

Since skin detection depends on locating skin-colored pixels, its use is limited to color images, i.e., it is not useful with gray-scale, infrared, or other types of image modalities that do not contain color information。

The simplest way to decide whether a pixel is skin color or not is to explicitly define a boundary.

Other methods explicitly defines the skin color class boundary in a two dimensional color space using elliptical boundary models。 The parameters of the elliptical boundary can be estimated from the skin database at the raining phase。

Baysian Approach for Skin Detection: Skin classification can be defined probabilistically as: given a pixel with color c what is the probability of it being skin pixel P(skin|c). Once this probability is computed, the pixel is labeled as a skin pixel if such probability is larger than a threshold and non-skin otherwise. Obviously we can not compute such probabilities for every possible color (e.g., in 24 bit RGB, there are 2563 colors)
Bayes rule defines the posterior probability of a pixel being skin given its color (P(skin|c)) in terms of the likelihood of observing such color given the skin class (P(c|skin)) and the prior probability of the skin class P(skin). The prior probability measures our guess about a random pixel being a skin without observing its color. The denominator in the Bayes rule is the total probability of observing the color c, a factor that does not affect the decision whether a pixel ought to be labeled as skin or non-skin. Given Bayes rule, the skin classification reduces to computing the likelihood term, i.e., P(c|skin). Given a database of skin-colored pixels we can estimate the probability density function (pdf) of P(c|skin). Several approaches have been introduced to compute this pdf including the use of histograms, the use of a single Gaussian model, or a Mixture of Gaussians model to approximate such pdf。

The skin classifier can also be posed as a two-class problem. From Bayes rule, this results in computing the likelihood ratio of observing a given color given a skin class versus a nonskin class, i.e., P(c|skin)/P(c|notskin). Such ratio can then be thresholded to decide whether a pixel is a skin or non-skin pixel. Besides modeling the likelihood of an observed color given the skin class, 7 the complementary class needs to be models. That is, modeling the probability density function of non-skin pixels P(c|notskin).

常使用HSI, HSV/HSB, and HSL(HLS),
HSV型颜色空间是RGB颜色立方体的变形,它们可以通过非线性变换从RGB空间映射。 这些色彩空间在皮肤检测中的一个优点是它们允许用户根据色调和饱和度直观地指定肤色类别的边界。 当L,V或L给出亮度信息时,它们经常被丢弃以减少肤色的照明依赖性。

Perceptual color spaces, such as HSI, HSV/HSB, and HSL(HLS), have also been popular in skin detection. These color spaces separates three components: the hue (H), the saturation (S) and the brightness (I,V or L). Essentially, HSV-type color spaces are deformations of the RGB color cube and they can be mapped from the RGB space via a nonlinear transformation. One of the advantages of these color spaces in skin detection is that they allow users to intuitively specify the boundary of the skin color class in terms of the hue and saturation. As I, V or L give the brightness information, they are often dropped to reduce illumination dependency of skin color.

(6)不使用 CIE-XYZ, CIE-xy, CIE-Lab 格式的颜色空间检测皮肤
they are rarely used in skin detection. This is mainly because the transformation from RGB is more computationally expensive 6 than other spaces.

(7)TV Color Spaces 广泛用于皮肤检测
YUV, YIQ, and YCbCr
YIQ : NTSC TV broadcasting
YCbCr : JPEG image compression and MPEG video compression.

1)Transforming from RGB into any of these spaces is a straight forward linear transformation(转换容易)
2) All these color spaces separate the illumination channel (Y) from two orthogonal chrominance channels (UV, IQ, CbCr). Therefore, unlike RGB, the location of the skin color in the chrominance channels will not be affected by changing the intensity of the illumination.(两个正交的色度通道和光照通道独立,不像其他颜色空间会存在光照对其他颜色通道产生影响)
3) The density of the skin color over the chrominance channels can be easily approximated using a multivariate Gaussian distribution. Moreover, the skin colors of different races almost co-locate in the chrominance channels.(皮肤颜色强度在色度通道上可以很容易的通过多变量高斯分布估计出)

the R,G, and B components are highly correlated. The luminance of a given RGB pixel is a linear combination of the R, G, and B values. Therefore, changing the luminance of a given skin patch affects all the R, G, and B components.

the location of a given skin patch in the RGB color cube will change based on the intensity of the illumination under which such patch was imaged


皮肤检测特征: 颜色 、 纹理 、边缘
But color cannot be the only deciding factor due to the variation in skin tone according to different races. Other factors such as the light conditions also affect the results. Therefore, the skin tone is often combined with other cues like texture and edge features。

The following factors should be considered for determining the threshold range:

  1. Effect of illumination depending on the surroundings.
  2. Individual characteristics such as age, sex and body parts.
  3. Varying skin tone with respect to different races.
  4. Other factors such as background colors, shadows and motion blur.

皮肤检测影响:光照 、 对比度 、 透明度 、 亮度 、饱和度
The skin detection is influenced by the parameters like Brightness, Contrast, Transparency, Illumination, and Saturation。


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