Transit oriented development among metro station areas in Shanghai, China

China: Variations, typology, optimization and implications for land use planning)

Transit oriented development among metro station areas in Shanghai, China: Variations, typology, optimization and implications for land use planning


Node-place model
Land use and transport integration
Land use planning


  • 研究背景
    Transit Oriented Development (TOD), the integration of transport system with land use, has gained considerate priorities in planning strategies towards urban sustainability.
  • 研究目的
    To accrue a better overall leverage of the benefits arising from TOD practice, it is necessary to explore the variations and typology among TODs.
    This paper extends the classic ‘node (transport) – place (land use)’ model by incorporating the oriented characteristics that represent the morphological and functional ties between transport and land use. (面向维度表征交通和土地利用之间的形态和功能联系)
  • The model is applied to the case of Shanghai, China.
  • 具体的研究方法
    Fuzzy AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) is used to construct the indicators system of each dimension (node, tie and place) in the model and typology among TODs is divided by SOM (self-organizing map).
  • 研究发现
  1. We find that the TOD index value declines from the urban center to the outskirts of the city obviously.
  2. Four typologies are identified among TODs, including
  • the Integrated (all high node, tie and place index value),
  • the Functionally place-developed (low node index value and high tie and place index value),
  • the Morphologically node-developed (high node index value and low tie and place index value)
  • and the Dispersed (all low node, tie and place index value).
  • 评估方法
    Based on the evaluation, we put forward an optimization plan for the areas with low TOD index values, which are consistent with the planned lines under construction. All the methods demonstrated in this study are easy to perform and can be widely applied to the assessment of TOD typologies worldwide.
  • 研究意义
    This study produces some generalized knowledge that are useful for implementing TOD practice within land use planning.

1. Introduction

1.1 Background


1.2 Literature review

1.2.1 Conceptualizations 概念化

Even though scientific and political communities have no universally accepted TOD definition, the common goal of TOD remains to promote public transit through integrating land use with urban traffic, which is typically featured by moderate to high density developments around transit nodes with walkable and mixed use communities.
TOD is regarded as a means of formulating mass transit corridors for megaregion growth in Asia (Zhang, 2007; Yang and Lew, 2009), which is considered to be a strategy of re-connecting the existing dense urban developments around transit (Lindau et al., 2010).

1.2.2 Methodologies of TOD variations and typology

station (transport) and ‘place’ refers to the surrounding area
The basic idea is a feedback cycle between transport and
and use:

  • (1) improving transport services and supply (the node value)
    will benefit the diversification and intensification of land use in the surrounding area;
  • (2) diversifying and intensifying the land use (the place value) will benefit the infrastructure further development

Thus, TOD has a two-fold meaning:

  • a transit station for people to catch the public transport services
  • and a place for people to socialize, live, recreate, and shop (Bertolini, 1999).

It is argued that classification of TOD typologies can enable the performances evaluation and comparison across and within metro station areas and further enhance their design, planning, and operational activities. In particular, successful benchmarks can be identified for judging the TOD quality and further highlighting the priorities for further action.

The node-place model contributes to the understanding of the
transport and land use development of the metro station areas; however, it cannot reveal the morphological and functional interrelation between transport and land use.

Prior studies have greatly advanced the knowledge about TOD, but three issues should be further deepened.

  • First, functional attributes (e.g., transit service capacity) are not frequently considered for node measurement.
  • Second, practical alternative tools should be developed to
    extend the node-place model and further describe TOD variations and typology.
  • Last, there lacks of quantitative studies for the non-Western
    developing countries, since overwhelming majority of cases focused on the Western developed nations.

Focusing on the metro station areas in Shanghai, our specific objectives are to: (1) develop a practical tool by extending the node-place model to describe TOD variations; (2) demonstrate an alternative approach to TOD classifications and characterize the TOD typology; and (3) optimizethe metro system as solutions to TOD promotion and provide implications for land use planning.

1.3 The present study

2. Materials and method

2.1 Overall methodological framework

2.1.1 Extended ‘node-place’ model: ‘node-tie-place’ model

2.1.2 Main steps

To apply our node-tie-place model into the Case of Shanghai City, we:

  • (1) geographically delineate TOD precincts for analysis;
  • (2) establish the indicators for measuring ‘node (transit)’, ‘tie (oriented)’, and ‘place (development)’;
  • (3) aggregate the indicators into integrated TOD index using Fuzzy AHP (analytic hierarchy process);
  • (4) apply the selforganizing maps (SOM) to classify the TOD areas into different typologies;
  • (4) employ a tabu-search algorithm to optimize the TOD networks;
  • and (5) discuss some implications for urban planning.

The overall methodological framework is shown in Fig.4.
Fig. 4. Methodological framework
Fig. 4. Methodological framework

2.2 TOD sites delineation

15 min walking distance along the routes to define the TOD sites, and delineate the areas around the metro stations as TOD areas.
This specific threshold value is derived from the Master Plan of Shanghai, which attempts to establish a 15 min walkable neighborhood for residents. Within the 15 min walking distance
to community, residents can access to all the basic public services via walking.

2.3 TOD indicators and aggregation

In particular, expert judgment was guided by five criteria:

  • measurability,
  • discriminating ability,
  • scientific validation,
  • suitability
  • scale appropriateness
DimensionComponentIndicatorExplanation of indicators/Calculation method
NodeMetro station bearing capacityNumber of entrances and exitsGet the number of entrances and exits of various metro stations from Shanghai Metro official website
Number of service orientationsGet the transfer status of each metro station from Shanghai Metro official website (twoway service on common lines, four-way service on two-way transfer stations, and so on)
Average distance of station(meter)The average distance from the current metro station to each service direction to the next station
Maximum passenger flow (person)The maximum passenger flow currently available at the metro station
The number of compartmentsNumber of compartments passing through current metro station
Metro station service capabilityStarting interval (seconds)The interval between departures within the metro station, if there are multiple lines, take the shortest interval between departures
Operating time (minutes)Daily operating hours of this station
Metro station connectivityReachable station within 20 minutesUse Baidu traffic big data to climb stations that can be reached by rail transit within 20 minutes and count their number
Rail transit network integrationCalculate the degree of integration of road traffic network in Shanghai based on space syntax theory (The higher the level of integration, the greater the flow of people, the road is in a more convenient position in the entire road network). And the distance-weighted average of the integration indicators within 15 minutes’ walk of the Shanghai metro station is used to measure the traffic pressure around the metro station
TieAccessibilityAverage distance to the workplaceSelect the points of interest in the area within 15 minutes around the metro station, and calculate the average distance from the metro station to the points of interest in each workplace according to Shanghai road network.
Average distance to medical facilitiesSelect the points of interest in the area within 15 minutes around the metro station, and calculate the average distance from the metro station to the points of interest in each medical facility according to Shanghai road network.
Average distance to educational venuesSelect the points of interest in the area within 15 minutes around the metro station, and calculate the average distance from the metro station to the points of interest in each educational venue according to Shanghai road network.
Average distance to nursing homesSelect the points of interest in the area within 15 minutes around the metro station, and calculate the average distance from the metro station to the points of interest in each nursing home according to Shanghai road network.
Average distance to recreation areasSelect the points of interest in the area within 15 minutes around the metro station, and calculate the average distance from the metro station to the points of interest in each recreation station according to Shanghai road network.
Average distance to the residential quartersSelect the points of interest in the area within 15 minutes around the metro station, and calculate the average distance from the metro station to the points of interest in each residential quarter according to Shanghai Road Network.
Average distance to bus stationsSelect the bus stop within 15 minutes around the metro station, and calculate the average distance from the metro station to the bus stops according to Shanghai roadnetwork.
WalkabilityProportion of walkable blocks within 15 minutes walking distance from the stationCalculate the proportion of 15-minute walkable blocks in the service area of metro stations.
Average walkability of residential quarters Calculate the average walkability of residential quarters according to the revised Walk Score metric (Su et al., 2017)
Road walkabilityRatio between pedestrian width and attached green spaces width
PlaceLand use diversityResidential area within 15 minutes’ walking distance from metro stationTaking area within 15 minutes’ walk as a threshold, count the area of residential land (Dr) with threshold range.
Retail, hotel, restaurant within 15 minutes’ walking distance metro stationTaking area within 15 minutes’ walk as a threshold, count the area of commercial land (Dc) with threshold range.
Educational, health, and cultural facilities within 15 minutes’ walking distance from metro stationTaking area within 15 minutes’ walk as a threshold, count the area of public management and public service land (Df) with threshold range.
Public transport and service facilities within 15 minutes’ walking distance from the metro stationTaking area within 15 minutes’ walk as a threshold, count the area of municipal public facilities land (Da) with threshold range.
Land use mixtureLand function mixa=max(Dr,Dc,Df,Da) b=min(Dr,Dc,Df,Da) c=(Dr+Dc+Df+Da)/4 d=Dr+Dc+Df+Da F=1-((a-b)/d)-(a-c)/d))/2 The land function mix characterizes the degree of land use mixture in the areassurrounding the metro station


2.4 Classification of TOD typology

1) 无需先验知识;
2) 可以处理非线性;
3) 适合于可视化

2.5 TOD optimization


3. Results

3.1 TOD variations

Fig. 5. Index variations among the metro stations within Shanghai.
Fig. 5. Index variations among the metro stations within Shanghai.

  • 高节点指标值位于地铁网络的核心;往外衰减
  • 4号线的黄浦、静安和徐汇区域中等;
  • tie 值高的地方在中心区域;
  • 场所值高的分布城市中心的西北方;
  • 然而,大部分的中央区域的核心车站(静安、黄浦、浦东新区)展现了较低的场所值;
  • Fig. 6. Index variations among the metro stations in the central area of Shanghai.
  • Fig. 6. Index variations among the metro stations in the central area of Shanghai.
  • 靠近中心城区的TOD值较高;换乘站的表现良好;整体呈现圈层结构;

3.2 TOD typology

功能性场所发展一般位于非换乘站,有中等的node值,高的tie和place. 这些站点的服务功能需要被提升;
形态节点发展的TOD落在中心区域的外围,中等的node、tie 以及place指标;

3.3 TOD optimization

Fig. 8. The proposed new metro stations and lines.
Fig. 8. The proposed new metro stations and lines.

4. Discussion and conclusions

4.1 TOD variations and typology

换乘站一般比普通站的节点值高,如人民广场和Yishan 路;
place指标:高的值主要位于城市中心城区的西北地区;站点的土地利用多样;但是有一些城市核心区域的place值很低(Jing’an District, Huangpu District, and Pudong New Area near the
Huangpu River) is relatively low.因为以商业中心为主,居住比例很低;To some extent, it reflects the functional distribution in central area of Shanghai. In the core area of the metro network, the station mainly serves as a business center, and gradually transits to the peripheral circle to serve as residential area and then spreads to the surrounding districts.

4.2 Planning implications

4.3 Strengths, limits and prospects

  • The proposed index system of the model can be further optimized and improved in the future dynamic monitoring, and can be updated in conjunction with the conditions of different regions, such as “station layer number”.
  • However, it is worthwhile to mention that the established indicators system is not universal.
  • Geo-big data such as cell phone signal and check-in data can be used as indicators for the tie dimension.
  • Moreover, independent evaluation of the special TOD construction area can also be considered, and a comprehensive coverage and multi-scale comprehensive evaluation system can be constructed.
  • Further consideration can also be made for the bus stations.
  • In particular, how to design more robust models for optimizing the public transport system and land use should be given priorities in following studies.
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