
写在前面:本文是我做毕业设计参考的一篇并不如何有名的外文文献,其题名为:《OFFICER:A general optimization framework for OpenFlow  Rule Allocation and Endpoint Policy Enforcement》。有兴趣的朋友可以谷歌该题目,找到就可以下载了。不过为了方便,我尽量还是中英文对照着来写吧,今天是第四部分。

In this section, we evaluate our model and heuristic for the particular case of memory constrained networks as defined in Sec. III, for Internet Service Provider (ISP) and Data Center (DC) networks. We selected these two particular deployment scenarios of OpenFlow for their antagonism. On the one hand, ISP networks tend to be built organically and follow the evolution of their customers [12]. On the other hand, DC networks are methodically structured and often present a high degree of symmetry [13]. Moreover, while workload in both cases is heavy-tailed with a few flows accounting for most of the traffic, DCs exhibit more locality dependency in their traffic with most of communications remaining confined between servers of the same rack [11].



A. Methodology
We use numerical simulations to evaluate the costs and benefits of relaxing routing policy in a memory constrained OpenFlow network. There are four main factors that can influence the allocation matrix: the topology, the traffic workload,the controller placement, and the allocation algorithm.




1) Topologies: For both ISP and DC cases we consider two topologies, a small one and a large one. As an example of small topology for ISP we use the Abilene [14] network with 100 servers attached randomly (labeled Abilene in the remaining of the paper). For the large one we use a synthetic scale-free
topology composed of 100 switches with 1000 servers attached randomly (labeled ScaleFree).


The topologies for DC consist of a synthetic fat tree with 8 pods and 128 servers (labeled FatTree8) for the small one,and a synthetic fat tree with 16 pods and 1024 servers (labeled FatTree16) for the large one. Both synthetic topologies are randomly produced by the generator proposed by Saino et al.
in [15]. Details of the topologies are summarized in Table II. To concentrate on the effect of memory on the allocation matrix,we consider infinite bandwidth links in all four topologies.


DC的小拓扑结构包含了一个具有8个pods(什么玩意儿?)和128个服务器的合成胖树(后面称之为FatTree8),大拓扑结构则包含一个具有8个pods,1024个服务器的合成胖树(后面称之为FatTree16)。这两种合成拓扑结构都是由[15]中的Saino et al提出的发生器随机产生的。表II总结了拓扑的相关细节。为了集中注意力在内存对于分配矩阵的影响,我们在四中拓扑结构中都考虑无限带宽链路。

2) Workloads: For each topology, we randomly produce 24 workloads using publicly available workload generators [15],[16], each represents the traffic in one hour. For each workload,we extract the set F of origin-destination flows together with their assigned source and destination servers. We then use the
volume of a flow as its normalized value for the objective function (11) (i.e., any f∈F, any l∈ E(f) : w
f,l = pf ). A flow f∈F starts from the ingress link of the source server and asks to exit at the egress link of the destination server.


2)工作负载:对于每个拓扑,我们使用公开可获得工作负载发生器来随机生成24个工作负载[15],[16],其中每个负载代表了一个小时内的流量。对于每个工作负载,我们提取出源到目的的流与它们被指定的源和目的服务器的集合F。接着我们使用流的体积作为一个对目标函数(11)的标准值(即:对于任意 f∈F,任意l∈ E(f):wf,l = pf)。流f∈F从源服务器的入口链路寻路,从目的服务器的出口链路离开(网络)。

3) Controller placement: The controller placement and the default path towards it are two major factors influencing the allocation matrix. In the evaluation, we consider two extreme controller positions in the topology: the most centralized position (i.e., the node that has minimum total distance to other nodes, denoted by MIN), and least centralized position (i.e., the node that has maximum total distance to other nodes, denoted by MAX). In all cases, the default path is constituted by the minimum shortest path tree from all ingress links to the controller. The most centralized position limits the default path’s length and hence the number of possible deflection points. On the contrary, the least centralized position allows a longer default path and more choices for the deflection point.



4) Allocation algorithms: To evaluate the quality of the heuristic defined in Sec. III-C, we compare it with the following two allocation algorithms:

• Random Placement (RP): It is a variant of OFFICER where flow sets are randomly ranked and deflection points are randomly selected.

• Optimum (OP): The allocation matrix corresponds to the optimal one as defined in Sec. III-B and is computed using CPLEX. Unfortunately, as computing the optimum is NP-hard, it is impossible to apply it to the large ISP and large DC topologies.





Because of room constraints, we only present results for the CE strategy to choose the deflection point. Nevertheless, with extensive evaluations, we observed that this strategy outperforms the two others by consuming less memory resources.



B. Results
In this section, we compare rule allocation obtained with OFFICER with the optimal allocation and random allocation.We also study the impact of the controller placement on the allocation. The benefit of OFFICER is identified as the amount of traffic able to strictly respect the endpoint policy while the
drawback is expressed with the path stretch. We also link the number of flows passing through nodes with their topological location.




In Fig. 3 and Fig. 4, the x-axis gives the normalized total memory capacity computed as the ratio of the total number of forwarding entries to install in the network divided by the number of flows (e.g., a capacity of 2 means that on average flows consume two forwarding entries). Thin curves refer to results obtained with the controller placed at the most centralized location (i.e., MIN) while the thick curves refer to results for the least centralized location (i.e., MAX). The y-axis indicates the average value and standard deviation over the 24 workloads for the metric of interest. Curves are labeled by the concatenation of their allocation algorithm acronym (i.e., CE, RP, and OP) and their controller location (i.e., MIN and MAX).



Reference points indicate the value of the metric of interest if all flows are delivered to their egress link when (i) strictly following the shortest path and denoted with a square and (ii), if ever computable, when minimizing memory usage as formulated in Sec. III-A and denoted with a circle. For a fair
comparison with OFFICER, we also use the aggregation with the default path for these reference points. It is worth noting that the squares are on the right of the circles confirming so that by relaxing routing policy it is possible to deliver all the flows with less memory capacity.



Fig. 3 evaluates the proportion of the volume of traffic that can be delivered to an egress point that satisfies the endpoint policy as a function of the capacity. In all situations, OFFICER is able to satisfy 100% of the traffic with less capacity than with a strict shortest routing policy. In addition, when the
optimal can be computed, we note that OFFICER is nearly optimal and is even able to satisfy 100% of the traffic with the optimal minimum capacity. This happens because there are no link bandwidth nor per-switch memory limitations and that in our two examples flows never cross twice the default
path. On the contrary, the random allocation behaves poorly in all situations and requires up to 150% more memory than OFFICER to cover the same proportion of traffic.



Also, with only 50% of the minimal memory capacity required to satisfy 100% of the traffic, OFFICER satisfies from 75% to 95% of the traffic. The marginal gain of increasing the memory is hence limited and the choice of the memory to put in a network is a tradeoff between memory costs and the lost
of revenues induced by using the default path. 



Relaxing routing policy permits to deliver more traffic as path diversity is increased but comes at the cost of longer paths. Fig. 4 depicts the average path stretch (compared to shortest path in case of infinite memory) as a function of the capacity. Fig. 4 shows that the path stretch induced by the optimal placement is negligible in all type of topologies and is kept small for OFFICER using the CE strategy (i.e., less than 5%). On the contrary, the random placement significantly increases path length. In DC topologies, the average path stretch is virtually equal to 1 (Fig. 4(c) and Fig 4(d)). The reason is
that in DC networks there is a high diversity of shortest path between node pairs, so it is more likely to find a shortest path satisfying all constraints than in ISPs topologies. It also worth noting that in DCs, there are many in-rack communications that consumes less memories than out-rack communications,
thus the risk of overloading memory of inter-rack switches is reduced. Interestingly, even though there is a path stretch, the overall memory consumption is reduced indicating that it is compensated by the aggregation with the default rule.



For ISP networks, when the optimal allocation is computed or approximated with OFFICER, there is a high correlation (i.e., over 0.9) between the memory required on a switch and its topological location (e.g., betweeness centrality and node degree). On the contrary, no significant correlation is observed
in DCs where there are much more in-racks communication than out-racks communication [16]. This suggests to put switches with the highest memory capacity at the most central locations in ISPs and within racks in DCs.


Even though the controller placement is important in OFFICER as it leverages the default path, Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 do not exhibit a significant impact of the location of the controller. Nevertheless, no strong conclusion can be drawn from our evaluation. Actually, there are so many factors that drive the
placement of the controller [17] that we believe it is better to consider controller placement as an input of the rule allocation problem and we let its full study for future work.



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