
欢迎来到今天的讨论,我们将探讨,python计算两个数的最大公约数和最小公倍数 python中求两个数的最大公约数和最小公倍数,一起探索吧!




pip install pygame








#Import libraries
import pygame
import sys
import random
import time

# Define important global variables
clock = .Clock()

best_score = 0
longest_time = 0

width = 700
height = 750
DISPLAY_SCREEN = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))
pygame.display.set_caption(" Tetris")

off_set_x = 10
off_set_y = 80
playing_field_width = 330  #330 / 10 = 33 width per tile
playing_field_height = 660  #600 / 20 = 33 height per tile
tile_length = 33 # tile is a square

blue = (0, 0, 255)
white = (255, 255, 255) 
black = (0, 0, 0)
gray = (95, 95, 96) 
orange  = (249, 87, 0)  
cobalt_blue = (3, 65, 174)
green_apple  = (114, 203, 59)
cyber_yellow= (255, 213, 0)
beer = (255, 151, 28)
ryb_red = (255, 50, 19)
purple = (128, 0, 128)

# colors of Tetris blocks
block_colors = (cobalt_blue, blue, green_apple, purple, cyber_yellow, beer, ryb_red)
# shapes of Tetris blocks
shapes = ("i_block", "l_block", "j_block", "o_block", "s_block", "t_block", "z_block")
directions = ("vertical_1", "vertical_2", "horizontal_1", "horizontal_2")

background_img = ("")      
instructions_img = ("")  
icon_img = ("")

class Button:
    def __init__(self, button_color, button_hover_over_color, x, y, width, height, text_size,  text_color, text_hover_over_color = None, text_str=""):
        self.button_color = button_color
        self.button_hover_over_color = button_hover_over_color
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.width = width
        self.height = height
        self.text_size = text_size
        self.text_color = text_color

        if text_hover_over_color:
            self.text_hover_over_color = text_hover_over_color
            self.text_hover_over_color =  text_color
        self.text_str = text_str

    def blit(self, display_screen, outline_color=None):
        if outline_color: 
            (display_screen, outline_color, (self.x-3, self.y-3, self.width+6, self.height+6))
        (display_screen, self.button_color, (self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height))

        if self.text_str != "": 
            font = ("", self.text_size)
            text = font.render(self.text_str, True, self.text_color)
            # to center the text in the middle of the button based on the size of the button
            text_position = (self.x + (self.width/2 - text.get_width()/2), self.y + (self.height/2 - text.get_height()/2))
            (text, text_position)

    def is_hovered_over(self, mouse_position):
        if self.x < mouse_position[0] < self.x+self.width and self.y < mouse_position[1] < self.y+self.height:
            return True
        return False

    def blit_hovered_over(self, display_screen):
        (display_screen, self.button_hover_over_color, (self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height))

        if self.text_str != "":
            font = ("", self.text_size)
            text = font.render(self.text_str, True, self.text_hover_over_color)
            # to center the text in the middle of the button based on the size of the button
            text_position = (self.x + (self.width/2 - text.get_width()/2), self.y + (self.height/2 - text.get_height()/2))
            (text, text_position)

    def is_clicked(self, mouse_position, event):
        if self.is_hovered_over(mouse_position):
            if  == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 1:
                return True
        return False

class Tile:
    def __init__(self, x, y, color = black):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.color = color
        self.empty = True

    def draw_tile(self):
        (DISPLAY_SCREEN , self.color, (self.x, self.y, tile_length, tile_length) )

class PlayingField():
    def __init__(self):
        #y coordinate of first row = (80) off_set_y 
        self.tiles = {
            "row1":  {80:  []},
            "row2":  {113: []},
            "row3":  {146: []},
            "row4":  {179: []},
            "row5":  {212: []},
            "row6":  {245: []},
            "row7":  {278: []},
            "row8":  {311: []},
            "row9":  {344: []},
            "row10": {377: []},
            "row11": {410: []},
            "row12": {443: []},
            "row13": {476: []},
            "row14": {509: []},
            "row15": {542: []},
            "row16": {575: []},
            "row17": {608: []},
            "row18": {641: []},
            "row19": {674: []},
            "row20": {707: []},

    def __init_field(self):    
        y = off_set_y
        for i in range(20): #rows
            x = off_set_x
            for j in range(10): #cols
                tile_to_add = Tile(x, y) 
                x += tile_length
            y += tile_length

    def destory_full_row(self, player):
        times = 0
        y = off_set_y        
        for i in range(20):
            for tile in self.tiles["row"+str(i+1)][y]:
                if tile.empty: break

                elif tile.x == off_set_x+playing_field_width-tile_length:
                    times += 1
                    for j in range(800): #just for flashing the row
                        if j%2 == 0:
                            (DISPLAY_SCREEN , black, (self.tiles["row"+str(i+1)][y][0].x+1, self.tiles["row"+str(i+1)][y][0].y+1, playing_field_width-2, tile_length-2) )
                            for tile in self.tiles["row"+str(i+1)][y]:
                                (DISPLAY_SCREEN , tile.color, (tile.x, tile.y, tile_length, tile_length) )
                        (DISPLAY_SCREEN , white, (off_set_x, y), (playing_field_width+off_set_x-1, y)) # horizontal line

                    # let's destory this full row
                    self.destroy_and_replace(i+1, y)
                    player.score += 10*times

            y += tile_length 

    def destroy_and_replace(self, row_number, row_y):
        for i in range (row_number, 1, -1):
            prev_row_number = i-1
            prev_y = row_y-tile_length
            self.tiles["row"+str(i)][row_y].clear() #current_row.clear()
            temp_x = off_set_x
            for j in range(10):
                empty_tile = Tile(temp_x, row_y)
                temp_x += tile_length
            if prev_y < 80: 

            for j in range(10):
                old_tile = self.tiles["row"+str(i)][row_y][j]
                new_tile = self.tiles["row"+str(prev_row_number)][prev_y][j] 
                old_tile.x = new_tile.x
                old_tile.color = new_tile.color 
                old_tile.empty = new_tile.empty

            row_y -= tile_length

class Block:
    def __init__(self, shape:str, color = black):
        self.shape = shape
        self.color = color

        self.direction = directions[0] #vertical_1

        #                         tile1                                                        , tile2            , tile3            , tile4
        self.tiles = [ Tile(off_set_x+playing_field_width/2-tile_length, off_set_y, self.color), Tile(0, 0, color), Tile(0, 0, color), Tile(0, 0, color)]
        for tile in self.tiles:
            tile.empty = False

    def __init_shape(self):
        if self.shape == "i_block":
            self.tiles[1] = Tile(self.tiles[0].x, self.tiles[0].y-tile_length, self.color)
            self.tiles[2] = Tile(self.tiles[0].x, self.tiles[1].y-tile_length, self.color)
            self.tiles[3] = Tile(self.tiles[0].x, self.tiles[2].y-tile_length, self.color)
        elif self.shape == "l_block":
            self.tiles[1] = Tile(self.tiles[0].x+tile_length, self.tiles[0].y, self.color)
            self.tiles[2] = Tile(self.tiles[0].x-tile_length, self.tiles[0].y, self.color)
            self.tiles[3] = Tile(self.tiles[2].x, self.tiles[2].y-tile_length, self.color)
        elif self.shape == "j_block":
            self.tiles[1] = Tile(self.tiles[0].x+tile_length, self.tiles[0].y, self.color)
            self.tiles[2] = Tile(self.tiles[0].x-tile_length, self.tiles[0].y, self.color)
            self.tiles[3] = Tile(self.tiles[1].x, self.tiles[1].y-tile_length, self.color)
        elif self.shape == "o_block":
            self.tiles[1] = Tile(self.tiles[0].x+tile_length,  self.tiles[0].y, self.color)
            self.tiles[2] = Tile(self.tiles[0].x, self.tiles[0].y-tile_length, self.color)
            self.tiles[3] = Tile(self.tiles[1].x, self.tiles[1].y-tile_length, self.color)
        elif self.shape == "s_block":
            self.tiles[1] = Tile(self.tiles[0].x-tile_length, self.tiles[0].y, self.color)
            self.tiles[2] = Tile(self.tiles[0].x, self.tiles[0].y-tile_length, self.color)
            self.tiles[3] = Tile(self.tiles[2].x+tile_length, self.tiles[2].y, self.color)
        elif self.shape == "t_block":
            self.tiles[1] = Tile(self.tiles[0].x+tile_length,  self.tiles[0].y, self.color)
            self.tiles[2] = Tile(self.tiles[0].x-tile_length, self.tiles[0].y, self.color)
            self.tiles[3] = Tile(self.tiles[0].x, self.tiles[0].y-tile_length, self.color)
        elif self.shape == "z_block":
            self.tiles[1] = Tile(self.tiles[0].x+tile_length,  self.tiles[0].y, self.color)
            self.tiles[2] = Tile(self.tiles[0].x, self.tiles[0].y-tile_length, self.color)
            self.tiles[3] = Tile(self.tiles[2].x-tile_length, self.tiles[2].y, self.color)
            print("Error: wrong block name.")

    def complete_block(self):

    def can_fall(self, next_block, playing_field, player):
        from tetris import manage_events, update_graphics
        manage_events(self, next_block, playing_field, player)
        #check borders
        for block_tile in self.tiles:
            if block_tile.y >= playing_field_height+off_set_y-tile_length:
                return False  

        #check already existed tiles
        for block_tile in self.tiles:
            y = off_set_y
            for i in range(20):
                for tile in playing_field.tiles["row"+str(i+1)][y]:
                    if not tile.empty and block_tile.y+tile_length == tile.y and block_tile.x == tile.x: 
                        return False  
                y += tile_length
        return True

    def block_is_falling(self, next_block, playing_field, player, faster=None):
        from tetris import manage_events, update_graphics
        manage_events(self,next_block, playing_field, player)

        if self.can_fall(next_block, playing_field, player):
            for tile in self.tiles:
                tile.y += tile_length

            manage_events(self, next_block, playing_field, player)             
            update_graphics(self, next_block, playing_field, player)
            if faster:                
                self.block_is_falling( next_block, playing_field, player)
            manage_events(self, next_block, playing_field, player)             
            update_graphics(self, next_block, playing_field, player)

    def get_new_block(self, next_block, playing_field, player):
        if self.can_fall(next_block, playing_field, player): return (self, next_block, False)
        #if the block has falled completely
        for block_tile in self.tiles: 
            found = False 
            y = off_set_y
            for i in range(20):
                if not found:
                    for j in range(10):
                        if block_tile.x == playing_field.tiles["row"+str(i+1)][y][j].x and block_tile.y == playing_field.tiles["row"+str(i+1)][y][j].y:
                            playing_field.tiles["row"+str(i+1)][y][j].color = block_tile.color
                            playing_field.tiles["row"+str(i+1)][y][j].empty = False
                            found = True
                    y += tile_length
        new_block = next_block

        next_rand_index1 = random.randint(0, 6)
        next_rand_index2 = random.randint(0, 6)
        new_next_block = Block(shapes[next_rand_index1], block_colors[next_rand_index2])

        return (new_block, new_next_block, True)

    def move_left(self, playing_field):
        if self.can_move_left(playing_field):
            for tile in self.tiles:
                tile.x -= tile_length

    def move_right(self, playing_field):
        if self.can_move_right(playing_field):
            for tile in self.tiles:
                tile.x += tile_length

    def can_move_left(self, playing_field):
        # whether inside the playing field or not
        for tile in self.tiles:
            if tile.x <= off_set_x:
                return False
        # whether adjacent field_tiles are occupied or not
        for block_tile in self.tiles:
            y = off_set_y
            for i in range(20):
                for tile in playing_field.tiles["row"+str(i+1)][y]:
                    if not tile.empty and block_tile.x-tile_length == tile.x and block_tile.y  == tile.y:
                        return False  
                y += tile_length
        return True

    def can_move_right(self, playing_field):
        # whether inside the playing field or not
        for tile in self.tiles:
            if tile.x + tile_length >= off_set_x+playing_field_width:
                return False
        # whether adjacent field_tiles are occupied or not
        for block_tile in self.tiles:
            y = off_set_y
            for i in range(20):
                for tile in playing_field.tiles["row"+str(i+1)][y]:
                    if not tile.empty and block_tile.x+tile_length == tile.x and block_tile.y  == tile.y:
                        return False  
                y += tile_length
        return True

    def rotate(self, next_block, playing_field, player):
        from tetris import manage_events, update_graphics
        manage_events(self, next_block, playing_field, player)

        if self.shape == "i_block":
        elif self.shape == "l_block":
        elif self.shape == "j_block":
        elif self.shape == "o_block":
            #no rotation for o_block.
        elif self.shape == "s_block":
        elif self.shape == "t_block":
        elif self.shape == "z_block":
            print("Error: wrong block name.")
        manage_events(self, next_block, playing_field, player)
        update_graphics(self, next_block, playing_field, player)

    def rotate_i_block(self, playing_field): #done
        temp_rotated_i = Block("i_block", self.color)
        temp_rotated_i.tiles = ()
        if self.direction == directions[0] or self.direction == directions[1]:
            # ----
            temp_rotated_i.tiles[0] = Tile(temp_rotated_i.tiles[1].x, temp_rotated_i.tiles[0].y, temp_rotated_i.color) 
            temp_rotated_i.tiles[1] = Tile(temp_rotated_i.tiles[0].x-tile_length, temp_rotated_i.tiles[0].y, temp_rotated_i.color)
            temp_rotated_i.tiles[2] = Tile(temp_rotated_i.tiles[0].x+tile_length, temp_rotated_i.tiles[0].y, temp_rotated_i.color)
            temp_rotated_i.tiles[3] = Tile(temp_rotated_i.tiles[2].x+tile_length, temp_rotated_i.tiles[0].y, temp_rotated_i.color)
            temp_rotated_i.direction = directions[2] # "horizontal_1"
        elif self.direction == directions[2] or self.direction == directions[3]:
            # |
            # |
            # |
            # |
            temp_rotated_i.tiles[1] = Tile(temp_rotated_i.tiles[0].x, temp_rotated_i.tiles[0].y-tile_length, temp_rotated_i.color)
            temp_rotated_i.tiles[2] = Tile(temp_rotated_i.tiles[1].x, temp_rotated_i.tiles[1].y-tile_length, temp_rotated_i.color)
            temp_rotated_i.tiles[3] = Tile(temp_rotated_i.tiles[2].x, temp_rotated_i.tiles[2].y-tile_length, temp_rotated_i.color)
            temp_rotated_i.direction = directions[0] #"vertical_1"

        for block_tile in temp_rotated_i.tiles:
            if block_tile.x <= off_set_x or block_tile.x >= playing_field_width:
            y = off_set_y
            for i in range(20):
                for tile in playing_field.tiles["row"+str(i+1)][y]:
                    if not tile.empty and block_tile.x == tile.x and block_tile.y  == tile.y:
                y += tile_length

        self.direction = temp_rotated_i.direction
        self.tiles = temp_rotated_i.tiles

    def rotate_l_block(self, playing_field): #done
        temp_rotated_l = Block("l_block", self.color)
        temp_rotated_l.tiles = ()
        if self.direction == directions[0]:
            # after rotating, the block should look like this ↓
            #  _
            # |
            # |
            # |
            temp_rotated_l.tiles[0] = Tile(temp_rotated_l.tiles[0].x, temp_rotated_l.tiles[0].y, temp_rotated_l.color)
            temp_rotated_l.tiles[1] = Tile(temp_rotated_l.tiles[0].x, temp_rotated_l.tiles[0].y-tile_length, temp_rotated_l.color)
            temp_rotated_l.tiles[2] = Tile(temp_rotated_l.tiles[1].x, temp_rotated_l.tiles[1].y-tile_length, temp_rotated_l.color)
            temp_rotated_l.tiles[3] = Tile(temp_rotated_l.tiles[2].x+tile_length, temp_rotated_l.tiles[2].y, temp_rotated_l.color)
            temp_rotated_l.direction = directions[2] # "horizontal_1"
        elif self.direction == directions[2]:
            # after rotating, the block should look like this ↓
            # ---
            #   |
            temp_rotated_l.tiles[0] = Tile(temp_rotated_l.tiles[3].x, temp_rotated_l.tiles[0].y, temp_rotated_l.color)
            temp_rotated_l.tiles[1] = Tile(temp_rotated_l.tiles[0].x, temp_rotated_l.tiles[0].y-tile_length, temp_rotated_l.color)
            temp_rotated_l.tiles[2] = Tile(temp_rotated_l.tiles[1].x-tile_length, temp_rotated_l.tiles[1].y, temp_rotated_l.color)
            temp_rotated_l.tiles[3] = Tile(temp_rotated_l.tiles[2].x-tile_length, temp_rotated_l.tiles[2].y, temp_rotated_l.color)
            temp_rotated_l.direction = directions[1] #"vertical_2"
        elif self.direction == directions[1]: 
            # after rotating, the block should look like this ↓
            #  |
            #  |
            # _|
            temp_rotated_l.tiles[0] = Tile(temp_rotated_l.tiles[3].x, temp_rotated_l.tiles[0].y, temp_rotated_l.color)
            temp_rotated_l.tiles[1] = Tile(temp_rotated_l.tiles[0].x+tile_length, temp_rotated_l.tiles[0].y, temp_rotated_l.color)
            temp_rotated_l.tiles[2] = Tile(temp_rotated_l.tiles[1].x, temp_rotated_l.tiles[1].y-tile_length, temp_rotated_l.color)
            temp_rotated_l.tiles[3] = Tile(temp_rotated_l.tiles[2].x, temp_rotated_l.tiles[2].y-tile_length, temp_rotated_l.color)
            temp_rotated_l.direction = directions[3] #"horizontal_2"
        elif self.direction == directions[3]: 
            # after rotating, the block should look like this ↓
            # |
            # ---
            temp_rotated_l.tiles[0] = Tile(temp_rotated_l.tiles[1].x, temp_rotated_l.tiles[0].y, temp_rotated_l.color)
            temp_rotated_l.tiles[1] = Tile(temp_rotated_l.tiles[0].x+tile_length, temp_rotated_l.tiles[0].y, temp_rotated_l.color)
            temp_rotated_l.tiles[2] = Tile(temp_rotated_l.tiles[0].x-tile_length, temp_rotated_l.tiles[1].y, temp_rotated_l.color)
            temp_rotated_l.tiles[3] = Tile(temp_rotated_l.tiles[2].x, temp_rotated_l.tiles[2].y-tile_length, temp_rotated_l.color) 
            temp_rotated_l.direction = directions[0] #"vertical_1"

        for block_tile in temp_rotated_l.tiles:
            if block_tile.x <= off_set_x or block_tile.x >= playing_field_width:
            y = off_set_y
            for i in range(20):
                for tile in playing_field.tiles["row"+str(i+1)][y]:
                    if not tile.empty and block_tile.x == tile.x and block_tile.y  == tile.y:
                y += tile_length

        self.direction = temp_rotated_l.direction
        self.tiles = temp_rotated_l.tiles

    def rotate_j_block(self, playing_field): #done
        temp_rotated_j = Block("j_block", self.color)
        temp_rotated_j.tiles = ()
        if self.direction == directions[0]: 
            temp_rotated_j.tiles[0] = Tile(temp_rotated_j.tiles[1].x, temp_rotated_j.tiles[0].y, temp_rotated_j.color)
            temp_rotated_j.tiles[1] = Tile(temp_rotated_j.tiles[0].x-tile_length, temp_rotated_j.tiles[0].y, temp_rotated_j.color)
            temp_rotated_j.tiles[2] = Tile(temp_rotated_j.tiles[1].x, temp_rotated_j.tiles[1].y-tile_length, temp_rotated_j.color)
            temp_rotated_j.tiles[3] = Tile(temp_rotated_j.tiles[2].x, temp_rotated_j.tiles[2].y-tile_length, temp_rotated_j.color)
            temp_rotated_j.direction = directions[2] # "horizontal_1"
        elif self.direction == directions[2]:
            temp_rotated_j.tiles[0] = Tile(temp_rotated_j.tiles[1].x-tile_length, temp_rotated_j.tiles[0].y, temp_rotated_j.color)
            temp_rotated_j.tiles[1] = Tile(temp_rotated_j.tiles[0].x, temp_rotated_j.tiles[0].y-tile_length, temp_rotated_j.color)
            temp_rotated_j.tiles[2] = Tile(temp_rotated_j.tiles[1].x+tile_length, temp_rotated_j.tiles[1].y, temp_rotated_j.color)
            temp_rotated_j.tiles[3] = Tile(temp_rotated_j.tiles[2].x+tile_length, temp_rotated_j.tiles[2].y, temp_rotated_j.color)
            temp_rotated_j.direction = directions[1] #"vertical_2"
        elif self.direction == directions[1]: 
            temp_rotated_j.tiles[0] = Tile(temp_rotated_j.tiles[2].x, temp_rotated_j.tiles[0].y, temp_rotated_j.color)
            temp_rotated_j.tiles[1] = Tile(temp_rotated_j.tiles[0].x, temp_rotated_j.tiles[0].y-tile_length, temp_rotated_j.color)
            temp_rotated_j.tiles[2] = Tile(temp_rotated_j.tiles[1].x, temp_rotated_j.tiles[1].y-tile_length, temp_rotated_j.color)
            temp_rotated_j.tiles[3] = Tile(temp_rotated_j.tiles[2].x-tile_length, temp_rotated_j.tiles[2].y, temp_rotated_j.color)
            temp_rotated_j.direction = directions[3] #"horizontal_2"
        elif self.direction == directions[3]: #back to normal:
            temp_rotated_j.tiles[0] = Tile(temp_rotated_j.tiles[0].x, temp_rotated_j.tiles[0].y, temp_rotated_j.color)
            temp_rotated_j.tiles[1] = Tile(temp_rotated_j.tiles[0].x+tile_length, temp_rotated_j.tiles[0].y, temp_rotated_j.color)
            temp_rotated_j.tiles[2] = Tile(temp_rotated_j.tiles[0].x-tile_length, temp_rotated_j.tiles[0].y, temp_rotated_j.color)
            temp_rotated_j.tiles[3] = Tile(temp_rotated_j.tiles[1].x, temp_rotated_j.tiles[1].y-tile_length, temp_rotated_j.color) 
            temp_rotated_j.direction = directions[0] #"vertical_1"

        for block_tile in temp_rotated_j.tiles:
            if block_tile.x <= off_set_x or block_tile.x >= playing_field_width:
            y = off_set_y
            for i in range(20):
                for tile in playing_field.tiles["row"+str(i+1)][y]:
                    if not tile.empty and block_tile.x == tile.x and block_tile.y  == tile.y:
                y += tile_length

        self.direction = temp_rotated_j.direction
        self.tiles = temp_rotated_j.tiles

    def rotate_s_block(self, playing_field): #done
        temp_rotated_s = Block("s_block", self.color)
        temp_rotated_s.tiles = ()
        if self.direction == directions[0] or self.direction == directions[1]:
            temp_rotated_s.tiles[0] = Tile(temp_rotated_s.tiles[3].x, temp_rotated_s.tiles[0].y, temp_rotated_s.color)
            temp_rotated_s.tiles[1] = Tile(temp_rotated_s.tiles[0].x, temp_rotated_s.tiles[0].y-tile_length, temp_rotated_s.color)
            temp_rotated_s.tiles[2] = Tile(temp_rotated_s.tiles[1].x-tile_length, temp_rotated_s.tiles[1].y, temp_rotated_s.color)
            temp_rotated_s.tiles[3] = Tile(temp_rotated_s.tiles[2].x, temp_rotated_s.tiles[2].y-tile_length, temp_rotated_s.color)
            temp_rotated_s.direction = directions[2] # "horizontal_1"
        elif self.direction == directions[2] or self.direction == directions[3]
            temp_rotated_s.tiles[0] = Tile(temp_rotated_s.tiles[2].x, temp_rotated_s.tiles[0].y, temp_rotated_s.color)
            temp_rotated_s.tiles[1] = Tile(temp_rotated_s.tiles[0].x-tile_length, temp_rotated_s.tiles[0].y, temp_rotated_s.color)
            temp_rotated_s.tiles[2] = Tile(temp_rotated_s.tiles[0].x, temp_rotated_s.tiles[0].y-tile_length, temp_rotated_s.color)
            temp_rotated_s.tiles[3] = Tile(temp_rotated_s.tiles[2].x+tile_length, temp_rotated_s.tiles[2].y, temp_rotated_s.color)
            temp_rotated_s.direction = directions[0] #"vertical_1"

        for block_tile in temp_rotated_s.tiles:
            if block_tile.x <= off_set_x or block_tile.x >= playing_field_width:
            y = off_set_y
            for i in range(20):
                for tile in playing_field.tiles["row"+str(i+1)][y]:
                    if not tile.empty and block_tile.x == tile.x and block_tile.y  == tile.y:
                y += tile_length

        self.direction = temp_rotated_s.direction
        self.tiles = temp_rotated_s.tiles   

    def rotate_t_block(self, playing_field): #done
        temp_rotated_t = Block("j_block", self.color)
        temp_rotated_t.tiles = ()
        if self.direction == directions[0]: 
            temp_rotated_t.tiles[0] = Tile(temp_rotated_t.tiles[0].x, temp_rotated_t.tiles[0].y, temp_rotated_t.color)
            temp_rotated_t.tiles[1] = Tile(temp_rotated_t.tiles[0].x, temp_rotated_t.tiles[0].y-tile_length, temp_rotated_t.color)
            temp_rotated_t.tiles[2] = Tile(temp_rotated_t.tiles[1].x, temp_rotated_t.tiles[1].y-tile_length, temp_rotated_t.color)
            temp_rotated_t.tiles[3] = Tile(temp_rotated_t.tiles[1].x+tile_length, temp_rotated_t.tiles[1].y, temp_rotated_t.color)
            temp_rotated_t.direction = directions[2] # "horizontal_1"
        elif self.direction == directions[2]:
            temp_rotated_t.tiles[0] = Tile(temp_rotated_t.tiles[0].x, temp_rotated_t.tiles[0].y, temp_rotated_t.color)
            temp_rotated_t.tiles[1] = Tile(temp_rotated_t.tiles[0].x, temp_rotated_t.tiles[0].y-tile_length, temp_rotated_t.color)
            temp_rotated_t.tiles[2] = Tile(temp_rotated_t.tiles[1].x-tile_length, temp_rotated_t.tiles[1].y, temp_rotated_t.color)
            temp_rotated_t.tiles[3] = Tile(temp_rotated_t.tiles[1].x+tile_length, temp_rotated_t.tiles[2].y, temp_rotated_t.color)
            temp_rotated_t.direction = directions[1] #"vertical_2"
        elif self.direction == directions[1]:
            temp_rotated_t.tiles[0] = Tile(temp_rotated_t.tiles[0].x, temp_rotated_t.tiles[0].y, temp_rotated_t.color)
            temp_rotated_t.tiles[1] = Tile(temp_rotated_t.tiles[0].x, temp_rotated_t.tiles[0].y-tile_length, temp_rotated_t.color)
            temp_rotated_t.tiles[2] = Tile(temp_rotated_t.tiles[1].x, temp_rotated_t.tiles[1].y-tile_length, temp_rotated_t.color)
            temp_rotated_t.tiles[3] = Tile(temp_rotated_t.tiles[1].x-tile_length, temp_rotated_t.tiles[1].y, temp_rotated_t.color)
            temp_rotated_t.direction = directions[3] #"horizontal_2"
        elif self.direction == directions[3]: #back to normal:
            temp_rotated_t.tiles[0] = Tile(temp_rotated_t.tiles[0].x, temp_rotated_t.tiles[0].y, temp_rotated_t.color)
            temp_rotated_t.tiles[1] = Tile(temp_rotated_t.tiles[0].x+tile_length, temp_rotated_t.tiles[0].y, temp_rotated_t.color)
            temp_rotated_t.tiles[2] = Tile(temp_rotated_t.tiles[0].x-tile_length, temp_rotated_t.tiles[0].y, temp_rotated_t.color)
            temp_rotated_t.tiles[3] = Tile(temp_rotated_t.tiles[0].x, temp_rotated_t.tiles[0].y-tile_length, temp_rotated_t.color) 
            temp_rotated_t.direction = directions[0] #"vertical_1"

        for block_tile in temp_rotated_t.tiles:
            if block_tile.x <= off_set_x or block_tile.x >= playing_field_width:
            y = off_set_y
            for i in range(20):
                for tile in playing_field.tiles["row"+str(i+1)][y]:
                    if not tile.empty and block_tile.x == tile.x and block_tile.y  == tile.y:
                y += tile_length

        self.direction = temp_rotated_t.direction
        self.tiles = temp_rotated_t.tiles

    def rotate_z_block(self, playing_field): #done
        temp_rotated_z = Block("z_block", self.color)
        temp_rotated_z.tiles = ()
        if self.direction == directions[0] or self.direction == directions[1]:

            temp_rotated_z.tiles[0] = Tile(temp_rotated_z.tiles[3].x, temp_rotated_z.tiles[0].y, temp_rotated_z.color)
            temp_rotated_z.tiles[1] = Tile(temp_rotated_z.tiles[0].x, temp_rotated_z.tiles[0].y-tile_length, temp_rotated_z.color)
            temp_rotated_z.tiles[2] = Tile(temp_rotated_z.tiles[1].x+tile_length, temp_rotated_z.tiles[1].y, temp_rotated_z.color)
            temp_rotated_z.tiles[3] = Tile(temp_rotated_z.tiles[2].x, temp_rotated_z.tiles[2].y-tile_length, temp_rotated_z.color)
            temp_rotated_z.direction = directions[2] # "horizontal_1"
        elif self.direction == directions[2] or self.direction == directions[3]:
            temp_rotated_z.tiles[0] = Tile(temp_rotated_z.tiles[3].x, temp_rotated_z.tiles[0].y, temp_rotated_z.color)
            temp_rotated_z.tiles[1] = Tile(temp_rotated_z.tiles[0].x+tile_length, temp_rotated_z.tiles[0].y, temp_rotated_z.color)
            temp_rotated_z.tiles[2] = Tile(temp_rotated_z.tiles[0].x, temp_rotated_z.tiles[0].y-tile_length, temp_rotated_z.color)
            temp_rotated_z.tiles[3] = Tile(temp_rotated_z.tiles[2].x-tile_length, temp_rotated_z.tiles[2].y, temp_rotated_z.color)
            temp_rotated_z.direction = directions[0] #"vertical_1"

        for block_tile in temp_rotated_z.tiles:
            if block_tile.x <= off_set_x or block_tile.x >= playing_field_width:
            y = off_set_y
            for i in range(20):
                for tile in playing_field.tiles["row"+str(i+1)][y]:
                    if not tile.empty and block_tile.x == tile.x and block_tile.y  == tile.y:
                y += tile_length

        self.direction = temp_rotated_z.direction
        self.tiles = temp_rotated_z.tiles      

    def fall_completely(self, next_block, playing_field, player):
        from tetris import update_graphics

        fall= True
        while fall:
            for block_tile in self.tiles:
                if block_tile.y >= playing_field_height+off_set_y-tile_length:
                    fall = False  

            #check already existed tiles
            for block_tile in self.tiles:
                y = off_set_y
                for i in range(20):
                    for tile in playing_field.tiles["row"+str(i+1)][y]:
                        if not tile.empty and block_tile.y+tile_length == tile.y and block_tile.x == tile.x: 
                            fall = False   
                    y += tile_length
            if not fall:
            for tile in self.tiles:
                tile.y += tile_length
            update_graphics(self, next_block, playing_field, player)

class Player:
    def __init__(self, start_time):
        self.start_time = start_time

        self.time_since_start = 0
        self.score = 0 
#import libraries
import pygame
from util import *

def update_graphics(block, next_block, playing_field, player):
    #Sets black background and text
    (background_img, (0, 0))
    (DISPLAY_SCREEN , black, (off_set_x, off_set_y, playing_field_width, playing_field_height) )
    font = .SysFont("comicsansms", 48)
    rendered_text = font.render("Tetris", 1, orange)
    (rendered_text, (width/2-80, 10))

    #Displays Current score and time
    player.time_since_start = .get_ticks() - player.start_time
    font = .SysFont("comicsansms", 20)
    rendered_text_time =  font.render("Time: " + str(player.time_since_start), 1, orange)
    (rendered_text_time, (playing_field_width+tile_length*2, playing_field_height-80))  
    rendered_text_score = font.render("Score: " + str(player.score), 1, orange)
    (rendered_text_score, (playing_field_width+tile_length*2, playing_field_height-50))
    #Draw the small screen for the next block

    #Set tiles
    y = off_set_y
    for i in range(20):
        for tile in playing_field.tiles["row"+str(i+1)][y]:
        y += tile_length

    #Blocks while falling
    for tile in block.tiles:
        if tile.y >= off_set_y:

    #Sets borders
    (DISPLAY_SCREEN , blue, (off_set_x-2, off_set_y-3), (playing_field_width+off_set_x+1, off_set_y-3), 4) # horizontal line top
    (DISPLAY_SCREEN , blue, (off_set_x-2, off_set_y+playing_field_height+1), (playing_field_width+off_set_x+1, off_set_y+playing_field_height+1), 4) # horizontal line bottom
    (DISPLAY_SCREEN , blue, (off_set_x-3, off_set_y-3), (off_set_x-3, off_set_y+playing_field_height+1), 4) # vertical line left
    (DISPLAY_SCREEN , blue, (playing_field_width+off_set_x+1, off_set_y-3), (playing_field_width+off_set_x+1, off_set_y+playing_field_height+1), 4) # vertical line right

    #Sets Grid
    current_y_horizontal_lines = off_set_y
    current_x_vertical_lines = off_set_x
    for i in range(19): 
        current_y_horizontal_lines += 33
        (DISPLAY_SCREEN , white, (off_set_x, current_y_horizontal_lines), (playing_field_width+off_set_x-1, current_y_horizontal_lines)) # horizontal line top
    for j in range(9): 
        current_x_vertical_lines += 33        
        (DISPLAY_SCREEN , white, (current_x_vertical_lines-1, off_set_y), (current_x_vertical_lines-1, playing_field_height+off_set_y)) # horizontal line top


def draw_small_screen(next_block):
    #Sets background
    (DISPLAY_SCREEN , black, (playing_field_width+tile_length*2, height/2-20, 6*tile_length, 6*tile_length) )
    #Sets borders
    (DISPLAY_SCREEN , blue, (playing_field_width+tile_length*2-2, height/2-20-2), ((6*tile_length)+(playing_field_width+tile_length*2), (height/2-20-2)), 3) # horizontal line top
    (DISPLAY_SCREEN , blue, (playing_field_width+tile_length*2-2, height/2-20+(6*tile_length)), ((6*tile_length)+(playing_field_width+tile_length*2), height/2-20+(6*tile_length)), 3) # horizontal line bottom
    (DISPLAY_SCREEN , blue, (playing_field_width+tile_length*2-2, height/2-20-2), (playing_field_width+tile_length*2-2, height/2-20+(6*tile_length)), 3) # vertical line left
    (DISPLAY_SCREEN , blue, ((6*tile_length)+(playing_field_width+tile_length*2), height/2-20-2), ((6*tile_length)+(playing_field_width+tile_length*2), height/2-20+(6*tile_length)), 3) # vertical line right
    #Sets text
    font = .SysFont("comicsansms", 30)
    rendered_text = font.render("Next Block", 1, orange)
    (rendered_text, (playing_field_width+tile_length*2,  height/2-70))
    #Displays next block
    temp_block = Block(next_block.shape, next_block.color)  
    temp_block.tiles = [Tile(playing_field_width+tile_length*2+2*tile_length, height/2-20+4*tile_length, next_block.color), Tile(0, 0, next_block.color), Tile(0, 0, next_block.color), Tile(0, 0, next_block.color)]

    for tile in temp_block.tiles:

def is_game_over(playing_field, player): 
    y = off_set_y
    for i in range(20):
        for tile in playing_field.tiles["row"+str(i+1)][y]:
            if not tile.empty and tile.y <= off_set_y: 
                temp_y = off_set_y
                for j in range(20):
                    for tile in playing_field.tiles["row"+str(j+1)][temp_y]:
                    temp_y += tile_length

                font = .SysFont("comicsansms", 48)
                rendered_text = font.render("GAME OVER", 1, white)
                (rendered_text, (off_set_x+20, playing_field_height/2))

        y += tile_length

def start_game():    
    global best_score
    global longest_time

    rand_index = random.randint(0, 6)
    block = Block(shapes[rand_index], block_colors[rand_index])

    next_rand_index = random.randint(0, 6)
    next_block = Block(shapes[next_rand_index], block_colors[next_rand_index]) 

    playing_field = PlayingField()
    start_time = .get_ticks()
    player = Player(start_time)

    while True:
        update_graphics(block, next_block, playing_field, player)

        (block, next_block, is_new) = block.get_new_block(next_block, playing_field, player)
        if is_new:
            for event in ():
                if  == :

        manage_events(block, next_block, playing_field, player)
        update_graphics(block, next_block, playing_field, player)

        block.block_is_falling(next_block, playing_field, player)
        update_graphics(block, next_block, playing_field, player)
        update_graphics(block, next_block, playing_field, player)

        if player.score > best_score:
            best_score = player.score
        if player.time_since_start > longest_time:
            longest_time = player.time_since_start

        is_game_over(playing_field, player)
        update_graphics(block, next_block, playing_field, player)


def manage_events(block, next_block, playing_field, player):
    for event in ():
        if  == :
        if  == pygame.KEYDOWN:
            if  == pygame.K_LEFT:
                #move the block to the left
            elif  == pygame.K_RIGHT:
                #move the block to the right
            elif  == pygame.K_UP:
                # rotate block
                block.rotate(next_block, playing_field, player)
            if  == pygame.K_SPACE:
                # let the block fall completely
                block.fall_completely(next_block, playing_field, player)
            if  == pygame.K_DOWN:
                # let the block fall down faster
                block.block_is_falling(next_block, playing_field, player, "faster")

    update_graphics(block, next_block, playing_field, player)

def introduction(player = None):
    button_width = 300
    button_height = 90
    #start_x_button = width/2-button_width/2
    play_button = Button(blue, orange, -400, height/2, button_width, button_height, 32, black, white, "PLAY")
    instructions_button = Button(blue, orange, width+150, height/2+button_height+10, button_width,button_height, 32, black, white, "INSTRUCTIONS")
    quit_button = Button(blue, orange, -400, height/2+button_height*2+20, button_width,button_height, 32, black, white, "QUIT")
    font = .SysFont("comicsansms", 48)
    rendered_text = font.render("Tetris", 1, black)
    rendered_text_y = height

    #To draw the Tetris text in an animated way
    while rendered_text_y > 10: 
        (background_img, (0, 0))

        for event in ():
            if  == :

        rendered_text_y -= 1.5
        (rendered_text, (width/2-80, rendered_text_y))

    #To draw the score and time texts in an animated way
    if player:
        font_small = .SysFont("comicsansms", 30)
        rendered_current_score = font_small.render("Current Score: " + str(player.score), 1, orange)
        rendered_best_score = font_small.render("Best Score: " + str(best_score), 1, orange)
        rendered_current_time = font_small.render("Current Time: " + str(player.time_since_start), 1, orange)
        rendered_longest_time = font_small.render("Longest Time: " + str(longest_time), 1, orange)

        rendered_current_score_y = height
        rendered_best_score_y = height+40
        rendered_current_time_y = height+80
        rendered_longest_time_y = height+120

        while rendered_current_score_y > 150: 
            (background_img, (0, 0))
            (rendered_text, (width/2-80, rendered_text_y))

            for event in ():
                if  == :

            rendered_current_score_y -= 1.5
            rendered_best_score_y -= 1.5
            rendered_current_time_y -= 1.5
            rendered_longest_time_y -= 1.5

            (rendered_current_score, (off_set_x, rendered_current_score_y))
            (rendered_best_score, (off_set_x+45, rendered_best_score_y))
            (rendered_current_time, (off_set_x+15, rendered_current_time_y))
            (rendered_longest_time, (off_set_x+15, rendered_longest_time_y))


    #To draw the buttons in an animated way
    while play_button.x < width/2-button_width/2 or instructions_button.x > width/2-button_width/2:
        (background_img, (0, 0))
        (rendered_text, (width/2-80, rendered_text_y))
        if player:
            (rendered_current_score, (off_set_x, rendered_current_score_y))
            (rendered_best_score, (off_set_x+45, rendered_best_score_y))
            (rendered_current_time, (off_set_x+15, rendered_current_time_y))
            (rendered_longest_time, (off_set_x+15, rendered_longest_time_y))

        for event in ():
            if  == :
        if play_button.x < width/2-button_width/2:
            play_button.x += 3
            quit_button.x += 3
        if instructions_button.x > width/2-button_width/2 :    
            instructions_button.x -= 3


    run = True
    while run:
        (background_img, (0, 0))
        (rendered_text, (width/2-80, rendered_text_y))
        if player:
            (rendered_current_score, (off_set_x, rendered_current_score_y))
            (rendered_best_score, (off_set_x+45, rendered_best_score_y))
            (rendered_current_time, (off_set_x+15, rendered_current_time_y))
            (rendered_longest_time, (off_set_x+15, rendered_longest_time_y))

        # Get the position of the mouse
        mouse_position = pygame.mouse.get_pos() 
        for event in ():
            if  == :
            if  == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                if play_button.is_clicked(mouse_position, event):
                    run = False
                elif instructions_button.is_clicked(mouse_position, event):
                    run = False
                elif quit_button.is_clicked(mouse_position, event):
        if play_button.is_hovered_over(mouse_position):
            (DISPLAY_SCREEN, gray)
        if instructions_button.is_hovered_over(mouse_position):
            (DISPLAY_SCREEN, gray)
        if quit_button.is_hovered_over(mouse_position):
            (DISPLAY_SCREEN, gray)


def instructions(player = None):
    button_width = 150
    button_height = 60

    play_button = Button(blue, orange, width-150-10, height-80, button_width, button_height, 32, black, white, "PLAY >>")
    back_button = Button(blue, orange, 10, height-80, button_width, button_height, 32, black, white, "<< BACK")

    run = True
    while run:
        (instructions_img, (0, 0))
        font = .SysFont("comicsansms", 48)
        rendered_text = font.render("Tetris", 1, orange)
        (rendered_text, (width/2-80, 10))

        # Get the position of the mouse
        mouse_position = pygame.mouse.get_pos() 
        for event in ():
            if  == :
            if  == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                if play_button.is_clicked(mouse_position, event):
                    run = False
                elif back_button.is_clicked(mouse_position, event):
                    run = False

        instructions_label = "Instructions" 
        font = .SysFont("comicsansms", 40)
        rendered_text = font.render(instructions_label, 1, orange)
        (rendered_text, (width/2 - rendered_text.get_width()/2, 100))
        instructions1 = "   Move Right:                      right arrow >"  
        instructions2 = "   Move   Left:                     left    arrow <" 
        instructions3 = "          Rotate:                      up      arrow ^" 
        instructions4 = "   Soft  Drop:                      down   arrow" 
        instructions5 = "   Hard  Drop:                      space"

        font = .SysFont("comicsansms", 20)
        rendered_text1 = font.render(instructions1, 1, orange)
        rendered_text2 = font.render(instructions2, 1, orange)
        rendered_text3 = font.render(instructions3, 1, orange)
        rendered_text4 = font.render(instructions4, 1, orange)
        rendered_text5 = font.render(instructions5, 1, orange)

        (rendered_text1, (20, 200))
        (rendered_text2, (20, 240))
        (rendered_text3, (20, 280))
        (rendered_text4, (20, 320))
        (rendered_text5, (20, 360))

        if play_button.is_hovered_over(mouse_position):
            (DISPLAY_SCREEN, gray)
        if back_button.is_hovered_over(mouse_position):
            (DISPLAY_SCREEN, gray)

if __name__ == "__main__":



  • 1
  • 2
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


