深入理解计算机系统——第十章 System-Level I/O


General overview of the Linux file system
What is the difference between path and directory?


10.1 Unix I/O

  • A linux file is a sequence of m m m bytes: B 0 , B 1 , . . . , B m − 1 B_{0}, B_{1}, ... , B_{m-1} B0,B1,...,Bm1.

  • All I/O devices, such as networks, disks, and terminals, are modeled as files, and all input and output is performed by reading and writing the appropriate files.

    • /dev/sda2     (usr disk partion)
    • /dev/tty2     (terminal)
  • Even the kernel is reprensented as a file.

    • /boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-55-generic     (kernel image)
    • /proc                       (kernel data structure)

This elegant mapping of devices to files allows the Linux kernel to export a simple, lowlevel application interface, known as Unix I/O, that enables all input and output to be performed in a uniform and consistent way:

  • Opening files
    应用程序通过要求内核打开相应的文件来访问一个 I/O 设备。
    Linux shell 创建的每个进程创建完就有三个打开的文件:standard input (descriptor 0),standard output (descriptor 1) 和 standard error (descriptor 2)。
    The header file <unistd.h> defines constants STDIN_ FILENO, STDOUT_FILENO, and STDERR_FILENO, which can be used instead of the explicit descriptor values.

  • Changing the current file position
    对于每个打开的文件,内核维护一个 file position k k k,该值初始为 0。
    The file position is a byte offset from the beginning of a file.
    应用程序能通过 lseek 函数来设置当前文件的 file position k k k

  • Reading and writing files
    读文件:从文件中复制 n (n > 0)个字节到内存,起始位置为 k。如果一个文件有 m 字节,而 k > m,则触发 end-of-file (EOF) ,应用程序能检测到这种情况。
    写文件:从内存复制 n (n > 0)个字节到文件,起始位置为 k,复制完后更新 k。

  • Closing files

10.2 Files

每个 Linux 文件都有一个类型来表明它在系统中的角色:

  • regular file
    1)text file
    仅包含 ASCII 和 Unicode 字符。
    Linux text 文件由一系列的 text lines 组成,每行是一系列以 newline character (‘\n’) 结尾的字符。
    newline character 和 ASCII 的 feed character (LF) 相同,数值为 0x0a。
    2)binary file
    其他文件,如 JPEG image,object file 等。

  • directory
    A directory is a file consisting of an array of links, where each link maps a filename to a file, which may be another directory.
    Each directory contains at least two entries:
    1). (dot) is a link to the directory itself.
    2).. (dot-dot) is a link to the parent directory in the directory hierarchy .
    能通过 mkdir 命令创建目录,用 ls 命令查看目录的内容,用 rmdir 命令删除目录。

  • socket
    A socket is a file that is used to communicate with another process across a network.

  • 其他文件
    Other file types include named pipes, symbolic links, and character and block devices.

The Linux kernel organizes all files in a single directory hierarchy anchored by the root directory named / (slash).

Each file in the system is a direct or indirect descendant of the root directory.

Figure 10.1 shows a portion of the directory hierarchy on our Linux system.

fig 10.1

As part of its context, each process has a current working directory that identifies its current location in the directory hierarchy.

可以用 cd 命令修改当前工作目录。

Locations in the directory hierarchy are specified by pathnames.

A pathname is a string consisting of an optional slash followed by a sequence of filenames separated by slashes.

Pathnames have two forms:

  • absolute pathname
    An absolute pathname starts with a slash and denotes a path from the root node.
    例如 hello.c 的绝对路径为 /home/droh/hello.c
  • relative pathname
    A relative pathname starts with a filename and denotes a path from the current working directory.
    例如 /home/bryant 是当前的工作目录,则 hello.c 的相对路径为 ../droh/hello.c

What is the difference between path and directory?

10.3 Opening and Closing Files

进程用 open 函数打开已存在的文件创建新文件

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
int open(char *filename, int flags, mode_t mode);
//Returns: new file descriptor if OK, −1 on error
  • filename
    The open function converts a filename to a file descriptor and returns the descriptor number.

  • flags
    flags 参数用来表示进程打算怎么访问文件
    对于操作,flags 参数也能通过运算符组合下列指令:
    additional instructions for writing- mode
    mode 参数用来声明对新文件的访问许可
    fig 10.2

As part of its context, each process has a umask that is set by calling the umask function.

进程通过open创建一个新文件时,如果设置了mode参数,则文件的访问许可位mode & ~umask



fd = Open("foo.txt", O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY, DEF_MODE);

mode 设置权限是文件的所有者,所有者所在的组和其他用户均能读写文件;
umask 设置的权限为所有者所在的组和其他用户写文件权限;
mode & ~umask 为最终的权限,即所有者能读写文件,所有者所在的组和其他用户只能读文件。


#include <unistd.h>
int close(int fd);
//Returns: 0 if OK, −1 on error

Closing a descriptor that is already closed is an error.

10.4 Reading and Writing Files

Applications perform input and output by calling the read and write functions, respectively.

#include <unistd.h>
ssize_t read(int fd, void *buf, size_t n);
//Returns: number of bytes read if OK, 0 on EOF, −1 on error

ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t n);
//Returns: number of bytes written if OK, −1 on error
  • fd
  • buf
  • n

read:从 fd 指定的文件的 current file position 处读最多 n 个字节到内存位置 buf 处。
write:从内存位置 buf 处复制最多 n 个字节到 fd 指定的文件的 current file position 处。

应用程序可以通过调用 lseek 函数来修改 current file position。

以下情况可能造成读或者写的字节数小于 n

  • Encountering EOF on reads
  • Reading text lines from a terminal
  • Reading and writing network sockets

10.5 Robust Reading and Writing with the Rio Package

The Rio (Robust I/O) package provides convenient, robust, and efficient I/O in applications such as network programs that are subject to short counts.


10.5.1 Rio Unbuffered Input and Output Functions

Applications can transfer data directly between memory and a file by calling the rio_readn and rio_writen functions.

#include "csapp.h"
ssize_t rio_readn(int fd, void *usrbuf, size_t n);
ssize_t rio_writen(int fd, void *usrbuf, size_t n);
//Returns: number of bytes transferred if OK, 0 on EOF (rio_readn only), −1 on error

参数的含义和 readwrite 相同,但 rio_readn 只有读到文件末尾才可能出现读的字节数小于 n,而 rio_writen 不会出现写的字节数小于 n 的情况。

Calls to rio_readn and rio_writen can be interleaved arbitrarily on the same descriptor.

Figure 10.4 shows the code for rio_readn and rio_writen.
Notice that each function manually restarts the read or write function if it is interrupted by the return from an application signal handler.


读文件时可能遇到已经读到文件末尾的情况,因此实际读到的数据大小比 n 小,即 nleft 仍大于0。
写文件时,写的数据大小一定是 n,因此 nleft 大于 0,但 write 返回值为 0,说明出现错误。

10.5.2 Rio Buffered Input Functions

#include "csapp.h"
void rio_readinitb(rio_t *rp, int fd);
//Returns: nothing

ssize_t rio_readlineb(rio_t *rp, void *usrbuf, size_t maxlen);
ssize_t rio_readnb(rio_t *rp, void *usrbuf, size_t n);
//Returns: number of bytes read if OK, 0 on EOF, −1 on error
  • rio_readinitb
    The rio_readinitb function is called once per open descriptor.
    It associates the descriptor fd with a read buffer of type rio_t at address rp.
  • rio_readlineb
    The rio_readlineb function reads the next text line from file rp (including the terminating newline character), copies it to memory location usrbuf, and terminates the text line with the NULL (zero) character.
    The rio_readlineb function reads at most maxlen-1 bytes, leaving room for the terminating NULL character.
    Text lines that exceed maxlen-1 bytes are truncated and terminated with a NULL character.
  • rio_readnb
    The rio_readnb function reads up to n bytes from file rp to memory location usrbuf.
    Calls to rio_readlineb and rio_readnb can be interleaved arbitrarily on the same descriptor.

fig 10.5

  1. Rio_readinitb(&rio, STDIN_FILENO); 为初始化过程,只执行一次;
  2. 将文件描述符 fd 赋值给 rp-rio_fd
  3. rio_cnt 初始化为 0,表示缓冲区中未读的字节数为 0,因此需要填充缓冲区;
  4. rio_bufptr 指向未读的缓冲区的起始位置,此时初始化为 rio_buf,即缓冲区的起始位置。


fig 10.6

  1. rio_read 函数是read 函数的带缓冲版本,读 n 字节的数据到 usrbuf
  2. 初始时 rprio_cnt 为 0,因此第 5 行中进入 while 循环;
  3. 第 7 行和第 8 行,向 rio_buf 缓冲区中读数据,从 rio_fd 文件的当前文件位置处读数据到 rio_buf 中,读取数据为 rio_buf 的大小;读的数据大小赋值给 rio_cnt,这里从文件读数据到缓冲区,但该数据并未被应用程序读取使用,只是读到内部缓冲区,因此缓冲区中未读取的数据大小为 rio_cnt
  4. 如果 rio_cnt 大于 0,即读到数据到缓冲区,则更新缓冲区中未被应用程序读取的起始位置为缓冲区的起始位置;
  5. 如果缓冲区中还未被应用程序读取的数据小于 n,则只赋值缓冲区中未被读取的数据到 usrbuf
  6. 第 23 和 24 行更新缓冲区中未被读取的数据起始位置和大小;
  7. 返回读取到 usrbuf 中数据大小。

fig 10.7

  1. Rio_readlineb(&rio, buf, MAXLINE) 读数据到 buf ,读取的最大字节数为 MAXLINE-1,最后一个为空字符;
  2. rio_read(rp, &c, 1) 读取一个字节的数据,如果 rio_buf 缓冲区中有未被读取的数据,则直接从缓冲区读数据;
  3. 如果读取成功,则将读到的字符存赋值给 *bufpbufp 指针向后加 1;(Do you know what *p++ does in C?
  4. 如果读到换行符,则退出循环,停止读数据;
  5. 读完后将最后一个字符设置为空字符,返回读到 usrbuf 缓冲区的字符(包括结尾空字符)。

fig 10.8

rio_readnbrio_readn 的带缓冲的版本:

fig 10.8

10.6 Reading File Metadata

An application can retrieve information about a file (sometimes called the file’s metadata) by calling the stat and fstat functions.

#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
int stat(const char *filename, struct stat *buf);
int fstat(int fd, struct stat *buf);
//Returns: 0 if OK, −1 on error

The stat function takes as input a filename and fills in the members of a stat structure shown in Figure 10.9.


The fstat function is similar, but it takes a file descriptor instead of a filename.

The st_mode member encodes both the file permission bits (Figure 10.2) and the file type (Section 10.2).
Linux defines macro predicates in sys/stat.h for determining the file type from the st_mode member:
file type
fig 10.10

10.7 Reading Directory Contents

Applications can read the contents of a directory with the readdir family of functions.

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
DIR *opendir(const char *name);
//Returns: pointer to handle if OK, NULL on error

The opendir function takes a pathname and returns a pointer to a directory stream.
A stream is an abstraction for an ordered list of items, in this case a list of directory entries.

#include <dirent.h>
struct dirent *readdir(DIR *dirp);
//Returns: pointer to next directory entry if OK, NULL if no more entries or error

Each call to readdir returns a pointer to the next directory entry in the stream dirp, or NULL if there are no more entries.
Each directory entry is a structure of the form:

struct dirent {
ino_t d_ino; /* inode number, file location */
char d_name[256]; /* Filename */

On error, readdir returns NULL and sets errno.

The only way to distinguish an error from the end-of-stream condition is to check if errno has been modified since the call to readdir.

#include <dirent.h>
int closedir(DIR *dirp);
//Returns: 0 on success, −1 on error

The closedir function closes the stream and frees up any of its resources.
fig 10.11

10.8 Sharing Files

The kernel represents open files using three related data structures:

  • Descriptor table
    每个进程都有一个独立的描述符表(descriptor table),该表条目的索引是该进程打开文件的描述符。
    每个条目指向 file table 的一个条目(entry)。

  • File table
    The set of open files is represented by a file table that is shared by all processes.
    Each file table entry consists of (for our purposes) the current file position, a reference count of the number of descriptor entries that currently point to it, and a pointer to an entry in the v-node table.

  • v-node table
    v-node table 也是被所有进程共享的。
    每个条目包含 stat 结构体的大多数信息,其中包括 st_modest_size 两个成员。

Figure 10.12 shows an example where descriptors 1 and 4 reference two different files through distinct open file table entries.

fig 10.12

图 10.12 中两个文件描述符 fd1fd4 引用两个不同的文件,对应文件表条目 A 和 B,这两个文件表条目最终指向不同的 v-node table entry

Multiple descriptors can also reference the same file through different file table entries, as shown in Figure 10.13.
fig 10.13

上图描述符1 和 4 最后的 v-node table entry 相同,表示他们引用的文件相同。
这种情况可能产生的原因有:对相同的文件调用两次 open 函数。

假设一个父进程初始是图 10.12 的情况,则其调用 fork 函数创建子进程后将变成下图 10.14 的情形:

fig 10.14


10.9 I/O Redirection

Linux shells provide I/O redirection operators that allow users to associate standard input and output with disk files.

如在 Linux 终端输入如下命令:

ls > foo.txt

则会执行 ls 命令,将结果输出到 foo.txt 文件中。

可以通过 dup2 函数来实现重定向操作:

#include <unistd.h>
int dup2(int oldfd, int newfd);
//Returns: nonnegative descriptor if OK, −1 on error

dup2 函数将描述符表条目 oldfd 复制到描述符表条目 newfdnewfd 之前的内容会被覆盖。
如果 newfd 对应的文件已经打开,则会先关闭文件再复制。

假设初始是图 10.12 的情形,在调用 dup2(4,1) 后为下图 10.15 所示:
fig 10.15

描述符1 从指向 File A 改为指向 File B,File A 中引用计数为 0,File B 中的引用计数增加到 2。
File A 已经被关闭,其对应的 v-node table 条目被删除。

10.10 Standard I/O

The C language defines a set of higher-level input and output functions, called the standard I/O library, that provides programmers with a higher-level alternative to Unix I/O.

The library (libc) provides functions for opening and closing files (fopen and fclose), reading and writing bytes (fread and fwrite), reading and writing strings (fgets and fputs), and sophisticated formatted I/O (scanf and printf).

The standard I/O library models an open file as a stream.

To the programmer, a stream is a pointer to a structure of type FILE.

Every ANSI C program begins with three open streams, stdin, stdout, and stderr, which correspond to standard input, standard output, and standard error, respectively:

#include <stdio.h>
extern FILE *stdin; /* Standard input (descriptor 0) */
extern FILE *stdout; /* Standard output (descriptor 1) */
extern FILE *stderr; /* Standard error (descriptor 2) */

A stream of type FILE is an abstraction for a file descriptor and a stream buffer.

The purpose of the stream buffer is the same as the Rio read buffer: to minimize the number of expensive Linux I/O system calls.

10.11 Putting It Together: Which I/O Functions Should I Use?

Figure 10.16 summarizes the various I/O packages that we have discussed in this chapter.

fig 10.16


  • Use the standard I/O functions whenever possible
  • Don’t use scanf or rio_readlineb to read binary files
    Functions like scanf and rio_readlineb are designed specifically for reading text files.
    For example, binary files might be littered with many 0xa bytes that have nothing to do with terminating text lines.
  • Use the Rio functions for I/O on network sockets

Standard I/O streams are full duplex in the sense that programs can perform input and output on the same stream.

However, there are poorly documented restrictions on streams that interact badly with restrictions on sockets:







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