


需要 adb shell ps 中列出的进程 ID,例如:

USER     PID   PPID  VSIZE  RSS     WCHAN    PC         NAME 
u0_a33    7295  116   664448 42412 ffffffff 4019aee4 S com.android.systemui 

然后执行 cat/proc/{pid}/status 并查找 Groups 部分:

 $ cat /proc/7295/status                                          
Name:   ndroid.systemui 
State:  S (sleeping) 
Tgid:   7295 
Pid:    7295 
PPid:   116 
TracerPid:  0 
Uid:    10033   10033   10033   10033 
Gid:    10033   10033   10033   10033 
FDSize: 256 
Groups: 1015 1028 3001 3002 50033  
VmPeak:   665892 kB 
VmSize:   664200 kB 
VmLck:         0 kB 
VmHWM:     42564 kB 
VmRSS:     42420 kB 
VmData:    20000 kB 
VmStk:       136 kB 
VmExe:         8 kB 
VmLib:     34296 kB 
VmPTE:       140 kB 
VmSwap:        0 kB 
Threads:    15 
SigQ:   0/7766 
SigPnd: 0000000000000000 
ShdPnd: 0000000000000000 
SigBlk: 0000000000001204 
SigIgn: 0000000000000000 
SigCgt: 00000002000094e8 
CapInh: 0000000000000000 
CapPrm: 0000000000000000 
CapEff: 0000000000000000 
CapBnd: ffffffffffffffff 
Cpus_allowed:   f 
Cpus_allowed_list:  0-3 
voluntary_ctxt_switches:    707 
nonvoluntary_ctxt_switches: 3019 

在 AOSP 系统/核心中查看组 ID 的含义:
例如 1015 是 AID_SDCARD_RW。

 * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

 * This file is consumed by build/tools/fs_config and is used
 * for generating various files. Anything #define AID_<name>
 * becomes the mapping for getpwnam/getpwuid, etc. The <name>
 * field is lowercased.
 * For example:
 * #define AID_FOO_BAR 6666 becomes a friendly name of "foo_bar"
 * The above holds true with the exception of:
 *   mediacodec
 *   mediaex
 *   mediadrm
 * Whose friendly names do not match the #define statements.
 * This file must only be used for platform (Google managed, and submitted through AOSP), AIDs.  3rd
 * party AIDs must be added via config.fs, which will place them in the corresponding partition's
 * passwd and group files.  There are ranges in this file reserved for AIDs for each 3rd party
 * partition, from which the system reads passwd and group files.

#pragma once

/* This is the main Users and Groups config for the platform.

#define AID_ROOT 0 /* traditional unix root user */
/* The following are for LTP and should only be used for testing */
#define AID_DAEMON 1 /* traditional unix daemon owner */
#define AID_BIN 2    /* traditional unix binaries owner */

#define AID_SYSTEM 1000 /* system server */

#define AID_RADIO 1001           /* telephony subsystem, RIL */
#define AID_BLUETOOTH 1002       /* bluetooth subsystem */
#define AID_GRAPHICS 1003        /* graphics devices */
#define AID_INPUT 1004           /* input devices */
#define AID_AUDIO 1005           /* audio devices */
#define AID_CAMERA 1006          /* camera devices */
#define AID_LOG 1007             /* log devices */
#define AID_COMPASS 1008         /* compass device */
#define AID_MOUNT 1009           /* mountd socket */
#define AID_WIFI 1010            /* wifi subsystem */
#define AID_ADB 1011             /* android debug bridge (adbd) */
#define AID_INSTALL 1012         /* group for installing packages */
#define AID_MEDIA 1013           /* mediaserver process */
#define AID_DHCP 1014            /* dhcp client */
#define AID_SDCARD_RW 1015       /* external storage write access */
#define AID_VPN 1016             /* vpn system */
#define AID_KEYSTORE 1017        /* keystore subsystem */
#define AID_USB 1018             /* USB devices */
#define AID_DRM 1019             /* DRM server */
#define AID_MDNSR 1020           /* MulticastDNSResponder (service discovery) */
#define AID_GPS 1021             /* GPS daemon */
#define AID_UNUSED1 1022         /* deprecated, DO NOT USE */
#define AID_MEDIA_RW 1023        /* internal media storage write access */
#define AID_MTP 1024             /* MTP USB driver access */
#define AID_UNUSED2 1025         /* deprecated, DO NOT USE */
#define AID_DRMRPC 1026          /* group for drm rpc */
#define AID_NFC 1027             /* nfc subsystem */
#define AID_SDCARD_R 1028        /* external storage read access */
#define AID_CLAT 1029            /* clat part of nat464 */
#define AID_LOOP_RADIO 1030      /* loop radio devices */
#define AID_MEDIA_DRM 1031       /* MediaDrm plugins */
#define AID_PACKAGE_INFO 1032    /* access to installed package details */
#define AID_SDCARD_PICS 1033     /* external storage photos access */
#define AID_SDCARD_AV 1034       /* external storage audio/video access */
#define AID_SDCARD_ALL 1035      /* access all users external storage */
#define AID_LOGD 1036            /* log daemon */
#define AID_SHARED_RELRO 1037    /* creator of shared GNU RELRO files */
#define AID_DBUS 1038            /* dbus-daemon IPC broker process */
#define AID_TLSDATE 1039         /* tlsdate unprivileged user */
#define AID_MEDIA_EX 1040        /* mediaextractor process */
#define AID_AUDIOSERVER 1041     /* audioserver process */
#define AID_METRICS_COLL 1042    /* metrics_collector process */
#define AID_METRICSD 1043        /* metricsd process */
#define AID_WEBSERV 1044         /* webservd process */
#define AID_DEBUGGERD 1045       /* debuggerd unprivileged user */
#define AID_MEDIA_CODEC 1046     /* mediacodec process */
#define AID_CAMERASERVER 1047    /* cameraserver process */
#define AID_FIREWALL 1048        /* firewalld process */
#define AID_TRUNKS 1049          /* trunksd process (TPM daemon) */
#define AID_NVRAM 1050           /* Access-controlled NVRAM */
#define AID_DNS 1051             /* DNS resolution daemon (system: netd) */
#define AID_DNS_TETHER 1052      /* DNS resolution daemon (tether: dnsmasq) */
#define AID_WEBVIEW_ZYGOTE 1053  /* WebView zygote process */
#define AID_VEHICLE_NETWORK 1054 /* Vehicle network service */
#define AID_MEDIA_AUDIO 1055     /* GID for audio files on internal media storage */
#define AID_MEDIA_VIDEO 1056     /* GID for video files on internal media storage */
#define AID_MEDIA_IMAGE 1057     /* GID for image files on internal media storage */
#define AID_TOMBSTONED 1058      /* tombstoned user */
#define AID_MEDIA_OBB 1059       /* GID for OBB files on internal media storage */
#define AID_ESE 1060             /* embedded secure element (eSE) subsystem */
#define AID_OTA_UPDATE 1061      /* resource tracking UID for OTA updates */
#define AID_AUTOMOTIVE_EVS 1062  /* Automotive rear and surround view system */
#define AID_LOWPAN 1063          /* LoWPAN subsystem */
#define AID_HSM 1064             /* hardware security module subsystem */
#define AID_RESERVED_DISK 1065   /* GID that has access to reserved disk space */
#define AID_STATSD 1066          /* statsd daemon */
#define AID_INCIDENTD 1067       /* incidentd daemon */
#define AID_SECURE_ELEMENT 1068  /* secure element subsystem */
#define AID_LMKD 1069            /* low memory killer daemon */
#define AID_LLKD 1070            /* live lock daemon */
#define AID_IORAPD 1071          /* input/output readahead and pin daemon */
#define AID_GPU_SERVICE 1072     /* GPU service daemon */
#define AID_NETWORK_STACK 1073   /* network stack service */
#define AID_GSID 1074            /* GSI service daemon */
#define AID_FSVERITY_CERT 1075   /* fs-verity key ownership in keystore */
#define AID_CREDSTORE 1076       /* identity credential manager service */
#define AID_EXTERNAL_STORAGE 1077 /* Full external storage access including USB OTG volumes */
#define AID_EXT_DATA_RW 1078      /* GID for app-private data directories on external storage */
#define AID_EXT_OBB_RW 1079       /* GID for OBB directories on external storage */
#define AID_CONTEXT_HUB 1080      /* GID for access to the Context Hub */
#define AID_VIRTUALIZATIONSERVICE 1081 /* VirtualizationService daemon */
#define AID_ARTD 1082             /* ART Service daemon */
#define AID_UWB 1083              /* UWB subsystem */
#define AID_THREAD_NETWORK 1084   /* Thread Network subsystem */
#define AID_DICED 1085            /* Android's DICE daemon */
#define AID_DMESGD 1086           /* dmesg parsing daemon for kernel report collection */
#define AID_JC_WEAVER 1087        /* Javacard Weaver HAL - to manage omapi ARA rules */
#define AID_JC_STRONGBOX 1088     /* Javacard Strongbox HAL - to manage omapi ARA rules */
#define AID_JC_IDENTITYCRED 1089  /* Javacard Identity Cred HAL - to manage omapi ARA rules */
#define AID_SDK_SANDBOX 1090      /* SDK sandbox virtual UID */
#define AID_SECURITY_LOG_WRITER 1091 /* write to security log */
#define AID_PRNG_SEEDER 1092         /* PRNG seeder daemon */
/* Changes to this file must be made in AOSP, *not* in internal branches. */

#define AID_SHELL 2000 /* adb and debug shell user */
#define AID_CACHE 2001 /* cache access */
#define AID_DIAG 2002  /* access to diagnostic resources */

/* The range 2900-2999 is reserved for the vendor partition */
/* Note that the two 'OEM' ranges pre-dated the vendor partition, so they take the legacy 'OEM'
 * name. Additionally, they pre-dated passwd/group files, so there are users and groups named oem_#
 * created automatically for all values in these ranges.  If there is a user/group in a passwd/group
 * file corresponding to this range, both the oem_# and user/group names will resolve to the same
 * value. */

/* The 3000 series are intended for use as supplemental group id's only.
 * They indicate special Android capabilities that the kernel is aware of. */
#define AID_NET_BT_ADMIN 3001 /* bluetooth: create any socket */
#define AID_NET_BT 3002       /* bluetooth: create sco, rfcomm or l2cap sockets */
#define AID_INET 3003         /* can create AF_INET and AF_INET6 sockets */
#define AID_NET_RAW 3004      /* can create raw INET sockets */
#define AID_NET_ADMIN 3005    /* can configure interfaces and routing tables. */
#define AID_NET_BW_STATS 3006 /* read bandwidth statistics */
#define AID_NET_BW_ACCT 3007  /* change bandwidth statistics accounting */
#define AID_READPROC 3009     /* Allow /proc read access */
#define AID_WAKELOCK 3010     /* Allow system wakelock read/write access */
#define AID_UHID 3011         /* Allow read/write to /dev/uhid node */
#define AID_READTRACEFS 3012  /* Allow tracefs read */

/* The range 5000-5999 is also reserved for vendor partition. */
#define AID_OEM_RESERVED_2_END 5999

/* The range 6000-6499 is reserved for the system partition. */

/* The range 6500-6999 is reserved for the odm partition. */

/* The range 7000-7499 is reserved for the product partition. */

/* The range 7500-7999 is reserved for the system_ext partition. */

#define AID_EVERYBODY 9997 /* shared between all apps in the same profile */
#define AID_MISC 9998      /* access to misc storage */
#define AID_NOBODY 9999

#define AID_APP 10000       /* TODO: switch users over to AID_APP_START */
#define AID_APP_START 10000 /* first app user */
#define AID_APP_END 19999   /* last app user */

#define AID_CACHE_GID_START 20000 /* start of gids for apps to mark cached data */
#define AID_CACHE_GID_END 29999   /* end of gids for apps to mark cached data */

#define AID_EXT_GID_START 30000 /* start of gids for apps to mark external data */
#define AID_EXT_GID_END 39999   /* end of gids for apps to mark external data */

#define AID_EXT_CACHE_GID_START 40000 /* start of gids for apps to mark external cached data */
#define AID_EXT_CACHE_GID_END 49999   /* end of gids for apps to mark external cached data */

#define AID_SHARED_GID_START 50000 /* start of gids for apps in each user to share */
#define AID_SHARED_GID_END 59999   /* end of gids for apps in each user to share */

 * This is a magic number in the kernel and not something that was picked
 * arbitrarily. This value is returned whenever a uid that has no mapping in the
 * user namespace is returned to userspace:
 * https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/tree/include/linux/highuid.h?h=v4.4#n40
#define AID_OVERFLOWUID 65534 /* unmapped user in the user namespace */

/* use the ranges below to determine whether a process is sdk sandbox */
#define AID_SDK_SANDBOX_PROCESS_START 20000 /* start of uids allocated to sdk sandbox processes */
#define AID_SDK_SANDBOX_PROCESS_END 29999   /* end of uids allocated to sdk sandbox processes */

/* use the ranges below to determine whether a process is isolated */
#define AID_ISOLATED_START 90000 /* start of uids for fully isolated sandboxed processes */
#define AID_ISOLATED_END 99999   /* end of uids for fully isolated sandboxed processes */

#define AID_USER 100000        /* TODO: switch users over to AID_USER_OFFSET */
#define AID_USER_OFFSET 100000 /* offset for uid ranges for each user */

 * android_ids has moved to pwd/grp functionality.
 * If you need to add one, the structure is now
 * auto-generated based on the AID_ constraints
 * documented at the top of this header file.
 * Also see build/tools/fs_config for more details.




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


