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原创 AWS 认证攻略

最近业余时间考取了AWS助理架构师的认证,有一些朋友私下问了我一些相关问题,今天趁着有时间整理一下,给有需要的同学做个参考:一 考试难么?现时社会,认证越来越像一种纯商业行为。技术认证给学习者们提供了系统化的学习一门技术并取得相应证明的机会,招聘市场也更倾向于聘请已取得相关认证的技术人员。于此同时,往往一个企业门下的认证者越多,其技术和产品就越流行。附着在这个产业链条上的人有很多,...

2019-11-10 16:31:29 1595

原创 云计算极简史

混沌初生20世纪60年代,是一个社会大变革的时代。柏林墙建立,切·格瓦拉被杀,阿波罗11号宇宙飞船成功登陆月球,尼尔·阿姆斯特朗踏足月球表面,迈出了他的一小步,人类的一大步。就在这个绝大多数人还没用过计算器的时代,来自斯坦福大学的科学家John McCarthy就表示“计算机可能变成一种公共资源。”这句话在当时听上去的效果,就好像杨利伟升空后马上有人告诉你火星房地产市场将会急剧升温一样,...

2019-08-12 14:56:17 398

转载 Security in AWS

Introduction to AWS Identity and Access ManagementAuthentication Authorization Users Groups Password Policy Multifactor AuthenticationDemo: Creating a User and Group (IAM)Demo: Creating acc...

2019-07-11 08:51:09 304

转载 AWS Overview

1.1 What is "Cloud Computing"?Characteristics:On-Demand Broad Network Access Resource Pooling Rapid Elasticity Measured ServiceService ModelsInfrastructure as a Service Software as a Servi...

2019-07-07 12:00:44 316

原创 敏捷转型大白话指南 第四集 冲刺

书接上回,今天咱们讲,冲刺。(Sprint)Scrum在最长一个月的迭代周期中安排工作,这些迭代或周期称为“冲刺”。冲刺是在时间盒内完成的,持续时间短并且长度一致,且开始后就不能再改目标。(大白话,固定时间内完成小目标。)时长限定:(时间盒的优点) 设定WIP数量限制(WIP表示已经开始但尚未完成的工作清单,团队只开发在一个冲刺内能够开始并结束的工作事项,所以设定WIP数量限制)...

2018-11-07 20:23:19 626

原创 敏捷转型大白话指南 第三集 敏捷原则

书接上回,今天咱们讲,敏捷原则 在深入了解Scrum之前,先理解推动并影响Scrum方法的基本原则是很有帮助的。这篇文章将帮助大家理解Scrum与各种传统产品开发方式的差异,为后续解读打下基础 。把敏捷原则与传统开发原则进行对比,目的不是为了说明Scrum好而计划驱动的顺序开发不好。这两种方法都是专业开发人员工具箱中的工具。没有不好的工具,只有使用时机不当的工具。(大白话,火箭炮是武器...

2018-11-03 20:19:24 501

原创 敏捷转型大白话指南 第二集 Scrum框架


2018-10-30 13:44:36 567

原创 敏捷转型大白话指南 第一集 概述

注:原文首发于微信公众号敏捷变革中心。欢迎关注,新文发布抢先读。本系列文章旨在用家常话解读图书《Scrum精髓-敏捷转型指南》,希望大家由此学习不犯困,妈妈再也不用担心你的学习。闲言少叙,开整。第一章 引子 2000年6月21日,作者走上了人生巅峰,出任Genomica公司执行副总裁。同时,娇妻诞下健康男婴一枚。真是美好的一天,直到他收到CEO的邮件。邮件内容很简单,紧急消息,早上...

2018-10-28 14:52:59 932

原创 冲刺

什么是冲刺目标?冲刺目标描述当前冲刺的商业目的和价值。比如支持报告生成加载地图数据收集硬件信息 共同承诺冲刺目标是团队和产品负责人作出共同承诺的基础。团队承诺在当前冲刺结束之前完成目标,产品负责人承诺在冲刺执行过程中不变更目标 。 是变更,还是澄清?什么情况算变更?变更是工作或资源的变动,在经济上会造成潜在的严重浪费,中断工作流或在一个冲刺内大量增加工作范围...

2018-10-25 09:12:45 407

转载 AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate

[原文] https://cloudacademy.com/blog/how-i-passed-my-aws-certifications/The AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate exam is intended for individuals with experience designing distributed applica...

2018-07-27 09:33:27 1102

转载 AWS - Kinesis

What is streaming dataStreaming Data is data that is generated continuously by thousands of data sources, which typically send in the data records simultaneously, and in small sizes (order of Kiloky...

2018-07-26 08:43:21 749

转载 AWS - SQS, SWF, SNS, Elastic Transcoder, API Gateway

What is SQSAmazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) offers a secure, durable, and available hosted queue that lets you integrate and decouple distributed software systems and components. Amazon SQS ...

2018-07-24 09:08:46 524

转载 SSH连接原理及ssh-key讲解


2018-07-23 11:23:11 1832

转载 AWS - VPC

Think VPC is a logical datacenter.Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) lets you provision a logically isolated section of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Clould where you can launch AWS resources...

2018-07-18 10:03:46 538

转载 AWS - Database

AWS Database Types - SummaryRDS - OLTPSQL MySQL PostgreSQL Oracle Aurora MariaDBDynamoDB - No SQLRedShift - OLAPElasticache - In Memory CachingMemcached RedisDMSWhat is DynamoD...

2018-07-17 11:04:30 442

转载 AWS - Using Polly (A Serverless Approach)

Polly (Turn text into lifelike speech using deep learning)

2018-07-15 10:57:04 311

转载 AWS - Lambda

A Brief History Of CloudEC2 Launches 2006Data Centre -> IAAS -> PAAS -> Containers -> ServerlessWhat Is LambdaAWS Lambda is a compute service where you can upload your code and create a La...

2018-07-15 09:12:51 508

转载 AWS - EFS

Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) is a file storage service for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances. Amazon EFS is easy to use and provides a simple interface that allows you to ...

2018-07-15 07:57:59 697

转载 AWS - IAM

All roles are global.

2018-07-13 08:16:12 609

转载 AWS - Cloudwatch

What can I do with CloudwatchDashboards - Creates awesome dashboards to see what is happening with your AWS environment.Alarms - Allows you to set Alarms that notify you when particular thresholds are...

2018-07-13 07:19:57 585

转载 AWS - EC2

EC2    Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud ( Amazon EC2 ) is a web service that provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud. Amazon EC2 reduces the time required to obtain and boot new server instances ...

2018-07-09 21:32:32 559



2018-07-09 10:00:24 808

转载 S3 - Snowball

Eaxm TipsUnderstand what Snowball is    Snowball is a petabyte-scale data transport solution that uses secure appliances to transfer large amounts of data into and out of AWS. Using Snowball addresses...

2018-07-08 15:14:36 334

转载 S3 - Storage Gateway

File GatewayVolume Gateway (iSCSI block protocol) Virtual HardDisk1. Stored Volumes2. Cached VolumesTape GatewayExam TipsFile Gateway - For flat files, stored directly on S3.Volume GatewayStored Volum...

2018-07-08 11:44:48 1053

转载 AWS - CloudFront

Edge Location - This is the location where content will be cached. This is separate to an AWS Region/AZ.Origin - This is the origin of all the files that the CDN will distribute. This can be either an...

2018-07-08 09:57:35 667

转载 AWS - S3

S3S3 is object based i.e. allows you to upload filesFiles can be from 0 Bytes to 5TBThere is unlimited storageFiles are stored in BucketsS3 is a universal namespace, that is, names must be unique glob...

2018-07-07 16:19:54 813

转载 Jenkins安装与使用

Install Jenkins packageshttps://pkg.jenkins.io/redhat/参考文档 https://blog.csdn.net/dandanzmc/article/details/51935311

2018-06-18 11:25:27 215

转载 perl下十种fetch数据的区别以及返回数据结构

转载自 http://www.ttlsa.com/perl/perl-fetch-10/1.fetchrow_array 提取下一行数据并将字段保存在数组中返回2.fetchrow_arrayref 提取下一行数据并返回一个包含字段值的引用数组3.fetchrow_hashref 提取下一行数据并返回一个包含字段名和字段值对的哈希引用4.fetchall_arrayref 取出所有行内容并返回包含...

2018-05-20 11:28:23 633

原创 Perl GetOptions 简介

关于GetOptions的介绍,请参照官方文档(link)The Getopt::Long module implements an extended getopt function called GetOptions(). It parses the command line from @ARGV , recognizing and removing specified options and ...

2018-05-20 08:44:42 20833

原创 Git 与 GitHub

If you use git pull, you pull the changes from the remote repository into yours.If you send a pull request to another repository, you ask their maintainers to pull your changes into theirs (you more or less ask them to use a git pull from your repository

2018-05-13 12:06:25 185

原创 eclipse Python (PyDev) 开发环境搭建

在Eclipse上搭建配置Python开发环境时,应注意JDK,Eclipse与PyDev之间的版本兼容性问题。PyDev 官网(http://www.pydev.org/)记录适配版本。例如: Release 6.3.3 (2018-05-05)Important PyDev now requires Java 8 and Eclipse 4.6 (Neon) onwards.PyDev ...

2018-05-12 11:09:53 827

原创 Ansible playbook 实例 1(template)

==========================***  前置文章  ***Ansible FundamentalAnsible的安装配置及基本用法Ansible Playbook 实践==========================Playbooks can declare configurations, but they can also orchestrate steps of an...

2018-04-13 07:53:45 1401

原创 Ansible Playbook 实践

Ansible Playbook ==========================***  前置文章  ***Ansible FundamentalAnsible的安装配置及基本用法==========================Playbook:可以用YAML脚本批量执行计划好的命令,从而实现运维自动化,避免重复运维配置等工作。YAML(可读性高,用来表达数据序列的格式)格式,任务(ta...

2018-04-08 21:12:09 495

转载 网址搜藏

CentOS7 修改默认运行级别:https://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2016-04/130558.htm ...

2018-04-07 09:48:37 281

原创 Ansible的安装配置及基本用法

本文介绍CentOS7环境下,Ansible的安装配置及基本用法。==========================***  前置文章  ***Ansible Fundamental==========================1. Ansible安装的两种常用方式,yum安装及pip安装:a.  yum安装# EPEL Extra Packages for Enterprise Linu...

2018-04-05 10:17:50 396

原创 Ansible Fundamental

最近在学习Ansible,感觉还是官方文档比较方便学习,截取一些基本概念放到这篇文章里方便将来参考。接下来我会再写几篇关于Ansible搭建及实践的文章。欢迎大家指正错误,提问交流。(一些重点概念,超链到官方文档上了,感兴趣的同学可以详细阅读)=============== 分割线 =============== About Ansible:Ansible is an agentless IT a...

2018-03-30 14:56:36 266

原创 什么是敏捷

敏捷,新华字典上的解释为灵敏迅速。如今软件开发领域的敏捷思想译自英文Agile。那么到底是什么是敏捷(Agile)呢?          “敏捷”(Agile)代表的是一种方法,是在“以人为核心驱动”(Human-Driven)的“复杂系统”(Complex System)背景下,一个具有适应性的“经验性过程控制方法”(Adaptive Empirical Process Co

2017-11-05 11:54:23 3293



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