mmu arm v7

The specific mechanism of traversal and the table format are configurable by software and are explained later.


9.1.1 配置和使能MMU

the translation tables must be written to memory. The TTBR register must
be set to point to the tables.

9.2 The translation lookaside buffer

TLB 是MMU中最近执行页转换的缓存。
On a memory access, the MMU first checks whether the translation is cached in the TLB.
if the requested translation is available, you have a TLB hit, and the TLB provides the translation
of the physical address immediately.

If the TLB does not have a valid translation for that address, you have a TLB miss and an external translation table walk is required. This newly loaded translation can then be cached in the TLB for possible reuse

如果TLB没有这个地址的一个有效转换,你有一个TLB miss 和一个外部地址转换表walk的请求。
这个最新的加载转换可以接着在TLB中cached 。


TLB coherency



The Linux kernel has a number of functions that use these CP15 operations, including flush_tlb_all() and flush_tlb_range(). Such functions are not typically required by device drivers.

9.3 Choice of page sizes


9.4 First Level address translation

Consider the process by which a virtual address is translated to a physical addresss
using level1 translation table entries on an ARM core
The first step is to locate the translation table entry associated with the virtual address。

考虑虚拟地址转换到物理地址的处理,使用level1 转换表条目。第一步是去定位是去定位与虚拟地址相关的转换表条目。

The ARM MMU supports a multi-level translation table architecture with two levels of translation tables, level 1 (L1) and level 2 (L2).

ARM MMU支持多级转换表结构 2levels 转换表level 1和level2.

The base address of the L1 translation table is known as the Translation Table Base Address and is held in CP15 c2

L1 转换表的基地址常叫转换表基地址保存在CP15 C2寄存器


假设L1 转换表存在地址0x1230-0000.
这个例子里是0x001,那么MMU必须读table entry1 页表条目1
0x001 * 4 bytes = address offset of 0x004

The address of the entry the MMU reads the physical address from is 0x12300000 + 0x004 = 0x12300004.

now that you have the location of the translation table entry, you can use it to determine the
physical memory address.


L1 translation table entries 有四种可能类型

  1. 1MB 转换条目部分。映射一个1MB空间到一个物理地址。
  2. 一个指向l2转换表入口的指针。这使能1个1MB片的内存,可以被细分到页。
  3. 16MB supersection.
  4. A fault entry that generates an abort exception. This can be either a prefetch or data abort, depending on the type of access. This effectively indicates virtual addresses that are unmapped.
    一个故障入口,that 产生一个中止异常。这个可以是prefetch或者data abort 依赖于访问的类型。
    Error is deviation from actual and expected value.
    It represents mistake made by people.

Fault is incorrect step, process or data definition in a computer program which causes the program to behave in an unintended or unanticipated manner.
It is the result of the error.

Failure is the inability of a system or a component to perform its required functions within specified performance requirements.
Failure occurs when fault executes.


The least significant two bits [1:0] in the entry define whether the entry is a fault entry, a translation table entry, or a section entry. Bit [18] is used to distinguish between a normal section and supersection.

最低有效 2bit【1:0】在entry中,定义是否entry是一个fault entry。一个转换表entry或者是一个section entry。bit【18】是用来区分normal section 和 superseciton

Figure 9.6 shows the simplest case in which the physical address of a 1MB section is directly generated from the contents of a single entry in the level 1 translation table.

图示 最简单的case 在这个case中1MB 段的物理地址是直接从level1转换表中一个单独条目生成的。


9.5. Level 2 translation tables

An L2 translation table has 256 word-sized (4 byte) entries, requires 1KB of memory space and must be aligned to a 1KB boundary. Each entry translates a 4KB block of virtual memory to a 4KB block in physical memory. A translation table entry can give the base address of either a 4KB or 64KB page.

一个Level2 转换表有256 个4byte的entries,需要1KB的memory 空间而且必须是1KB boundary。
每一个entry转换1个4KB 块的虚拟存储到4KB块的存储。一个转换表entry可以提供4kb或者64KB页的基地址。


9.6. Memory attributes

9.7. Multi-tasking and OS usage of translation tables

In most systems using Cortex-A series processors, you will have a number of applications or tasks running concurrently. Each task can have its own unique translation tables residing in physical memory. Typically, much of the memory system is organized so that the virtual-to-physical address mapping is fixed, with translation table entries that never change. This typically is used to contain operating system code and data, and also the translation tables used by individual tasks.

Whenever an application is started, the operating system will allocate it a set of translation table entries that map both the code and data used by the application to physical memory. If the application has to map in code or extra data space (for example through a malloc() call), the kernel can subsequently modify these tables. When a task completes and the application is no longer running, the kernel can remove any associated translation table entries and re-use the space for a new application. In this way, multiple tasks can be resident in physical memory. On a task switch, the kernel switches translation table entries to the page in the next thread to be run. In addition, the dormant tasks are completely protected from the running task. This means that the MMU can prevent the running task from accessing the code or data of other tasks.

在多数使用cortex-A处理器系统,你将有一些 应用或者tasks同步执行。

无论什么时候一个应用启动,操作系统会分配它一组转换表,它映射包括应用使用的code和data到物理存储。 如果应用程序必须在代码或额外的数据空间中进行映射(例如通过malloc()调用),内核随后可以修改这些表 当一个task完成二期应用是不在运行,kernel可以remove 一些关联的转换表条目 然后
在一个task 切换,内核switches转换表条目到 The page 下一个thread to be run。

9.7.1. Address Space ID 地址空间ID

When we described the translation table bits in Level 2 translation tables we noted a bit called nG (non-global). If the nG bit is set for a particular page, the page is associated with a specific application. When the MMU performs a translation, it uses both the virtual address and an ASID value.

当我们描述转换表bit 在level2转换表中的bit时候,我们注意到a bit called nG
如果nGbit 是设置为了特别的page,这个page是和特殊的应用关联的。

The ASID is a number assigned by the OS to each individual task. This value is in the range 0-255 and the value for the current task is written in the ASID register (accessed using CP15 c13). When the TLB is updated and the entry is marked as non-global, the ASID value will be stored in the TLB entry in addition to the normal translation information. Subsequent TLB look-ups will only match on that entry if the current ASID matches with the ASID that is stored in the entry. You can therefore have multiple valid TLB entries for a particular page (marked as non-global), but with different ASID values. This significantly reduces the software overhead of context switches, as it avoids the requirement to flush the on-chip TLBs. The ASID forms part of a larger (32-bit) process ID register that can be used in task-aware debugging.

A context switch denotes the scheduler transferring execution from one process to another. This typically requires saving the current process state and restoring the state of the next process waiting to be run.

Figure 9.11 illustrates this. Here, you have multiple applications (A, B and C), each of which is linked to run from virtual address 0. Each application is located in a separate address space in physical memory. There is an ASID value associated with each application so you can have multiple entries within the TLB at any particular time, that will be valid for virtual address 0.

举例说明,这里,你有多个应用,每一个是linked to run from virtual address0

每一个程序是located in 在一个分开的地址空间在物理地址。

9.7.2. Translation Table Base Register 0 and 1


An additional potential difficulty associated with managing multiple applications with their individual translation tables is that there could be multiple copies of the L1 translation table, one for each application. Each of these will be 16KB in size. Most of the entries will be identical in each of the tables, as typically only one region of memory will be task-specific, with the kernel space being unchanged in each case. Furthermore, if a global translation table entry is to be modified, the change will be required in each of the tables.
一个额外潜在困难关于管理多应用和他们独立的转换表,是这样:这可以是多copies 对于L1转换表。每个应用一个。
多数entries将会完全一样的在每一个表, as typically only one region of memory 将会是任务特异的。

To help reduce the effect of these problems, a second translation table base register is provided. CP15 contains two Translation Table Base Registers, TTBR0 and TTBR1. A control register (the TTB Control Register) is used to program a value in the range 0 to 7. This value (denoted by N) tells the MMU how many of the upper bits of the virtual address it must check to determine which of the two TTB registers to use

cp15包含两个转换表基寄存器,TTBR0和TTBR1。 一个控制寄存器是被用来编写一个值在范围0-7.

For example, if N is set to 7, any address in the bottom 32MB of memory will use TTBR0 and the rest of memory will use TTBR1. As a result, the application-specific translation table pointed to by TTBR0 will contain only 32 entries (128 bytes). The global mappings are in the table pointed to by TTBR1 and only one table must be maintained.

When these features are used, a context switch will typically require the operating system to change the TTBR0 and ASID values, using CP15 instructions. However, as these are two separate, non-atomic operations, some care is required to avoid problems associated with speculative accesses occurring using the new value of one register together with the older value of the other. OS programmers making use of these features should become familiar with the sequences recommended for this purpose in the ARM Architecture Reference Manual.

9.7.3. The Fast Context Switch Extension 该快速上下文转换扩展
the Fast Context Switch Extension (FCSE) was added to the ARMv4 architecture but has been deprecated since ARMv6. It enabled multiple independent tasks to run in a fixed, overlapping area at the bottom of the virtual memory space without having to clean the cache or TLB on a context switch. It did this by modifying virtual addresses by substituting a process ID value into the top seven bits of the virtual address (but only if that address lay within the bottom 32MB of memory). Some ARM documentation distinguishes Modified Virtual Addresses (MVA) from Virtual Addresses (VA). This distinction is useful only when the FCSE is used.

该FCSE This distinction is useful only when the FCSE is used.





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