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原创 arXiv journal 22.0408 QCD and Machine Learning

QCD SUM RULES, A MODERN PERSPECTIVEhttps://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0010175.pdfPositivity constraints for anomalous dimensionshttps://inspirehep.net/literature/85151Snowmass 2021 White Paper:Electron Ion Collider for High Energy Physicshttps://arxiv.org

2022-04-08 17:22:47 163

原创 arXiv journal 22.0408 SAGEX

SAGEX website: https://sagex.org/Lectures: http://amplitudes.org/lectures/Literature: https://sagex.org/?page_id=1091SAGEX review, the general invitation to read:The SAGEX Review on Scattering Amplitudeshttps://arxiv.org/pdf/2203.13011.pdfSeveral i

2022-04-08 17:11:52 263

原创 arXiv journal 2022.0318

A paper of checking on how much difference is in between a functional-form parametrisation and neural network parametrisation.Function Approximation for High-Energy Physics: Comparing Machine Learning and Interpolation Methodshttps://arxiv.org/pdf/2111.1

2022-03-18 18:05:23 314

原创 arXiv journal 2022.0311

I suddenly found operator analysis to be of interest.SMEFTs living on the edge: determining the UV theories from positivity and extremalityhttps://arxiv.org/pdf/2112.11665.pdfAbstract: We study the “inverse problem” in the context of the Standard Model

2022-03-11 15:58:53 158

原创 arXiv journal 2022.0217

On-Shell Covariance of Quantum Field Theory Amplitudeshttps://arxiv.org/pdf/2202.06965.pdfabstract: Scattering amplitudes in quantum field theory are independent of the field parameterization, which has a natural geometric interpretation as a form of ‘co

2022-02-17 09:34:14 139

原创 arXiv journal 2022.0213 interesting papers - Edward Witten

THE PROBLEM OF GAUGE THEORYhttps://arxiv.org/pdf/0812.4512.pdfReflections On LHC Physicshttps://inspirehep.net/files/117782ae20e3544b0b0b5c8c2cf93846TOPOLOGICAL QUANTUM FIELD THEORYhttps://lib-extopc.kek.jp/preprints/PDF/1988/8805/8805338.pdfCURRENTA

2022-02-13 10:19:08 143

原创 arXiv journal 2022.0213 interesting paper - DIS

Deep-inelastic scattering beyond the leading order in asymptotically free gauge theorieshttps://journals.aps.org/prd/pdf/10.1103/PhysRevD.18.3998abstract: We calculate the full order-g corrections to the coefficient functions which determine the Q ’ depe

2022-02-13 10:16:43 116

原创 arXiv journal 2022.0213 interesting paper - QCD and factorisation

Factorization and the Parton Model in QCDPhys.Lett.B 78 (1978) 281-284abstract: We argue that mass-singularities of inclusive cross sections in QCD factor to all orders in perturbation theory as required for a parton model interpretation.Perturbation Th

2022-02-13 10:11:18 148

原创 arXiv journal 2022.0213 interesting paper - 1

A very nice historical reviewFifty years of Yang–Mills Theories: a phenomenological point of viewhttps://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0404215.pdfabstract: On the occasion of the celebration of the first half-century of Yang–Mills theories, I am contributing a p

2022-02-13 10:06:30 308

原创 arXiv journal 2022.0211

Mr. Tompkins world: Effects of extreme variations in fundamental constants on the structure of atoms, molecules, and periodic tablehttps://arxiv.org/pdf/2202.04228.pdfabstract: In 1939, George Gamow published the book “Mr. Tompkins in Wonderland”, which

2022-02-11 14:58:26 158

原创 arXiv journal 2022.0210

Longitudinal structure function FL at low Q2 and low x with model for higher twist: an updatehttps://arxiv.org/pdf/2202.04223.pdfabstract: A reanalysis of the model for the longitudinal structure function FL(x, Q2) at low x and low Q2 was undertaken, in

2022-02-10 14:57:57 75

原创 arXiv journal 2022.0208

EKO: Evolution Kernel Operatorshttps://arxiv.org/pdf/2202.02338.pdfabstract: We present a new QCD evolution library for unpolarized parton distribution functions: EKO. The program solves DGLAP equations up to next-to-next-to-leading order. The unique fea

2022-02-08 10:18:58 191

原创 arXiv journal 2022.0207

White Dwarfs as Physics Laboratories: Lights and Shadowshttps://arxiv.org/pdf/2202.02052.pdfabstract: The evolution of white dwarfs is essentially a gravothermal process of cooling in which the basic ingredients for predicting their evolution are well id

2022-02-07 12:14:10 395

原创 arXiv journal 2022.0105

Capture of Dark Matter in Neutron Starshttps://arxiv.org/pdf/2201.00048.pdfThe Pomeron — A Bootstrap Storyhttps://arxiv.org/pdf/2201.00216.pdfEntropy Constraint on Effective Field Theoryhttps://arxiv.org/pdf/2201.00931.pdfAbstract: Positivity bounds

2022-01-05 14:38:58 1582

原创 arXiv journal 2022.0104

Antimatter in the Milky Wayhttps://arxiv.org/pdf/2112.15255.pdfAbstract: Recent astronomical observations indicating a strikingly abundant presence of antimatter in the Galaxy, in particular, of anti-stars are reviewed. Long-time earlier theoretical pred

2022-01-04 09:44:28 192

原创 arXiv journal 2021.1225

Spinors and conformal correlatorshttps://arxiv.org/pdf/2112.12540.pdfAbstract: In conformal field theory, momentum eigenstates can be parameterized by a pair of real spinors, in terms of which special conformal transformations take a simpler form. This w

2021-12-25 14:50:52 307

原创 arXiv journal 2021.1216 - II

Machine learning a manifoldhttps://arxiv.org/pdf/2112.07673.pdfAbstract: We propose a simple method to identify a continuous Lie algebra symmetry in a dataset through regression by an artificial neural network. Our proposal takes advantage of the O(ε2) s

2021-12-16 15:57:45 86

原创 arXiv journal 2021.1216

Aspects of BFKL physics at HERAhttps://arxiv.org/pdf/2111.09597.pdfAbstract: Aspects of small x physics at HERA are discussed in honor of the work of Lev Lipatov, who influenced and motivated a whole generation of physicists to investigate thisnew regio

2021-12-16 11:42:48 212

原创 arXiv Journal 2021-01-21

hep-th: 1 paperhep-ph: 4 papersquant-ph: 1 paperhep-ph: 1 paperTitle: The LHC Olympics 2020 [arXiv:2101.08320]Abstract: A new paradigm for data-driven, model-agnostic new physics searches at colliders is emerging, and aims to leverage recent break.

2021-01-23 10:59:56 213

原创 arXiv Journal 2021-01-19

hep-th: 1 paperhep-ph: 4 papersquant-ph: 1 paperhep-th: 1 paperTitle: On a classical solution to the Abelian Higgs model [arXiv:2101.07729]Abstract: A particular solution to the equations of motion of the Abelian Higgs model is given. The solution.

2021-01-23 10:39:09 442

原创 arXiv Journal 2021-01-17 with focus on Stefano Carrazza

hep-ph: 1 paperquant-ph: 1 paperLet us also give a focus on studies of Stefano Carrazza, whose papers can be found Stefano Carraza. This productive physicist contributes a lot to codes and programs relating to the field of QCD global analysis. I will g.

2021-01-17 11:27:07 1582

原创 arXiv Journal 2021-01-14

2021-01-14hep-ex: 1 paperhep-ph: 4 papershep-lat: 2 papershep-th: 1 paperWe have lots of interesting papers today. But we always don’t have time to read them. Sad…hep-ex: 1 paperTitle: LHCb: Status and Prospects on the b Anomalies [arXiv:2101.0

2021-01-15 11:16:27 189

原创 arXiv Journal 2021-01-13

2021-01-12hep-ph: 1 paperhep-th: 1 paperhep-ph: 1 paperTitle: Physics with Leptons and Photons at the LHC [arXiv:2101.04127]Abstract: We present a phenomenological study of photon–initiated (PI) lepton production at the LHC, as implemented in the

2021-01-13 10:56:49 111

原创 arXiv Journal 2021-01-12

2021-01-12hep-ph: 4 papershep-exp: 1 paperhep-ph: 4 papersTitle: Leading Logs in QCD Axion Effective Field Theory [arXiv:2101.03173]Abstract: The axion is much lighter than all other degrees of freedom introduced by the Peccei-Quinn

2021-01-12 11:19:04 124

原创 arXiv Journal 2021-01-11

想来想去,觉得还是把每次在arXiv上扫过的文章简单记录下来。2021-01-11hep-ph: 2 papershep-th: 2 papershep-lat: 1 paperhep-ph: 2 papersTitle: QCD pressure: renormalization group optimized perturbation theory confronts lattice [arXiv:2101.02124]Abstract: The quark contributi

2021-01-11 15:15:19 192

原创 ubuntu开机卡在/dev/nvme0n1p2: clean 进入不了图形界面 - 20.1117

从昨晚开始,ubuntu开机就卡在 /dev/nvme0n1p2: clean, xxxxx/xxxxxxx files, xxxxxx/xxxxxxxxx blocks,一直进入不了图形界面。到现在也没搞明白具体是为什么,但经过了一阵子面向csdn debug,倒是解决了这个问题。帮助最大的一篇博客:CSDN blog: ubuntu 黑屏 进入不了图形界面 dev/sda1: clean, 552599/6111232 files, 7119295/24414464 blocks主要步骤:

2020-11-17 09:54:15 36631 11

原创 f2py double precision issue - 20.1111

由于工作需要把Python和Fortran连接在一起,最近去学了以下怎么用f2py。f2py的具体用法见 f2py Manual错误信息在Fortran里,我们往往喜欢用下面这种方法来声明数据的类型module types implicit none integer, parameter :: dp = kind(1.0d0), sp = kind(1.0)end module typesmodule consts_dp use types implicit none

2020-11-11 18:11:31 161

原创 一个apt的依赖关系问题 - 20.1111

错误信息最近在用apt去安装东西的时候,总是会遇到下面这样的问题:sudo apt install ./zoom_amd64.deb #比方说我在安装zoom,下面是报的错误正在读取软件包列表... 完成正在分析软件包的依赖关系树 正在读取状态信息... 完成 您也许需要运行“apt --fix-broken install”来修正上面的错误。下列软件包有未满足的依赖关系: libatomic1 : 依赖: gcc-8-base (= 8.3.0-6ubunt.

2020-11-11 13:55:41 1526

原创 TensorFlow 101 - MNIST入门的帮助文档

This blog is mainly for myself. But if it helps you, I’ll be happy of course.Before everything, let me drop some useful links here.甲 - TensorFlow中文社区 - 下载及安装乙 - The MNIST database by Yann LeCun丙 -...

2020-02-21 13:11:39 241

原创 Where one could learn some of Makefile

Where one could learn some of Makefile为什么写这篇blog:怕忘,省的找了。本来CSDN上有陈皓大神的makefile教程,但这个链接排版的更好一些。跟我一起写MakefileCSDN上的blog...

2020-02-14 16:37:46 121

原创 手把手教我自己熟练地在工作站上丢job - 2020.02.05

手把手教我自己熟练地在工作站上丢job - 2020.02.05Shell script批量作业nohupReferencesFin这篇blog的核心思想是:怕忘趁着前一段在家自我封闭,我在组里的工作站上搭建好了需要跑的code,下面好像就可以开始做科研了。但是在正式做事情之前,还要手把手教自己怎么熟练地在工作站上丢job。核心内容只有两个,1. shell script,2. nohup。...

2020-02-05 15:59:07 137

原创 LHAPDF configure error - 2020.01.02

LHAPDF configuration error - 2020.01.021. What I was doing on this bloody night1.1 Before I run into this error1.2 Cython Problem2. What I vainly tried2.1 for configuration error2.2 for Cython shit1....

2020-01-02 22:22:33 684

原创 CERN ROOT CMake Error - 2020.01.02

CERN ROOT CMake Error - 2020.01.02What I, as a freshman, was doing on that day'CMakeError.log' says thatWhat I tried for resolving this problemWhat's the proper approach to itWhat I, as a freshman, w...

2020-01-02 11:50:46 1608 4



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