RecSys | Tutorial Proposals征集通知


ACM推荐系统会议(RecSys)是推荐系统领域展示与交流研究成果、系统和技术的主要国际论坛。RecSys汇集了全球致力于推荐系统和相关领域研究的高等院校、科研机构和商业公司。它已经成为交流和讨论推荐系统研究成果的最重要的年度会议之一。RecSys 2023是本系列的第十七次会议,将在新加坡举行。它将为推荐系统领域的研究人员和从业人员提供平台以展示他们的最新成果,并确定在一系列创新应用场景中提供推荐服务的新趋势和挑战。除了主要技术领域外,RecSys 2023计划还将包括主题演讲和邀请演讲、领域技术教程、研讨会计划、工业领域计划和博士研讨会。RecSys 2023将于2023年9月18 - 22日在新加坡举行。

ACM RecSys在2022年被中国计算机学会被推荐为数据库/数据挖掘/内容检索领域下的B类会议(CCF-B)。


Tutorial Proposals征集链接:

Tutorial Proposals提交链接:

Tutorial Proposals重要日期(by 23:59, Anywhere on Earth):

Tutorial proposals due: 30 May 2023

Tutorial proposals notifications: 20 June 2023

Camera-ready tutorial session abstract: 26 July 2023

Call for Tutorial Proposals

We are pleased to invite you to contribute to the 17th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2023), the premier venue for research on the foundations and applications of recommendation technologies. The upcoming RecSys conference will be held from September 18th to September 22nd, 2023. The conference will be held in Singapore. The conference will continue RecSys’ practice of connecting the research and practitioner communities to exchange ideas, frame problems, and share solutions.

We invite proposals for tutorials to be given in conjunction with the conference. The goal of the tutorials is to provide conference attendees, including early-career researchers and researchers crossing over from related disciplines, with an opportunity to learn about recommender system concepts and techniques. Tutorials also serve as a venue to share presenters’ expertise with the global community of recommender system researchers and practitioners.

Each tutorial will provide an in-depth coverage of an established recommender systems sub-topic, introduce an emerging application of recommendation technologies, or update the recommender systems community on recent advances in related fields. Relevant topics including but not limited to:

Building and deploying recommender systems in specific domains (e.g., commerce, music, tourism, education, TV/video, jobs, enterprise, health, fashion, e-government, smart cities, energy, etc.);

Introductions to specific recommender systems techniques (e.g., deep learning, feature engineering, graph models, reinforcement learning, conversational recommender systems, intelligent interactive recommendation, large scale recommender systems, stream based recommendation, etc.); Using different types of data (semantic web, graphs) and media (text, images, video, speech) for building recommendations;

Intersections of recommender systems with other domains (generative models, information retrieval, machine learning, human computer interaction, databases, economics, psychology, etc)

Designing user experiences and interactions with systems offering recommendation and intelligent interaction (e.g., virtual assistants, chatbots, robots, etc.); Eliciting and learning user preferences through interactions;

Recommendation for groups, tasks, or situations; Context-aware (including location-based) recommender systems; Sensors and recommender systems (including mobile recommender systems and wearables); Recommender systems supporting decision making; Recommender systems in the Metaverse;

Affective Recommender systems that take into account users’ emotional state, physical state, personality, trust, level of expertise, and/or cognitive readiness into account.

Ethical and legal aspects of recommender systems (e.g., privacy, fairness, accountability, transparency, and control of bias, etc.);

Evaluation of recommender systems (e.g., system-centric and user-centric evaluation, experimentation, etc.).

The length of your proposed tutorial should be commensurate with the presented materials and the projected interest of the RecSys community in the tutorial topic. We expect tutorial slots of either 90 or 180 minutes. We may work with accepted tutorial presenters to adjust the length of the tutorials for the available slots. Realize that you need to be flexible, since we may not be able to accommodate your favorite choice of date and time for the tutorial.

We actively encourage both researchers and industry practitioners to submit tutorial proposals that target different levels of expertise and different interests. We also encourage the submission of hands-on tutorials, for instance through the use of notebooks that combine theoretical concepts with practical exercises.

As a tutorial presenter, you are expected to write a short tutorial summary for the conference proceedings (detailed instructions will be provided), present your tutorial at the conference in person, and provide a link to your tutorial materials after the tutorial so that it can be posted on the ACM RecSys 2023 website and serve as a resource to the community.

If you submit a tutorial, please realize that you are expected to attend the physical conference and present your tutorial in person.


All submissions and reviews will be handled electronically. Tutorial proposals must besubmitted to EasyChair by 23:59, AoE (Anywhere on Earth) on 30 May 2023.

The tutorial proposal should be organized as follows:

Tutorial title.

Tutorial length.

Motivation for proposing this tutorial (why it is important for RecSys).

Name, email address, and affiliation of tutorial instructors (each listed instructor must present in person at the conference).

Detailed bulleted outline of the tutorial (this point should take the most space).

Targeted audience (introductory, intermediate, advanced) and prerequisite knowledge or skills.

Teaching experiences and history of prior tutorials by the presenters.

List of relevant publications by the presenters.

Main differences with tutorials on the same or similar topic (in past RecSys editions – please, specify the year – or other conferences).

The submission should be a .pdf file of about 2 pages in length (single column, no particular formatting required).

Note that it is possible that we issue a second call for late-breaking tutorial proposals, but please do not count on it. We would appreciate it if you would submit your proposal to this call.


Tutorial proposals will be reviewed according to:

the ability of the tutorial to contribute to strengthening the foundations of recommender system research, or to broaden the field to look at important new challenges and technique

experience and skill of the presenters

the value of any materials released with the tutorial for the community.


Tutorial proposals will be reviewed according to:

Tutorial proposals due: 30 May 2023

Tutorial proposals notifications: 20 June 2023

Camera-ready tutorial session abstract: 26 July 2023


Weike Pan, Shenzhen University, China

Yi Zhang, University of California Santa Cruz, USA

Alan Said, University of Gothenburg, Sweden






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