引入线程后 对系统的影响

2.1.7. Threads

thread is kernel aware or not 这两种系统有存在

Although these two alternatives may seem equivalent, they differ considerably in performance. Switching threads is much faster when thread management is done in user space than when a system call is needed. This fact argues strongly for doing thread management in user space. On the other hand, when threads are managed entirely in user space and one thread blocks (e.g., waiting for I/O or a page fault to be handled), the kernel blocks the entire process, since it is not even aware that other threads exist. This fact as well as others argue for doing thread management in the kernel (Boehm, 2005). As a consequence, both systems are in use, and various hybrid schemes have been proposed as well (Anderson et al., 1992).


No matter whether threads are managed by the kernel or in user space, they introduce a raft of problems that must be solved and which change the programming model appreciably. To start with, consider the effects of the fork system call. If the parent process has multiple threads, should the child also have them? If not, the process may not function properly, since all of them may be essential. Fork的时候,是否需要复制所有的thread呢?


However, if the child process gets as many threads as the parent, what happens if a thread was blocked on a read call, say, from the keyboard? Are two threads now blocked on the keyboard? When a line is typed, do both threads get a copy of it? Only the parent? Only the child? The same problem exists with open network connections. 哪个线程阻塞?数据给哪个线程 ?


Another class of problems is related to the fact that threads share many data structures. What happens if one thread closes a file while another one is still reading from it? Suppose that one thread notices that there is too little memory and starts allocating more memory. Then, part way through, a thread switch occurs, and the new thread also notices that there is too little memory and also starts allocating more memory. Does the allocation happen once or twice? In nearly all systems that were not designed with threads in mind, the libraries (such as the memory allocation procedure) are not reentrant, and will crash if a second call is made while the first one is still active. 线程之间共享的资源如何处理?


Another problem relates to error reporting. In UNIX, after a system call, the status of the call is put into a global variable, errno. What happens if a thread makes a system call, and before it is able to read errno, another thread makes a system call, wiping out the original value? 出错报告


Next, consider signals. Some signals are logically thread specific; others are not. For example, if a thread calls alarm, it makes sense for the resulting signal to go to the thread that made the call. When the kernel is aware of threads, it can usually make sure the right thread gets the signal. When the kernel is not aware of threads, the threads package must keep track of alarms by itself. An additional complication for user-level threads exists when (as in UNIX) a process may only have one alarm at a time pending and several threads call alarm independently 指定线程号的发送与接收,同时多个信号的发送


Other signals, such as a keyboard-initiated SIGINT, are not thread specific. Who should catch them? One designated thread? All the threads? A newly created thread? Each of these solutions has problems. Furthermore, what happens if one thread changes the signal handlers without telling other threads?  谁来接收不指定线程的信号?


One last problem introduced by threads is stack management. In many systems, when stack overflow occurs, the kernel just provides more stack, automatically. When a process has multiple threads, it must also have multiple stacks. If the kernel is not aware of all these stacks, it cannot grow them automatically upon stack fault. In fact, it may not even realize that a memory fault is related to stack growth. 堆栈管理


These problems are certainly not insurmountable, but they do show that just introducing threads into an existing system without a fairly substantial system redesign is not going to work at all. The semantics of system calls have to be redefined and libraries have to be rewritten, at the very least. And all of these things must be done in such a way as to remain backward compatible with existing programs for the limiting case of a process with only one thread. For additional information about threads, see Hauser et al. (1993) and Marsh et al. (1991).

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