[CS144] Lab 3: The TCP Sender

Lab 3: The TCP Sender


  • 跟踪哪些段已发送但接收方尚未确认——称之为未完成段(outstanding segments)
  • 当发送包含数据(序列空间长度非零)的段(无论是第一次还是重传), 如果计时器没有启动则启动
  • 窗口大小为零时, fill_window()函数应像窗口大小为 1 时一样
  • 不占有序列号的报文段(send_empty_segment() 发送的报文段)不会跟踪其报文段的确认情况也不会重发
  • 将报文段发送至 _segments_out 队列以表示发送报文段
  • 初始接收窗口大小为 1
  • 当报文段占用的所有序列号都小于 ackno 时才将其视为完全确认.


整体实现思路基本按照任务指导, 但有较多特殊情况需要考虑.


首先介绍用于 TCPSender 计时使用的类 Timer, 其实现较为简单, 在此不多赘述.

TCPSender 新增成员变量

  • _bytes_in_flight: 记录多少序列号的数据已发送但还未被确认
  • _window_size: 接收方的窗口大小, 初始时为 1.
  • _ackno: 从接收方得到的(相对)确认号, 初始为 0.
  • _sending_ending: 标志发送是否结束, 在发送了带有 FIN 标志位的报文段后会被置为 true, 此后即便有发送新数据的空间(sending_space!=0)也不会再发送新的数据.
  • _outstanding_segments: 用于存储已发送但未确认报文段的队列. 所使用的数据结构即队列(std::queue<TCPSegment>). 由于在超时重发时会发送序列号最小的报文段, 因此选择的数据结构需要满足两个条件, 一个是能够按照序列号排序, 另一个是按段存储. 由于任务指导中说明了不需考虑报文段部分确认以及合并多个报文段的情况, 因此容易想到可以使用 std::map 来存储报文段. 但需要注意的是, 在每次调用 fill_window() 时只会发送最新的数据组成的报文段, 此时也需要记录到 _outstanding_segments 中, 这样不需要额外操作, 其本身就是有序的, 序列号低的报文段一定会比序列号高的先置于该数据结构中, 因此可以直接使用队列来记录, 队首即为序列号最低的报文段.
  • _timer: 上述实现的计时器实例.
  • _retransmission_timeout: TCP 连接当前的超时时间, 即 RTO
  • _consecutive_retransmissions: 连续超时重发的次数.

TCPSender 方法实现

TCPSender 的方法实现基本按照任务指导, 其中 fill_window()ack_recevied() 作为核心方法有较多需要注意的地方, 以下进行说明.


根据任务指导, fill_window() 主要完成的任务即尽可能的从 _stream_in 中读取数据并封装成报文段进行发送. 在此过程中要设置报文段首部的标志位、序列号等.
首先要保证有发送新数据的空间以及发送没有结束. 其中 sending_space 的计算方法是: 相对确认号 + 窗口大小 - 相对下一序列号. 具体表示可见下图. 需要注意窗口大小为 0 时按照 1 进行计算.
sending_space 是会根据发送的新数据占用的序列号进行减少. 值得一提的是, 在从 _stream_in 中读取数据时, 要在最大值 TCPConfig::MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE 和当前 sending_space 中取较小者, 以避免超过接收方的窗口大小. 而 sending_spaceSYN 标志位被设置时也可能减 1.
最外层为循环的原因考虑到的情况是接收方的窗口很大, 即 sending_space 值很大以至于超过 TCPConfig::MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE, 且发送字节流中有足够多的数据, 此时不应该只读取一个报文段, 而是应该多次读取.
_sending_ending 标志位是有必要的, 因为可能窗口大小 sending_space 很大, 但此时已经没有数据发送了, 需要设置 FIN 标志位, 但该标志位只占 1 个序列号, 因此若不使用 _sending_ending 标志位终止循环, 则会构造多个带有 FIN 标志位的报文段进行发送, 显然是不合理的.
若报文段长度为 0, 即没有负载数据, 且没有设置 SYNFIN 标志位, 此时不应该构造报文段进行发送, 因此应直接返回.
另外还有一点需要注意的是, 在窗口大小不够的情况下, 会不设置 FIN 标志位. 即 sending_space 的大小和最后可读的字节数据大小一致, 此时应该设置 FIN 标志位但已经没有空间了, 因此此时不能设置 FIN, 而是在下一次再发送一个带有 FIN 标志位的报文段. 综上, 对于 FIN 标志位的设置条件, 不仅要 _stream_intrue, 还要保证 sending_space 非 0.


根据任务指导, ack_received() 函数主要是对已发送的报文段进行确认, 同时得到接收方的窗口大小信息.
首先需要注意的是, 若接收的确认号 absolute_ackno 超过了当前发送的下一序列号 _next_seqno, 理论上这是不可能的, 应该直接退出函数, 忽略本次确认信息.
接下来则是尝试从记录未确认报文段的 _outstanding_segments 队列的队首中进行确认, 并将确认的报文段进行移除.
has_new 标志位用来表示是否有新数据被确认(即任务指导#3.1.7中所述), 因为只要有数据从 _outstanding_segments 中移除, 则表示有新的数据被确认了(重复确认的报文段已经不在 _outstanding_segments 中).




#include "byte_stream.hh"
#include "tcp_config.hh"
#include "tcp_segment.hh"
#include "wrapping_integers.hh"

#include <functional>
#include <queue>

//! \brief The timer used for TCPSender
class Timer {
    //! total elapsed time
    size_t _ticks{0};

    //! timer is started or not
    bool _started{false};

    //! check if the timer has expired and update `_ticks`
    //! \param[in] timeout the timeout time, i.e. RTO
    //! \return true if timer has expired
    bool expired(const size_t ms_since_last_tick, const unsigned timeout) {
        // The timer will only expire if it is started
        return _started && ((_ticks += ms_since_last_tick) >= timeout);

    //! \return true if timer is started
    bool started() const { return _started; }

    //! stop the timer
    void stop() { _started = false; }

    //! start the timer
    void start() {
        _ticks = 0;
        _started = true;

//! \brief The "sender" part of a TCP implementation.

//! Accepts a ByteStream, divides it up into segments and sends the
//! segments, keeps track of which segments are still in-flight,
//! maintains the Retransmission Timer, and retransmits in-flight
//! segments if the retransmission timer expires.
class TCPSender {
    //! our initial sequence number, the number for our SYN.
    WrappingInt32 _isn;

    //! outbound queue of segments that the TCPSender wants sent
    std::queue<TCPSegment> _segments_out{};

    //! retransmission timer for the connection
    const unsigned int _initial_retransmission_timeout;

    //! outgoing stream of bytes that have not yet been sent
    ByteStream _stream;

    //! the (absolute) sequence number for the next byte to be sent
    uint64_t _next_seqno{0};

    //! the sequence numbers occupied by segments sent but not yet acknowledged
    size_t _bytes_in_flight{0};

    //! the receiver's window size
    size_t _window_size{1};

    //! the (absolute) acknowledge sequence number from receiver
    uint64_t _ackno{0};

    //! flag indicating that FIN flag has been set and sender cannot send any new byte
    bool _sending_ending{false};

    //! the queue storing the outstanding segments
    std::queue<TCPSegment> _outstanding_segments{};

    //! the timer for this TCPSender
    Timer _timer{};

    //! current retransmission timeout
    unsigned _retransmission_timeout;

    //! the number of consecutive retransmissions
    unsigned _consecutive_retransmissions{0};

    //! Initialize a TCPSender
    TCPSender(const size_t capacity = TCPConfig::DEFAULT_CAPACITY,
              const uint16_t retx_timeout = TCPConfig::TIMEOUT_DFLT,
              const std::optional<WrappingInt32> fixed_isn = {});

    //! \name "Input" interface for the writer
    ByteStream &stream_in() { return _stream; }
    const ByteStream &stream_in() const { return _stream; }

    //! \name Methods that can cause the TCPSender to send a segment

    //! \brief A new acknowledgment was received
    void ack_received(const WrappingInt32 ackno, const uint16_t window_size);

    //! \brief Generate an empty-payload segment (useful for creating empty ACK segments)
    void send_empty_segment();

    //! \brief create and send segments to fill as much of the window as possible
    void fill_window();

    //! \brief Notifies the TCPSender of the passage of time
    void tick(const size_t ms_since_last_tick);

    //! \name Accessors

    //! \brief How many sequence numbers are occupied by segments sent but not yet acknowledged?
    //! \note count is in "sequence space," i.e. SYN and FIN each count for one byte
    //! (see TCPSegment::length_in_sequence_space())
    size_t bytes_in_flight() const;

    //! \brief Number of consecutive retransmissions that have occurred in a row
    unsigned int consecutive_retransmissions() const;

    //! \brief TCPSegments that the TCPSender has enqueued for transmission.
    //! \note These must be dequeued and sent by the TCPConnection,
    //! which will need to fill in the fields that are set by the TCPReceiver
    //! (ackno and window size) before sending.
    std::queue<TCPSegment> &segments_out() { return _segments_out; }

    //! \name What is the next sequence number? (used for testing)

    //! \brief absolute seqno for the next byte to be sent
    uint64_t next_seqno_absolute() const { return _next_seqno; }

    //! \brief relative seqno for the next byte to be sent
    WrappingInt32 next_seqno() const { return wrap(_next_seqno, _isn); }



#include "tcp_sender.hh"

#include "tcp_config.hh"

#include <random>

// Dummy implementation of a TCP sender

// For Lab 3, please replace with a real implementation that passes the
// automated checks run by `make check_lab3`.

template <typename... Targs>
void DUMMY_CODE(Targs &&.../* unused */) {}

using namespace std;

//! \param[in] capacity the capacity of the outgoing byte stream
//! \param[in] retx_timeout the initial amount of time to wait before retransmitting the oldest outstanding segment
//! \param[in] fixed_isn the Initial Sequence Number to use, if set (otherwise uses a random ISN)
TCPSender::TCPSender(const size_t capacity, const uint16_t retx_timeout, const std::optional<WrappingInt32> fixed_isn)
    : _isn(fixed_isn.value_or(WrappingInt32{random_device()()}))
    , _initial_retransmission_timeout{retx_timeout}
    , _stream(capacity)
    , _retransmission_timeout(retx_timeout) {}

uint64_t TCPSender::bytes_in_flight() const { return _bytes_in_flight; }

void TCPSender::fill_window() {
    // if `_sending_end` has been set, the sender shouldn't send any new bytes
    if (_sending_ending) {
    // if the window size is 0, it should act like the window size is 1
    size_t sending_space = _ackno + (_window_size != 0 ? _window_size : 1) - next_seqno_absolute();
    // have the sending space and not get to sending ending
    while (sending_space > 0 && !_sending_ending) {
        TCPSegment segment;
        TCPHeader &header = segment.header();
        if (next_seqno_absolute() == 0) {
            header.syn = true;
        header.seqno = next_seqno();
        Buffer &buffer = segment.payload();
        buffer = stream_in().read(min(sending_space, TCPConfig::MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE));
        // don't add FIN if this would make the segment exceed the receiver's window
        sending_space -= buffer.size();
        if (stream_in().eof() && sending_space > 0) {
            header.fin = true;
            // set `_sending_ending` true, so that sender will never send any new bytes
            _sending_ending = true;

        size_t len = segment.length_in_sequence_space();
        if (len == 0) {

        if (!_timer.started()) {

        _next_seqno += len;
        _bytes_in_flight += len;

//! \param ackno The remote receiver's ackno (acknowledgment number)
//! \param window_size The remote receiver's advertised window size
void TCPSender::ack_received(const WrappingInt32 ackno, const uint16_t window_size) {
    _ackno = unwrap(ackno, _isn, next_seqno_absolute());
    // impossible ackno (beyond next seqno) should be ignored
    if (_ackno > next_seqno_absolute()) {
    _window_size = window_size;

    // the flag indicating that if new data has been acknowledged
    bool has_new = false;
    while (!_outstanding_segments.empty()) {
        TCPSegment segment = _outstanding_segments.front();
        size_t len = segment.length_in_sequence_space();
        uint64_t seqno = unwrap(segment.header().seqno, _isn, next_seqno_absolute());
        // the segment is not fully acknowledged, should stop
        if (seqno + len > _ackno) {
        _bytes_in_flight -= len;
        has_new = true;
    if (has_new) {
        _retransmission_timeout = _initial_retransmission_timeout;
        if (!_outstanding_segments.empty()) {
        } else {
        _consecutive_retransmissions = 0;

//! \param[in] ms_since_last_tick the number of milliseconds since the last call to this method
void TCPSender::tick(const size_t ms_since_last_tick) {
    if (!_timer.expired(ms_since_last_tick, _retransmission_timeout)) {
    if (_window_size != 0) {
        _retransmission_timeout <<= 1;

unsigned int TCPSender::consecutive_retransmissions() const { return _consecutive_retransmissions; }

void TCPSender::send_empty_segment() {
    TCPSegment segment;
    segment.header().seqno = next_seqno();


  • Test #11-SYN acked test:
    解决: 出现上述问题是因为在没有负载数据时直接退出, 而未考虑有 SYNFIN 标志位被设置的情况, 如下图所示代码. 以及在没有负载没有标志位设置时不应该发送报文段. 因此, 正确的做法应该是在 segment.length_in_sequence_space() 为 0 时才可以退出不发送报文段.
  • Test #14-Piggyback FIN in segment when space is available:
    解决: 出现上述问题的原因在 fill_window() 函数中, 错误地在字节流读取数据 stream_in().read() 之前对 FIN 标志位进行设置. 正确的做法应该是先读取数据, 再设置 FIN 标志位, 因为可能刚刚的读取已读完所有数据, 则可以同时发送 FIN 标志位.
  • Test #16-FIN acked test:
    解决: 笔者出现上述原因在于 FIN 标志位设置时未使用 _sending_ending 标志位, 而是选择将 sending_space 置 0. 这样可以保证在 fill_window() 中之后发送 1 个带有 FIN 的报文段, 但同样会出现上述错误. 原因是 ack_received() 函数后会调用 fill_window(), 此时根据接收方的窗口大小会计算出新的(非0的) sending_space, 进而便会又多发一个 FIN 报文段. 正确的做法便是利用 _sending_ending 标志位在发送新报文段时添加新的条件, 这样即便 ack_received()sending_space 产生影响也不会导致重复 FIN 报文段.
  • Test #17-Don’t add FIN if this would make the segment exceed the receiver’s window:

解决: 出现上述错误的原因即在窗口大小不够时, 应不设置 FIN 标志位, 在有窗口时再发送一个带 FIN 标志位的报文段. 具体分析在上述 #思路.fill_window() 中已经说明, 在此不多赘述.


build 目录下执行 make 后执行 make check_lab3:

评论 5




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