实验名称 | 实验三 继承与派生 |
实验目的和要求 | |
(1)掌握类的继承和派生概念; (2)掌握派生类的定义与使用; (3)掌握派生类的构造函数与析构函数的应用及调用顺序; (4)理解赋值兼容原则的应用。
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实验内容 | |
1. 利用继承和派生建立3个类,分别为点类、圆类、圆柱类,点类派生得到圆类,圆类派生得到圆柱类。功能分别要求点类能输出点的坐标;圆类能输出圆的半径和面积;圆柱类能输出其高度、表面积和体积,请编写程序实现。(功能扩充,请对运算符“ 《”进行重载,实现一个点、圆、圆柱体对象的输出) 2. 声明一个车(Vehicle)基类,有Run、Stop等成员函数,由此派生出自行车(Bicycle)类、汽车(car)类,从自行车和汽车类派生出摩托车(Motorcycle)类,它们都有Run()、Stop()等成员函数。利用继承和派生解决问题。 (3)定义个人信息类Person,其数据成员有姓名、性别、出生年月。并以Person为基类定义一个学生的派生类Student,增加描述学生的信息:班级、学号、专业、英语成绩和数学成绩。再由基类Person定义一个职工的派生类Employee,增加描述职工的信息:部门、职务、工资。编写程序实现学生与职工信息的输入与输出。
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主要仪器设备 | 台式或笔记本电脑 |
实验记录 | |
1. #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; const double Pi = 3.14159; class Point{ friend ostream &operator<< (ostream &, const Point &); public: Point(int a, int b) {x = a; y = b;}// 带默认参数的构造函数 int getX(){ return x ; } int getY(){ return y ; } protected: int x, y; // Point类的数据成员 }; class Circle : public Point{ friend ostream &operator<< (ostream &, const Circle &);// 友元函数 public: Circle( double r, int a, int b ): Point( a, b ) { radius= r ; }// 构造函数 double getRadius() { return radius; } //返回半径 double area(){ return Pi * radius * radius ; }// 返回面积 protected: double radius;// 数据成员,半径 }; class Cylinder:public Circle{ friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &, const Cylinder &); // 友元函数 public: Cylinder(double h=0.0, double r=0.0, int x=0, int y=0):Circle(r,x,y){ height = h; } // 构造函数 double getHeight() { height = ( height >= 0 ? height : 0 ); return height;} //返回高度值 double area() { return 2*Circle::area()+2*Pi*radius*height; } //返回面积 double volume() { return Circle::area()*height; } //返回体积 protected: double height;// 数据成员,高度 };
ostream &operator<<( ostream &output , const Point &p ) // 重载插入运算符,输出对象数据 { output << "Center = " << "[" << p.x << "," << p.y << "]" ; // output << "Center = " << "[" << p.getX() << "," << p.getY() << "]" ; return output ; } ostream & operator<< ( ostream &output, const Circle &c) // 输出圆心坐标和半径值 { output << "Center = " << '[' << c.x << "," << c.y << "]" << "; Radius = " << c.radius ; return output ; }
// 输出数据成员圆心坐标、半径和高度值 ostream &operator<< ( ostream &output, const Cylinder &cy ) { output << "Center = " << '[' << cy.x << "," << cy.y << "]" << "; Radius = " << cy.radius << "; Height = " << cy.height << endl ; return output; }
int main() { int a, x, y, z; cin >> a >> x >> y >> z; Point p (a, x ) ;//定义点对象并初始化 cout << "The initial location of p is " << p << endl ;//重载<< Circle c (y, a, x) ;//定义圆对象并初始化 cout<<"\nThe initial location and radius of c are\n"<<c<<"\nArea = "<<c.area()<<"\n" ; Cylinder cyl (z, y, a, x) ;//定义圆柱体对象并初始化 //输出圆柱体各数据和表面积,体积 cout << "\nThe initial location, radius and height of cyl are\n" << cyl << "Area = " << cyl.area() << "\nVolume = " << cyl.volume() << '\n'; return 0; } 2. #include<iostream> using namespace std; class vehicle { public: void run(){} void stop(){} }; class bicycle:virtual public vehicle { public: bicycle(){} void run(); void stop(); }; class car:virtual public vehicle { public: car(){} void run(); void stop(); }; class motocycle:public bicycle,public car { public: motorcycle(){} void run(); void stop(); }; void bicycle::run() { cout<<"bicycle:run"<<endl; } void car::run() { cout<<"car:run"<<endl; } void motocycle::run() { cout<<"motocycle:run"<<endl; } void bicycle::stop() { cout<<"bicycle:stop"<<endl; } void car::stop() { cout<<"car:stop"<<endl; } void motocycle::stop() { cout<<"motocycle:stop"<<endl; } int main() { bicycle a1; vehicle *p = &a1; // motocycle *m = &a1;//错误 a1. run(); a1. stop(); p->run();//无结果输出 p->stop(); // m->run(); // m->stop();
car a2; p=&a2; a2. run(); a2. stop(); p->run(); p->stop();
motocycle a3; bicycle *b = &a3;//有结果输出 p=&a3; a3. run(); a3. stop(); p->run(); p->stop(); b->run(); b->stop();
return 0; } 3.
#include <iostream>
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遇到的问题和解决方法 | |
1. 第一题和第二题 个人感觉老师的代码就挺好的 2. 第二题vehicle基类指针指向派生类对象无输出,可能因为里面为空,用bicycle为基类指针指向派生类是 输出为自身同名函数结果。 | |
心得体会 | |
了解了继承和派生,但对指针的用法还不熟 |
实验三 继承与派生
最新推荐文章于 2022-10-13 15:53:31 发布