Using Cacti
1. Installation
sudo apt-get install cacti
2. config
default login user and password: admin/admin
after login, change password to admin at your will'
3. Enable server's snmp
3.1 install snmpd in server
apt-get install snmpd
3.2 enable snmpd listening on all interface, instead of
vi /etc/default/snmpd
remove '' from the value
/etc/init.d/snmpd restart
3.3 install snmpwalk
apt-get install snmp
verify snmpd is working
snmpwalk -c public -v1
Bingo! till now, We can use Cacti to monitor another Linux server with SNMP.v1
Part 2
how to use a customized script to monitor the data index as we want
1, write a script 可以生成标准输出,比如
name1:value1 name2:value2 name3:value3 ...
2. 添加一个data input methods,选择 sciprt/command的方式,一次填入 input 和 output 参数
3. 用刚才新定义的methods来定义一个data source,
4. 接着就可以用这个datasourece 来定义新的Graph了。
5, 等定义好了Graph之后,就可以直接Graph Management,把这个图标应用起来了。