Ant Colony Optimization

ACO algorithm is originally inspired by social behavior of ant colonies, which is a branch of newly developed form of artificial intelligence called Swarm Intelligence (SI). Although ants have no sight, they are capable of finding the shortest route between a food source and their nest by chemical materials called pheromone that they leave when moving. ACO algorithm was firstly used to solve Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) and then has been successfully applied in many difficult problems like the Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP), routing in telecommunication networks, feature selection,scheduling, clustering, etc.

The basic idea of ACO is to model the problem as the search for a minimum cost path in a graph, and to use artificial ants to search for good paths. Ants can lay pheromone on edges at each move.Moreover, the ants can always sense the pheromone and decide choose the side with more pheromone to search at a very large probability. The probability can be calculated by both pheromone and visibility information on the path. The pheromone will progressively evaporate after a short time. The more ants on the path, the more the pheromone. Finally, only the shortest path will have the largest pheromone. The shortest path is then the optimal solution of our problem.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on 2017/3/20 8:54 2017

@author: Randolph.Lee
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import random
import copy
import sys
class Ant:
    def __init__(self, ID, city_list, position):
        self.ID = ID
        self.current_path = 0.0
        self.current_node = position
        self.tabu_list = [position]
        self.tabu_set = set(self.tabu_list)
        self.allowed_set = set(city_list) - self.tabu_set

    def update_delat_pheromone(self, nodes):
        # always define the ant with ID=0 to update the pheromone
        path_0 = self.tabu_list[:-1]
        path_1 = self.tabu_list[1:]
        delta_pheromone = np.zeros((nodes, nodes))
        for i in path_0:
            for j in path_1:
                delta_pheromone[i, j] = 1 / self.current_path
        return delta_pheromone

    def visit_next_city(self, alpha, beta, pheromone_mat, heuristic_mat):
        if len(self.allowed_set) == 0:
            return -1
        prob_list = []
        # calculate the transition probability
        for node in self.allowed_set:
            prob_list.append((node, np.power(pheromone_mat[self.current_node, node], alpha) * np.power(heuristic_mat[self.current_node, node], beta)))
        prob_list.sort(cmp=lambda x, y:cmp(x[1], y[1]))
        node_list = map(lambda x: x[0], prob_list)
        prob_arr = np.array(map(lambda x: x[1], prob_list))
        prob_arr = prob_arr / prob_arr.sum()
        # determine next city to visit based on the Roulette strategy
        cum_prob_arr = prob_arr.cumsum()
        index = np.where(cum_prob_arr > np.random.rand())[0][0]
        return node_list[index]

    def update_property(self, next_node, graph):
        if next_node >= 0:
            self.allowed_set -= self.tabu_set
            self.current_path += graph[self.current_node, next_node]
            self.current_node = next_node

    def stop_sign(self):
        if len(self.allowed_set) > 0:
            non_stop = True
            non_stop = False
        return non_stop
    def clear_tabu(self, city_list):
        self.tabu_list = []
        self.allowed_set = set(city_list) - self.tabu_set

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # set best record
    best_path = []
    best_distance = sys.maxint
    # set basic parameters
    alpha = 0.5
    beta = 2
    phro = 0.1
    num_ant = 5
    max_iteration = 100
    distance_mat = abs(np.random.randn(10, 10)*10 + np.random.rand())
    nodes = distance_mat.shape[0]
    pheromone_mat = np.ones((nodes, nodes)) * 0.1
    city_list = range(nodes)

    delta_pheromone = np.zeros((nodes, nodes))
    start = 0
    while start < max_iteration:
        # create the ant colony
        ant_list = [Ant(g, city_list, random.randint(0, nodes-1)) for g in range(num_ant)]
        for ant in ant_list:
            while ant.stop_sign():
                next_node = ant.visit_next_city(alpha, beta, pheromone_mat, distance_mat)
                ant.update_property(next_node, distance_mat)
            delta_pheromone += ant.update_delat_pheromone(nodes)

        # update the global solution
        for ant in ant_list:
            if ant.current_path < best_distance:
                best_distance = ant.current_path
                best_path = copy.deepcopy(ant.tabu_list)
            # ant.clear_tabu(city_list)
        # update the pheromone information
        pheromone_mat *= (1- phro)
        pheromone_mat += delta_pheromone
        start += 1
    print best_distance
    print best_path

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