

1、 Intel编译器的安装




tar xvf parallel_studio_xe_2013_update2_intel64.tgz


cd parallel_studio_xe_2013_update2_intel64




Step no: 1 of 7 | Welcome


Welcome to the Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE 2013 Update 2 for Linux* installation



You will complete the steps below during this installation:

Step 1 : Welcome

Step 2 : License

Step 3 : Activation

Step 4 : Intel(R) Software Improvement Program

Step 5 : Options

Step 6 : Installation

Step 7 : Complete


Press "Enter" key to continue or "q" to quit:


Step no: 1 of 7 | Options > Missing Optional Pre-requisite(s)


There are one or more optional unresolved issues. It is highly recommended to

resolve them all before you continue the installation. You can fix them without

exiting from the installation and re-check. Or you can quit from the

installation, fix them and run the installation again.


Missing optional pre-requisites

-- Intel(R) Composer XE 2013 Update 2 for Linux*: unsupported OS


1. Skip missing optional pre-requisites [default]

2. Show the detailed info about issue(s)

3. Re-check the pre-requisites

h. Help

b. Back to the previous menu

q. Quit


Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [1]:



Step no: 3 of 7 | Activation


If you have purchased this product and have the serial number and a connection

to the internet you can choose to activate the product at this time. Activation

is a secure and anonymous one-time process that verifies your software licensing

rights to use the product. Alternatively, you can choose to evaluate the

product or defer activation by choosing the evaluate option. Evaluation software

will time out in about one month. Also you can use license file, license

manager, or remote activation if the system you are installing on does not

have internet access activation options.


1. I want to activate my product using a serial number [default]

2. I want to evaluate my product or activate later

3. I want to activate either remotely, or by using a license file, or by using a

license manager

h. Help

b. Back to the previous menu

q. Quit


Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [1]:


Step no: 3 of 7 | Activation > Advanced activation


You can use license file, license manager, or the system you are installing on

does not have internet access activation options.


1. Use a different computer with internet access [default]

2. Use a license file

3. Use a license server

h. Help

b. Back to the previous menu

q. Quit


Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [1]: 2

Note: Press "Enter" key to back to the previous menu.

Please type the full path to your license file(s): /root/NCOM_L___NT4V-6MS554NC.lic


Activation completed successfully.


Press "Enter" key to continue:


Step no: 4 of 7 | Intel(R) Software Improvement Program


Help improve your experience with Intel(R) software

Participate in the design of future Intel software. Select 'Yes' to give us

permission to learn about how you use your Intel software and we will do the rest.

- No Personal contact information is collected

- There are no surveys or additional follow-up emails by opting in

- You can stop participating at any time

Learn more about Intel(R) Software Improvement Program


With your permission, Intel may automatically receive anonymous information

about how you use your current and future Intel software.


1. Yes, I am willing to participate and improve Intel software. (Recommended)

2. No, I don't want to participate in the Intel(R) Software Improvement Program at this time.

b. Back to the previous menu

q. Quit


Please type a selection:


Step no: 5 of 7 | Options


You are now ready to begin installation. You can use all default installation

settings by simply choosing the "Start installation Now" option or you can

customize these settings by selecting any of the change options given below

first. You can view a summary of the settings by selecting

"Show pre-install summary".


1. Start installation Now

2. Change install directory [ /opt/intel ]

3. Change components to install [ All ]

4. Change advanced options

5. Show pre-install summary

h. Help

b. Back to the previous menu

q. Quit


Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [1]:

WARNING: Destination directory already exists.

Would you like to overwrite this directory? ( Yes/No ) [ Yes ] :


Step no: 5 of 7 | Options > Missing Optional Pre-requisite(s)


There are one or more optional unresolved issues. It is highly recommended to

resolve them all before you continue the installation. You can fix them without

exiting from the installation and re-check. Or you can quit from the

installation, fix them and run the installation again.


Missing optional pre-requisites

-- Intel(R) VTune(TM) Amplifier XE 2013 Update 4: Power analysis is not enabled


1. Skip missing optional pre-requisites [default]

2. Show the detailed info about issue(s)

3. Re-check the pre-requisites

h. Help

b. Back to the previous menu

q. Quit


Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [1]:


Step no: 6 of 7 | Installation


Each component will be installed individually. If you cancel the installation,

components that have been completely installed will remain on your system. This

installation may take several minutes, depending on your system and the options

you selected.


Installing Amplifier XE Command line interface component... done


Installing Amplifier XE Sampling driver kit component...

WARNING: NMI watchdog timer is enabled.

Suggestion: turn off the nmi_watchdog timer before running sampling.


Installing Amplifier XE Power driver kit component... done


Installing Amplifier XE Graphical user interface component... done


Installing Inspector XE Command line interface component... done


Installing Inspector XE Graphical user interface component... done


Installing Advisor XE Command line interface component... done


Installing Advisor XE Graphical user interface component... done


Installing Intel Fortran Compiler XE 13.1 on Intel(R) 64 component... done


Installing Intel C++ Compiler XE 13.1 on Intel(R) 64 component... done


Installing Intel Debugger 13.0 on Intel(R) 64 component... done


Installing Intel Math Kernel Library 11.0 Update 2 on Intel(R) 64 component... done


Installing Intel Integrated Performance Primitives 7.1 Update 1 on Intel(R) 64 component... done


Installing Intel Threading Building Blocks 4.1 Update 2 core files and examples component... done


Finalizing installation... done

Step no: 7 of 7 | Complete


Thank you for installing and using the

Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE 2013 Update 2 for Linux*

Reminder: Intel(R) VTune(TM) Amplifier XE users must be members of the "vtune"

permissions group in order to use Event-based Sampling.

To register your product purchase, visit


To get started using Intel(R) VTune(TM) Amplifier XE 2013 Update 4:

- To set your environment variables: source


- To start the graphical user interface: amplxe-gui

- To use the command-line interface: amplxe-cl

- For more getting started resources: /opt/intel/vtune_amplifier_xe_2013/


To get started using Intel(R) Inspector XE 2013 Update 4:

- To set your environment variables: source


- To start the graphical user interface: inspxe-gui

- To use the command-line interface: inspxe-cl

- For more getting started resources: /opt/intel/inspector_xe_2013/


To get started using Intel(R) Advisor XE 2013 Update 2:

- To set your environment variables: source


- To start the graphical user interface: advixe-gui

- To use the command-line interface: advixe-cl

- For more getting started resources: /opt/intel/advisor_xe_2013/


To get started using Intel(R) Composer XE 2013 Update 2 for Linux*:

- Set the environment variables for a terminal window using one of the

following (replace "intel64" with "ia32" if you are using a 32-bit


For csh/tcsh:

$ source /opt/intel/bin/compilervars.csh intel64

For bash:

$ source /opt/intel/bin/compilervars.sh intel64

To invoke the installed compilers:

For C++: icpc

For C: icc

For Fortran: ifort

To get help, append the -help option or precede with the man command.

- For more getting started resources:



To view movies and additional training, visit



q. Quit [default]


Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [q]: q

[root@hpc parallel_studio_xe_2013_update2_intel64]#



source /opt/intel/bin/compilervars.sh intel64


[root@hpc ~]# icc -v

icc version 13.1.0 (gcc version 4.4.6 compatibility)



tar xvf openmpi-1.6.5.tar.bz2

cd openmpi-1.6.5


./configure --prefix=/opt/openmpi-165 CC=icc CXX=icpc FC=ifort F77=ifort


make –j4

4)编译完成后,使用make install安装到指定的目录

make install



      export MPI_HOME=/opt/openmpi-165
      export PATH=$MPI_HOME/bin:$PATH


      [root@hpc ~]# which mpicc
      [root@hpc ~]# mpicc -v
      icc version 13.1.0 (gcc version 4.4.6 compatibility)




tar xvf l_mpi_p_4.1.0.024.tgz

cd l_mpi_p_4.1.0.024



Step no: 1 of 6 | Welcome


Welcome to the Intel(R) MPI Library for Linux* OS version 4.1.


You will complete the steps below during this installation:

Step 1 : Welcome

Step 2 : License

Step 3 : Activation

Step 4 : Options

Step 5 : Installation

Step 6 : Complete


Press "Enter" key to continue or "q" to quit:



Step no: 3 of 6 | Activation


If you have purchased this product and have the serial number and a connection

to the internet you can choose to activate the product at this time. Activation

is a secure and anonymous one-time process that verifies your software licensing

rights to use the product. Alternatively, you can choose to evaluate the

product or defer activation by choosing the evaluate option. Evaluation software

will time out in about one month. Also you can use license file, license

manager, or the system you are installing on does not have internet access

activation options.


1. I want to activate my product using a serial number [default]

2. I want to evaluate my product or activate later

3. I want to activate either remotely, or by using a license file, or by using a license manager

h. Help

b. Back to the previous menu

q. Quit


Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [1]:


Step no: 3 of 6 | Activation > Advanced activation


You can use license file, license manager, or the system you are installing on

does not have internet access activation options.


1. Use a different computer with internet access [default]

2. Use a license file

3. Use a license server

h. Help

b. Back to the previous menu

q. Quit


Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [1]: 2

Note: Press "Enter" key to back to the previous menu.

Please type the full path to your license file(s): /root/l_mpi_p_4.1.0.024/intel_mpi.lic


Activation completed successfully.


Press "Enter" key to continue:


Step no: 4 of 6 | Options


You are now ready to begin installation. You can use all default installation

settings by simply choosing the "Start installation Now" option or you can

customize these settings by selecting any of the change options given below

first. You can view a summary of the settings by selecting

"Show pre-install summary".


1. Start installation Now

2. Change install directory [ /opt/intel/impi/ ]

3. Change advanced options [ Current node ]

4. Show pre-install summary

h. Help

b. Back to the previous menu

q. Quit


Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [1]:

Step no: 6 of 6 | Complete


Thank you for installing and for using the Intel(R) MPI Library for Linux* OS

version 4.1.

Support services start from the time you install or activate your product. If

you have not already done so, please create your support account now to take

full advantage of your product purchase.

Your support account gives you access to free product updates and upgrades as

well as interactive technical support at Intel(R) Premier Support.

To create your support account, please visit the Subscription Services web site



q. Quit [default]


Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [q]: q

[root@hpc l_mpi_p_4.1.0.024]#



source /opt/intel/impi/4.1.0/bin64/mpivars.sh


      [root@hpc ~]# which mpiicc
      [root@hpc ~]# mpiicc -v
      mpiicc for the Intel(R) MPI Library 4.1 for Linux*
      Copyright(C) 2003-2012, Intel Corporation.  All rights reserved.
      icc version 13.1.0 (gcc version 4.4.6 compatibility)



      #setting for intel compiler and mpi
      source /opt/intel/bin/compilervars.sh intel64
      source /opt/intel/impi/4.1.0/bin64/mpivars.sh

      #setting for openmpi
      #export MPI_HOME=/opt/openmpi-165
      #export PATH=$MPI_HOME/bin:$PATH


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英特尔 Parallel Studio XE 2013 旨在提高应用程序性能的领先开发套件 从今天的性能提升,到明天的性能飞跃 提供顶尖的应用程序性能,同时最小化开发、调优和测试的时间和工作量。英特尔® Parallel Studio XE 为 C/C++ 和 Fortran 开发人员提供了具有一流性能的编译器、正确的并行编程模型以及补充和兼容的分析工具。它可以无缝地插入到 Visual Studio* 和 GNU 工具链中,从而在保持工作效率的同时保护开发环境投资。它可以提升运行在当今和未来兼容 IA 的处理器和协处理器(包括英特尔® 至强® 处理器和英特尔® 至强 融核™ 协处理器)上的应用程序的性能。 英特尔® Parallel Studio XE 包含了下一代软件开发工具: · 英特尔® C、C++ 和 Fortran 编译器――行业领先的编译器 · 英特尔® MKL 和英特尔® IPP――性能 · 英特尔® 线程构建模块和英特尔® Cilk™ Plus――并行编程模型 · 英特尔® Advisor XE――线程辅助 · 英特尔® VTune™ Amplifier XE――性能和线程档案器 · 英特尔® Inspector XE――内存和线程检查器 · 静态分析――定位难以查找的缺陷 只需更少的工作量实现更高性能。利用广泛采用的、最新版本的英特尔® 软件开发产品来优化性能。只需用英特尔编译器重新生成或重新链接,注重性能的应用程序就可以从最新的兼容 IA 的处理器获益。开发人员只需投入很少的时间和精力,就能够实现非凡的应用程序性能。 兼容性 英特尔软件开发工具保护您在现有开发环境和代码中投资的同时,提供了最大化应用程序性能的功能。英特尔 Parallel Studio XE 提供了与各种领先的编译器的卓越兼容性。英特尔工具还针对使用与英特尔架构兼容的处理器系统提供了软件的开发和维护支持。 英特尔® 软件开发产品与各种领先的开发环境兼容。在 Windows* 平台上,它们与 Microsoft Visual Studio* 2008、2010 和下一代工具兼容。在 Linux* 平台上,它们与 GNU* 工具兼容。 多种操作系统支持,多种语言支持 英特尔® Parallel Studio XE 可用于 Windows*,也可以单独在 Linux* 平台上使用。C/C++、Fortran 编译器以及性能和并行为 Mac OS* X 平台带来了高级优化。 英特尔® Parallel Studio XE 为 Fortran 开发人员提供了一组满足他们需要的 C++ 和 Fortran 编译器。对于希望使用单一语言的开发人员,我们提供了英特尔® C++ Studio XE 和英特尔® Fortran Studio XE。产品许可证支持所有 IA-32 位和英特尔 64 位架构,并提供一年的支持和更新。 试用来自英特尔的工具 使用英特尔的统一开发工具套件的好处是可以简化软件开发工具的使用和购买过程,这样可以最大化现在和未来硬件平台上的性能。 VS2013可用


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