Heap Sort是一个时间复杂度为O(nlgn)的排序算法,且是in place的,不需要额外的存储空间。
因为BuildMaxHeap的复杂度为O(n), MaxHeapify的复杂度为O(lgn),所以求最大(最小)数的复杂度就是O(n)了。
* =====================================================================================
* Filename: heap_sort.c
* Description:
* Version: 1.0
* Created: 10/01/2010 07:48:07 PM
* Revision: none
* Compiler: gcc
* Author: YOUR NAME (),
* Company:
* =====================================================================================
#include <stdio.h>
int A[10] = {1, 3, 6, 9, 8, 2, 5, 4, 7, 10};
* MaxHeapify, O(h), h = O(lgn)
* make the subtree rooted at i, compile to max
* heap property
void MaxHeapify(int* A, int size, int i)
int left, right;
int largest;
int tmp;
left = (i<<1) + 1;
right = left + 1;
if ( (left < size) && (A[left] > A[i]) )
largest = left;
largest = i;
if ( (right < size) && (A[right] > A[largest]) )
largest = right;
if (largest != i)
tmp = A[largest];
A[largest] = A[i];
A[i] = tmp;
MaxHeapify(A, size, largest);
* BuildMaxHeap, O(n) algorithm
* Make the array A, length of len, compile to a max heap
void BuildMaxHeap(int* A, int size)
int start = (size >> 1) - 1;
for(; start>=0; start--)
MaxHeapify(A, size, start);
* HeapSort
* A O(nlgn) in place sorting algorithm
void HeapSort(int* A, int len)
int i, tmp;
BuildMaxHeap(A, len);
for(i=len; i>=2; i--)
tmp = A[0]; A[0] = A[len-1]; A[len-1] = tmp;
MaxHeapify(A, len, 0);
int main()
HeapSort(A, 10);
return 0;