A system image list contains each file, folder, shortcut, etc. 's icon. This can come in very handy for creating a custom explore type application. The first step consists of getting the small and large (if you want it) image lists from the system then attaching them to a CImageList and then adding them to your list control. Don't forget to Detach() them after you are done or else all the icons on the system will disappear and a reboot seems to be the only fix. Create the following member variables in you list control class: CImageList m_smallImageList; CImageList m_largeImageList; And add this function: void CSystemListCtrl::InitializeSystemImageList() { //image list setup HIMAGELIST hSyste
mfc在listControl 中显示图标
最新推荐文章于 2023-05-24 20:54:32 发布
本文介绍了如何在MFC的ListControl中显示系统图标,包括获取系统的小型和大型图标列表,附加到CImageList,然后添加到List Control。别忘了在完成后detach它们,否则系统图标会消失。文章提供了初始化图像列表的函数和获取图标ID的函数,并提到了Windows 95/98与NT4.0在获取图标上的差异,以及在析构函数中detach图例列表的重要性。