1.2 Network Hardware
在计算机网络中,一般从两个维度进行考虑:Transmission Technology, Scale.
Transmission Technology 传播技术
一般来说,Transmission Technology有两个广泛用途:
- broadcast links
point-to-point links
On a broadcast network
(注意!发送方式是广播,但目的地地址有三种方式)Packets sent by any machine are received by all the others, each machine checks the address field.
- If the packet is intended for the receiving machine, that machine processes the packet
- If the packet is intended for some other machine, it is just ignored.
- Unicasting 单播 (点名道姓 但是网卡不产生中断)
- Broadcasting 广播 (所有其他都听到 所有人都要中断)
- Multicasting (subscribe) 组播 (订阅) (解决广播问题,不用全部中断,只让关心的中断)
- 网卡监督地址 中断
Point-to-point Network
To go from the source to the destination, a packet may visit one or more intermediate(中间的) machines (Often multiple routes are possible, finding good ones is important)
根据空间范围的大小从小到大依次为:PAN(个域网), LAN(局域网), MAN(城域网), WAN(广域网), Internetworks(互联网)
下面就来依次介绍以上processor systems.