
think-in-java 并发前半部分(并发1)参见:


1、Thread类包含 interrupt方法,可以终止被阻塞的任务。这个方法将设置线程的中断状态。 如果一个线程被阻塞,或者视图执行一个阻塞操作,那么设置这个线程的中断状态将抛出 InterruptedException异常。当抛出该异常或该任务调用了 Thread.interrupted() 方法时, 中断状态将被复位,设置为true; 

2、如果调用 Executor上调用 shutdownNow方法,那么它将发送一个 interrupte方法调用给他启动的所有线程。

通过调用submit()而不是executor() 来启动任务,就可以持有该任务的上下文。submit()方法将返回一个泛型Future<?>, 持有这个Future的关键在于,你可以调用该对象的cancle() 方法, 并因此可以使用他来中断某个特定任务。如果把true传给 cancel方法,他就会拥有在该线程上调用 interrupt方法以停止这个线程的权限。

 * 中断由线程池管理的某个线程 
public class Interrupting {
	private static ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();// 线程池 
	static void test(Runnable r) throws InterruptedException {
		// 使用 ExecutorService.submit() 而不是 ExecutorService.execute()方法来启动任务,就可以持有该任务的上下文 ,submit() 方法返回 Future 对象   
		// exec.execute(r); 不用 execute() 方法 
		Future<?> f = exec.submit(r);
		TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(1000); // 睡眠1秒 
		System.out.println("interrupting " + r.getClass().getName()); // 正在中断某个线程 
		// 调用Future.cancel() 方法来中断某个特定任务 
		// 把true传给cancel() 方法,该方法就拥有在该线程上调用interrupt() 方法以停止这个线程的权限 
		// cancel 是一种中断由 Executor启动的单个线程的方式 
		System.out.println("interrupt sent to " + r.getClass().getName()); // 中断信号发送给线程 
		System.out.println("====================================== seperate line ==================================== ");
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		test(new SleepBlocked());
		test(new IOBlocked(;
		test(new SynchronizedBlocked()); 
		System.out.println("aborting with System.exit(0)");
		System.exit(0);// 终止当前虚拟机进程,所以有部分打印信息无法没有正常输出
// 睡眠式阻塞线程, 可中断的阻塞
class SleepBlocked implements Runnable {
	public void run() {
		try {
			TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(3);// 睡眠3秒
		} catch (InterruptedException e ) { // 捕获中断异常
			System.out.println("interrupted exception in SleepBlocked ");
// IO式阻塞线程 , 不可中断的阻塞 
class IOBlocked implements Runnable {
	private InputStream in;
	public IOBlocked(InputStream is) {
		in = is; 
	public void run() {
		try {
			System.out.println("waiting for read();");; // 等待输入流输入数据  
		} catch (IOException e) { // IO 异常 , 但执行结果没有报 IO 异常 
			if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
				System.out.println("interrupted from blocked IO");
			} else {
				throw new RuntimeException();
// 线程同步式阻塞,不可中断的阻塞 
class SynchronizedBlocked implements Runnable {
	public synchronized void f() {
		while(true) {
			Thread.yield(); // 让出cpu时间片  
	public SynchronizedBlocked() { // 构造器开启一个线程 
		new Thread() { // 匿名线程调用f() 方法,获取 SynchronizedBlocked 对象锁,且不释放;其他线程只能阻塞 
			public void run() {
				f();// f() 为同步方法 
	public void run() {
		System.out.println("trying to call 同步f()");
		f(); // 调用f() 同步方法 , 让出cpu时间片 
		System.out.println("exiting"); // 这里永远不会执行 
/*interrupting diy.chapter21.SleepBlocked
interrupt sent to diy.chapter21.SleepBlocked
====================================== seperate line ==================================== 
interrupted exception in SleepBlocked 
waiting for read();
interrupting diy.chapter21.IOBlocked
interrupt sent to diy.chapter21.IOBlocked
====================================== seperate line ==================================== 
trying to call 同步f()
interrupting diy.chapter21.SynchronizedBlocked
interrupt sent to diy.chapter21.SynchronizedBlocked
====================================== seperate line ==================================== 
aborting with System.exit(0)




如何解决呢? 关闭任务在其上发生阻塞的底层资源;

 * 无法中断线程,但可以关闭任务阻塞所依赖的资源。
 * 这里只能够中断 基于socket输入流的io线程,因为socket输入流可以关闭;
 * 但无法中断基于系统输入流的io线程,因为系统输入流无法关闭;
public class CloseResource {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); // 线程池 
		ServerSocket server = new ServerSocket(8080); // 服务端套接字 
		InputStream socketInput = new Socket("localhost", 8080).getInputStream();
		/* 启动线程 */
		exec.execute(new IOBlocked(socketInput));
		exec.execute(new IOBlocked(;
		TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(1000); // 睡眠1秒 
		System.out.println("shutting down all threads");
		exec.shutdownNow(); // 发送一个interrupte() 信号给exec启动的所有线程 
		TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1); // 睡眠1秒 
		System.out.println("closing " + socketInput.getClass().getName());
		socketInput.close(); // 关闭io线程依赖的资源  
		System.out.println("closing " +;;  // 关闭io线程依赖的资源  
waiting for read();
waiting for read();
shutting down all threads
interrupted from blocked IO


 * page 698
 * nio中断 
public class NIOInterruption {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); // 线程池 
		ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket(8080); // 服务器套接字 
		// InetAddress:类的主要作用是封装IP及DNS, 
		// InetSocketAddress类主要作用是封装端口 他是在在InetAddress基础上加端口,但它是有构造器的。
		InetSocketAddress isa = new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 8080);
		SocketChannel sc1 =; // 套接字通道 
		SocketChannel sc2 =; // 套接字通道 
		// 使用 ExecutorService.submit() 而不是 ExecutorService.execute()方法来启动任务,就可以持有该任务的上下文 ,submit() 方法返回 Future 对象 
		Future<?> f = exec.submit(new NIOBlocked(sc1));// 以submit方式启动线程 
		exec.execute(new NIOBlocked(sc2)); // 以 execute方式启动线程 
		exec.shutdown(); // 关闭所有线程  
		TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1); // 睡眠1秒
		// 调用Future.cancel() 方法来中断某个特定任务 
		// 把true传给cancel() 方法,该方法就拥有在该线程上调用interrupt() 方法以停止这个线程的权限 
		// cancel 是一种中断由 Executor启动的单个线程的方式
		f.cancel(true); // 
		sc2.close(); // 
// NIO 新io式阻塞   
class NIOBlocked implements Runnable {
	private final SocketChannel sc;
	public NIOBlocked(SocketChannel sc) { = sc; 
	public void run() {
		try {
			System.out.println("waiting for read() in " + this);;
		} catch (ClosedByInterruptException e1) {
			System.out.println("ClosedByInterruptException, this = " + this);
		} catch (AsynchronousCloseException e2) {
			System.out.println("AsynchronousCloseException, this = " + this);
		} catch (IOException e3) {
			throw new RuntimeException(e3); 
		System.out.println("exiting " + this);
waiting for read() in diy.chapter21.NIOBlocked@3856c761
waiting for read() in diy.chapter21.NIOBlocked@55de2e48
ClosedByInterruptException, this = diy.chapter21.NIOBlocked@55de2e48
exiting diy.chapter21.NIOBlocked@55de2e48
AsynchronousCloseException, this = diy.chapter21.NIOBlocked@3856c761
exiting diy.chapter21.NIOBlocked@3856c761

4、被互斥所阻塞: 一个任务能够调用在同一个对象中的其他的 synchronized 方法,而这个任务已经持有锁了 ; 

 * 被互斥所阻塞
 * 同步方法f1 和 f2 相互调用直到 count为0 
 * 一个任务应该能够调用在同一个对象中的其他 synchronized 方法,因为这个任务已经获取这个对象的锁
 * 2020/04/16  
public class MultiLock {
	public synchronized void f1(int count) { // 同步方法 f1 
		if(count-- > 0) {
			System.out.println("f1() calling f2() with count = " + count);
			f2(count); // 调用 f2 
	public synchronized void f2(int count) { // 同步方法f2 
		if(count-- > 0) {
			System.out.println("f2() calling f1() with count = " + count);
			f1(count); // 调用f1 
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		final MultiLock multiLock = new MultiLock();
		new Thread() {
			public void run() {
f1() calling f2() with count = 4
f2() calling f1() with count = 3
f1() calling f2() with count = 2
f2() calling f1() with count = 1
f1() calling f2() with count = 0 

5、java se5 并发类库中添加了一个特性,在 ReentrantLock  可重入锁上阻塞的任务具备可以被中断的能力; 

 * 可重入锁的可中断式加锁  
 * page 700 
public class Interrupting2 {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		Thread t = new Thread(new Blocked2());
		System.out.println("issuing t.interrupt()"); // 2 
		t.interrupt(); // 中断线程 
 * 阻塞互斥量 
class BlockedMutex {
	private Lock lock = new ReentrantLock(); // 可重入锁 
	public BlockedMutex() {
		lock.lock(); // 构造器即加锁,且从不会释放锁 
	public void f() {
		try {
			lock.lockInterruptibly(); // 可中断式加锁 
			System.out.println("lock acquired in f()");
		} catch(InterruptedException e) {
			System.out.println("interrupted from lock acquisition in f()"); // 3 可中断阻塞,捕获中断异常 
class Blocked2 implements Runnable {
	BlockedMutex blocked = new BlockedMutex(); 
	public void run() {
		System.out.println("waiting for f() in Blocked Mutex"); // 1 
		System.out.println("broken out of blocked call"); // 4 
 * waiting for f() in Blocked Mutex
issuing t.interrupt()
interrupted from lock acquisition in f()
broken out of blocked call


1、在线程上调用 interrupt方法去中断线程执行时,能够中断线程的前提是: 任务要进入到阻塞操作中,已经在阻塞操作内部;否则,调用 interrupt方法是无法中断线程的;需要通过其他方式;

其他方式是: 由中断状态来表示, 其状态可以通过调用 interrupt 来设置。通过 Thread.interrupted() 来检查中断  。

 * 通过 Thread.interrupted() 来检查中断  
 * page 701
public class InterruptingIdiom {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		if(args.length != 1) {
		Thread t = new Thread(new Blocked3()); 
		TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(3); // 睡眠  
		t.interrupt();  // 中断 

class NeedsCleanup {
	private final int id;
	public NeedsCleanup(int id) { = id;
		System.out.println("NeedsCleanup " + id);
	public void cleanup() {
		System.out.println("clean up " +id);
 * 在run()方法中创建的 NeedsCleanup 资源都必须在其后面紧跟 try-finally 子句, 
 * 以确保 清理资源方法被调用 
class Blocked3 implements Runnable {
	private volatile double d = 0.0; 
	public void run() {
		try {
			int index = 1;
			// interrupted方法来检查中断状态 
			while(!Thread.interrupted()) { // 只要当前线程没有中断 
				System.out.println("========== 第 " + index++ + " 次循环 =========="); 
				NeedsCleanup n1 = new NeedsCleanup(1);
				try {
					NeedsCleanup n2 = new NeedsCleanup(2);
					try {
						for (int i=1; i<250000; i++) {
							d = d + (Math.PI + Math.E) / d;
						System.out.println("finished time-consuming operation 完成耗时操作.");  
					} finally {
						n2.cleanup(); // 清理 
				} finally{
					n1.cleanup(); // 清理 
			System.out.println("exiting via while() test-从while循环退出 "); // 从while循环退出 
		} catch (InterruptedException e) {
			System.out.println("exiting via InterruptedException-从中断InterruptedException退出 "); // 从中断退出 
========== 第 1 次循环 ==========
NeedsCleanup 1
NeedsCleanup 2
finished time-consuming operation 完成耗时操作.
clean up 2
clean up 1
========== 第 2 次循环 ==========
NeedsCleanup 1
NeedsCleanup 2
finished time-consuming operation 完成耗时操作.
clean up 2
clean up 1
========== 第 3 次循环 ==========
NeedsCleanup 1
clean up 1
exiting via InterruptedException-从中断InterruptedException退出 



1、当任务协作时,关键问题是任务间的握手。握手可以通过 Object.wait() Object.notify() 方法来安全实现。当然了 java se5 的并发类库还提供了具有 await() 和 signal() 方法的Condition对象;

【21.5.1】wait()方法与notifyAll() 方法 

1、wait() 方法会在等待外部世界产生变化的时候将任务挂起,并且只有在 nofity() 或notifyall() 发生时,即表示发生了某些感兴趣的事务,这个任务才会被唤醒去检查锁产生的变化。wait()方法提供了一种在任务之间对活动同步的方式。

还有,调用wait() 方法将释放锁,意味着另一个任务可以获得锁,所以该对象上的其他synchronized方法可以在线程A wait期间,被其他线程调用; 

2、有两种形式的 wait() 调用

形式1: wait方法接收毫秒数作为参数,在wait()期间对象锁是释放的;通过 notify() notifyAll() 方法,或者时间到期后,从 wait() 恢复执行; 

形式2:wait方法不接受任何参数,这种wait将无线等待下去,直到线程接收到 notify或 notifyAll方法; 

补充1:wait方法,notify方法, notifyAll方法,都是基类Object的一部分,因为这些方法操作的锁也是对象的一部分,而所有对象都是OBject的子类; 

补充2:实际上,只能在同步控制方法或同步控制块里调用 wait, notify, notifyAll方法(因为不操作锁,所有sleep方法可以在非同步控制方法里调用)。如果在非同步方法中调用 wait, notify, notifyAll方法, 编译可以通过,但运行就报 IllegalMonitorStateException 异常,异常意思是: 在调用wait, notify, notifyAll方法前,必须获取对象的锁; 

(干货——只能在同步控制方法或同步控制块里调用 wait, notify, notifyAll方法) 


【荔枝】涂蜡与抛光: 抛光任务在涂蜡完成之前,是不能执行其工作的;而涂蜡任务在涂另一层蜡之前,必须等待抛光任务完成;
抛光 WaxOn, WaxOff, 使用了wait和notifyAll方法来挂起和重启这些任务;

 * 汽车上蜡与抛光
 * (抛光任务在涂蜡完成之前,是不能执行其工作的;而涂蜡任务在涂另一层蜡之前,必须等待抛光任务完成;) 
 * page 705 
public class WaxOMatic {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		Car car = new Car();
		ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
		exec.execute(new WaxOff(car)); // 先上蜡 
		exec.execute(new WaxOn(car)); // 后抛光 
		TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1); // 睡眠5秒 
		exec.shutdown(); // 线程池关闭 
// 	汽车 
class Car {
	private boolean waxOn = false; // 是否上蜡
	// 已上蜡 
	 * notifyAll() 和 wait() 方法只能在 synchronized方法或synchronized块中执行,因为获取或释放锁 
	public synchronized void waxed() { // 上蜡 
		waxOn = true; 
		notifyAll(); // 唤醒所有调用 wait() 方法锁阻塞的线程 
		// 为了使该任务从 wait() 中唤醒,线程必须重新获得之前进入wait()时释放的锁。
		// 在这个锁变得可用之前,这个任务是不会被唤醒的。
	public synchronized void buffed() { // 抛光 
		waxOn = false; 
	public synchronized void waitForWaxing() throws InterruptedException { // 等待上蜡 
		while (waxOn == false) { // 若没有上蜡,则等待 
			wait(); // 线程被挂起, 当前线程持有的car对象锁被释放 
	public synchronized void waitForBuffing() throws InterruptedException { // 等待抛光 
		while(waxOn == true) { // 若已上蜡,则等待抛光
			wait(); // 线程被挂起, 当前线程持有的car对象锁被释放
class WaxOn implements Runnable { // 上蜡线程(本线程先执行第1次上蜡,等待抛光,抛光线程第1次执行抛光后,本线程执行第2次上蜡......)  
	private Car car; 
	public WaxOn(Car c) { = c; 
	public void run() {
		try {
			while(!Thread.interrupted()) {
				System.out.println("wax on !");
				car.waxed(); // 先上蜡完成 (把waxOn设置为true),唤醒等待上蜡的线程 
				car.waitForBuffing(); // 再等待抛光,当waxOn为ture,则抛光线程一直等待   
		} catch (InterruptedException e ) {
			System.out.println("exiting via interrupt");
		System.out.println("ending wax on task"); 
class WaxOff implements Runnable { // 抛光线程(本线程先等待上蜡,上蜡线程第1次执行后,本线程立即执行第1次抛光,接着本线程等待第2次上蜡......) 
	private Car car; 
	public WaxOff(Car c) { = c; 
	public void run() {
		try {
			while(!Thread.interrupted()) {
				car.waitForWaxing(); // 先等待上蜡 , 当waxOn为false,则上蜡线程一直等待 
				System.out.println("wax off !"); // 
				car.buffed(); // 抛光完成后,把waxOn设置为false,唤醒等待抛光的线程   
		} catch (InterruptedException e ) {
			System.out.println("exiting via interrupt");
		System.out.println("ending wax off task"); 
 * wax on !
wax off !
wax on !
wax off !


原因2:在本任务从其 wait()中被唤醒的时刻,有可能会有某个其他任务已经做出了改变,从而使得本任务在此时不能执行,或者执行其操作已显得无关紧要;此时,应该再次执行wait()将其重新挂起;

用while 包围wait方法的本质:检查所有感兴趣的条件,并在条件不满足的情况下再次调用wait方法,让任务再次阻塞;

3、错失的信号:当两个线程使用 notify/wait() 或 notifyAll()/ wait() 方法进行协作时,有可能会错过某个信号;即 notify或 notifyAll发出的信号,带有wait的线程无法感知到。


// T1: 
synchronized(sharedMonitor) {
	<setup condition for T2>
	sharedMonitor.notify() // 唤醒所有等待线程  
// T2:
while(someCondition) {
	// point 1 
	synchronized(sharedMonitor) {
		sharedMonitor.wait(); // 当前线程阻塞 

当T2 还没有调用 wait方法时,T1就发送了notify信号; 这个时候T2线程肯定接收不到这个信号;T1发送信号notify后,T2才调用wait方法,这时,T2将永久阻塞下去;因为他错过了T1的notify信号;


// T2正确的写法如下:
synchronized(sharedMonitor) {
	while(someCondition) {
		sharedMonitor.wait(); // 当前线程阻塞 

如果T1先执行后释放锁;此时T2获取锁且检测到 someCondition已经发生了变化,T2不会调用wait() 方法; 

如果T2先执行且调用了wait()方法, 释放了锁; 这时T1后执行,然后调用notify()唤醒阻塞线程, 这时T2可以收到T1的 notify信号,从而被唤醒, 由T1修改了 someCondition的条件, 所以T2 不会进入while循环; 


1、notify()方法:在使用 notify方法时,在众多等待同一个锁的任务中只有一个会被唤醒,如果你希望使用notify,就必须保证被唤醒的是恰当的任务。

 * page 707
 * notify 与 notifyAll的对比, 
 * notify 唤醒单个阻塞线程,而notifyAll唤醒所有阻塞线程
public class NotifyVsNotifyAll {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();// 线程池 
		for (int i =0; i<5; i++) {
			exec.execute(new Task()); // 运行5个任务, 只要task 任务一运行就会阻塞,除非被唤醒 
		exec.execute(new Task2()); // 运行第6个任务, 只要task2 任务一运行就会阻塞,除非被唤醒 
		Timer timer = new Timer(); // 定时器 
		// 定时调度, 延迟400毫秒开始执行,两次运行的时间间隔为500毫秒 
		timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() {
			boolean prod = true; 
			public void run() {
				if (prod) {
					System.out.println("\n notify() ");; // 唤醒单个阻塞线程 
					prod = false ;
				} else {
					System.out.println("\n notifyAll()");
					Task.blocker.prodAll(); // 唤醒所有阻塞线程 
					prod = true ;
		}, 400, 500);
		timer.cancel(); // 关闭定时器,关闭所有线程,正在运行的任务除外  
		System.out.println("timer canceled");
		TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(500); // 睡眠500毫秒 
		Task2.blocker.prodAll(); // task2 唤醒所有阻塞线程 
		TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(500); // 睡眠500毫秒
		System.out.println("\n shutting down");
		exec.shutdownNow(); // 关闭线程池 
// 阻塞器 
class Blocker {
	synchronized void waitingCall() {
		try {
			while(!Thread.interrupted()) {
				wait(); // 期初所有线程均阻塞,等待 notify 或 notifyAll 来唤醒 
				System.out.println(Thread.currentThread() + " ");
		} catch (InterruptedException e ) {
	synchronized void prod() {
		notify();// 唤醒单个阻塞线程 
	synchronized void prodAll() {
		notifyAll(); // 唤醒所有阻塞线程 
// 任务 
class Task implements Runnable {
	static Blocker blocker = new Blocker();// 阻塞器 
	public void run() {
		blocker.waitingCall();// wait() 方法阻塞 
// 任务2 
class Task2 implements Runnable {
	static Blocker blocker = new Blocker(); // 阻塞器 
	public void run() {
		blocker.waitingCall(); // wait() 方法阻塞  









timer canceled

 shutting down 


// 阻塞器 
class Blocker {
    synchronized void waitingCall() {
        try {
            while(!Thread.interrupted()) {
                wait(); // 期初所有线程均阻塞,等待 notify 或 notifyAll 来唤醒 
                System.out.println(Thread.currentThread() + " ");
        } catch (InterruptedException e ) {
    synchronized void prod() {
        notify();// 唤醒单个阻塞线程 
    synchronized void prodAll() {
        notifyAll(); // 唤醒所有阻塞线程 

Blocker.waitingCall 方法中的while循环, 有两种方式可以离开这个循环:
方式2:通过检查 interrupted标志离开;


 * page 709
 * 生产者(厨师chef)-与消费者(服务员WaitPerson)  
public class Restaurant { // 餐馆 
	Meal meal ; 
	ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); // 线程池 
	WaitPerson waitPerson = new WaitPerson(this); // 服务员 
	Chef chef = new Chef(this); // 厨师 
	// 构造器中通过线程池 运行厨师和服务员的任务 
	public Restaurant() {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		new Restaurant(); 
class Meal { // 膳食 
	private final int orderNum;  // 订单号 
	public Meal(int orderNum) {
		this.orderNum = orderNum; 
	public String toString() {
		return "meal " + orderNum; 
class WaitPerson implements Runnable { // 服务员(消费者)
	private Restaurant restaurant; // 餐馆 
	public WaitPerson(Restaurant restaurant) { = restaurant;
	public void run() {
		try {
			while(!Thread.interrupted()) {
				synchronized (this) {
					while(restaurant.meal == null) { // 没有菜可以上,服务员等待 
						wait(); // 阻塞,直到 notify 或 notifyAll 唤醒  
				System.out.println("服务器取到餐=WaitPerson got " + restaurant.meal);
				synchronized (restaurant.chef) { // 厨师 
					restaurant.meal = null; 
					restaurant.chef.notifyAll(); // 唤醒所有阻塞在 chef对象上的线程 
		} catch (InterruptedException e) {
			System.out.println("WaitPerson interrupted(服务员线程中断)");
class Chef implements Runnable {// 厨师(生产者) 
	private Restaurant restaurant; 
	private int count = 0;
	public Chef(Restaurant r) {
		restaurant = r; 
	public void run() {
		try {
			while(!Thread.interrupted()) {
				synchronized (this) {
					while(restaurant.meal != null) { // 菜没有被端走,厨师等待  
						wait(); // 阻塞,直到 notify 或 notifyAll 唤醒
				if (++count == 10) { // 厨师只做10个菜 
					System.out.println("out of food, closing。厨师只做10个菜,关闭线程池");
					restaurant.exec.shutdownNow();  // 关闭餐馆的线程池,该池运行着厨师和服务员任务 
				System.out.println("厨师说,上菜了,order up!");
				synchronized (restaurant.waitPerson) {
					restaurant.meal = new Meal(count); // 厨师生产一个菜 
					restaurant.waitPerson.notifyAll(); // 唤醒服务员端菜 
		} catch (InterruptedException e) {
			System.out.println("chef interrupted");
厨师说,上菜了,order up!
服务器取到餐=WaitPerson got meal 1
厨师说,上菜了,order up!
服务器取到餐=WaitPerson got meal 2
厨师说,上菜了,order up!
服务器取到餐=WaitPerson got meal 3
厨师说,上菜了,order up!
服务器取到餐=WaitPerson got meal 4
厨师说,上菜了,order up!
服务器取到餐=WaitPerson got meal 5
厨师说,上菜了,order up!
服务器取到餐=WaitPerson got meal 6
厨师说,上菜了,order up!
服务器取到餐=WaitPerson got meal 7
厨师说,上菜了,order up!
服务器取到餐=WaitPerson got meal 8
厨师说,上菜了,order up!
服务器取到餐=WaitPerson got meal 9
out of food, closing。厨师只做10个菜,关闭线程池
厨师说,上菜了,order up!
WaitPerson interrupted(服务员线程中断)
chef interrupted 

2、代码解说, Restraurant是 WaitPerson和Chef的焦点,作为连接两者的桥梁。他们知道在为哪个Restraurant工作,因为他们必须和这家饭店打交道,以便放置或拿取膳食。
答案不是的。因为在并发应用中,某个其他的任务可能会在WaitPerson被唤醒时,会突然插足并拿走订单,唯一安全的方式是使用下面这种惯用的wait() 方法,来保证在退出等待循环前,条件将得到满足。如果条件不满足,还可以确保你可以重返等待状态。
while(conditionIsNotMet) {
2.2、shutdownNow()将向所有由  ExecutorService启动的任务发送 interrupt信号。但是在Chef中,任务并没有在获得该interrupt信号后立即关闭,因为当任务试图进入一个可中断阻塞操作时, 这个中断只能抛出 InterruptException。然后当 Chef 试图调用sleep()时,抛出了 InterruptedException。如果移除对sleep()的调用,那么这个任务将回到run()循环的顶部,并由于Thread.interrupted() 测试而退出,同时并不抛出异常。

3、使用显式的Lock和 Condition 对象  
使用互斥并允许任务挂起的基本类是 Condition,调用Condition的await() 可以挂起一个任务;调用signal() 可以唤醒一个任务;调用signalAll() 可以唤醒所有在这个Condition上被其自身挂起的任务。

 * page 711 
 * 使用显式的Lock 和 Condition对象 
public class WaxOMatic2 {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
		Car2 car = new Car2(); 
		ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
		executorService.execute(new WaxOff2(car)); // 抛光
		executorService.execute(new WaxOn2(car)); // 打蜡 
		TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1); // 睡眠5秒 
class Car2 {
	private Lock lock = new ReentrantLock(); // 可重入锁 
	private Condition condition = lock.newCondition(); // 获取锁的条件 
	private boolean waxOn = false; // 期初时,没有上蜡
	public void waxed() { // 上蜡 
		lock.lock(); // 加锁 
		try { 
			waxOn = true;  // 上蜡完成 
			condition.signalAll(); // 唤醒所有等待线程 
		} finally {
			lock.unlock(); // 解锁 
	public void buffed() { // 抛光 
		lock.lock(); // 加锁 
		try {
			waxOn = false; // 抛光完成,待上蜡 
		} finally {
			lock.unlock(); // 解锁 
	public void waitForWaxing() throws InterruptedException { // 等待上蜡 
		try {
			while(waxOn == false) { // 还未上蜡,等待上蜡
				condition.await(); // 挂起 
		} finally {
	public void waitForBuffing() throws InterruptedException { // 等待抛光 
		try {
			while(waxOn == true) { // 上蜡完成,等待抛光 
				condition.await(); // 挂起 
		} finally {
class WaxOn2 implements Runnable { // 打蜡任务 
	private Car2 car ; 
	public WaxOn2(Car2 c) { = c; 
	public void run() {
		try {
			while(!Thread.interrupted()) {
				System.out.println("wax on ");
				car.waxed(); // 打蜡完成 
				car.waitForBuffing(); // 等待抛光 
		} catch(InterruptedException e ) {
			System.out.println("WaxOn2 exiting via interrupt");
		System.out.println("WaxOn2 ending wax on task");
class WaxOff2 implements Runnable  {// 打蜡结束,开始抛光任务 
	private Car2 car; 
	public WaxOff2(Car2 c) { = c; 
	public void run() {
		try {
			while(!Thread.interrupted()) {
				car.waitForWaxing();  // 等待打蜡 
				System.out.println("wax off");
				car.buffed(); // 抛光完成 
		} catch(InterruptedException e ) {
			System.out.println("WaxOff2 exiting via interrupt");
		System.out.println("WaxOff2 ending wax off task");
wax on 
wax off
wax on 
wax off
wax on 
WaxOff2 exiting via interrupt
WaxOff2 ending wax off task
WaxOn2 exiting via interrupt
WaxOn2 ending wax on task

代码解说:每个对lock()的调用都必须紧跟一个try-finally子句,用来保证在所有情况下都可以释放锁。在使用内建版本时,任务在可以调用 await(), signal(), signalAll() 方法前,必须拥有这个锁。

1、wait()和notifyAll() 是一种低级的方式来解决任务协作问题;也可以使用同步队列这种高级方式来解决,同步队列在任何时刻都只允许一个任务插入或移除元素。
2、同步队列 BlockingQueue,两个实现,LinkedBlockingQueue,无界队列, ArrayBlockingQueue-固定尺寸,放置有限数量的元素;
阻塞队列可以解决非常多的问题,且比 wait()与notifyAll()简单得多。

 * 阻塞队列 
 * page 714 
public class TestBlockingQueues {
	static void getKey() {
		try {
			// 从控制台读入用户输入
			new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; 
		} catch (IOException e) {
			throw new RuntimeException(e); 
	static void getKey(String msg) {
	static void test(String msg, BlockingQueue<LiftOff> queue) {
		LiftOffRunner runner = new LiftOffRunner(queue);
		Thread t = new Thread(runner);
		for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
			runner.add(new LiftOff(3)); // 添加5个发射任务到阻塞队列 
		getKey("press enter " + msg);
		t.interrupt(); // 线程中断 
		System.out.println("finished " + msg + " test");
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		test("LinkedBlockingQueue", new LinkedBlockingQueue<LiftOff>()); // 链表阻塞队列,无界 
		test("ArrayBlockingQueue", new ArrayBlockingQueue<LiftOff>(3)); // 数组阻塞队列,固定长度 
		test("SynchronousQueue", new SynchronousQueue<LiftOff>()); // 同步队列  
// lift off 发射,起飞 
class LiftOffRunner implements Runnable {
	private BlockingQueue<LiftOff> rockets; // 阻塞队列,火箭队列
	public LiftOffRunner(BlockingQueue<LiftOff> queue) {
		this.rockets = queue; 
	public void add(LiftOff lo) { // LiftOff 发射起飞任务 
		try {
			rockets.put(lo); // 往队列里面放入 发射起飞任务  
		} catch (InterruptedException e) {
			System.out.println("interupted during put()");
	public void run() {
		try {
			while(!Thread.interrupted()) {
				LiftOff rocket = rockets.take(); // 从队列中取出任务,运行,没有任务,则阻塞; 
		} catch (InterruptedException e) {
			System.out.println("waking from task()");
		System.out.println("exiting LiftOffRunner"); 
press enter LinkedBlockingQueue

finished LinkedBlockingQueue test
waking from task()
exiting LiftOffRunner
press enter ArrayBlockingQueue

finished ArrayBlockingQueue test
waking from task()
exiting LiftOffRunner
press enter SynchronousQueue

finished SynchronousQueue test
waking from task()
exiting LiftOffRunner


1、一台机器有3个任务: 一个制作吐司,一个给吐司抹黄油,另一个在抹过黄油的吐司上涂果酱;

 * 吐司制作程序-
 * 一台机器有3个任务:第1制作吐司, 第2抹黄油,第3涂果酱,阻塞队列-LinkedBlockingQueue  
 * page 715 
public class ToastOMatic {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		ToastQueue dryQueue = new ToastQueue(); // 烘干的吐司队列 
		ToastQueue butterQueue = new ToastQueue(); // 涂黄油的吐司队列 
		ToastQueue finishQueue = new ToastQueue(); // 制作完成的吐司队列 
		/* 线程池 */
		ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
		exec.execute(new Toaster(dryQueue)); // 吐司
		exec.execute(new Butterer(dryQueue, butterQueue)); // 黄油 
		exec.execute(new Jammer(butterQueue, finishQueue)); // 果酱 
		exec.execute(new Eater(finishQueue)); // 吃 
		exec.shutdownNow(); // 发出中断信号, 线程报  InterruptedException 中断异常 , 所有线程均结束
class Toast { // 吐司类  
	public enum Status{DRY, BUTTERED, JAMMED}; // 枚举类 dry-烘干, butter-黄油,jam-果酱 
	private Status status = Status.DRY; 
	private final int id ;
	public Toast(int id) { // 编号 = id; 
	public void butter() { // 抹黄油结束 
		status = Status.BUTTERED;
	public void jam() { // 涂果酱结束 
		status = Status.JAMMED;
	public Status getStatus() {
		return status; 
	public int getId() {
		return id; 
	public String toString() {
		return "toast " + id + " : " + status; 
class ToastQueue extends LinkedBlockingQueue<Toast> {} // 吐司队列  

class Toaster implements Runnable { // 第1个工序: 做吐司 
	private ToastQueue toastQueue; // 吐司队列 
	private int count = 0; // 计数器  
	private Random rand = new Random(47);
	public Toaster(ToastQueue toastQueue) {
		this.toastQueue = toastQueue; 
	public void run() {
		try {
			while(!Thread.interrupted()) { // 只要任务不中断  
				TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(100+ rand.nextInt(500));
				Toast t = new Toast(count++) ; 
				toastQueue.put(t); // 往队列添加吐司 
		} catch (InterruptedException e) {
			System.out.println("toaster interrupted");
		System.out.println("toaster off");  // 吐司制作完成  
class Butterer implements Runnable { // 第2个工序:黄油 
	private ToastQueue dryQueue, butterQueue;
	public Butterer(ToastQueue dryQueue, ToastQueue butterQueue) { // 已烘干吐司队列, 已抹黄油的吐司队列 
		this.dryQueue = dryQueue;
		this.butterQueue = butterQueue; 
	public void run() {
		try {
			while(!Thread.interrupted()) {
				Toast t = dryQueue.take(); // 获取烘干的吐司 
				t.butter(); // 抹黄油 
				butterQueue.put(t); // 往黄油队列添加 
		} catch (InterruptedException e) {
			System.out.println("butterer interrupted ");
		System.out.println("butterer off");
class Jammer implements Runnable { // 第3个工序,涂果酱 
	private ToastQueue butterQueue, finishQueue; 
	public Jammer(ToastQueue butterQueue, ToastQueue finishQueue) {
		this.butterQueue = butterQueue;
		this.finishQueue = finishQueue;
	public void run() {
		try {
			while(!Thread.interrupted()) {
				Toast t = butterQueue.take(); // 从抹黄油队列中获取吐司  
				t.jam(); // 涂果酱 
				finishQueue.put(t); // 添加到完成队列 
		} catch (InterruptedException e ) {
			System.out.println("jammer interrupted");
		System.out.println("jammer off"); // 涂果酱完成  
class Eater implements Runnable { // 消费者,吃吐司 
	private ToastQueue finishQueue; 
	private int counter = 0;
	public Eater(ToastQueue finishQueue) {
		this.finishQueue = finishQueue;
	public void run() {
		try {
			while(!Thread.interrupted()) {
				Toast t = finishQueue.take(); // 从吐司制作完成队列中获取吐司 
				if (t.getId() != counter++ || t.getStatus() != Toast.Status.JAMMED) {
					System.out.println(">>>> Error: " + t);
				} else {
					System.out.println("chomp !" + t); // chomp-大声咀嚼,吃吐司 
		} catch (InterruptedException e) {
			System.out.println("eater interrupted");
		System.out.println("eat off"); // 吃饱回家 
 toast 0 : DRY
toast 0 : BUTTERED
toast 0 : JAMMED
chomp !toast 0 : JAMMED
toast 1 : DRY
toast 1 : BUTTERED
toast 1 : JAMMED
chomp !toast 1 : JAMMED
toast 2 : DRY
toast 2 : BUTTERED
toast 2 : JAMMED
chomp !toast 2 : JAMMED
eater interrupted
eat off
toaster interrupted
toaster off
butterer interrupted 
butterer off
jammer interrupted
jammer off

 * */

这种模式可以看做是 生产者-消费者问题的变体,管道就是一个封装好了的解决方案。管道可以看做是一个阻塞队列,存在于多个引入 BlockingQueue之间的java版本中。 

 * 任务间使用管道进行输入输出 
 * page 718 
public class PipedIO {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		Sender sender = new Sender(); // 发送器
		Receiver receiver = new Receiver(sender); // 接收器 
		ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); // 线程池  
		exec.execute(sender); // 发送 
		exec.execute(receiver); // 接收 
		exec.shutdown(); // 关闭线程池 
class Sender implements Runnable { 
	private Random rand = new Random(47); // 随机数 
	private PipedWriter out = new PipedWriter(); // 管道输出对象 
	public PipedWriter getPipedWriter() {
		return out; 
	public void run() {
		try {
			while(true) {
				for (char c = 'A'; c <= 'z'; c++) {
					out.write(c); // 把字符输出到管道 
		} catch (IOException e) {
			System.out.println("\n" + e + " sender write exception ");
		} catch (InterruptedException e2) {
			System.out.println("\n" + e2 + " sender sleep interrupted. ");
// 接收者任务 
class Receiver implements Runnable {
	private PipedReader in ; 
	public Receiver(Sender sender) throws IOException {
		in = new PipedReader(sender.getPipedWriter()); // 管道输入对象 
	public void run() {
		try {
			while(true ) {
				System.out.print("read:" + (char) + ", ");// 从管道读取数据 
		} catch (IOException e ) {
			System.out.println("\n" + e + " receiver read exception.");

代码解说1: 当Receiver调用read() 方法时,如果没有更多的数据,管道将自动阻塞;
补充2:在shudownNow() 被调用时,PipedReader与普通IO之间的区别是:PipiedReader是可以中断的。 如果将 修改为, 那么interrupt调用将不能打断read()调用。 (干货)



 * 死锁-筷子
 * page719  
public class Chopstick {
	private boolean taken = false;
	// 拿起筷子 
	public synchronized void take() throws InterruptedException {
		while (taken) {
		taken = true; 
	// 放下筷子  
	public synchronized void drop() {
		taken = false; 


 * 哲学家
 * page 718 
public class Philosopher implements Runnable {
	private Chopstick left; // 左筷
	private Chopstick right;  // 右筷 
	private int id = 1; // 编号 
	private int ponderFactor = 0; // 思考因素 
	private Random rand = new Random(47); // 随机数发生器 
	private void pause() throws InterruptedException { // 暂停 
		if (ponderFactor == 0) return ; 
		TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(rand.nextInt(ponderFactor * 250)); // 睡眠 
	public Philosopher(Chopstick left, Chopstick right, int ident, int ponder) {
		this.left = left; 
		this.right = right; = ident; 
		this.ponderFactor = ponder; 
	public void run() {
		try {
			while (!Thread.interrupted()) {
				System.out.println(this + " " + "thinking"); // 思考 
				pause(); // 暂停 
				System.out.println(this + " " + "grabbing right"); // 拿走右边筷子 
				System.out.println(this + " " + "grabbing left"); // 拿走左边筷子 
				System.out.println(this + " eating"); // 吃饭 
				pause(); // 暂停 
				right.drop(); //放下右边筷子
				left.drop(); //放下左边筷子  
		} catch (InterruptedException e) {
			System.out.println(this + " exiting via interrupt. " ); 
	public String toString() {
		return "Philosopher-哲学家" + id;  


 * 发生死锁的哲学家晚餐
 * page720 
public class DeadLockDiningPhilosophers {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		int ponder = 0; // 把 ponder-思考时间 调整为0,发生死锁 
		int size = 5; 
		ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); // 线程池  
		Chopstick[] sticks = new Chopstick[size]; // 筷子数组 
		for (int i = 0; i < sticks.length; i++) {
			sticks[i] = new Chopstick(); // 初始化数组 
		for (int i = 0; i < sticks.length; i++) {
			exec.execute(new Philosopher(sticks[i], sticks[(i+1)%size], i+1, ponder)); //  执行哲学家任务 
		System.out.println("press enter to quit");; 
/** 死锁发生了 
Philosopher-哲学家2 thinking
Philosopher-哲学家4 thinking
press enter to quit
Philosopher-哲学家1 thinking
Philosopher-哲学家3 thinking
Philosopher-哲学家3 grabbing right
Philosopher-哲学家1 grabbing right
Philosopher-哲学家5 thinking
Philosopher-哲学家4 grabbing right
Philosopher-哲学家4 grabbing left
Philosopher-哲学家2 grabbing right
Philosopher-哲学家5 grabbing right
Philosopher-哲学家1 grabbing left
Philosopher-哲学家3 grabbing left
Philosopher-哲学家5 grabbing left
Philosopher-哲学家2 grabbing left


2、死锁发生条件: 当以下4个条件同事满足时,死锁发生;(干货——死锁发生的4个条件,同时满足)
条件1:互斥条件。 任务使用的资源至少有一个是不能共享的;这里,一根筷子一次就只能被一个哲学家使用;
在 DeadLockDiningPhilosophers 程序中,每个哲学家都试图先得到右边的筷子,然后得到左边的筷子,所以发生了循环等待;

因为每个哲学家都先拿右边筷子,后拿左边筷子。 如果最后一个哲学家先拿左边筷子,后拿右边筷子,那么这个哲学家将永远不会阻止其右边的哲学家拿起筷子。即破坏了第4个条件。

【21.7.1】 CountDownLatch
2、向CountDownLatch 对象设置一个初始值,任何在这个对象上调用wait() 方法都将阻塞,直到这个计数值到达0;调用 countDown()来减小这个计数值;
3、CountDownLatch 只能被初始化一次或触发一次,计数值不能被重置。如果需要重置,使用 CyclicBarrier;
4、典型用法:将一个程序分为n个相互独立的可解决任务,并创建值为0的 CountDownLatch;当每个任务完成时,都会在这个锁上调用 await方法,将自己拦住,直到锁存器计数为0结束;

 * count down-倒计时
 * latch-锁存器  
 * page723 
public class CountDownLatchDemo {
	static final int size = 5;
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
		CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(size); // 倒计时锁存器 
		for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
			exec.execute(new WaitingTask(latch)); // 运行10个等待任务,直到锁存器计数值为0  
		for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
			exec.execute(new TaskPortion(latch)); // 运行任务,使得锁存器计数值递减 
		System.out.println("launched all tasks"); // 启动所有任务 
		exec.shutdown();  // 待所有线程执行完成,则线程池自动关闭 
class TaskPortion implements Runnable { // 任务部分 
	private static int counter = 0; // 计数器
	private final int id = counter++;
	private static Random rand = new Random(47);
	private final CountDownLatch latch; // 递减锁存器 
	public TaskPortion(CountDownLatch latch) {
		this.latch = latch ; 
	public void run() {
		try {
			this.doWork(); // 做任务-睡眠 
			latch.countDown(); // 减少锁存器计数 
		} catch (InterruptedException e ) {
			System.out.println(this + " interrupted"); 
	public void doWork() throws InterruptedException {
		System.out.println(this + " completed ");
	public String toString() { 
		return String.format("%1$-3d", id);
class WaitingTask implements Runnable { // 等待任务 
	private static int counter = 0;
	private final int id = counter++;
	private final CountDownLatch latch; // 递减式锁存器
	public WaitingTask(CountDownLatch latch) {
		this.latch = latch;
	public void run() {
		try {
			latch.await(); // 使得当前线程等待或把自己拦住,直到锁存器latch计数减至0, 或者本线程中断 
			System.out.println("通过锁存器障碍-latch barrier passed for " + this);
		} catch (InterruptedException e ) {
			System.out.println(this + " interrupted");
	public String toString() {
		return String.format("waiting task %1$-3d", id); 
/*launched all tasks
1   completed 
2   completed 
4   completed 
0   completed 
3   completed 
通过锁存器障碍-latch barrier passed for waiting task 2  
通过锁存器障碍-latch barrier passed for waiting task 4  
通过锁存器障碍-latch barrier passed for waiting task 3  
通过锁存器障碍-latch barrier passed for waiting task 1  
通过锁存器障碍-latch barrier passed for waiting task 0  

3、区别: CountDownLatch 只能使用一次,而 CyclicBarrier 可以循环重复使用;

 * 循环障碍-赛马比赛 
 * page724
public class HorseRace {
	static final int FINISH_LINE = 10; 
	private List<Horse> horses = new ArrayList<>(); 
	private ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); // 线程池 
	private CyclicBarrier barrier; 
	public HorseRace(int number, final int pause) {
		// 当有number个线程等待时,barrier就会断开。当其断开时,给定的任务就会执行
		// ,由最后一个进入 barrier的线程提供资源执行。 
		barrier = new CyclicBarrier(number, new Runnable() { 
			public void run() { // 这个任务会多次执行,因为 当有number个线程等待时会发生多次 
				StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); 
				for (int i = 0; i < FINISH_LINE; i++) {
					builder.append("="); // 追加字符串  
				for (Horse horse : horses) {
					System.out.println(horse.tracks()) ; // 调用跟踪方法  
				for (Horse horse2 : horses) { // 遍历任务 
					if (horse2.getStrides() >= FINISH_LINE) { 
						System.out.println(horse2 + " own !"); 
						exec.shutdownNow(); // 这里会终止掉所有线程的执行  
						return ;
				try {
				} catch (InterruptedException e) {
					System.out.println("barrier-action sleep interrupted");
		for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) {
			Horse horse = new Horse(barrier);
			exec.execute(horse); // 执行赛马任务  
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		int number = 5; // 5个马 
		int pause = 100;// 暂停时间 
		new HorseRace(number, pause);  
class Horse implements Runnable { // 赛马任务 
	private static int counter = 0; // 计数器 
	private final int id = counter++; // 编号 
	private int strides = 0; // 步数 
	private static Random rand = new Random(47);
	private static CyclicBarrier barrier; // 栅栏 
	public Horse(CyclicBarrier cyclicBarrier) {
		this.barrier = cyclicBarrier;
	public synchronized int getStrides () {
		return strides; 
	public void run() {
		try {
			while(!Thread.interrupted()) {
				synchronized(this) {
					strides += rand.nextInt(3); // 步数自加 
				barrier.await(); // 当前线程等待,直到所有线程在该 barrier等待为止 
		} catch (InterruptedException e) {
			throw new RuntimeException(e);
		} catch (BrokenBarrierException e2) {
			throw new RuntimeException(e2);
	public String toString() {
		return "horse " + id + " ";  
	public String tracks() { // 跟踪方法 
		StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
		for (int i = 0; i < getStrides(); i++) {
		return builder.toString(); 
horse 1  own !

【21.7.3】 DelayQueue
1、定义:无界的阻塞队列 BlockingQueue,用于放置实现了 Delayed接口的对象,其中的对象只能在其到期时才能从队列中取走;
2、这种队列是有序的,即队头对象的延迟到期的时间最长。如果没有任何延迟到期,那么就不会有任何头元素,并且poll() 方法将返回null;所以,不能将null放置到该队列中;

 * 阻塞队列演示
 * page 726 
public class DelayQueueDemo {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Random rand = new Random(47);
		ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); // 线程池 
		DelayQueue<DelayedTask> queue = new DelayQueue<>(); // 延迟队列 
		for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
			queue.put(new DelayedTask(rand.nextInt(5000))); // 往队列添加延迟任务,延迟时间为5000内的随机数,小于5000毫秒  
		queue.add(new DelayedTask.EndSentinel(5000, exec)); // 再添加一个延迟任务(该任务,负责关闭线程池),延迟时间为5000毫秒
		exec.execute(new DelayedTaskConsumer(queue)); // 执行任务 
class DelayedTask implements Runnable, Delayed {
	private static int counter = 0; // 计数器 
	private final int id = counter++;
	private final int delta; // 三角洲 
	private final long trigger; // 触发器  
	protected static List<DelayedTask> sequence = new ArrayList<>(); // 列表 
	public DelayedTask(int delayInMilliseconds) {
		delta = delayInMilliseconds; // 延迟毫秒数  
		trigger = System.nanoTime() + TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.convert(delta, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); // 时间单位转换,有精度丢失 
	public long getDelay(TimeUnit unit) { // 获取延迟时间 
		return unit.convert(trigger - System.nanoTime(), TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);
	public int compareTo(Delayed o) { // 时间比较 
		DelayedTask that = (DelayedTask) o; 
		if (trigger < that.trigger) return -1; 
		if (trigger > that.trigger) return  1; 
		return 0;
	public void run() {
		System.out.println(this + " ");
	public String toString() {
		return String.format("[%1$-4d]", delta) + " task " + id ; 
	public String summary() { 
		return "(" + id + ": " + delta + ")";
	public static class EndSentinel extends DelayedTask { // 哨兵 
		private ExecutorService exec; 
		public EndSentinel(int delay, ExecutorService exec) {
			this.exec = exec; 
		public void run() { 
			for (DelayedTask task : sequence) { // 获取每个延迟任务 
				System.out.println("task.summary() " + task.summary());
			System.out.println(this  + " calling shutdownNow() 立即关闭线程池-关闭所有线程");
			exec.shutdownNow();  // 关闭线程池 
class DelayedTaskConsumer implements Runnable { // 延迟任务消费者  
	private DelayQueue<DelayedTask> queue; 
	public DelayedTaskConsumer(DelayQueue<DelayedTask> queue) {
		this.queue = queue; 
	public void run() {
		try {
			while(!Thread.interrupted()) {
				queue.take().run(); // 获取队列任务并运行 
		} catch (InterruptedException e) {
			System.out.println("DelayedTaskConsumer interrupted");
		System.out.println("finish DelayedTaskConsumer");
/*[555 ] task 1 
[961 ] task 4 
[1693] task 2 
[1861] task 3 
[4258] task 0 
task.summary() (0: 4258)
task.summary() (1: 555)
task.summary() (2: 1693)
task.summary() (3: 1861)
task.summary() (4: 961)
task.summary() (5: 5000)
[5000] task 5 calling shutdownNow() 立即关闭线程池-关闭所有线程
finish DelayedTaskConsumer

代码解说: 上述控制台输出信息为:

[555 ] task 1
[961 ] task 4
[1693] task 2
[1861] task 3
[4258] task 0
task.summary() (0: 4258)
task.summary() (1: 555)
task.summary() (2: 1693)
task.summary() (3: 1861)
task.summary() (4: 961)
task.summary() (5: 5000)
小结1:其中 555 是最小的延迟时间,即 DelayedTaskConsumer 将最紧急的任务从队列中取出,然后运行它;
小结2:在 DelayedQueue中, 任务创建顺序与执行没有关系,任务是按照所期望的延迟顺序来执行的;
如上, task1 最先执行,但其是第2个创建的任务task.summary 是从 sequence取值的,sequence记录了创建顺序;

【21.7.4】 PriorityBlockingQueue 优先级阻塞队列

 * 优先级阻塞队列演示
 * page728 
public class PriorityBlockQueueDemo {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();  // 线程吃 
		PriorityBlockingQueue<Runnable> queue = new PriorityBlockingQueue<>(); // 优先级阻塞队列 
		exec.execute(new PrioritizedTaskProducer(queue, exec)); // 任务生产者 -创建41个任务
		exec.execute(new PrioritizedTaskConsumer(queue));
// 优先级任务   
class PrioritizedTask implements Runnable, Comparable<PrioritizedTask> {
	private Random rand = new Random(47);
	private static int counter = 0;
	private final int id = counter++; // 计数器 
	private  int priority = 0; // 优先级  
	protected static List<PrioritizedTask> sequence = new ArrayList<>(); 
	public PrioritizedTask(int priority) {
		this.priority = priority; 
	public int compareTo(PrioritizedTask o) { // 比较 
		// 值越大,优先级越高,越先执行    
		return priority < o.priority ? 1 : (priority > o.priority ? -1 : 0) ;
	public void run() { 
		try {
			TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(rand.nextInt(250)); // 做任务就是睡眠 
		} catch (InterruptedException e) {
			System.out.println("PrioritizedTask Interrupted"); 
	public String toString() {
		return String.format("toString() = 线程优先级[%1$-3d]", priority) + " task-线程编号- " + id; 
	public String summary() {
		return "(summary() = 线程编号:" + id + ": 线程优先级:" + priority +")";  
	public static class EndSentinel extends PrioritizedTask { // 哨兵任务 
		private ExecutorService exec; 
		public EndSentinel(ExecutorService exec) {
			super(-1); // 优先级为-1, 值越小,越后执行 
			this.exec = exec; 
		public void run() {
			int count = 0;
			for (PrioritizedTask task : sequence) { // 遍历每个任务,打印任务详情 
				if (++count % 5 == 0) {
					System.out.println(" --------------------我是换行符--------------------  ");
			System.out.println(this + " calling shutdownNow() 关闭线程池 ");
			this.exec.shutdownNow();  // 关闭所有任务 
// 任务生产者 -创建16个任务
class PrioritizedTaskProducer implements Runnable {
	private Random rand = new Random(47);
	private Queue<Runnable> queue; // 任务队列  (优先级队列 )
	private ExecutorService exec; // 线程池 
	public PrioritizedTaskProducer(Queue<Runnable> queue, ExecutorService exec) {
		this.queue = queue; 
		this.exec = exec;  
	public void run() { // 任务生产者  
		for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { 
			queue.add(new PrioritizedTask(rand.nextInt(10))); // 往队列添加任务,优先级小于10,比10先执行 
			Thread.yield(); // 当前线程让出cpu 时间片 
		try {
			for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
				TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(250); // 当前线程睡眠 
				queue.add(new PrioritizedTask(10)); // 再往队列添加3个任务 ,其优先级为10,已添加13个
			for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
				queue.add(new PrioritizedTask(i)); // 再添加2个任务,其优先级为i,已添15个
			// 添加任务EndSentinel,该任务会遍历每个任务,打印任务详情,并会关闭线程池
			queue.add(new PrioritizedTask.EndSentinel(exec));
		} catch (InterruptedException e) {
			System.out.println("PrioritizedTaskProducer interrupted");
		System.out.println("finish PrioritizedTaskProducer");
// 任务消费者 
class PrioritizedTaskConsumer implements Runnable {
	private PriorityBlockingQueue<Runnable> queue;  // PriorityBlockingQueue-优先级阻塞队列 
	public PrioritizedTaskConsumer(PriorityBlockingQueue<Runnable> queue) {
		this.queue = queue;  
	public void run() {
		try {
			while(!Thread.interrupted()) {
				// 从优先级队列中取出任务并执行, PrioritizedTask优先级任务 的优先级值越大,优先级越高,越先执行 
		} catch (InterruptedException e) {
			System.out.println("PrioritizedTaskConsumer interrupted");
		System.out.println("finish PrioritizedTaskConsumer");
toString() = 线程优先级[9  ] task-线程编号- 5
toString() = 线程优先级[8  ] task-线程编号- 0
toString() = 线程优先级[8  ] task-线程编号- 6
toString() = 线程优先级[7  ] task-线程编号- 9
toString() = 线程优先级[5  ] task-线程编号- 1
toString() = 线程优先级[3  ] task-线程编号- 2
toString() = 线程优先级[2  ] task-线程编号- 8
toString() = 线程优先级[1  ] task-线程编号- 4
toString() = 线程优先级[1  ] task-线程编号- 3
toString() = 线程优先级[0  ] task-线程编号- 7
toString() = 线程优先级[10 ] task-线程编号- 10
toString() = 线程优先级[10 ] task-线程编号- 11
finish PrioritizedTaskProducer
toString() = 线程优先级[10 ] task-线程编号- 12
toString() = 线程优先级[1  ] task-线程编号- 14 
toString() = 线程优先级[0  ] task-线程编号- 13
(summary() = 线程编号:0: 线程优先级:8)
(summary() = 线程编号:1: 线程优先级:5)
(summary() = 线程编号:2: 线程优先级:3)
(summary() = 线程编号:3: 线程优先级:1)
(summary() = 线程编号:4: 线程优先级:1)
(summary() = 线程编号:5: 线程优先级:9)
(summary() = 线程编号:6: 线程优先级:8)
(summary() = 线程编号:7: 线程优先级:0)
(summary() = 线程编号:8: 线程优先级:2)
(summary() = 线程编号:9: 线程优先级:7)
(summary() = 线程编号:10: 线程优先级:10)
(summary() = 线程编号:11: 线程优先级:10)
(summary() = 线程编号:12: 线程优先级:10)
(summary() = 线程编号:13: 线程优先级:0)
(summary() = 线程编号:14: 线程优先级:1)
(summary() = 线程编号:15: 线程优先级:-1)

toString() = 线程优先级[-1 ] task-线程编号- 15 calling shutdownNow() 关闭线程池 
finish PrioritizedTaskConsumer

toString() = 线程优先级[9  ] task-线程编号- 5
toString() = 线程优先级[8  ] task-线程编号- 0
toString() = 线程优先级[8  ] task-线程编号- 6
toString() = 线程优先级[7  ] task-线程编号- 9
toString() = 线程优先级[5  ] task-线程编号- 1
toString() = 线程优先级[3  ] task-线程编号- 2
toString() = 线程优先级[2  ] task-线程编号- 8
toString() = 线程优先级[1  ] task-线程编号- 4
toString() = 线程优先级[1  ] task-线程编号- 3
toString() = 线程优先级[0  ] task-线程编号- 7

【21.7.5】使用 ScheduledExecutor的温室控制器 (干货——ScheduledExecutor计划调度器可用于系统后台的周期性或定时跑批,如每日凌晨跑批,采用cron 表达式)
1、背景:每个期望的温室事件都是一个在预定时间运行的任务。ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor 提供了解决该问题的服务。
2、如何解决:通过使用schedule() 方法运行一次任务或者 scheduleAtFixedRate()(每隔规则的时间重复执行任务),你可以将Runnable对象设置为在将来的某个时刻执行。

 * 温室调度器(定时调度,非常重要) 
 * page 730 
public class GreenHouseScheduler {
	private volatile boolean light = false; 
	private volatile boolean water = false;
	private String thermostat = "day"; // 调温器-day-白天 

	ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor scheduler = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(10); // 调度线程池
	 * 创建并执行一次操作,该操作在给定的延迟后变为启用状态。
	public void schedcule(Runnable event, long delay) { // 调度方法 
		scheduler.schedule(event,  delay,  TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); 
	public void repeat(Runnable event, long initialDelay, long period) { // 重复执行任务 
		即执行将在initialDelay,initialDelay + period,initialDelay + 2 *期间等之后开始,
		如果任务的任何执行遇到异常,则后续执行将被抑制,否则,该任务将仅通过执行者的取消或终止而终止 。
		scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(event, initialDelay, period, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); 
	class LightOn implements Runnable { // 开灯任务 
		public void run() {
			light = true; 
			System.out.println("turning on lights");
	class LightOff implements Runnable {// 关灯灯任务
		public void run() {
			light = false; 
			System.out.println("turning off lights");
	class WaterOn implements Runnable { // 浇水任务 
		public void run() {
			water = true; 
			System.out.println("turning on water");
	class WaterOff implements Runnable { // 停止浇水任务 
		public void run() {
			water = false; 
			System.out.println("turning off water");
	class ThermostatNight implements Runnable { // 把温度调整为夜晚模式 
		public void run() {
			System.out.println("Thermostat to night setting ");
	class ThermostatDay implements Runnable { // 把温度调整为夜晚白昼模式 
		public void run() {
			System.out.println("Thermostat to day setting ");
	class Bell implements Runnable { // 钟声响起任务 
		public void run() {
	class Terminate implements Runnable { // 终止任务,关闭线程池 
		public void run() {
			scheduler.shutdownNow(); // 关闭线程池 
			// 声明 同步列表 data 
			// List<DataPoint> data = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<DataPoint>()); 
			new Thread() {
				public void run() {
					for (DataPoint d : data) { // 遍历并打印数据点 
	static class DataPoint { // 数据点 
		Calendar time;  // 日期
		float temperature; // 温度
		float humidity; // 湿度 
		public DataPoint(Calendar time, float temperature, float humidity) {
			this.time = time;
			this.temperature = temperature;
			this.humidity = humidity;
		public String toString() {
			return time.getTime() +  
					String.format(", temperature: %1$.1f humidity: %2$.2f", temperature, humidity); 
	private Calendar lastTime = Calendar.getInstance();
		lastTime.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 30);
		lastTime.set(Calendar.SECOND, 30); 
	private float lastTemp = 65.0f; // 最新温度
	private int tempDirection = 1; // 温度方向, 正
	private float lastHumidity = 50.0f;  // 最新湿度 
	private int humidityDirection = 1;  // 湿度方向,正 
	private Random rand = new Random(47);
	/*Collections.synchronizedList - 返回由指定列表支持的同步(线程安全)列表。 为了保证串行访问,
	List<DataPoint> data = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<DataPoint>());
	// 收集数据任务  
	class CollectData implements Runnable {
		public void run() {
			System.out.println("collecting data");
			synchronized (GreenHouseScheduler.this) {
				lastTime.set(Calendar.MINUTE, lastTime.get(Calendar.MINUTE)+ 30); // 设置最新时间 
				if (rand.nextInt(5) == 4) {
					tempDirection *= -1; // 改变温度方向, 正数加, 负数减 
				lastTemp += tempDirection * (1.0f + rand.nextFloat()); // 最新温度 
				if (rand.nextInt(5) == 4) {
					humidityDirection *= -1;  // 改变湿度方向, 正数加, 负数减
				lastHumidity += humidityDirection * rand.nextFloat(); // 计算最新湿度
				data.add(new DataPoint((Calendar)lastTime.clone(), lastTemp, lastHumidity)); // 添加数据信息  
	// main 
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		GreenHouseScheduler scheduler = new GreenHouseScheduler(); // 温室调度器 
		scheduler.schedcule( Terminate(), 2000);// 3000毫秒后执行Terminate任务,关闭线程池  
		scheduler.repeat( Bell(), 0, 1000); // 0毫秒,0+1000毫秒,0+1000+1000毫秒.... 后执行Bell任务  
		scheduler.repeat( ThermostatNight(), 0, 1000); // 0毫秒,0+1000毫秒,0+1000+1000毫秒.... 后执行ThermostatNight任务
		scheduler.repeat( LightOn(), 0, 200); // 0毫秒,0+200毫秒,0+200+200.... 后执行LightOn任务
		scheduler.repeat( LightOff(), 0, 200); // 0毫秒,0+2毫秒,0+200+200毫秒.... 后执行LightOff任务
		scheduler.repeat( WaterOn(), 0, 200); // 0毫秒,0+200毫秒,0+200+200毫秒.... 后执行WaterOn任务
		scheduler.repeat( WaterOff(), 0, 200); // 0毫秒,0+200毫秒,0+200+200毫秒.... 后执行WaterOff任务
		scheduler.repeat( ThermostatDay(), 0, 200); // 0毫秒,0+200毫秒,0+200+200毫秒.... 后执行ThermostatDay 任务
		scheduler.repeat( CollectData(), 500, 500); // 0毫秒,0+500毫秒,0+500+500毫秒.... 后执行CollectData任务
	public String getThermostat() { 
		return thermostat;
	public void setThermostat(String thermostat) {
		this.thermostat = thermostat;
Thermostat to night setting 
turning on lights
turning off lights
turning on water
turning off water
Thermostat to day setting 
turning on lights
turning off lights
turning on water
Thermostat to day setting 
turning off water
turning on lights
turning on water
turning off lights
Thermostat to day setting 
turning off water
collecting data
turning on lights
turning off lights
turning off water
turning on water
Thermostat to day setting 
turning on lights
turning off lights
turning on water
Thermostat to day setting 
turning off water
Thermostat to night setting 
turning on lights
turning off lights
turning off water
collecting data
turning on water
Thermostat to day setting 
turning on lights
Thermostat to day setting 
turning off water
turning on water
turning off lights
turning on lights
turning off water
Thermostat to day setting 
turning off lights
turning on water
collecting data
turning on lights
turning off lights
turning on water
turning off water
Thermostat to day setting 
turning on lights
turning on water
turning off lights
turning off water
Thermostat to day setting 
turning on lights
Thermostat to day setting 
Thermostat to night setting 
collecting data
turning off water
turning on water
turning off lights
Sun Jul 05 17:00:30 CST 2020, temperature: 66.4 humidity: 50.05
Sun Jul 05 17:30:30 CST 2020, temperature: 68.0 humidity: 50.47
Sun Jul 05 18:00:30 CST 2020, temperature: 69.7 humidity: 51.42
Sun Jul 05 18:30:30 CST 2020, temperature: 70.8 humidity: 50.87
public class ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor
        extends ThreadPoolExecutor
        implements ScheduledExecutorService

代码解说:volatile和 synchronized 都得到了应用,以防止任务之间的相互干涉。在持有 DataPoint的List中的所有方法都是 synchronized,这是因为在List被创建时,使用了 Collections工具 synchronizedList();

1、正常的锁(current.locks或 synchronized锁)在任何时刻都只允许一个任务访问一项资源,而计数信号量允许n个任务同时访问这个资源;你还可以将信号量看做是在向外分发使用资源的许可证,尽管实际上没有使用任何许可证对象。
2、看个荔枝:线程池。 管理着数量有限的对象,当要使用对象时可以签出他们,而在用户使用完成时,可以将它们签回;

 * Pool对象池-通过信号量Semaphore来管理 Semaphore-信号量(他管理着数量有限的对象,当要使用对象时可以签出他们,
 * 在用户使用完成时,将他们签回) page 733
public class Pool<T> {
	private int size;
	private List<T> items = new ArrayList<>();
	private volatile boolean[] checkOut;
	private Semaphore available; // 计数信号量

	public Pool(Class<T> classObj, int size) {
		this.size = size;
		checkOut = new boolean[size];
		available = new Semaphore(size, true);
		for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
			try {
			} catch (Exception e) {
				throw new RuntimeException(e);

	// 如果没有任何信号量许可证可用, available将阻塞调用。
	public T checkOut() throws InterruptedException {
		// 从此信号量获取许可,直到一个可用或线程中断为止,将一直阻塞。
		available.acquire(); // 获取
		return getItem();

	// 如果被签入的对象有效,则向信号量返回一个许可证
	public void checkIn(T x) { // 嵌入对象
		if (releaseItem(x)) { // 释放对象成功
			// 释放许可证,将其返回到信号灯。
			available.release(); //

	private synchronized T getItem() { // 签出对象
		for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
			if (!checkOut[i]) { // 签出状态为 false,则返回该对象
				checkOut[i] = true;
				return items.get(i);
		return null;

	private synchronized boolean releaseItem(T item) { // 释放对象
		int index = items.indexOf(item);
		if (index == -1)
			return false;
		if (checkOut[index]) {
			checkOut[index] = false;
			return true;
		return false;
 * 创建代价高昂的对象类型,构造器运行起来很耗时
 * page 734 
public class Fat {
	private volatile double d; 
	private static int counter = 0;
	private final int id = counter++;
	public Fat() {
		for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
			d += (Math.PI + Math.E) / (double) i ;
	public void operation() {
	public String toString() {
		return "fat id: " + id; 


 * 信号量演示(非常重要的荔枝) 
 * page 734 
 * (
 * 	一旦池中的所有对象被签出,semaphore 将不允许执行任何签出操作; 
 * 	blocked的run()方法因此会被阻塞, 2秒钟后,cancel()方法会被调用, 以此来挣脱Future的束缚
 * )
public class SemaphoreDemo {
	final static int size = 5; 
	public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
		final Pool<Fat> pool = new Pool<>(Fat.class, size); // 对象池,通过信号量来管理 
		ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); // 线程池 
		for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
			exec.execute(new CheckOutTask<Fat>(pool)); // 运行签出任务 
		System.out.println("all checkout tasks created");
		List<Fat> list = new ArrayList<>();
		for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
			Fat f = pool.checkOut(); // 签出对象 
			System.out.println(i + " : main() thread check out");
			f.operation(); // "fat id: " + id 
		Future<?> blocked = exec.submit(new Runnable() {
			public void run() {
				try {
					pool.checkOut();// 开启单个线程,签出对象 
				} catch (InterruptedException e) {
					System.out.println("checkout() interrupted. "); 
		TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(2); //睡眠2秒 
		blocked.cancel(true); // 尝试取消执行此任务 
		for (Fat f : list) {
		for (Fat f : list) { // 冗余的签入将被pool 忽略 
		exec.shutdown(); // 关闭线程池 
// 创建一个任务,先签出Fat对象,持有一段时间后,再签入,以此来测试Pool这个类
class CheckOutTask<T> implements Runnable { // 签出任务 
	private static int counter = 0;
	private final int id = counter++;
	private Pool<T> pool;
	public CheckOutTask(Pool<T> pool) {
		this.pool = pool; 
	public void run() {
		try {
			T item = pool.checkOut(); // 签出对象,获取信号量许可证
			System.out.println(this + " checked out " + item);
			System.out.println(this + " checking in " + item);
			pool.checkIn(item);  // 签入对象,释放许可证归还给信号量 
		} catch (InterruptedException e) {
			System.out.println("CheckOutTask interrupted");
	public String toString() {
		return "checkout task " + id + " "; 
/*checkout task 1  checked out fat id: 1
checkout task 4  checked out fat id: 4
checkout task 4  checking in fat id: 4
all checkout tasks created
checkout task 3  checked out fat id: 3
checkout task 3  checking in fat id: 3
checkout task 0  checked out fat id: 0
checkout task 0  checking in fat id: 0
checkout task 2  checked out fat id: 2
checkout task 2  checking in fat id: 2
0 : main() thread check out
fat id: 4
1 : main() thread check out
checkout task 1  checking in fat id: 1
fat id: 0
2 : main() thread check out
fat id: 1
3 : main() thread check out
fat id: 2
4 : main() thread check out
fat id: 3
checkout() interrupted. */

【21.7.7】 Exchanger 交换器
1、定义:Exchanger 是在两个任务之间交换对象的栅栏。当这些任务进入栅栏时,各自拥有一个对象,当它们离开时,它们都拥有之前由对象持有的对象;

 * 任务交换演示 
 * page 736
public class ExchangerDemo {
	static int size = 5; 
	static int delay = 5; // seconds
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); // 线程池 
		Exchanger<List<Fat>> xc = new Exchanger<>(); // 交换器 
		List<Fat> producerList = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); // 生产者列表 
		List<Fat> consumerList = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); // 消费者列表 
		exec.execute(new ExchangerProducer<Fat>(xc, BasicGenerator.create(Fat.class), producerList));// 运行交换任务生产者 
		exec.execute(new ExchangerConsumer<Fat>(xc, consumerList)); // 运行交换任务消费者   
// 任务交换生产者 
class ExchangerProducer<T> implements Runnable {
	private Generator<T> generator;
	private Exchanger<List<T>> exchanger;
	private List<T> holder; 
	ExchangerProducer(Exchanger<List<T>> exchanger, Generator<T> gen, List<T> holder) {
		this.exchanger = exchanger; 
		this.generator = gen; 
		this.holder = holder; 
	public void run() {
		try {
			while (!Thread.interrupted()) {
				for (int i = 0; i < ExchangerDemo.size; i++) {
				System.out.println("producer, before exchange, holder = " + holder);
				// exchange方法-等待另一个线程到达此交换点(除非当前线程被中断),然后将给定对象传送给它,并在返回时接收其对象。
				holder =;
				System.out.println("producer, after exchange, holder = " + holder);
		} catch (InterruptedException e) {
			System.out.println("ExchangerProducer interrupted");
// 任务交换消费者 
class ExchangerConsumer<T> implements Runnable {
	private Exchanger<List<T>> exchanger;
	private List<T> holder; 
	private volatile T value ;
	ExchangerConsumer(Exchanger<List<T>> ex, List<T> holder) {
		this.exchanger = ex; 
		this.holder = holder; 
	public void run() {
		try {
			while(!Thread.interrupted()) {
				System.out.println("consumer, before exchange, holder = " + holder);
				// exchange方法-等待另一个线程到达此交换点(除非当前线程被中断),然后将给定对象传送给它,并在返回时接收其对象。
				holder =;
				System.out.println("consumer, after exchange, holder = " + holder);
				for (T x : holder) {
					value = x;  
		} catch (InterruptedException e) {
			System.out.println(" ExchangerConsumer interrupted");
		System.out.println("final value: " + value);
consumer, before exchange, holder = []
producer, before exchange, holder = [fat id: 0, fat id: 1, fat id: 2, fat id: 3, fat id: 4]
producer, after exchange, holder = []
consumer, after exchange, holder = [fat id: 0, fat id: 1, fat id: 2, fat id: 3, fat id: 4]
consumer, before exchange, holder = []
producer, before exchange, holder = [fat id: 5, fat id: 6, fat id: 7, fat id: 8, fat id: 9]
producer, after exchange, holder = []
consumer, after exchange, holder = [fat id: 5, fat id: 6, fat id: 7, fat id: 8, fat id: 9]
consumer, before exchange, holder = []
producer, before exchange, holder = [fat id: 10, fat id: 11, fat id: 12, fat id: 13, fat id: 14]
producer, after exchange, holder = []
consumer, after exchange, holder = [fat id: 10, fat id: 11, fat id: 12, fat id: 13, fat id: 14]
consumer, before exchange, holder = []
producer, before exchange, holder = [fat id: 15, fat id: 16, fat id: 17, fat id: 18, fat id: 19]
producer, after exchange, holder = []
consumer, after exchange, holder = [fat id: 15, fat id: 16, fat id: 17, fat id: 18, fat id: 19]
consumer, before exchange, holder = []
 ExchangerConsumer interrupted
final value: fat id: 19
producer, before exchange, holder = [fat id: 20, fat id: 21, fat id: 22, fat id: 23, fat id: 24]
ExchangerProducer interrupted 

在main方法中,创建了用于两个任务的单一的Exchanger 交换器,以及两个用于互换的 CopyOnWriteArrayList。这个特定的list变体允许在列表被遍历时调用remove()方法,而不抛出异常 ModificationExcetpion。ExchangeProduer 填充这个list, ExchangerConsumer消费这个list,然后将这个满列表交换为 ExchangerConsumer传递给它的空列表。因为有了 Exchanger,填充一个列表和消费另一个列表可以同时发生了。

(干货——引入了CopyOnWriteArrayList,允许在列表被遍历时调用remove()方法,而不抛出异常 ModificationExcetpion)



1、比较 synchronize 与 Lock的性能

 * page 748
 * 启动单个任务比较 synchronized关键字和 Lock和Atomic类的区别 
public class SimpleMicroBenchmark {
	static long test(Incrementable incr) {
		long start = System.nanoTime();
		for (long i=0; i < 100000000L; i++) {
		return System.nanoTime() - start; 
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		long synchTime = test(new SynchronizingTest());
		long lockTime = test(new LockingTest());
		System.out.printf("synchronized 花费多少纳秒: %1$10d \n", synchTime); // 203974196 
		System.out.printf("lock 花费多少纳秒: %1$10d \n", lockTime); // 164559713  
		System.out.printf("lock/synchronized: %1$.3f\n", lockTime/(double)synchTime); // 0.807 
abstract class Incrementable {
	protected long counter = 0;
	public abstract void increment();
// synchronized 关键字性能测试
class SynchronizingTest extends Incrementable {
	public synchronized void increment() {
// lock锁性能测试 
class LockingTest extends Incrementable {
	private Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();
	public void increment() {
		try {
		} finally {
synchronized 花费多少纳秒: 2166063742 
lock 花费多少纳秒: 1725775548 
lock/synchronized: 0.797  



 * page 749 
 * 启动多个任务测试 synchronize, lock , Atomic类性能  (经过验证,Atomic原子类同步性能最佳 )
public class SynchronizationComparison{
	static BaseLine baseLine = new BaseLine(); // 基线 
	static SynchronizedTest synch = new SynchronizedTest(); // synchronize测试 
	static LockTest lock = new LockTest(); // ReentrantLock 可重入锁测试 
	static AtomicTest atomic = new AtomicTest(); // 原子类测试 
	static void test() { 
		System.out.printf("%-12s : %13d\n", "Cycles", Accumulator.cycles);
		// 运行任务测试总时长
		baseLine.timedTest(); // 基本测试,无任何同步方法  
		synch.timedTest(); // synchronize同步 
		lock.timedTest(); // lock 同步 
		atomic.timedTest(); // Atomic 类同步 
		// 比较两种模拟器性能, baseLine); // 1.65, baseLine); // 2.31, baseLine); //   0.91, lock); // 0.71, atomic); // 1.82, atomic); // 2.54 
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		int iteration = 5; 
		System.out.println("warm up");
		for (int i = 0; i < iteration; i++) {
			Accumulator.cycles *= 2; 
abstract class Accumulator { // 模拟器 
	public static long cycles = 50000L; // 循环次数 
	private static final int N = 4; 
	public static ExecutorService exec = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(N*2); // 线程池 
//	CyclicBarrier也叫同步屏障,在JDK1.5被引入,可以让一组线程达到一个屏障时被阻塞
//	,直到最后一个线程达到屏障时,所以被阻塞的线程才能继续执行。 
	private static CyclicBarrier barrier = new CyclicBarrier(N*2+1);  // 同步屏障 
	protected volatile int index = 0;
	protected volatile long value = 0;
	protected long duration = 0; // 持续时间 
	protected String id = "error";
	protected final static int SIZE = 100000 ;
	protected static int[] preLoaded = new int[SIZE]; 
	static {
		Random rand = new Random(47); // 随机数发生器 
		for (int i=0; i< SIZE; i++) {
			preLoaded[i] = rand.nextInt(); // 预加载
	public abstract void accumulate(); // 模拟方法,抽象,由子类实现 
	public abstract long read(); // 读取方法 
	private class Modifier implements Runnable { // 修改器 
		public void run() { // 模板方法模式,由子类提供实现 
			for(long i=0; i<cycles; i++) {
				accumulate(); // 调用模拟方法 
			try {
				barrier.await(); // 屏障阻塞,直到给定数量的线程都等待为止 
			} catch (Exception e) {
				throw new RuntimeException(e);
	private class Reader implements Runnable { // 读取器 
		private volatile long value; 
		public void run() {
			for(long i=0; i<cycles; i++) {
				value = read(); 
			try {
				barrier.await();  // 屏障阻塞,直到给定数量的线程都等待为止  
			} catch (Exception e) {
				throw new RuntimeException(e);
	public void timedTest() { // 时间测试 
		long start = System.nanoTime(); 
		for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
			exec.execute(new Modifier()); // 执行修改器 
			exec.execute(new Reader()); // 执行读取器 
		try {
			// 程序中必须有一个 CyclicBarrier, 因为需要确保所有任务在声明每个测试完成之前都已经完成  
			barrier.await();  // 屏障阻塞,直到给定数量的线程都等待为止  
		} catch (Exception e) {
			throw new RuntimeException(e);
		duration = System.nanoTime() - start; // 总时长 
		System.out.printf("%-13s:%13d\n", id, duration);
	public static void report(Accumulator acc1, Accumulator acc2) { // 报告, 
		System.out.printf("%-22s: %.2f\n", + "/" +, acc1.duration/(double)acc2.duration); 
class BaseLine extends Accumulator { // 基本测试,无任何同步方法   
		id = "baseline"; 
	public void accumulate() {
		if (index >= SIZE-1) index = 0;
		value += preLoaded[(index++)%SIZE];
	public long read() {
		return value;
class SynchronizedTest extends Accumulator { // synchronize同步 测试 
		id = "Synchronized";  
	public synchronized void accumulate() {
		if (index >= SIZE-1) index = 0;
		value += preLoaded[index++];
	public long read() {
		return value;
class LockTest extends Accumulator { // ReentrantLock可重入锁同步 测试  
		id = "lock";
	private Lock lock = new ReentrantLock(); 
	public void accumulate() {
		try {
			if (index >= SIZE-1) index = 0;
			value += preLoaded[index++];
		} finally {

	public long read() {
		try {
			return value; 
		} finally {
class AtomicTest extends Accumulator { // Atomic原子类同步 测试  
		id = "atomic";
	private AtomicInteger index = new AtomicInteger(0);
	private AtomicLong value = new AtomicLong(0);
	public void accumulate() {
		int i = index.getAndIncrement();
		if (++i >= SIZE-1) {
	public long read() {
		return value.get();
warm up
baseline     :     12811667
Cycles       :         50000
baseline     :     10401913
Synchronized :     18486698
lock         :     26550332
atomic       :      8931189
Synchronized/baseline : 1.78
lock/baseline         : 2.55
atomic/baseline       : 0.86
Synchronized/lock     : 0.70
Synchronized/atomic   : 2.07
lock/atomic           : 2.97
Cycles       :        100000
baseline     :     18458982
Synchronized :     28172394
lock         :     36321361
atomic       :     14323233
Synchronized/baseline : 1.53
lock/baseline         : 1.97
atomic/baseline       : 0.78
Synchronized/lock     : 0.78
Synchronized/atomic   : 1.97
lock/atomic           : 2.54
Cycles       :        200000
baseline     :     36408153
Synchronized :     50424697
lock         :     71790482
atomic       :     28702992
Synchronized/baseline : 1.38
lock/baseline         : 1.97
atomic/baseline       : 0.79
Synchronized/lock     : 0.70
Synchronized/atomic   : 1.76
lock/atomic           : 2.50
Cycles       :        400000
baseline     :     68541253
Synchronized :    103632938
lock         :    144097706
atomic       :     53405164
Synchronized/baseline : 1.51
lock/baseline         : 2.10
atomic/baseline       : 0.78
Synchronized/lock     : 0.72
Synchronized/atomic   : 1.94
lock/atomic           : 2.70
Cycles       :        800000
baseline     :    137235667
Synchronized :    180808536
lock         :    283742763
atomic       :    108986327
Synchronized/baseline : 1.32
lock/baseline         : 2.07
atomic/baseline       : 0.79
Synchronized/lock     : 0.64
Synchronized/atomic   : 1.66
lock/atomic           : 2.60 

代码解说:程序中有一个CyclicBarrier 循环屏障,因为我们希望确保所有的任务在声明每个测试完成之前都已经完成了;

1、Atomic:如果涉及多个Atomic对象,你就有可能会被强制要求放弃这种用法;因为Atomic对象只有在非常简单的情况下才有用,这些情况通常包括你只有一个要被修改的Atomic对象,并且这个对象独立于其他所有的对象。更安全的做法:只有在性能方面的需求能够明确指示时,再替换为 Atomic,否则还是推荐使用 synchronized; (干货——Atomic类的使用场景)
2、推荐使用 synchronize进行并发控制:因为 synchronize关键字所产生的代码,与Lock所需的 加锁-try-finally-解锁惯用方法锁产生的代码相比,可读性提高了很多;所以推荐使用 synchronize。就如我在本书其他地方提到的,代码被阅读次数远多于被编写的次数。在编程时,与其他人交流相对于与计算机交流而言,要重要得多,因此代码的可读性至关重要。因此,从 synchronized 入手,只有在性能调优时才替换为 Lock对象这种做法,具有实际意义的。(干货——推荐使用 synchronize进行并发控制)

1、CopyOnWriteArrayList:写入将导致创建整个底层数组的副本,而源数组将保留在原地,使得复制的数组在被修改时,读取操作可以安全执行; CopyOnWriteArrayList好处是当多个迭代器同时遍历和修改这个列表时,不会抛出 ConcurrentModificationException;CopyOnWriteArraySet 使用了CopyOnWriteArrayList 来实现其免锁行为;
2、ConcurrentHashMap 与ConcurrentLinkedQueue 使用了类似的技术,允许并发的读取和写入,但是容器中只有部分内容而不是整个容器可以被复制和修改。然后,任何修改在完成之前,读取者仍旧不能看到他们。ConcurrentHashMap 不会抛出 ConcurrentModificationException异常。
3、乐观锁: 只要你主要是从免锁容器中读取,那么它就会比 synchronized 快很多,因为获取和释放锁的开销省掉了;

(干货——测试并发编程下的list性能: CopyOnWriteArrayList性能 优于  SynchronizedList)

 * 性能测试器
 * page 756
 * @param <C>
public abstract class Tester<C> {
	static int testReps = 10;
	static int testCycles = 10;
	static int containerSize = 10; // 容器大小
	/** 抽象方法-初始化容器 */
	abstract C containerInitializer();
	/** 抽象方法-开启读取和写入任务 */
	abstract void startReadersAndWriters();
	C testContainer;
	String testId;
	/** 读取线程个数 */
	int nReaders;
	/** 写入线程个数 */ 
	int nWriters;
	volatile long readResult = 0;
	volatile long readTime = 0;
	volatile long writeTime = 0;
	 * 在这个整数“倒数”到0之前,主线程需要等待在门口,而这个“倒数”过程则是由各个执行线程驱动的,
	 * 每个线程执行完一个任务“倒数”一次。总结来说,CountDownLatch的作用就是等待其他的线程都执行完任务,
	 * 必要时可以对各个任务的执行结果进行汇总,然后主线程才继续往下执行。*/
	CountDownLatch endLatch; // latch-门栓 
	static ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); // 线程池 
	Integer[] writeData;
	/** 构造器 */ 
	Tester(String testId, int nReaders, int nWriters) {
		this.testId = testId + " , " + nReaders + " reader thread, " + nWriters + " writer thread"; 
		this.nReaders = nReaders;
		this.nWriters = nWriters; 
		writeData = Generated.array(Integer.class, new RandomGenerator.Integer(), containerSize);
		for (int i=0; i< testReps; i++) {
			readTime = 0 ;
			writeTime = 0;
	void runTest() {
		endLatch = new CountDownLatch(nReaders+ nWriters);
		testContainer = containerInitializer();
		try {
			endLatch.await(); // 门栓等待,直到所有线程都执行完成 
		} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
			System.out.println("endLatch interrupted");
		System.out.printf("%-100s %14d %14d\n", testId, readTime, writeTime);
		if (readTime !=0 && writeTime != 0) {
			System.out.printf("%-100s %14d\n", "readTime + writeTime = ", readTime + writeTime);
	abstract class TestTask implements Runnable {
		/** 开启线程,运行test方法 */
		abstract void test();
		/** 存放结果,在synchronzid 静态块里执行  */
		abstract void putResults();
		long duration; 
		public void run() {
			long startTime = System.nanoTime();
			duration = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
			synchronized (Tester.this) {
			endLatch.countDown(); // 门栓减1,直到减为0,则门栓不等待 
	public static void initMain(String[] args) {
		testReps = new Integer(3);
		testCycles = new Integer(3);
		containerSize = new Integer(3);
		System.out.printf("%-100s %14s %14s\n", "type", "readTime", "write Time"); 


 * 测试并发编程下的list性能: CopyOnWriteArrayList性能 优于  SynchronizedList
 * page 758  
public class ListComparisons {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		new SynchronizedArrayListTest(10, 0);
		new SynchronizedArrayListTest(9, 1);
		new SynchronizedArrayListTest(5, 5);
		new CopyOnWriteArrayListTest(10,  0);
		new CopyOnWriteArrayListTest(9,  1);
		new CopyOnWriteArrayListTest(5,  5);
/** List测试类  */
abstract class ListTest extends Tester<List<Integer>> {

	ListTest(String testId, int nReaders, int nWriters) {
		super(testId, nReaders, nWriters);
	class Reader extends TestTask { // 读取任务 
		long result = 0;
		void test() {
			for (int i = 0; i < testCycles; i++) {
				for (int j = 0; j < containerSize; j++) {
					result += testContainer.get(j);
		void putResults() {
			readResult += result;
			readTime += duration; 
	class Writer extends TestTask { // 写入任务 
		void test() {
			for (int i = 0; i < testCycles; i++) {
				for (int j = 0; j < containerSize; j++) {
					testContainer.set(i, writeData[j]);
		void putResults() {
			writeTime += duration; 
	/** 运行读取任务和写入任务  */
	void startReadersAndWriters() {
		for (int i = 0; i < nReaders; i++) {
			exec.execute(new Reader());
		for (int i = 0; i < nWriters; i++) {
			exec.execute(new Writer());
/** 同步list-SynchronizedList*/
class SynchronizedArrayListTest extends ListTest {
	List<Integer> containerInitializer() {
		return Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<Integer>(new CountingIntegerList(containerSize)));
	SynchronizedArrayListTest(int nreaders, int nwriters) {
		super("synched arraylist", nreaders, nwriters);
/** 同步list-CopyOnWriteArrayList*/
class CopyOnWriteArrayListTest extends ListTest {
	List<Integer> containerInitializer() {
		 * ,不会抛出 ConcurrentModificationException;*/ 
		return new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Integer>(
				new CountingIntegerList(containerSize)
	CopyOnWriteArrayListTest(int nreaders, int nwriters) {
		super("CopyOnWriteArrayListTest", nreaders, nwriters);
type                                                                                                       readTime     write Time
t = null
t = null
t = null
synched arraylist , 10 reader thread, 0 writer thread                                                         86062              0
synched arraylist , 10 reader thread, 0 writer thread                                                        140764              0
synched arraylist , 10 reader thread, 0 writer thread                                                        535339              0
t = null
t = null
t = null
synched arraylist , 9 reader thread, 1 writer thread                                                         238497          20422
readTime + writeTime =                                                                                       258919
synched arraylist , 9 reader thread, 1 writer thread                                                         188900           4376
readTime + writeTime =                                                                                       193276
synched arraylist , 9 reader thread, 1 writer thread                                                         192182           3647
readTime + writeTime =                                                                                       195829
t = null
t = null
t = null
synched arraylist , 5 reader thread, 5 writer thread                                                          86791          74393
readTime + writeTime =                                                                                       161184
synched arraylist , 5 reader thread, 5 writer thread                                                         605721         540446
readTime + writeTime =                                                                                      1146167
synched arraylist , 5 reader thread, 5 writer thread                                                          39385          76216
readTime + writeTime =                                                                                       115601
t = null
t = null
t = null
CopyOnWriteArrayListTest , 10 reader thread, 0 writer thread                                                  63456              0
CopyOnWriteArrayListTest , 10 reader thread, 0 writer thread                                                  48866              0
CopyOnWriteArrayListTest , 10 reader thread, 0 writer thread                                                  44126              0
t = null
t = null
t = null
CopyOnWriteArrayListTest , 9 reader thread, 1 writer thread                                                   30997          35738
readTime + writeTime =                                                                                        66735
CopyOnWriteArrayListTest , 9 reader thread, 1 writer thread                                                   71475          21516
readTime + writeTime =                                                                                        92991
CopyOnWriteArrayListTest , 9 reader thread, 1 writer thread                                                   24434          21151
readTime + writeTime =                                                                                        45585
t = null
t = null
t = null
CopyOnWriteArrayListTest , 5 reader thread, 5 writer thread                                                   19692         680843
readTime + writeTime =                                                                                       700535
CopyOnWriteArrayListTest , 5 reader thread, 5 writer thread                                                   48503         622496
readTime + writeTime =                                                                                       670999
CopyOnWriteArrayListTest , 5 reader thread, 5 writer thread                                                   14587         756695
readTime + writeTime =                                                                                       771282


代码解说: synchronized ArrayList 无论读者和写入者的数量是多少,都具有大致相同的性能——读取者与其他读取者竞争锁的方式与写入者相同。但 CopyOnWriteArrayList 在没有写入者时,速度会快很多。通过测试,CopyOnWriteArrayList 性能优于 synchronized list,对列表写入的影响并没有超过短期同步整个列表的影响。

(干货——测试并发编程下的Map性能: CurrentHashMap性能优于 synchronizedHashMap)

 * 测试并发编程下的Map性能: CurrentHashMap性能优于synchronizedHashMap   
 * page 758
public class MapComparisons {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		new SynchronizedHashMapTest(10, 0);
		new SynchronizedHashMapTest(9, 1);
		new SynchronizedHashMapTest(5, 5);
		new ConcurrentHashMapTest(10, 0);
		new ConcurrentHashMapTest(9, 1);
		new ConcurrentHashMapTest(5, 5);
/** Map测试 */
abstract class MapTest extends Tester<Map<Integer, Integer>> {
	MapTest(String testId, int nReaders, int nWriters) {
		super(testId, nReaders, nWriters); 
	/** 读取器 */
	class Reader extends TestTask {
		long result = 0;
		void test() {
			for (int i = 0; i < testCycles; i++) {
				for (int j = 0; j < containerSize; j++) {
					result += testContainer.get(j);
		void putResults() {
			readResult += result; 
			readTime += duration; 
	/** 写入器 */ 
	class Writer extends TestTask {
		long result = 0;
		void test() {
			for (int i = 0; i < testCycles; i++) {
				for (int j = 0; j < containerSize; j++) {
					testContainer.put(j, writeData[j]);
		void putResults() {
			writeTime += duration;  
	/** 运行读取与写入任务 */ 
	void startReadersAndWriters() {
		for (int i = 0; i < nReaders; i++) {
			exec.execute(new Reader());
		for (int i = 0; i < nWriters; i++) {
			exec.execute(new Writer());
/** 同步块SynchronizedHashMap*/
class SynchronizedHashMapTest extends MapTest {
	Map<Integer, Integer> containerInitializer() {
		return Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<Integer, Integer>( CountingGenerator.Integer(), new CountingGenerator.Integer(), containerSize)
	SynchronizedHashMapTest(int nreaders, int nwriters) {
		super("SynchronizedHashMapTest", nreaders, nwriters);
/** 同步HashMap */
class ConcurrentHashMapTest extends MapTest {
	Map<Integer, Integer> containerInitializer() {
		return new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Integer>( CountingGenerator.Integer(), new CountingGenerator.Integer(), containerSize)
	ConcurrentHashMapTest(int nreaders, int nwriters) {
		super("ConcurrentHashMapTest", nreaders, nwriters);
type                                                                                                       readTime     write Time
t = null
t = null
t = null
SynchronizedHashMapTest , 10 reader thread, 0 writer thread                                                  207497              0
SynchronizedHashMapTest , 10 reader thread, 0 writer thread                                                  487569              0
SynchronizedHashMapTest , 10 reader thread, 0 writer thread                                                  253084              0
t = null
t = null
t = null
SynchronizedHashMapTest , 9 reader thread, 1 writer thread                                                   126177          31361
readTime + writeTime =                                                                                       157538
SynchronizedHashMapTest , 9 reader thread, 1 writer thread                                                   131281          25892
readTime + writeTime =                                                                                       157173
SynchronizedHashMapTest , 9 reader thread, 1 writer thread                                                    98095           7658
readTime + writeTime =                                                                                       105753
t = null
t = null
t = null
SynchronizedHashMapTest , 5 reader thread, 5 writer thread                                                    37559          56889
readTime + writeTime =                                                                                        94448
SynchronizedHashMapTest , 5 reader thread, 5 writer thread                                                    49961          74393
readTime + writeTime =                                                                                       124354
SynchronizedHashMapTest , 5 reader thread, 5 writer thread                                                    64910         122531
readTime + writeTime =                                                                                       187441
t = null
t = null
t = null
ConcurrentHashMapTest , 10 reader thread, 0 writer thread                                                     46679              0
ConcurrentHashMapTest , 10 reader thread, 0 writer thread                                                     48867              0
ConcurrentHashMapTest , 10 reader thread, 0 writer thread                                                     41572              0
t = null
t = null
t = null
ConcurrentHashMapTest , 9 reader thread, 1 writer thread                                                      48134           8023
readTime + writeTime =                                                                                        56157
ConcurrentHashMapTest , 9 reader thread, 1 writer thread                                                      55795           8023
readTime + writeTime =                                                                                        63818
ConcurrentHashMapTest , 9 reader thread, 1 writer thread                                                      28080           7294
readTime + writeTime =                                                                                        35374
t = null
t = null
t = null
ConcurrentHashMapTest , 5 reader thread, 5 writer thread                                                      17506          60170
readTime + writeTime =                                                                                        77676
ConcurrentHashMapTest , 5 reader thread, 5 writer thread                                                      17506          41207
readTime + writeTime =                                                                                        58713
ConcurrentHashMapTest , 5 reader thread, 5 writer thread                                                      14221          58348
readTime + writeTime =                                                                                        72569


1、原理:在执行某项计算时,实际上没有使用互斥,但在计算完成时,准备更新时,需要使用 compareAndSet的方法。你把旧值和新值一起提交给这个方法,如果旧值与他在Atomic对象中发现的值不一致,那么这个操作就会失败,这意味着某个其他任务已经于此操作前修改了这个对象。
2、通常情况下,我们使用 synchronized 或 lock来防止多个任务同时修改同一个对象,但这里我们是乐观的,因为我们保持数据为为锁定状态,并希望没有任何其他任务插入修改他。使用 Atomic替代 synchronized或 Lock,可以获得性能上的好处;
3、注意:compareAndSet() 方法操作失败会发生什么? 建议程序做好补偿机制;

 * page 760 
 * 乐观加锁测试 
public class FastSimulation {
	/** 元素个数 */
	static final int N_ELEMENTS = 100;
	/** 每个元素的基因个数 */
	static final int N_GENES = 30;
	/** 进化者 */
	static final int N_EVOLVERS = 50;// 进化者 
	/** 网格  */ 
	static final AtomicInteger[][] GRID = new AtomicInteger[N_ELEMENTS][N_GENES];  
	static Random rand = new Random(47);
	static class Evolver implements Runnable { // 进化者任务 
		public void run() {
			while(!Thread.interrupted()) { // 如果线程不中断,重复执行  
				int element = rand.nextInt(N_ELEMENTS); // 获取元素 
				for (int i = 0; i < N_GENES; i++) {
					/** 前一个元素 */
					int previous = element - 1; 
					if (previous <0) previous = N_ELEMENTS - 1;
					/** 下一个元素 */ 
					int next = element + 1; 
					if (next >= N_ELEMENTS) next = 0;
					/** 旧值 */
					int oldValue = GRID[element][i].get();
					/** 新值 */ 
					int newValue = oldValue + GRID[previous][i].get() + GRID[next][i].get();
					newValue /= 3; 
					// Atomic.compareAndSet 方法比较重要:
					// 比较当前值与传入的 old 值是否相同,相同则更新为 新值 
					if (!GRID[element][i].compareAndSet(oldValue, newValue)) {
						System.out.printf("oldvalue, changed from %d  to %d \n", oldValue, newValue);  
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
		for (int i=0; i<N_ELEMENTS; i++) {
			for (int j = 0; j < N_GENES; j++) {
				GRID[i][j] = new AtomicInteger(rand.nextInt(1000));
		for (int i = 0; i < N_EVOLVERS; i++) {
			exec.execute(new Evolver());
oldvalue, changed from 670  to 676 
oldvalue, changed from 352  to 351 
oldvalue, changed from 455  to 454 
oldvalue, changed from 424  to 423 

【21.9.4】ReadWriteLock 读写锁
1、定义: ReadWriteLock对向数据结构相对不频繁写入,但是有多个任务要经常读取这个数据结构的这类情况进行了优化。
ReadWriteLock 使得你可以同时有多个读取这,只要他们都不试图写入。如果写锁已经被其他任务持有,那么任何读取者都不能访问,直到这个写锁被释放为止。

 * 读写任务列表-可重入锁测试 page 763
public class ReaderWriterList<T> {
	private ArrayList<T> lockedList;
	/** 可重入读写锁 */
	private ReentrantReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(true);

	public ReaderWriterList(int size, T initialValue) {
		 * Collections.nCopies-返回由指定对象(这里是initialValue,初始值)的n(size)个副本组成的不可变列表。
		 * 新分配的数据对象很小(它包含对数据对象的单个引用)。 该方法与List.addAll方法结合使用以增长列表很有用。
		 * 返回的列表是可序列化的。
		lockedList = new ArrayList<T>(Collections.nCopies(size, initialValue));
	/** 写入 */
	public T set(int index, T element) {
		Lock wLock = lock.writeLock(); // 获取写锁
		wLock.lock(); // 加锁
		try {
			System.out.println("写锁数量 = " + lock.getWriteHoldCount());
			return lockedList.set(index, element);
		} finally {
			wLock.unlock(); // 解锁
	public T get(int index) {
		Lock rLock = lock.readLock(); // 获取读锁
		rLock.lock();// 加锁
		try {
			if (lock.getReadLockCount() > 1) {
				System.out.println("读锁数量 = " + lock.getReadLockCount());
			return lockedList.get(index);
		} finally {
			rLock.unlock(); // 解锁
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		new ReaderWriterListTest(5, 1);
 * 读写任务列表测试
class ReaderWriterListTest {
	ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
	private final static int SIZE = 10;
	private static Random rand = new Random(47);
	private ReaderWriterList<Integer> list = new ReaderWriterList<Integer>(
			SIZE, 0);
	/** 构造器,启动读取和写入任务 */
	public ReaderWriterListTest(int readers, int writers) {
		for (int i = 0; i < readers; i++) {
			exec.execute(new Reader()); // 读取任务
		for (int i = 0; i < writers; i++) {
			exec.execute(new Writer()); // 写入任务
	/** 写入任务 */
	private class Writer implements Runnable {
		public void run() {
			try {
				for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
					list.set(i, rand.nextInt()); // 获取写锁
			} catch (InterruptedException e) {
			System.out.println("writer finished, shutting down");
	/** 读取任务 */
	private class Reader implements Runnable {
		public void run() {
			try {
				for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
					list.get(i); // 获取读锁
			} catch (InterruptedException e) {
			System.out.println("reader finished, shutting down");
 * 读锁数量 = 3 读锁数量 = 3 读锁数量 = 4 读锁数量 = 3 写锁数量 = 1 写锁数量 = 1 写锁数量 = 1 写锁数量 = 1 写锁数量
 * = 1 读锁数量 = 2 读锁数量 = 2 写锁数量 = 1 写锁数量 = 1 读锁数量 = 3 读锁数量 = 4 读锁数量 = 4 读锁数量 = 4
 * 写锁数量 = 1 写锁数量 = 1 写锁数量 = 1 reader finished, shutting down reader finished,
 * shutting down writer finished, shutting down reader finished, shutting down
 * reader finished, shutting down reader finished, shutting down



 * 活动对象演示
 * page 764 
public class ActiveObjectDemo {
	/** 线程池  */ 
	private ExecutorService exec = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
	private Random rand = new Random(47);
	/** 暂停方法,睡眠 */
	private void pause(int factor) {
		try {
			TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(100+ rand.nextInt(factor));
		} catch (InterruptedException e) {
			System.out.println("sleep interrupt");
	/** 调用int方法  */
	public Future<Integer> calculateInt(final int x, final int y) {
		return exec.submit(new Callable<Integer>() {
			public Integer call() {
				System.out.println("starting x = " + x + ", y =  " + y);
				return  x+ y ;
	public Future<Float> calculateFloat(final float x, final float y) {
		return exec.submit(new Callable<Float>() {
			public Float call() {
				System.out.println("starting  x = " + x + ", y = " + y);
				return x+ y; 
	public void shutdown() {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		ActiveObjectDemo d1 = new ActiveObjectDemo(); 
		 * ,而是将内存拷贝一份,在新的内存中进行写操作
		 * ,写完之后呢,就将指向原来内存指针指向新的内存,原来的内存就可以被回收掉嘛!*/
		List<Future<?>> results = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Future<?>>();
		for (float f = 0.0f; f < 1.0f; f += 0.2f) {
			results.add(d1.calculateFloat(f, f));
		for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
			results.add(d1.calculateInt(i, i));
		System.out.println("========== all asynch calls made ========== ");
		int index = 0;
		while(results.size() >0) { // while 循环,再放一层for循环,因为 可能f.isDone() 为false  
			for (Future<?> f: results) {
				if (f.isDone()) {
					try {
						System.out.println("f.get(" + ++index +") = " + f.get()); 
					} catch (Exception e) {
						throw new RuntimeException(e);
========== all asynch calls made ========== 
starting  x = 0.0, y = 0.0
f.get(1) = 0.0
starting  x = 0.2, y = 0.2
f.get(2) = 0.4
starting  x = 0.4, y = 0.4
f.get(3) = 0.8
starting  x = 0.6, y = 0.6
f.get(4) = 1.2
starting  x = 0.8, y = 0.8
f.get(5) = 1.6
starting x = 0, y =  0
starting x = 1, y =  1
f.get(6) = 0
f.get(7) = 2
starting x = 2, y =  2
f.get(8) = 4
starting x = 3, y =  3
f.get(9) = 6
starting x = 4, y =  4
f.get(10) = 8 

代码解说:使用 CopyOnWriteArrayList 可以移除为了防止 ConcurrentModificationException而复制List的这种需求;
小结2;有个活动对象, 你可以干一下事情:
事情2、每个对象都将维护对他自己的域的全部控制权; 这比普通类要严格一些,普通类只是拥有防护它们的域的选择权;



【21.11.3】 线程的好处



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  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




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