arXiv journal 2022.0318

A paper of checking on how much difference is in between a functional-form parametrisation and neural network parametrisation.

Function Approximation for High-Energy Physics: Comparing Machine Learning and Interpolation Methods

abstract: The need to approximate functions is ubiquitous in science, either due to empirical constraints or high computational cost of accessing the function. In high-energy physics, the precise computation of the scattering cross-section of a process requires the evaluation of computationally intensive integrals. A wide variety of methods in machine learning have been used to tackle this problem, but often the motivation of using one method over another is lacking. Comparing these methods is typically highly dependent on the problem at hand, so we specify to the case where we can evaluate the function a large number of times, after which quick and accurate evaluation can take place. We consider four interpolation and three machine learning techniques and compare their performance on three toy functions, the four-point scalar Passarino-Veltman D0 function, and the two-loop self-energy master integral M . We find that in low dimensions (d = 3), traditional interpolation techniques like the Radial Basis Function perform very well, but in higher dimensions (d = 5, 6, 9) we find that multi-layer perceptrons (a.k.a neural networks) do not suffer as much from the curse of dimensionality and provide the fastest and most accurate predictions.


Four snowmass whitepaper that I care:

White Paper on Forward Physics, BFKL, Saturation Physics and Diffraction

abstract: The goal of this whitepaper is to give a comprehensive overview of the rich field of forward physics. We discuss the occurrences of BFKL resummation effects in special final states, such as Mueller-Navelet jets, jet gap jets, and heavy quarkonium production.It further addresses TMD factorization at low x and the manifestation of a semi-hard saturation scale in (generalized) TMD PDFs. More theoretical aspects of low x physics, probes of the quark gluon plasma, as well as the possibility to use photon-hadron collisions at the LHC to constrain hadronic structure at low x, and the resulting complementarity between LHC and the EIC are also presented. We also briefly discuss diffraction at colliders as well as the possibility to explore further the electroweak theory in central exclusive events using the LHC as a photon-photon collider.

comment: read the introduction, and see if we can find a way to see those arguments via derivation.


Snowmass White Paper: The Numerical Conformal Bootstrap

abstract: We give a brief overview of the status of the numerical conformal bootstrap.

comment: Always an interesting topic


Snowmass White Paper: UV Constraints on IR Physics

abstract: Fundamental principles of local quantum field theory or of quantum gravity can enforce consistency requirements on the space of consistent low-energy effective field theories. We survey the various techniques that have been used to put UV constraints on IR physics, including those from causality considerations in the form of S-matrix positivity and bootstrap bounds, scattering time delays, conformal field theory and holographic methods, together with those that arise from landscape/swampland criteria such as the weak gravity conjecture. We review recent applications of these constraints to corrections to Standard Model physics, corrections to Einstein gravity, and cosmological theories and highlight promising future directions.

comment: Suddenly I found these analycity, unitarity analysis on operators being quite interesting.


symmetry group equivariant architectures for physics a snowmass RPRR white paper

comment: I wanted to know how to use machine learning technique to extract information of gauge group, which lives in the internal space. Probably, we can check its references for how people is doing:


Signatures of gluon saturation from structure-function measurements

abstract: We study experimentally observable signals for nonlinear QCD dynamics in deep inelastic scattering (DIS) at small Bjorken variable x and moderate virtuality Q2, by quantifying differences between the linear Dokshitzer-Gribov-Lipatov-Altarelli-Parisi (DGLAP) evolution and nonlinear evolution with the Balitsky-Kovchegov (BK) equation. To remove the effect of the parametrization freedom in the initial conditions of both equations, we first match the predictions for the DIS structure functions F2 and FL from both frameworks in a region in x, Q2 where both frameworks should provide an accurate description of the relevant physics. The differences in the dynamics are then quantified by the deviations when one moves away from this matching region. For free protons we find that the differences in F2 remain at a few-percent level, while in FL the deviations are larger, up to 10 % at the EIC and 40 % at the LHeC kinematics. With a heavy nucleus the differences are up to 10 % in F2, and can reach 20 % and 60 % in FL for the EIC and the LHeC, respectively.

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