The Swiss invent a novel watch spring

DIGITAL ELECTRONICS has transformed many consumer-goods industries, but analogue niches survive and even thrive. Vinyl records have staged a comeback 1 ^1 1, sales of printed books have been growing faster than e-books in some markets, and cameras that use old-fashioned film have seen a bit of a revival. The Swiss are also still happily making mechanical watches, particularly the high-end sort, and last year exported more than 7m of them worth some SFr15bn ($15bn).

novel [ˈnɒvl] 小说,新颖的

analogue [ˈænəlɒɡ] 指针式

niche [niːʃ] 小众市场

thrive [θraɪv] 蓬勃发展

vinyl [ˈvaɪnl] 黑胶唱片

revival [rɪˈvaɪvl] 振兴

数字电子技术已经改变了许多消费品行业,但指针式钟表的小众市场依然存在,甚至于蓬勃发展。在一些市场,黑胶唱片已经 卷土重来 1 ^1 1,纸质书的销售增长速度超过了电子书,使用老式胶卷的照相机也呈现了一定程度的复苏。瑞士人仍乐于制造机械手表,尤其是高端手表。去年,瑞士出口了逾700万块手表,价值约150亿瑞士法郎(合150亿美元)。

Whereas an electronic watch uses a battery as its power source and a quartz oscillator to measure time, a mechanical watch relies on a set of gears and springs. A coiled mainspring stores the energy needed to turn the gears, and the movement is regulated by an oscillating balance wheel controlled by a tiny hairspring. Mainsprings and hairsprings have to be made of special alloys that retain their physical characteristics as much as possible in different temperatures, so that the watch maintains its accuracy wherever its wearer ventures.

whereas 用以比较两个事物,写在句子开头

quartz [kwɔːts] 石英

oscillator [ˈɒsɪleɪtə®] 振荡器

coil [kɔɪl] 盘绕

regulate [ˈreɡjuleɪt] 控制,管理,调节

alloy [ˈælɔɪ ] 合金

venture [ˈventʃə®] 冒着…的危险 (ad~)


Most mechanical Swiss watches use springs made from an iron-nickel alloy 1 ^1 1 called Nivarox, produced by a company of the same name that is part of the Swatch Group. But the dominance of Nivarox may about to be unwound. A different sort of spring has started undergoing tests with an unnamed Swiss watchmaker. This new spring is the result of a process developed by researchers at the Laboratory for Mechanics of Materials 2 ^2 2 and Nanostructures 3 ^3 3, part of Empa, the Swiss federal research institute for materials science.

dominance [ˈdɒmɪnəns] 支配,控制

unwound(unwind) [ˌʌnˈwaʊnd] 解开,打开

institute [ˈɪnstɪtjuːt] 教育机构,研究所

大多数瑞士机械手表都使用由一种名为尼瓦洛克斯的 铁镍合金 1 ^1 1 制成的弹簧,该合金是斯沃琪集团的一家同名公司生产的。但是尼瓦洛克斯的统治地位可能即将被打破。另一种不同的弹簧已经开始与一家未具名的瑞士钟表制造商进行测试。这个新的弹簧是由 材料力学 2 ^2 2纳米结构 3 ^3 3 实验室的研究人员开发的,该实验室是瑞士联邦材料科学研究所Empa的一部分。

Instead of the traditional method of finely transforming a metal wire into a thin spring, the process can produce new types of spring that open up novel design possibilities for watchmakers. The Empa team use a form of electroplating to “grow” mainsprings and hairsprings. The process begins with a wafer of silicon, similar to those used to make computer chips. The wafer is coated with an electrically conductive 1 ^1 1 layer of gold, on top of which is added a layer of light-sensitive paint. Light is then projected onto the surface; a mask keeps only the required shape of the coiled spring in the shade. The illuminated area reacts with the paint, causing it and the gold beneath to be etched away with chemicals. The shape of the spring is left behind, outlined in gold. The wafer is then placed into a bath containing dissolved metallic compounds and an electric current is applied, causing metal to be deposited onto the gold outline to build up the spring.

finely [ˈfaɪnli] 精巧的,细微的

electroplating [ɪˈlektrəpleɪtɪŋ] 电镀

wafer [ˈweɪfə®] 威化饼,薄片

silicon [ˈsɪlɪkən] 硅

coat [kəʊt] 涂层

conductive [kənˈdʌktɪv] 导电的

illuminate [ɪˈluːmɪneɪt] 照明

etch [etʃ] 蚀刻

outline [ˈaʊtlaɪn] 轮廓

metallic [məˈtælɪk] 金属的

deposit [dɪˈpɒzɪt] 沉积,定金

这个过程不同于传统的将金属丝精细转化为细弹簧的方法,它可以生产出新型的弹簧,为制表商提供了新颖设计可能性。 Empa 团队使用电镀的形式来"种植"主弹簧和游丝弹簧。 这个过程始于一片类似于用来制造计算机芯片的硅晶片。 晶片表面涂上一层 导电 1 ^1 1 金,在导电金上面再涂上一层光敏漆。 然后光线被投射到表面上,阴面则由一个小罩仅仅保持卷曲弹簧所需的形状。 被照亮的区域与涂层起反应,导致涂层和下面的黄金被化学物质蚀刻掉。 弹簧的形状留下来了,用金色勾勒出轮廓。 晶片然后被放入含有溶解的金属化合物的浴缸中,同时施加电流,使金属沉积在金片轮廓上,从而形成弹簧。

A few other processes are required to check, clean and finish the springs before they are sent off to the watchmaker for testing in prototype timepieces. The lab is also working on variations in the process, including a form of 3D printing, to manufacture springs in different shapes and to produce other minute structures which might be used in mechanical watches.

timepiece [ˈtaɪmpiːs] 钟

minute [ˈmɪnɪt] 微小的,分钟


There is some way still to go in refining the process, says Laetitia Philippe, one of the Empa researchers. The materials which can be used should provide watch springs with good temperature stability, she adds. Moreover, the springs could be made lighter and, as they are built up layer by layer, have specific features incorporated into their structure for different types of watch mechanisms. Dr Philippe believes the springs could also be used in other devices, such as electronic and mechanical sensors. All of which suggests the analogue world still has plenty of time on its side.

incorporate [ɪnˈkɔːpəreɪt] 包含


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在MATLAB中,NURBS(非均匀有理B样条)是一种强大的数学工具,用于表示和处理复杂的曲线和曲面。NURBS在计算机图形学、CAD(计算机辅助设计)、CAM(计算机辅助制造)等领域有着广泛的应用。下面将详细探讨MATLAB中NURBS的绘制方法以及相关知识点。 我们需要理解NURBS的基本概念。NURBS是B样条(B-Spline)的一种扩展,其特殊之处在于引入了权重因子,使得曲线和曲面可以在不均匀的参数空间中进行平滑插值。这种灵活性使得NURBS在处理非均匀数据时尤为有效。 在MATLAB中,可以使用`nurbs`函数创建NURBS对象,它接受控制点、权值、 knot向量等参数。控制点定义了NURBS曲线的基本形状,而knot向量决定了曲线的平滑度和分布。权值则影响曲线通过控制点的方式,大的权值会使曲线更靠近该点。 例如,我们可以使用以下代码创建一个简单的NURBS曲线: ```matlab % 定义控制点 controlPoints = [1 1; 2 2; 3 1; 4 2]; % 定义knot向量 knotVector = [0 0 0 1 1 1]; % 定义权值(默认为1,如果未指定) weights = ones(size(controlPoints,1),1); % 创建NURBS对象 nurbsObj = nurbs(controlPoints, weights, knotVector); ``` 然后,我们可以用`plot`函数来绘制NURBS曲线: ```matlab plot(nurbsObj); grid on; ``` `data_example.mat`可能包含了一个示例的NURBS数据集,其中可能包含了控制点坐标、权值和knot向量。我们可以通过加载这个数据文件来进一步研究NURBS的绘制: ```matlab load('data_example.mat'); % 加载数据 nurbsData = struct2cell(data_example); % 转换为cell数组 % 解析数据 controlPoints = nurbsData{1}; weights = nurbsData{2}; knotVector = nurbsData{3}; % 创建并绘制NURBS曲线 nurbsObj = nurbs(controlPoints, weights, knotVector); plot(nurbsObj); grid on; ``` MATLAB还提供了其他与NURBS相关的函数,如`evalnurbs`用于评估NURBS曲线上的点,`isoparm`用于生成NURBS曲面上的等参线,以及`isocurve`用于在NURBS曲面上提取特定参数值的曲线。这些工具对于分析和操作NURBS对象非常有用。 MATLAB中的NURBS功能允许用户方便地创建、编辑和可视化复杂的曲线和曲面。通过对控制点、knot向量和权值的调整,可以精确地控制NURBS的形状和行为,从而满足各种工程和设计需求。通过深入理解和熟练掌握这些工具,可以在MATLAB环境中实现高效的NURBS建模和分析。




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