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翻译 mmu arm v7
在arm架构中,页表有更多特别的含义。ARM架构使用多级页表。The specific mechanism of traversal and the table format are configurable by software and are explained later.9.1.1 配置和使能MMU在MMU使能之前,the translation tables must be written to memory. The TTBR register mustbe set to po
2020-11-05 11:03:36 669
原创 linux 设备驱动学习总结
从熟悉的开始。设备驱动模型。devicedevice driverclassbusdra7xx pcie驱动bus:platform busdevice:platform_devicedevice driver: platform_driverstruct platform_driver {int (*probe)(struct platform_device *);int (*remove)(struct platform_device *);void (*shutdown)(s
2020-10-22 18:08:28 257
原创 简单的mem pool实现
初始化,get,putvoid VIDEO_MEMPOOL_InitEmpty(video_mempool_t *mempool){mempool->pool = NULL;mempool->cnt = 0;}添加void VIDEO_MEMPOOL_Put(video_mempool_t *mempool, void *mem){*(void **)mem = mempool->pool;mempool->pool = mem;mempool->cnt
2020-09-23 18:34:44 424
翻译 java学习-language-basics
variablesThe Java programming language defines the follow kinds of variablesInstance variables(Non-static Field)Technically speaking, objects store their individual states in “non-static fields”, t...
2019-07-01 14:22:46 155
翻译 Java学习-language
Object-Oriented Programming ConceptsWhat Is an Object?An object is a software bundle of related state and behavior.What Is a Class?A class is a blueprint or prototype from which objects are create...
2019-07-01 12:48:36 256
翻译 JAVA学习 basic
Java technology is both a programming language and a platform.The Java programming languagesource code file encoding with .java extension.compiled into .class files by Java compiler.A .class file ...
2019-07-01 10:54:35 217
原创 DSA---学习---introduction
Introduction1.1 Algorithms as opposed to programs算法是程序相对面。programs usually need to contain more details than algorithms.1.2 Fundamental questions about algorithms1.What is it supposed to do?–speci...
2019-06-21 13:58:07 251
转载 中断--ARM
1.summaryARM的core只有两根中断线一个是irq一个FIQ,需要个中断控制器GIC管理。2.中断状态:inactive,pending,active and pending, active。inactive:中断处于无效状态pending:中断处于有效状态,但是cpu没有响应该中断active:cpu在响应该中断active and pending:cpu在响应该中断,但...
2019-06-19 17:13:23 1082
转载 gcc 编译命令整理
一. 常用编译命令选项假设源程序文件名为test.c。无选项编译链接用法:#gcc test.c作用:将test.c预处理、汇编、编译并链接形成可执行文件。这里未指定输出文件,默认输出为a.out。选项 -o用法:#gcc test.c -o test作用:将test.c预处理、汇编、编译并链接形成可执行文件test。-o选项用来指定输出文件的文件名。选项 -E用法:...
2019-05-08 10:51:06 464
原创 ThreadX-thread
_tx_thread_create(TX_THREAD *thread_ptr, CHAR *name,VOID(*entry_function)(), ULONG entry_input, VOID *stack_start,ULONG stack_size, UINT priority, UINT preempt_threshold,ULONG time_slice, UINT aut...
2019-04-19 17:17:49 1944
原创 记录Totalcommander实用功能
1.空格键选择文件,“+”/“ -” 选择/取消 一类文件。2.F3查看多个文件,可以用p/n 切换浏览。
2019-04-12 17:29:49 890
翻译 ARM-exception
http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.dui0471c/BABDCIEH.htmlexception handling process1.exception desc2.vector tableExample 36. Typical vector table using a literal pool ...
2019-03-12 18:31:39 418
转载 watchdog timer(overall)
看门狗定时器常见于在嵌入式系统中。Watchdog timers are essential in remote, automated systems such as this Mars Exploration RoverA watchdog timer (sometimes called a computer operating properly or COP timer, or simpl...
2019-03-04 17:05:47 1182
原创 Embeded system Threadx
What is an embedded system?For practical purpose, an embedded system is defined here as one dedicated to specific purpose and consisting of a compact, fast, and extremely reliable operating system th...
2018-10-28 12:14:07 387
GCC内联汇编(INLINE ASSEMBLY) 什么是内联汇编(Inline assembly)?1、这是GCC对C语言的扩张,就是在C代码里面去写汇编代码2、可以直接在C的语句中插入汇编指令有何用处?1、C语言不足以完成所有CPU的指令, 特别是有一些特权指令,比如加载gdt表(Global Descriptor Table 全局描述符表),从而使用汇编代码来完成2、用汇编在C语...
2018-10-18 14:46:39 730
原创 SystemDebug#恢复callstack 001
软件crash后,在用Trace32从coredump不能获得完整的callstack:有可能只是一个函数:trap_generate_sw_trap出现这种情况的原因是,Afunc->Bfunc->CfuncBfunc没有push LR导致无法从Bfunc恢复到Afunc这时候把PC设置到Bfunc把Afunc中Bfunc的下一条指令地址填入LR寄存器...
2018-10-11 17:33:48 438
TA创建的收藏夹 TA关注的收藏夹