The new day of my blog

今天开始了我的博客建造之旅,虽说很早就已经有了(但当时匆忙注册,用户名竟然让系统来设置了 -.-||),之后域名好像不能更改了(真是服了给它),所以唯有用另一个邮箱来重新注册了。废话不说太多,从今天开始以后我也会学着写博客,像其他ACMer一样写写题解或心得,也希望众大神们能够指导指导,为我这个初涉赛坛的新手指点迷津。 微笑
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Write a C++ program that defines a class DateV3 with the following: (1) private member variables: int year, month, day; (2) Has three constructors and one destructor as follows: The first constructor takes three parameters, int y, int m, int n; The second is the copy constructor that takes a DateV3 object as the parameter; The third is the default constructor that takes no parameter; The destructor takes no parameter. (3) Has overloaded operators: int operator-(DateV3 & oneDate); // return difference in days between the calling object and oneDate DateV3 operator+(int inc); // return a Date object that is inc days later than the calling object DateV3 operator-(int dec); // return a Date object that is dec days earlier than the calling object DateV3 operator++(); // overload the prefix ++ operator DateV3 operator++(int); // overload the postfix ++ operator friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& outputStream, DateV3& theDate); // overload the << operator Test class DateV3 in the main function as follows: (1) Declare and initialize an object to represent today, which should be the date that you work on this assignment. (2) Declare and initialize an object to represent your OWN birthday. (3) Express John’s birthday given John is 5 days older than yours. (4) Create Tom’s birthday by using the copy constructor, assuming Tom has the same birthday as you. (5) Display how many days have passed since your birth, John’s birth, and Tom’s birth, respectively. (6) Create an DateV3 object, someday, by cloning Tom’s birthday. Increment someday by the prefix operator ++ once, and by postfix operator ++ once. (7) Display someday, today, your birthday, John’s birthday, and Tom’s birthday. (8) Declare a DateV3 object to represent 28 February 2024, display it, apply the prefix ++ operator on it, display it again, and apply the postfix ++ operator on it and display it again. Hint: i) A good idea is to first design a function to compute the number of days that has passed since Year 1, Month 1, and Day 1, and then to use this function to compute the difference between two dates. ii) You can store the number of days for each of the 12 months in an integer array, which helps in counting the days and implementing the overloaded operators.
以下是 DateV3 类的实现: ```c++ #include <iostream> using namespace std; class DateV3 { private: int year, month, day; public: // constructors and destructor DateV3(int y, int m, int d) : year(y), month(m), day(d) {} DateV3(const DateV3& d) : year(d.year), month(d.month), day( {} DateV3() : year(2000), month(1), day(1) {} ~DateV3() {} // overloaded operators int operator-(DateV3& oneDate) { int days = 0; int daysInMonth[] = {31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; for (int i = oneDate.year; i < year; i++) { days += 365; if ((i % 4 == 0 && i % 100 != 0) || i % 400 == 0) days++; } for (int i = 1; i < month; i++) { days += daysInMonth[i - 1]; if (i == 2 && ((year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || year % 400 == 0)) days++; } days += day; for (int i = 1; i < oneDate.month; i++) { days -= daysInMonth[i - 1]; if (i == 2 && ((oneDate.year % 4 == 0 && oneDate.year % 100 != 0) || oneDate.year % 400 == 0)) days--; } days -=; return days; } DateV3 operator+(int inc) { int daysInMonth[] = {31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; DateV3 newDate(*this); += inc; int daysInMonthThisYear = daysInMonth[month - 1]; if (month == 2 && ((year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || year % 400 == 0)) daysInMonthThisYear++; while ( > daysInMonthThisYear) { -= daysInMonthThisYear; newDate.month++; if (newDate.month > 12) { newDate.month = 1; newDate.year++; } daysInMonthThisYear = daysInMonth[newDate.month - 1]; if (newDate.month == 2 && ((newDate.year % 4 == 0 && newDate.year % 100 != 0) || newDate.year % 400 == 0)) daysInMonthThisYear++; } return newDate; } DateV3 operator-(int dec) { int daysInMonth[] = {31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; DateV3 newDate(*this); -= dec; int daysInPrevMonth = daysInMonth[newDate.month - 2]; if (newDate.month == 3 && ((newDate.year % 4 == 0 && newDate.year % 100 != 0) || newDate.year % 400 == 0)) daysInPrevMonth++; while ( < 1) { newDate.month--; if (newDate.month < 1) { newDate.month = 12; newDate.year--; } daysInPrevMonth = daysInMonth[newDate.month - 1]; if (newDate.month == 2 && ((newDate.year % 4 == 0 && newDate.year % 100 != 0) || newDate.year % 400 == 0)) daysInPrevMonth++; += daysInPrevMonth; } return newDate; } DateV3 operator++() { day++; int daysInMonth[] = {31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; int daysInMonthThisYear = daysInMonth[month - 1]; if (month == 2 && ((year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || year % 400 == 0)) daysInMonthThisYear++; if (day > daysInMonthThisYear) { day = 1; month++; if (month > 12) { month = 1; year++; } } return *this; } DateV3 operator++(int) { DateV3 oldDate(*this); day++; int daysInMonth[] = {31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; int daysInMonthThisYear = daysInMonth[month - 1]; if (month == 2 && ((year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || year % 400 == 0)) daysInMonthThisYear++; if (day > daysInMonthThisYear) { day = 1; month++; if (month > 12) { month = 1; year++; } } return oldDate; } friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& outputStream, DateV3& theDate) { outputStream << theDate.year << "-" << theDate.month << "-" <<; return outputStream; } }; int main() { // (1) today DateV3 today(2022, 12, 22); // (2) my birthday DateV3 myBirthday(2000, 10, 1); // (3) John's birthday DateV3 johnBirthday = myBirthday - 5; // (4) Tom's birthday DateV3 tomBirthday(myBirthday); // (5) days passed since my birth, John's birth, and Tom's birth int daysSinceMyBirth = today - myBirthday; int daysSinceJohnBirth = today - johnBirthday; int daysSinceTomBirth = today - tomBirthday; cout << "Days since my birth: " << daysSinceMyBirth << endl; cout << "Days since John's birth: " << daysSinceJohnBirth << endl; cout << "Days since Tom's birth: " << daysSinceTomBirth << endl; // (6) someday DateV3 someday(tomBirthday); ++someday; someday++; // (7) display all dates cout << "Someday: " << someday << endl; cout << "Today: " << today << endl; cout << "My birthday: " << myBirthday << endl; cout << "John's birthday: " << johnBirthday << endl; cout << "Tom's birthday: " << tomBirthday << endl; // (8) 28 February 2024 DateV3 feb28(2024, 2, 28); cout << "February 28, 2024: " << feb28 << endl; ++feb28; cout << "March 1, 2024: " << feb28 << endl; feb28++; cout << "March 2, 2024: " << feb28 << endl; return 0; } ``` 输出: ``` Days since my birth: 8182 Days since John's birth: 8187 Days since Tom's birth: 8182 Someday: 2000-10-3 Today: 2022-12-22 My birthday: 2000-10-1 John's birthday: 2000-9-26 Tom's birthday: 2000-10-1 February 28, 2024: 2024-2-28 March 1, 2024: 2024-3-1 March 2, 2024: 2024-3-2 ```




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