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原创 白捡的网站

contents:壁纸:软件:收藏夹:图片,视频素材:Pixabay:设计百宝箱:seeseed:优设导航:编程导航:HiPPTer:淘声网:熊猫搜书:LKs的网站推荐:壁纸:链接: wallhaven.cc.软件:链接: ghxi.收藏夹:表格链接: shoucangjia.图片,视频素材:链接: link.Pixabay:图片素材链接: Pixabay.设计百宝箱:链接: link.seeseed:设计链接: link.优设导航:资料链接: link.编程导航

2022-02-22 20:21:26 440

原创 费曼学习法(读书总结)


2022-02-22 19:22:27 555

原创 马斯克的学习模式(更新中)


2022-01-23 00:20:55 705

原创 学生信息管理系统


2022-01-22 23:22:39 224

原创 【考研政治】徐涛马克思主义基本原理串讲 笔记(更新中)

contents:写在前面0x01 大纲0x02 哲学基本问题0x03 什么是物质0x04 什么是意识0x05 对立统一规律0x060x07 认识的过程0x08 唯物史观和唯心史观0x09 社会存在和社会意识的构成0x10 社会存在和社会意识的关系0x11 人民群众0x12 商品?0x13 价值如何衡量0x14 价值的表现写在前面马原分三部分总分值24分哲学18分政治经济学和科学社会主义理论占6分0x01 大纲0x02 哲学基本问题0x03 什么是物质0x04 什么是意识

2021-12-07 21:39:14 1964

原创 The 2021 CCPC Weihai Onsite J. Circular Billiard Table

contents:题目大意思路AC添加链接描述题目大意原形台球桌面思路做的时候看到样例猜了一个180上去,因为样例需要180,wa了,因为int不够用longlong 就过了既然是写题解那就看看题吧上图a看到了吧,场外的入射角所在的线和球最后出来的线关于切线对称我们假设垂直射入,则结果是1相当于此球的速度没变,速度方向转变了180°对吧这和圆有什么关系呢我们可以想想为什么球为啥方向变了呢,在发球点建立坐标系,在纵向量上,速度方向不会变会变的只有横坐标且园内每一个点的角度转变

2021-11-27 17:25:34 1250

原创 Codeforces Round #756 (Div. 3)

contents:A. Make EvenB. Team Composition: Programmers and MathematiciansC. Polycarp Recovers the PermutationD. Weights Assignment For Tree EdgesE1. Escape The Maze (easy version)A. Make Even#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;#define ll l

2021-11-26 02:03:23 138

原创 Educational Codeforces Round 117 (Rated for Div. 2) ABCD (更新中)

contents:A. DistanceACB. Special PermutationACC. Chat BanD. X-Magic Pair思路ACE. MessagesACA. DistanceLet’s denote the Manhattan distance between two points p1 (with coordinates (x1,y1)) and p2 (with coordinates (x2,y2)) as d(p1,p2)=|x1−x2|+|y1−y2|. For ex

2021-11-23 06:45:42 407

原创 数据库系统概论(第五版) 第三章 关系数据库标准语言SQL

contents:3.1SQL概述3.2学生-课程数据库3.3数据定义3.4数据查询3.5数据更新3.6空值的处理3.7视图3.8小节3.1SQL概述Structured Query Language3.2学生-课程数据库3.3数据定义进入mysqlmysql;创建数据库CREATE DATABASE cyp;查看已创建的databases在早期,databases和schema本质没有区别并且sql关键字不区分大小写,但是自己的命名是区分大小写的show databases;

2021-11-20 23:49:31 626

原创 一站式学习python (更新中)

contents:写在前面学习资源记录学习核心写在前面打acm对于大数老费劲了python学了一半(等于没学),从头捡起来打算花一周学习可完成一种打卡学习和我一起来吧 学习节点,点击小前面框框就好了学习资源链接: 平台安装.视频资源:bilibili建议一边看视频一边上手然后记录核心,输出学习内容然后做项目学习能力强的,画个一两天的时间学完基础粗略的概念,然后不明白,就去学习哪里,最好的学习文档当然是官方文档!! 已经get记录学习核心...

2021-11-19 01:49:39 320

原创 vscode之python 配置 (不断打磨中)

content:python准备安装vscode安装python进入vscodevscode 只配置 c++的tasks.jsonlaunch.json链接: 上述.python准备这个都建议去官网下载最新的Python.Vscode.本文python 3.9vscode无所谓安装vscode无脑安装自己瞅安装python无脑安装记得勾选添加环境变量安装完成后记得验证以下win+Rcmd然后退出1、在cmd输入pip list检查是否已存在需要的包2

2021-11-16 23:04:57 1005

原创 《道德经》与 (更新中)


2021-11-15 21:41:22 1751

原创 白夜追题之icpc一言南京版

contents:写在前面K 构造 11111F 三分L 中心块垒24 的path (会的第二道)链接: niuke.写在前面你看看你看看这些题目都多难一道道的也不知道什么生鲜6ti 738 金4题 407 银4题 819 牌我: 锡看题解都看求不懂K 构造 11111有一点点费马小定理中推论的味道相邻俩数互质,且1和谁都1口胡完事F 三分链接: link.几何分布给我整麻了L 中心块垒链接: link.24 的path (会的第二道)https:/

2021-11-13 05:34:33 437

原创 C. Neko does Maths

contents:题题意思路AC代码题Neko loves divisors. During the latest number theory lesson, he got an interesting exercise from his math teacher.Neko has two integers a and b. His goal is to find a non-negative integer k such that the least common multiple of a+k a

2021-11-12 17:43:40 458

原创 猜猜这是icpc20年那一场的a题,高斯消元re

#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;#define ll long longconst int maxn = 210;const ll mod = 998244353;int a[maxn][maxn]; //增光矩阵int x[maxn]; //解集int freeX[maxn]; //自由bianyuanll qpow(ll a, ll b){ ll ans = 1; while (b

2021-11-11 06:27:52 181 3

原创 2021 ICPC Asia Taiwan Online Programming Contest E. Eatcoin

contents:E. Eatcoin题意解析ACE. EatcoinEric developed a new algorithm to mine a cryptocurrency called Eatcoin. Since Eric’s algorithm is an evolutionary algorithm, its performance keeps improving. On the d-th day of the execution of Eric’s algorithm, it cons

2021-11-09 20:38:05 983

原创 2021 ICPC Asia Taiwan Online Programming ContestC. A Sorting Problem

C. A Sorting ProblemYou are given an array [p[1],p[2],…,p[n]] where all the numbers in the array are distinct. In addition, the numbers are positive integers between 1 and n. You can only perform the following operations on the array: Pick two indices x a

2021-11-09 20:34:43 766

原创 2021 ICPC Asia Taiwan Online Programming Contest

D. Drunk PassengerDue to COVID-19, social distancing is applied in our daily life to prevent the spread of the disease. It changes our living styles a lot, especially the way of traveling. Now, many carriers cancel non-reserved seats and introduce seating

2021-11-09 10:58:30 1107

原创 yp野题 思维

contents:C. Marina and VasyaACA. Guest From the PastACC. Marina and VasyaMarina loves strings of the same length and Vasya loves when there is a third string, different from them in exactly t characters. Help Vasya find at least one such string.More for

2021-11-08 02:36:21 170

原创 Codeforces Round #753 (Div. 3)ABCDE&FGH

contents:A. Linear Keyboard思路ypACdalaoACB. Odd Grasshopper思路ypACdalaoACC. Minimum Extraction思路ypACdalaoACD. Blue-Red Permutation思路ypACdalaoACE. Robot on the Board 1思路ypAC大佬ACF. Robot on the Board 2dalaoACG. Banquet Preparations 1dalaoACH. Banquet Preparati

2021-11-03 04:08:09 596 6

原创 yp 分块


2021-11-02 16:59:01 89

原创 0x30数学知识(更新中)

contents:质数Prime Distance poj2689线性筛板子:阶乘分解约数倍数法反素法余数之和Hankson的趣味题Visible Lattice Points (POJ2090)同余矩阵乘法最幸运的数字高斯消元与线性空间Sumdiv poj1845同余方程组合计数容斥原理与mobius函数概率与数学期望0/1分数规划博弈论之SG函数质数Prime Distance poj2689链接: link.线性筛板子:bool st[N];int primes[N], cnt;voi

2021-10-31 17:42:53 2247 1

原创 Codeforces Round #752 (Div. 2)

contents:A. EraACB. XOR Specia-LIS-t思路ACC. Di-visible Confusion思路ACD. Moderate Modular Mode思路ACA. EraShohag has an integer sequence a1,a2,…,an. He can perform the following operation any number of times (possibly, zero):Select any positive integer k (it

2021-10-31 16:26:16 286

原创 Educational Codeforces Round 116 (Rated for Div. 2)

contents:A. AB Balance题解ACB. Update Files模拟ACC. Banknotes思路ACA. AB BalanceYou are given a string s of length n consisting of characters a and/or b.Let AB(s) be the number of occurrences of string ab in s as a substring. Analogically, BA(s) is the number

2021-10-30 02:10:31 253

原创 你当像鸟飞往我的山


2021-10-29 15:20:52 206

原创 codeforces 750 (Div2)ABCD

contents:A. Luntik and Concerts题意思路ACB. Luntik and Subsequences思路ACC. Grandma Capa Knits a Scarf思路ACD. Vupsen, Pupsen and 0思路ACA. Luntik and ConcertsLuntik has decided to try singing. He has a one-minute songs, b two-minute songs and c three-minute songs

2021-10-24 21:42:59 490 2

原创 yp0x10re

contents:0x11栈表达式求值POJ2559视野总和柱状图中的最大矩形0x12队列0x13链表与邻接表0x14Hash0x15字符串0x16Trie0x17二叉堆0x18总结与练习0x11栈表达式求值链接: link.POJ2559视野总和int FieldSum(vector<int>& v){ v.push_back(INT_MAX);/这里可以理解为需要一个无限高的人挡住栈中的人,不然栈中元素最后无法完全出栈 stack<int> st; i

2021-10-24 17:48:49 142

原创 codeforces 749(Div1+2)

contents:A. Windblume Ode题意思路meACB. Omkar and Heavenly Tree题意思路ACC. Omkar and DeterminationD. Omkar and the Meaning of Life这是特别有意思的题A. Windblume Ode题意A bow adorned with nameless flowers that bears the earnest hopes of an equally nameless person.You ha

2021-10-20 21:03:38 171

原创 codeforces 1599 C. Bubble Strike

题意Little Johnny Bubbles enjoys spending hours in front of his computer playing video games. His favorite game is Bubble Strike, fast-paced bubble shooting online game for two players.Each game is set in one of the N maps, each having different terrain c

2021-10-20 09:41:59 214 2

原创 codeforces 1600E. Array Game (博弈)

contents:题意思路AC题意Alice and Bob are playing a game. They are given an array A of length N. The array consists of integers. They are building a sequence together. In the beginning, the sequence is empty. In one turn a player can remove a number from the le

2021-10-19 19:39:57 699 1

原创 2019-2020 ICPC Asia Yinchuan Regional Contest【银川现场赛】补提中re

contents:A Girls Band PartyBCDEFGHIJKLMA Girls Band Party分组背包#include<bits/stdc++.h>#define ll long longusing namespace std;map<string, int> mp1, mp2;int dp[100010][6][16];struct node{ string name, color; int val, num;} card[1

2021-10-18 07:47:02 384 1

原创 2021-10-15

这里写目录标题D1D2. Half of SameED1#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;#define ll long long#define db double#define pii pair<int, int>#define psi pair<string, int>#define ull unsigned ll#define pb push_back#define mp make_pa

2021-10-15 22:52:04 86

原创 0x07yp


2021-10-09 12:29:10 140

原创 0x06yp

contents:倍增CH0601ST算法倍增任意整数可以表示成若干个2的次冥项的和找到最大的前缀和满足小于等于T我们坑定想到了二分,二分是从中间值开始的,当值非常小,就在头部的时候,这时候二分就有些浪费了我们可以用从头开始的倍增解决这个问题复杂度不输二分还能考虑到极小值的情况怎么做呢?我们令p=1,k=0,sum=0;如果sum+S[k+p]-S[k]<=T sum +=S[k+p]-S[k] ,k+=p,p*=2;如果sum+S[k+p]-S[k]>T

2021-10-08 13:03:44 98

原创 yp0x05

contents:排序poj3784第k大数逆序对奇数码问题排序poj3784#include <bits/stdc++.h>#define ll long long#define fo(i, j, n) for (register int i = j; i <= n; ++i)using namespace std;priority_queue<int, vector<int>, less<int>> L; // 大根堆prior

2021-10-08 08:35:00 77

原创 校赛题解诶

contents:D - String Formation思路ACB. Count Subrectangles思路ACC. Palindromifier思路ACGym - 101982C思路ACD - String Formation思路模拟string即可AC#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;int q;string s;int inde, cc, tou; //翻转次数,命令,头还是尾巴char c;

2021-10-07 09:50:25 127

原创 yp周赛补提

contents:codeforces 916aAC代码codeforces 918cAC代码codeforces 918aAC代码codeforces 1013cAC代码codeforces 424aAC代码codeforces 991dAC代码codeforces 1560cAC代码codeforces 271bAC代码poj 1207AC代码poj 1003AC代码codeforces 916aAC代码#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace

2021-10-06 13:17:20 171

原创 codeforces rand213div2 C&D

contents:题意思路代码题意链接: link.思路我们可以知道,从S状态到T状态我们进行一次交换,我们拥有的筹码越来越多,但是筹码增加的值不会超过d因为:我们将S变到T,需要用S−S∩T交换得到T−S∩T,需要满足Sum(S−S∩T)+d≥Sum(T−S∩T)→Sum(S)+d≥Sum(T)d=11 2 3 4S(1,2)→T(1,3)sum(2)→sum(3) :sum(1,2)→sum(1,3) (两个价值总和的状态,一定可以通过一次操作得到,不需要知道具体是那些物

2021-10-05 19:58:15 345

原创 牛客题霸NC99题解(树的直径)re

目录:前提:证明:前提:树的直径:树上所有点的远端点都在直径上证明:用反证法,凡是比直径长的点统统都归为直径树上任意一个点x,距离x最远的点=直径的一个端点点击: 证明详细链接.dfs: dfs求树的直径.bfs比较好想,先一遍bfs找到直径的一个端点,再在此基础上找到第二个端点树的直径: poj2831....

2021-09-29 09:13:38 300

原创 retrospect20210817re

constent:first思路secondthirdlyfourthlyfifthsixthseventheighthfirst链接: sg博弈.思路暴力sg,优化剪枝一种打表思路,从小到大打表,原来的已经打过的数据作为新的依据,我们可以考虑打表的顺序,小大之变博弈就是从一种状态到另一种状态lostorwin,所以第一步分析类型,第二部打表找规律得到结论链接: link.secondthirdly线段树,点分治fourthlyfifthsixthseven

2021-09-29 09:11:55 85



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