10 Habits of All Successful People 成功人士的10个习惯

10 Habits of All Successful People

摘要自 YouTuBe https://youtu.be/Dk20-E0yx_s

  1. They set goals.制定目标
    Define exactly what it is you want – your end goal. Breakdown exactly what is required to go there – mini goals. Make sure your WHY – your reason for doing what you must do is strong, so when you hit those roadblocks, when things go wrong as they always do, you have the strength and purpose to keep going.

  2. They take responsibility for their life.为生命负责
    They take complete responsibility for the success and the failures in their life. Unlike the majority, they never play the victim role. If something doesn’t work out, they don’t blame others. they learn the lesson, learn one more way NOT to do something, and move on quickly. Your energy is always best spent in the present, and planning for the future.
    Your thought process should always be:”How can I make this work?” and “What can I learn from this?” Never living in the past or making excuses as to why you aren’t where you should be. Remember, EVERYONE suffer setbacks, everyone has the opportunity to either blame others & circumstances, or to focus on moving on and creating a better future.Regardless what had happened, YOU DECIDE what YOU do now.

  3. They have great self discipline.严格的自律
    Anyone that works from home or unsupervised knows the importance of self discipline. Whey you are alone will you choose to go through social media, watch cat videos and YouTuBe, or do something that will be beneficial for your future? It is much easier to have discipline if you have clear goals and a meaningful purpose, something that is much more important than meaningless distractions.

  4. They are obsessed with self development.痴迷于自我开发
    Be open to new things and develop your mind, through mentors, audio books and readings. The more you learn the more you will earn, financially and spiritually.
  5. They read A LOT.大量阅读
    The majority these days cannot sit alone for 2 minutes without becoming “bored” picking up their phone to go on social media , probably to post about how bored they are. Successful people however, are almost always happy to be alone, to be alone in quiet, to have the opportunity read or listen to something that will benefit their mind, and their future.
  6. They manage the time WELL. 管理好时间
    Unsuccessful people usually get stressed and overwhelmed when there are too many tasks on their to-do list. Successful people are rarely fazed, they prioritize the big-payoff and most rewarding tasks first, and leave the insignificant ones to last, knowing it matters most to do the most valuable tasks first. Successful people plan in advance, days, weeks, months ahead, knowing clearly what needs to be done to complete their jobs and reach their goals.

  7. They take risks.承受风险
    Risk going for the life you want, or guarantee living with one you don’t want.

  8. They keep going when they suffer failure and setbacks.
    Every single person that attempts to live their dream life will suffer through failure, many of them might even lose everything. Most quit, the successful never quit. They keep going, knowing their greatest character is formed in adversity. Knowing their success story is being written in every moment, and it will be especially good now they have a comeback story.

  9. They find a way to win.找到一条成功路
    Whatever life throws their way, they deal with it, dodge it, smash through it, whatever is required, they find a way to win.It’s the whatever it takes mentality. It’s the confidence in knowing whatever happens, I will give my all and leave nothing on the table. I WILL FIND A WAY TO WIN!

  10. ‘They do what they love.做喜欢的事
    It you are not doing what you love, you cannot really claim yourself a success. Spending the majority of your working hours, also known as the majority of your life doing things you hate for money is not successfully living. It is torture to the soul.

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