Educational Codeforces Round 117 (Rated for Div. 2) ABCD (更新中)

A. Distance

Let’s denote the Manhattan distance between two points p1 (with coordinates (x1,y1)) and p2 (with coordinates (x2,y2)) as d(p1,p2)=|x1−x2|+|y1−y2|. For example, the distance between two points with coordinates (1,3) and (4,2) is |1−4|+|3−2|=4.

You are given two points, A and B. The point A has coordinates (0,0), the point B has coordinates (x,y).

Your goal is to find a point C such that:

both coordinates of C are non-negative integers;
d(A,C)=d(A,B)2 (without any rounding);
d(B,C)=d(A,B)2 (without any rounding).
Find any point C that meets these constraints, or report that no such point exists.


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

int main() {
	int t; cin>>t;
	while (t--) {
		int a,b; cin>>a>>b;
		if (a+b&1) puts("-1 -1");
		else if (a<b) printf("0 %d\n",a+b>>1);
		else printf("%d 0\n",a+b>>1);
	return 0;

B. Special Permutation


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int T,n,a,b,seq[105];
int main()
		else if((a==n/2+1&&b!=n/2)||(b==n/2&&a!=n/2+1)){printf("-1\n");continue;}
		for(int al=1;al<=n;al++) seq[al]=n+1-al;
		if(b!=n/2) swap(seq[n+1-a],seq[n+1-b]);
		for(int al=1;al<=n;al++) printf("%d ",seq[al]);
	return 0;

C. Chat Ban

You are a usual chat user on the most famous streaming platform. Of course, there are some moments when you just want to chill and spam something.

More precisely, you want to spam the emote triangle of size k. It consists of 2k−1 messages. The first message consists of one emote, the second one — of two emotes, …, the k-th one — of k emotes, the k+1-th one — of k−1 emotes, …, and the last one — of one emote.

For example, the emote triangle for k=3 consists of 5 messages:

Of course, most of the channels have auto moderation. Auto moderator of the current chat will ban you right after you spam at least x emotes in succession (you can assume you are the only user in the chat). Now you are interested — how many messages will you write before getting banned? Or maybe you will not get banned at all (i.e. will write all 2k−1 messages and complete your emote triangle successfully)? Note that if you get banned as a result of writing a message, this message is also counted.

You have to answer t independent test cases.

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

int main() {
	int t; cin>>t;
	while (t--) {
		long long a,b;
		long long L=1,R=2*a-1,Ans=0,Mid;
		while (L<=R) {
			long long res;
			if (Mid<=a) res=Mid*(Mid+1)/2;
			else res=a*a-(2*a-Mid-1)*(2*a-Mid)/2;
			if (res<b) Ans=Mid,L=Mid+1;
			else R=Mid-1;
	return 0;

D. X-Magic Pair

You are given a pair of integers (a,b) and an integer x.

You can change the pair in two different ways:

set (assign) a:=|a−b|;
set (assign) b:=|a−b|,
where |a−b| is the absolute difference between a and b.
The pair (a,b) is called x-magic if x is obtainable either as a or as b using only the given operations (i.e. the pair (a,b) is x-magic if a=x or b=x after some number of operations applied). You can apply the operations any number of times (even zero).

Your task is to find out if the pair (a,b) is x-magic or not.

You have to answer t independent test cases.




#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

string solve(long long a,long long b,long long x) {
	if (a>b) swap(a,b);
	if (x>b || !a) return "NO";
	if ((b-x)%a==0) return "YES";
	return solve(a,b%a,x);

int main() {
	int t; cin>>t;
	while (t--) {
		long long a,b,x;
	return 0;

E. Messages

Monocarp is a tutor of a group of n students. He communicates with them using a conference in a popular messenger.

Today was a busy day for Monocarp — he was asked to forward a lot of posts and announcements to his group, that’s why he had to write a very large number of messages in the conference. Monocarp knows the students in the group he is tutoring quite well, so he understands which message should each student read: Monocarp wants the student i to read the message mi.

Of course, no one’s going to read all the messages in the conference. That’s why Monocarp decided to pin some of them. Monocarp can pin any number of messages, and if he wants anyone to read some message, he should pin it — otherwise it will definitely be skipped by everyone.

Unfortunately, even if a message is pinned, some students may skip it anyway. For each student i, Monocarp knows that they will read at most ki messages. Suppose Monocarp pins t messages; if t≤ki, then the i-th student will read all the pinned messages; but if t>ki, the i-th student will choose exactly ki random pinned messages (all possible subsets of pinned messages of size ki are equiprobable) and read only the chosen messages.

Monocarp wants to maximize the expected number of students that read their respective messages (i.e. the number of such indices i that student i reads the message mi). Help him to choose how many (and which) messages should he pin!



"educational codeforces round 103 (rated for div. 2)"是一个Codeforces平台上的教育性比赛,专为2级选手设计评级。以下是有关该比赛的回答。 "educational codeforces round 103 (rated for div. 2)"是一场Codeforces平台上的教育性比赛。Codeforces是一个为程序员提供竞赛和评级的在线平台。这场比赛是专为2级选手设计的,这意味着它适合那些在算法和数据结构方面已经积累了一定经验的选手参与。 与其他Codeforces比赛一样,这场比赛将由多个问题组成,选手需要根据给定的问题描述和测试用例,编写程序来解决这些问题。比赛的时限通常有两到三个小时,选手需要在规定的时间内提交他们的解答。他们的程序将在Codeforces的在线评测系统上运行,并根据程序的正确性和效率进行评分。 该比赛被称为"educational",意味着比赛的目的是教育性的,而不是针对专业的竞争性。这种教育性比赛为选手提供了一个学习和提高他们编程技能的机会。即使选手没有在比赛获得很高的排名,他们也可以从其他选手的解决方案学习,并通过参与讨论获得更多的知识。 参加"educational codeforces round 103 (rated for div. 2)"对于2级选手来说是很有意义的。他们可以通过解决难度适的问题来测试和巩固他们的算法和编程技巧。另外,这种比赛对于提高解决问题能力,锻炼思维和提高团队合作能力也是非常有帮助的。 总的来说,"educational codeforces round 103 (rated for div. 2)"是一场为2级选手设计的教育性比赛,旨在提高他们的编程技能和算法能力。参与这样的比赛可以为选手提供学习和进步的机会,同时也促进了编程社区的交流与合作。




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