing explosive with the previous pairs: A+B, G+B, A+E, E+G (4 pairs with 4 simple compounds).Finally, you would accept the last pair, F+H.Compute the number of refusals given a sequence of binding pairs.



<strong>#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int maxn = 1e5 + 10;
int fa[maxn];

int find(int x) {
    if (x == fa[x]) return x;
    else return fa[x] = find(fa[x]);

int link(int x, int y) {
    int nx = find(x);
    int ny = find(y);
    if (nx == ny) return 0;
    else fa[nx] = ny;
    return 1;

int main() {
    int x, y;
    while (scanf("%d", &x) == 1) {
        for (int i = 0; i < maxn; i++) {
            fa[i] = i;    
        int tot = 0;
        while (1) {
            if (x == -1) break;
            scanf("%d", &y);
            if (!link(x, y)) {
                tot ++;
            scanf("%d", &x);
        printf("%d\n", tot);
    return 0;






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