


1. Linux 内核中的同步原语介绍

这一部分为 linux-insides 这本书开启了新的章节。定时器和时间管理相关的概念在上一个章节已经描述过了。现在是时候继续了。就像你可能从这一部分的标题所了解的那样,本章节将会描述 Linux 内核中的同步原语。



出自 kernel/time/clocksource.c 源文件。这段代码来自于 __clocksource_register_scale 函数,此函数添加给定的 clocksource 到时钟源列表中。这个函数在注册时钟源列表中生成两个不同的操作。例如 clocksource_enqueue 函数就是添加给定时钟源到注册时钟源列表——clocksource_list 中。注意这几行代码被两个函数所包围:mutex_lockmutex_unlock,这两个函数都带有一个参数——在本例中为 clocksource_mutex

这些函数展示了基于互斥锁 (mutex) 同步原语的加锁和解锁。当 mutex_lock 被执行,允许我们阻止两个或两个以上线程执行这段代码,而 mute_unlock 还没有被互斥锁的处理拥有者锁执行。换句话说,就是阻止在 clocksource_list上的并行操作。为什么在这里需要使用互斥锁? 如果两个并行处理尝试去注册一个时钟源会怎样。正如我们已经知道的那样,其中具有最大的等级(其具有最高的频率在系统中注册的时钟源)的列表中选择一个时钟源后,clocksource_enqueue 函数立即将一个给定的时钟源到 clocksource_list 列表:

static void clocksource_enqueue(struct clocksource *cs)
	struct list_head *entry = &clocksource_list;
	struct clocksource *tmp;

	list_for_each_entry(tmp, &clocksource_list, list)
		if (tmp->rating >= cs->rating)
			entry = &tmp->list;
	list_add(&cs->list, entry);

如果两个并行处理尝试同时去执行这个函数,那么这两个处理可能会找到相同的 入口 (entry) 可能发生竞态条件 (race condition) 或者换句话说,第二个执行 list_add 的处理程序,将会重写第一个线程写入的时钟源。

除了这个简答的例子,同步原语在 Linux 内核无处不在。如果再翻阅之前的[章节] ( 或者其他章节或者如果大概看看 Linux 内核源码,就会发现许多地方都使用同步原语。我们不考虑 mutex 在 Linux 内核是如何实现的。事实上,Linux 内核提供了一系列不同的同步原语:

  • mutex;
  • semaphores;
  • seqlocks;
  • atomic operations;
  • 等等。

现在从自旋锁 (spinlock) 这个章节开始。

2. Linux 内核中的自旋锁。


  • acquired;
  • released.

每一个想要获取自旋锁的处理,必须为这个变量写入一个表示自旋锁获取 (spinlock acquire)状态的值,并且为这个变量写入锁释放 (spinlock released)状态。如果一个处理程序尝试执行受自旋锁保护的代码,那么代码将会被锁住,直到占有锁的处理程序释放掉。在本例中,所有相关的操作必须是
原子的 (atomic),来阻止竞态条件状态。自旋锁在 Linux 内核中使用 spinlock_t 类型来表示。如果我们查看 Linux 内核代码,我们会看到,这个类型被广泛地 (widely) 使用。spinlock_t 的定义如下:

typedef struct spinlock {
    union {
      struct raw_spinlock rlock;

# define LOCK_PADSIZE (offsetof(struct raw_spinlock, dep_map))
        struct {
            u8 __padding[LOCK_PADSIZE];
            struct lockdep_map dep_map;
} spinlock_t;

这段代码在 include/linux/spinlock_types.h 头文件中定义。可以看出,它的实现依赖于 CONFIG_DEBUG_LOCK_ALLOC 内核配置选项这个状态。现在我们跳过这一块,因为所有的调试相关的事情都将会在这一部分的最后。所以,如果 CONFIG_DEBUG_LOCK_ALLOC 内核配置选项不可用,那么 spinlock_t 则包含联合体 (union),这个联合体有一个字段——raw_spinlock

typedef struct spinlock {
    union {
          struct raw_spinlock rlock;
} spinlock_t;

raw_spinlock 结构的定义在相同的头文件中并且表达了普通 (normal) 自旋锁的实现。让我们看看 raw_spinlock结构是如何定义的:

typedef struct raw_spinlock {
        arch_spinlock_t raw_lock;
        unsigned int break_lock;
} raw_spinlock_t;

这里的 arch_spinlock_t 表示了体系结构指定的自旋锁实现并且 break_lock 字段持有值—— 为1,当一个处理器开始等待而锁被另一个处理器持有时,使用的对称多处理器 (SMP) 系统的例子中。这样就可以防止长时间加锁。考虑本书的 x86_64 架构,因此 arch_spinlock_t 被定义在 arch/x86/include/asm/spinlock_types.h 头文件中,并且看上去是这样:

#include <asm-generic/qspinlock_types.h>
typedef struct arch_spinlock {
    union {
        __ticketpair_t head_tail;
        struct __raw_tickets {
                __ticket_t head, tail;
        } tickets;
} arch_spinlock_t;

正如我们所看到的,arch_spinlock 结构的定义依赖于 CONFIG_QUEUED_SPINLOCKS 内核配置选项的值。这个 Linux内核配置选项支持使用队列的 自旋锁。这个自旋锁的特殊类型替代了 acquiredreleased 原子值,在队列上使用原子操作。如果 CONFIG_QUEUED_SPINLOCKS 内核配置选项启动,那么 arch_spinlock_t 将会被表示成如下的结构:

typedef struct qspinlock {
	atomic_t	val;
} arch_spinlock_t;

来自于 include/asm-generic/qspinlock_types.h 头文件。

目前我们不会在这个结构上停止探索,在考虑 arch_spinlockqspinlock 之前,先看看自旋锁上的操作。 Linux内核在自旋锁上提供了一下主要的操作:

  • spin_lock_init ——给定的自旋锁进行初始化;
  • spin_lock ——获取给定的自旋锁
  • spin_lock_bh ——禁止软件中断并且获取给定的自旋锁
  • spin_lock_irqsavespin_lock_irq——禁止本地处理器上的中断,并且保存/不保存之前的中断状态的标识 (flag)
  • spin_unlock ——释放给定的自旋锁;
  • spin_unlock_bh ——释放给定的自旋锁并且启动软件中断;
  • spin_is_locked - 返回给定的自旋锁的状态;
  • 等等。

来看看 spin_lock_init 宏的实现。就如我已经写过的一样,这个宏和其他宏定义都在 include/linux/spinlock.h 头文件里,并且 spin_lock_init 宏如下所示:

#define spin_lock_init(_lock)		\
do {							                \
	spinlock_check(_lock);				        \
	raw_spin_lock_init(&(_lock)->rlock);		\
} while (0)



# define spin_lock_init(lock)					\
do {								\
	static struct lock_class_key __key;			\
	__raw_spin_lock_init(spinlock_check(lock),		\
			     #lock, &__key, LD_WAIT_CONFIG);	\
} while (0)


# define spin_lock_init(_lock)			\
do {						\
	spinlock_check(_lock);			\
	*(_lock) = __SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED(_lock);	\
} while (0)


正如所看到的,spin_lock_init 宏有一个自旋锁,执行两步操作:检查我们看到的给定的自旋锁和执行 raw_spin_lock_initspinlock_check的实现相当简单,实现的函数仅仅返回已知的自旋锁raw_spinlock_t,来确保我们精确获得正常 (normal) 原生自旋锁:

static __always_inline raw_spinlock_t *spinlock_check(spinlock_t *lock)
	return &lock->rlock;

raw_spin_lock_init 宏:

# define raw_spin_lock_init(lock)		\
do {                                                  \
    *(lock) = __RAW_SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED(lock);         \
} while (0)                                           \

__RAW_SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED 的值和给定的自旋锁赋值给给定的 raw_spinlock_t。就像我们能从 __RAW_SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED 宏的名字中了解的那样,这个宏为给定的自旋锁执行初始化操作,并且将锁设置为释放 (released) 状态。宏的定义在 include/linux/spinlock_types.h 头文件中,并且扩展了一下的宏:

#define __RAW_SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED(lockname)      \
         (raw_spinlock_t) __RAW_SPIN_LOCK_INITIALIZER(lockname)

#define __RAW_SPIN_LOCK_INITIALIZER(lockname)   \
         {                                                      \
             .raw_lock = __ARCH_SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED,             \
             SPIN_DEBUG_INIT(lockname)                          \
             SPIN_DEP_MAP_INIT(lockname)                        \

正如之前所写的一样,我们不考虑同步原语调试相关的东西。在本例中也不考虑 SPIN_DEBUG_INITSPIN_DEP_MAP_INIT 宏。于是 __RAW_SPINLOCK_UNLOCKED 宏被扩展成:

*(&(_lock)->rlock) = __ARCH_SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;


#define __ARCH_SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED       { { 0 } }



这是对于 [x86_64] 架构,如果 CONFIG_QUEUED_SPINLOCKS 内核配置选项启用的情况。那么,在 spin_lock_init 宏的扩展之后,给定的自旋锁将会初始化并且状态变为——解锁 (unlocked)

从这一时刻起我们了解了如何去初始化一个自旋锁,现在考虑 Linux 内核为自旋锁的操作提供的 API。首先是:

static __always_inline void spin_lock(spinlock_t *lock)

此函数允许我们获取一个自旋锁。raw_spin_lock 宏定义在同一个头文件中,并且扩展了 _raw_spin_lock 函数的调用:

#define raw_spin_lock(lock)	_raw_spin_lock(lock)

就像在 include/linux/spinlock.h 头文件所了解的那样,_raw_spin_lock 宏的定义依赖于 CONFIG_SMP 内核配置参数:

#if defined(CONFIG_SMP) || defined(CONFIG_DEBUG_SPINLOCK)
# include <linux/spinlock_api_smp.h>
# include <linux/spinlock_api_up.h>

因此,如果在 Linux内核中 SMP 启用了,那么 _raw_spin_lock 宏就在 arch/x86/include/asm/spinlock.h 头文件中定义,并且看起来像这样:

#define _raw_spin_lock(lock) __raw_spin_lock(lock)

__raw_spin_lock 函数的定义:

static inline void __raw_spin_lock(raw_spinlock_t *lock)
    spin_acquire(&lock->dep_map, 0, 0, _RET_IP_);
    LOCK_CONTENDED(lock, do_raw_spin_trylock, do_raw_spin_lock);

就像你们可能了解的那样, 首先我们禁用了抢占,通过 include/linux/preempt.h (在 Linux 内核初始化进程章节的第九部分会了解到更多关于抢占)中的 preempt_disable 调用实现禁用。当我们将要解开给定的自旋锁,抢占将会再次启用:

static inline void __raw_spin_unlock(raw_spinlock_t *lock)

当程序正在自旋锁时,这个已经获取锁的程序必须阻止其他程序方法的抢占。spin_acquire 宏通过其他宏宏展调用实现:

#define spin_acquire(l, s, t, i)                lock_acquire_exclusive(l, s, t, NULL, i)
#define lock_acquire_exclusive(l, s, t, n, i)           lock_acquire(l, s, t, 0, 1, n, i)

lock_acquire 函数:

void lock_acquire(struct lockdep_map *lock, unsigned int subclass,
                  int trylock, int read, int check,
                  struct lockdep_map *nest_lock, unsigned long ip)
     unsigned long flags;

     if (unlikely(current->lockdep_recursion))


     current->lockdep_recursion = 1;
     trace_lock_acquire(lock, subclass, trylock, read, check, nest_lock, ip);
     __lock_acquire(lock, subclass, trylock, read, check,
                    irqs_disabled_flags(flags), nest_lock, ip, 0, 0);
     current->lockdep_recursion = 0;

就像之前所写的,我们不考虑这些调试或跟踪相关的东西。lock_acquire 函数的主要是通过 raw_local_irq_save 宏调用禁用硬件中断,因为给定的自旋锁可能被启用的硬件中断所获取。以这样的方式获取的话程序将不会被抢占。注意 lock_acquire 函数的最后将使用 raw_local_irq_restore 宏的帮助再次启动硬件中断。正如你们可能猜到的那样,主要工作将在 __lock_acquire 函数中定义,这个函数在 kernel/locking/lockdep.c 源代码文件中。

__lock_acquire 函数看起来很大。我们将试图去理解这个函数要做什么,但不是在这一部分。事实上这个函数于 Linux内核锁验证器 (lock validator) 密切相关,而这也不是此部分的主题。如果我们要返回 __raw_spin_lock 函数的定义,我们将会发现最终这个定义包含了以下的定义:

LOCK_CONTENDED(lock, do_raw_spin_trylock, do_raw_spin_lock);

LOCK_CONTENDED 宏的定义在 include/linux/lockdep.h 头文件中,而且只是使用给定自旋锁调用已知函数:

#define LOCK_CONTENDED(_lock, try, lock) \

在本例中,lock 就是 include/linux/spinlock.h 头文件中的 do_raw_spin_lock,而_lock 就是给定的 raw_spinlock_t

static inline void do_raw_spin_lock(raw_spinlock_t *lock) __acquires(lock)

这里的 __acquire 只是[稀疏(sparse)]相关宏,并且当前我们也对这些不感兴趣。arch_spin_lock 函数定义的位置依赖于两件事:第一是系统架构,第二是我们是否使用了队列自旋锁(queued spinlocks)。本例中我们仅以 x86_64 架构为例介绍,因此 arch_spin_lock 的定义的宏表示源自 include/asm-generic/qspinlock.h 头文件中:

#define arch_spin_lock(l)               queued_spin_lock(l)

如果使用 队列自旋锁,或者其他例子中,arch_spin_lock 函数定在 arch/x86/include/asm/spinlock.h 头文件中,如何处理?现在我们只考虑普通的自旋锁队列自旋锁相关的信息将在以后了解。来再看看 arch_spinlock 结构的定义,理解以下 arch_spin_lock 函数的实现:

typedef struct arch_spinlock {
     union {
        __ticketpair_t head_tail;
        struct __raw_tickets {
                __ticket_t head, tail;
        } tickets;
} arch_spinlock_t;

这个自旋锁的变体被称为——标签自旋锁 (ticket spinlock)。 就像我们锁了解的,标签自旋锁包括两个部分。当锁被获取,如果有程序想要获取自旋锁它就会将尾部(tail)值加1。如果尾部不等于头部, 那么程序就会被锁住,直到这些变量的值不再相等。来看看arch_spin_lock函数上的实现:

static __always_inline void arch_spin_lock(arch_spinlock_t *lock)
        register struct __raw_tickets inc = { .tail = TICKET_LOCK_INC };

        inc = xadd(&lock->tickets, inc);

        if (likely(inc.head == inc.tail))
                goto out;

        for (;;) {
             unsigned count = SPIN_THRESHOLD;

             do {
               inc.head = READ_ONCE(lock->tickets.head);
               if (__tickets_equal(inc.head, inc.tail))
                        goto clear_slowpath;
             } while (--count);
             __ticket_lock_spinning(lock, inc.tail);
        __ticket_check_and_clear_slowpath(lock, inc.head);

arch_spin_lock 函数在一开始能够使用尾部—— 1__raw_tickets 结构初始化:

#define __TICKET_LOCK_INC       1

inclock->tickets 的下一行执行 xadd 操作。这个操作之后 inc将存储给定标签 (tickets) 的值,然后 tickets.tail 将增加 inc1尾部值增加 1 意味着一个程序开始尝试持有锁。下一步做检查,检查头部尾部是否有相同的值。如果值相等,这意味着没有程序持有锁并且我们去到了 out 标签。在 arch_spin_lock 函数的最后,我们可能了解了 barrier 宏表示 屏障指令 (barrier instruction),该指令保证了编译器将不更改进入内存操作的顺序(更多关于内存屏障的知识可以阅读内核文档 (documentation))。

如果前一个程序持有锁而第二个程序开始执行 arch_spin_lock 函数,那么 头部将不会等于``尾部,因为尾部头部1。这样,程序将循环发生。在每次循坏迭代的时候头部尾部的值进行比较。如果值不相等,cpu_relax ,也就是 NOP 指令将会被调用:

#define cpu_relax()     asm volatile("rep; nop")


spin_unlock 操作遍布所有有 spin_lock 的宏或函数中,当然,使用的是 unlock 前缀。最后,arch_spin_unlock 函数将会被调用。如果看看 arch_spin_lock 函数的实现,我们将了解到这个函数增加了 lock tickets 列表的头部

__add(&lock->tickets.head, TICKET_LOCK_INC, UNLOCK_LOCK_PREFIX);

spin_lockspin_unlock 的组合使用中,我们得到一个队列,其头部包含了一个索引号,映射了当前执行的持有锁的程序,而尾部包含了一个索引号,映射了最后尝试持有锁的程序:

     +-------+       +-------+
     |       |       |       |
head |   7   | - - - |   7   | tail
     |       |       |       |
     +-------+       +-------+
                     |       |
                     |   8   |
                     |       |
                     |       |
                     |   9   |
                     |       |

目前这就是全部。这一部分不涵盖所有的自旋锁 API,但我认为这个概念背后的主要思想现在一定清楚了。

2.1. 结论

涵盖 Linux 内核中的同步原语的第一部分到此结束。在这一部分,我们遇见了第一个 Linux 内核提供的同步原语自旋锁。下一部分将会继续深入这个有趣的主题,而且将会了解到其他同步相关的知识。

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2.2. 链接

3. 队列自旋锁

这是本章节的第二部分,这部分描述 Linux 内核的和我们在本章的第一部分所见到的--自旋锁的同步原语。在这个部分我们将继续学习自旋锁的同步原语。 如果阅读了上一部分的相关内容,你可能记得除了正常自旋锁,Linux 内核还提供自旋锁的一种特殊类型 - 队列自旋锁。 在这个部分我们将尝试理解此概念锁代表的含义。


  • spin_lock_init - 为给定自旋锁进行初始化;
  • spin_lock - 获取给定自旋锁
  • spin_lock_bh - 禁止软件中断并且获取给定自旋锁
  • spin_lock_irqsavespin_lock_irq - 禁止本地处理器中断并且保存/不保存之前标识位的中断状态;
  • spin_unlock - 释放给定的自旋锁
  • spin_unlock_bh - 释放给定的自旋锁并且启用软件中断;
  • spin_is_locked - 返回给定自旋锁的状态;
  • 等等。

而且我们知道所有这些宏都在 include/linux/spinlock.h 头文件中所定义,都被扩展成针对 x86_64 架构,来自于 arch/x86/include/asm/spinlock.h 文件的 arch_spin_.* 前缀的函数调用。如果我们关注这个头文件,我们会发现这些函数(arch_spin_is_lockedarch_spin_lockarch_spin_unlock 等等)只在 CONFIG_QUEUED_SPINLOCKS 内核配置选项禁用的时才定义:

#include <asm/qspinlock.h>
static __always_inline void arch_spin_lock(arch_spinlock_t *lock)

这意味着 arch/x86/include/asm/qspinlock.h 这个头文件提供提供这些函数自己的实现。实际上这些函数是宏定义并且在分布在其他头文件中。这个头文件是 include/asm-generic/qspinlock.h。如果我们查看这个头文件,我们会发现这些宏的定义:

#define arch_spin_is_locked(l)          queued_spin_is_locked(l)
#define arch_spin_is_contended(l)       queued_spin_is_contended(l)
#define arch_spin_value_unlocked(l)     queued_spin_value_unlocked(l)
#define arch_spin_lock(l)               queued_spin_lock(l)
#define arch_spin_trylock(l)            queued_spin_trylock(l)
#define arch_spin_unlock(l)             queued_spin_unlock(l)
#define arch_spin_lock_flags(l, f)      queued_spin_lock(l)
#define arch_spin_unlock_wait(l)        queued_spin_unlock_wait(l)

在我们考虑怎么排列自旋锁和实现他们的 API,我们首先看看理论部分。

3.1. 介绍队列自旋锁

队列自旋锁是 Linux 内核的锁机制,是标准自旋锁的代替物。至少对 x86_64 架构是真的。如果我们查看了以下内核配置文件 - kernel/Kconfig.locks,我们将会发现以下配置入口:


	depends on SMP

这意味着如果 ARCH_USE_QUEUED_SPINLOCKS 启用,那么 CONFIG_QUEUED_SPINLOCKS 内核配置选项将默认启用。 我们能够看到 ARCH_USE_QUEUED_SPINLOCKSx86_64 特定内核配置文件 - arch/x86/Kconfig 默认开启

config X86

在开始考虑什么是队列自旋锁概念之前,让我们看看其他自旋锁的类型。一开始我们考虑正常自旋锁是如何实现的。通常,正常自旋锁的实现是基于 test and set 指令。这个指令的工作原则真的很简单。该指令写入一个值到内存地址然后返回该地址原来的旧值。这些操作都是在原子的上下文中完成的。也就是说,这个指令是不可中断的。因此如果第一个线程开始执行这个指令,第二个线程将会等待,直到第一个线程完成。基本锁可以在这个机制之上建立。可能看起来如下所示:

int lock(lock)
    while (test_and_set(lock) == 1)
    return 0;

int unlock(lock)

    return lock;
  • 排队自旋锁(ticket spinlock)解决了不公平问题而且能够保证想要获取锁的线程的顺序,单会导致导致缓存失效问题;
  • 队列自旋锁(queue spinlock)解决不公平问题和缓存失效问题;

第一个线程将执行 test_and_set 指令设置 lock1。当第二个线程调用 lock 函数,它将在 while 循环中自旋,直到第一个线程调用 unlock 函数而且 lock 等于 0。这个实现对于执行不是很好,因为该实现至少有两个问题。第一个问题是该实现可能是非公平的而且一个处理器的线程可能有很长的等待时间,即使有其他线程也在等待释放锁,它还是调用了 lock。第二个问题是所有想要获取锁的线程,必须在共享内存的变量上执行很多类似test_and_set 这样的原子操作。这导致缓存失效,因为处理器缓存会存储 lock=1,但是在线程释放锁之后,内存中 lock可能只是1

在上一部分 我们了解了自旋锁的第二种实现 -
排队自旋锁(ticket spinlock)。这一方法解决了第一个问题而且能够保证想要获取锁的线程的顺序,但是仍然存在第二个问题。

这一部分的主旨是 队列自旋锁。这个方法能够帮助解决上述的两个问题。队列自旋锁允许每个处理器对自旋过程使用他自己的内存地址。通过学习名为 MCS 锁的这种基于队列自旋锁的实现,能够最好理解基于队列自旋锁的基本原则。在了解队列自旋锁的实现之前,我们先尝试理解什么是 MCS 锁。

MCS的基本理念就在上一段已经写到了,一个线程在本地变量上自旋然后每个系统的处理器自己拥有这些变量的拷贝。换句话说这个概念建立在 Linux 内核中的 per-cpu 变量概念之上。

当第一个线程想要获取锁,线程在队列中注册了自身,或者换句话说,因为线程现在是闲置的,线程要加入特殊队列并且获取锁。当第二个线程想要在第一个线程释放锁之前获取相同锁,这个线程就会把他自身的锁变量的拷贝加入到这个特殊队列。这个例子中第一个线程会包含一个 next 字段指向第二个线程。从这一时刻,第二个线程会等待直到第一个线程释放它的锁并且关于这个事件通知给 next 线程。第一个线程从队列中删除而第二个线程持有该锁。

typedef struct qspinlock {
	union {
		atomic_t val;

		 * By using the whole 2nd least significant byte for the
		 * pending bit, we can allow better optimization of the lock
		 * acquisition for the pending bit holder.
		struct {
			u8	locked;
			u8	pending;
		struct {
			u16	locked_pending;
			u16	tail;
		struct {
			u16	tail;
			u16	locked_pending;
		struct {
			u8	reserved[2];
			u8	pending;
			u8	locked;
} arch_spinlock_t;



|         |
|  Queue  |
|         |


+---------+     +----------------------------+
|         |     |                            |
|  Queue  |---->| First thread acquired lock |
|         |     |                            |
+---------+     +----------------------------+


+---------+     +----------------------------------------+     +-------------------------+
|         |     |                                        |     |                         |
|  Queue  |---->|  Second thread waits for first thread  |<----| First thread holds lock |
|         |     |                                        |     |                         |
+---------+     +----------------------------------------+     +-------------------------+


void lock(...)
{ = NULL;
    ancestor = put_lock_to_queue_and_return_ancestor(queue, lock);

    // if we have ancestor, the lock already acquired and we
    // need to wait until it will be released
    if (ancestor)
        lock.locked = 1; = lock;

        while (lock.is_locked == true)

    // in other way we are owner of the lock and may exit

void unlock(...)
    // do we need to notify somebody or we are alonw in the
    // queue?
    if ( != NULL) {
        // the while loop from the lock() function will be
        // finished = false;
        // delete ourself from the queue and exit

    // So, we have no next threads in the queue to notify about
    // lock releasing event. Let's just put `0` to the lock, will
    // delete ourself from the queue and exit.

想法很简单,但是队列自旋锁的实现一定是比伪代码复杂。就如同我上面写到的,队列自旋锁机制计划在 Linux 内核中成为排队自旋锁的替代品。但你们可能还记得,常用自旋锁适用于32位(32-bit)字(word)。而基于MCS的锁不能使用这个大小,你们可能知道 spinlock_t 类型在 Linux 内核中的使用是宽字符(widely)的。这种情况下可能不得不重写 Linux 内核中重要的组成部分,但这是不可接受的。除了这一点,一些包含自旋锁用于保护的内核结构不能增长大小。但无论怎样,基于这一概念的 Linux 内核中的队列自旋锁实现有一些修改,可以适应32位的字。

这就是所有有关队列自旋锁的理论,现在让我们考虑以下在 Linux 内核中这个机制是如何实现的。队列自旋锁的实现看起来比排队自旋锁的实现更加复杂和混乱,但是细致的研究会引导成功。

3.2. 队列自旋锁的API

现在我们从原理角度了解了一些队列自旋锁,是时候了解 Linux 内核中这一机制的实现了。就像我们之前了解的那样 include/asm-generic/qspinlock.h 头文件提供一套宏,代表 API 中的自旋锁的获取、释放等等。

#define arch_spin_is_locked(l)          queued_spin_is_locked(l)
#define arch_spin_is_contended(l)       queued_spin_is_contended(l)
#define arch_spin_value_unlocked(l)     queued_spin_value_unlocked(l)
#define arch_spin_lock(l)               queued_spin_lock(l)
#define arch_spin_trylock(l)            queued_spin_trylock(l)
#define arch_spin_unlock(l)             queued_spin_unlock(l)
#define arch_spin_lock_flags(l, f)      queued_spin_lock(l)
#define arch_spin_unlock_wait(l)        queued_spin_unlock_wait(l)

所有这些宏扩展了同一头文件下的函数的调用。此外,我们发现 include/asm-generic/qspinlock_types.h 头文件的 qspinlock 结构代表了 Linux 内核队列自旋锁。

typedef struct qspinlock {
	atomic_t	val;
} arch_spinlock_t;

如我们所了解的,qspinlock 结构只包含了一个字段 - val。这个字段代表给定自旋锁的状态。4 个字节字段包括如下 4 个部分:

  • 0-7 - 上锁字节(locked byte);
  • 8 - 未决位(pending bit);
  • 16-17 - 这两位代表了 MCS 锁的 per_cpu 数组(马上就会了解);
  • 18-31 - 包括表明队列尾部的处理器数。

9-15 字节没有被使用。


struct mcs_spinlock {
       struct mcs_spinlock *next;
       int locked;
       int count;

来自 kernel/locking/mcs_spinlock.h 头文件。第一个字段代表了指向队列中下一个线程的指针。第二个字段代表了队列中当前线程的状态,其中 1已经获取而 0 相反。然后最后一个 mcs_spinlock 字段 结构代表嵌套锁 (nested locks),了解什么是嵌套锁,就像想象一下当线程已经获取锁的情况,而被硬件中断 所中断,然后中断处理程序又尝试获取锁。这个例子里,每个处理器不只是 mcs_spinlock 结构的拷贝,也是这些结构的数组:

static DEFINE_PER_CPU_ALIGNED(struct mcs_spinlock, mcs_nodes[4]);

此数组允许以下情况的四个事件的锁获取的四个尝试(原文:This array allows to make four attempts of a lock acquisition for the four events in following contexts:

  • 普通任务上下文;
  • 硬件中断上下文;
  • 软件中断上下文;
  • 屏蔽中断上下文。

现在让我们返回 qspinlock 结构和队列自旋锁API 中来。在我们考虑队列自旋锁API 之前,请注意 qspinlock 结构的 val 字段有类型 - atomic_t,此类型代表原子变量或者变量的一次操作(原文:one operation at a time variable)。一次,所有这个字段的操作都是原子的。比如说让我们看看 val API 的值:

static __always_inline int queued_spin_is_locked(struct qspinlock *lock)
	return atomic_read(&lock->val);

Ok,现在我们知道 Linux 内核的代表队列自旋锁数据结构,那么是时候看看队列自旋锁API主要(main)函数的实现。

#define arch_spin_lock(l)               queued_spin_lock(l)

没错,这个函数是 - queued_spin_lock。正如我们可能从函数名中所了解的一样,函数允许通过线程获取锁。这个函数在 include/asm-generic/qspinlock_types.h 头文件中定义,它的实现看起来是这样:

static __always_inline void queued_spin_lock(struct qspinlock *lock)
        u32 val;

        val = atomic_cmpxchg_acquire(&lock->val, 0, _Q_LOCKED_VAL);
        if (likely(val == 0))
        queued_spin_lock_slowpath(lock, val);

看起来很简单,除了 queued_spin_lock_slowpath 函数,我们可能发现它只有一个参数。在我们的例子中这个参数代表 队列自旋锁 被上锁。让我们考虑队列锁为空,现在第一个线程想要获取锁的情况。正如我们可能了解的 queued_spin_lock 函数从调用 atomic_cmpxchg_acquire 宏开始。就像你们可能从宏的名字猜到的那样,它执行原子的 CMPXCHG 指令,使用第一个参数(当前给定自旋锁的状态)比较第二个参数(在我们的例子为零)的值,如果他们相等,那么第二个参数在存储位置保存 _Q_LOCKED_VAL 的值,该存储位置通过 &lock->val 指向并且返回这个存储位置的初始值。

atomic_cmpxchg_acquire 宏定义在 include/linux/atomic.h 头文件中并且扩展了 atomic_cmpxchg 函数的调用:

#define  atomic_cmpxchg_acquire         atomic_cmpxchg

这实现是架构所指定的。我们考虑 x86_64 架构,因此在我们的例子中这个头文件在 arch/x86/include/asm/atomic.h 并且atomic_cmpxchg 函数的实现只是返回 cmpxchg 宏的结果:

static __always_inline int atomic_cmpxchg(atomic_t *v, int old, int new)
        return cmpxchg(&v->counter, old, new);


#define cmpxchg(ptr, old, new) \
    __cmpxchg(ptr, old, new, sizeof(*(ptr)))

#define __cmpxchg(ptr, old, new, size) \
    __raw_cmpxchg((ptr), (old), (new), (size), LOCK_PREFIX)

就像我们可能了解的那样,cmpxchg 宏使用几乎相同的参数集合扩展了 __cpmxchg 宏。新添加的参数是原子值的大小。__cpmxchg 宏添加了 LOCK_PREFIX,还扩展了 __raw_cmpxchg 宏中 LOCK_PREFIXLOCK指令。毕竟 __raw_cmpxchg 对我们来说做了所有的的工作:

#define __raw_cmpxchg(ptr, old, new, size, lock) \
    volatile u32 *__ptr = (volatile u32 *)(ptr);            \
    asm volatile(lock "cmpxchgl %2,%1"                      \
                 : "=a" (__ret), "+m" (*__ptr)              \
                 : "r" (__new), "" (__old)                  \
                 : "memory");                               \

atomic_cmpxchg_acquire 宏被执行后,该宏返回内存地址之前的值。现在只有一个线程尝试获取锁,因此 val 将会置为零然后我们从 queued_spin_lock 函数返回:

val = atomic_cmpxchg_acquire(&lock->val, 0, _Q_LOCKED_VAL);
if (likely(val == 0))

此时此刻,我们的第一个线程持有锁。注意这个行为与在 MCS 算法的描述有所区别。线程获取锁,但是我们不添加此线程入队列。就像我之前已经写到的,队列自旋锁 概念的实现在 Linux 内核中基于 MCS 算法,但是于此同时它对优化目的有一些差异。

所以第一个线程已经获取了锁然后现在让我们考虑第二个线程尝试获取相同的锁的情况。第二个线程将从同样的 queued_spin_lock 函数开始,但是 lock->val 会包含 1 或者 _Q_LOCKED_VAL,因为第一个线程已经持有了锁。因此,在本例中 queued_spin_lock_slowpath 函数将会被调用。queued_spin_lock_slowpath函数定义在 kernel/locking/qspinlock.c 源码文件中并且从以下的检查开始:

 * queued_spin_lock_slowpath - acquire the queued spinlock
 * @lock: Pointer to queued spinlock structure
 * @val: Current value of the queued spinlock 32-bit word
 * (queue tail, pending bit, lock value)
 *              fast     :    slow                                  :    unlock
 *                       :                                          :
 * uncontended  (0,0,0) -:--> (0,0,1) ------------------------------:--> (*,*,0)
 *                       :       | ^--------.------.             /  :
 *                       :       v           \      \            |  :
 * pending               :    (0,1,1) +--> (0,1,0)   \           |  :
 *                       :       | ^--'              |           |  :
 *                       :       v                   |           |  :
 * uncontended           :    (n,x,y) +--> (n,0,0) --'           |  :
 *   queue               :       | ^--'                          |  :
 *                       :       v                               |  :
 * contended             :    (*,x,y) +--> (*,0,0) ---> (*,0,1) -'  :
 *   queue               :         ^--'                             :
void queued_spin_lock_slowpath(struct qspinlock *lock, u32 val)
	if (pv_enabled())
	    goto queue;

    if (virt_spin_lock(lock))


这些检查操作检查了 pvqspinlock 的状态。pvqspinlock 是在准虚拟化/半虚拟化(paravirtualized)环境中的队列自旋锁。就像这一章节只相关 Linux 内核同步原语一样,我们跳过这些和其他不直接相关本章节主题的部分。这些检查之后我们比较使用 _Q_PENDING_VAL 宏的值所代表的锁,然后什么都不做直到该比较为真(原文:After these checks we compare our value which represents lock with the value of the _Q_PENDING_VAL macro and do nothing while this is true):

if (val == _Q_PENDING_VAL) {
	while ((val = atomic_read(&lock->val)) == _Q_PENDING_VAL)

这里 cpu_relax 只是 NOP 指令。综上,我们了解了锁饱含着 - pending 位。这个位代表了想要获取锁的线程,但是这个锁已经被其他线程获取了,并且与此同时队列为空。在本例中,pending 位将被设置并且队列不会被创建(touched)。这是优化所完成的,因为不需要考虑在引发缓存无效的自身 mcs_spinlock 数组的创建产生的非必需隐患(原文:This is done for optimization, because there are no need in unnecessary latency which will be caused by the cache invalidation in a touching of own mcs_spinlock array.)。


for (;;) {
	if (val & ~_Q_LOCKED_MASK)
		goto queue;

	new = _Q_LOCKED_VAL;
	if (val == new)
		new |= _Q_PENDING_VAL;

	old = atomic_cmpxchg_acquire(&lock->val, val, new);
	if (old == val)

	val = old;

这里第一个 if 子句检查锁 (val) 的状态是上锁还是待定的(pending)。这意味着第一个线程已经获取了锁,第二个线程也试图获取锁,但现在第二个线程是待定状态。本例中我们需要开始建立队列。我们将稍后考虑这个情况。在我们的例子中,第一个线程持有锁而第二个线程也尝试获取锁。这个检查之后我们在上锁状态并且使用之前锁状态比较后创建新锁。就像你记得的那样,val 包含了 &lock->val 状态,在第二个线程调用 atomic_cmpxchg_acquire 宏后状态将会等于 1。由于 newval 的值相等,所以我们在第二个线程的锁上设置待定位。在此之后,我们需要再次检查 &lock->val 的值,因为第一个线程可能在这个时候释放锁。如果第一个线程还又没释放锁,的值将等于 val (因为 atomic_cmpxchg_acquire 将会返回存储地址指向 lock->val 的值并且当前为 1)然后我们将退出循环。因为我们退出了循环,我们会等待第一个线程直到它释放锁,清除待定位,获取锁并且返回:

smp_cond_acquire(!(atomic_read(&lock->val) & _Q_LOCKED_MASK));

注意我们还没创建队列。这里我们不需要,因为对于两个线程来说,队列只是导致对内存访问的非必需潜在因素。在其他的例子中,第一个线程可能在这个时候释放其锁。在本例中 lock->val 将包含 _Q_LOCKED_VAL | _Q_PENDING_VAL 并且我们会开始建立队列。通过获得处理器执行线程的本地 mcs_nodes 数组的拷贝我们开始建立队列

node = this_cpu_ptr(&mcs_nodes[0]);
idx = node->count++;
tail = encode_tail(smp_processor_id(), idx);

除此之外我们计算 表示队列尾部和代表 mcs_nodes 数组实体的索引tail 。在此之后我们设置 node 指向正确的 mcs_nodes 数组,设置 locked 为零应为这个线程还没有获取锁,还有 nextNULL 因为我们不知道任何有关其他队列实体的信息:

node += idx;
node->locked = 0;
node->next = NULL;

我们已经创建了对于执行当前线程想获取锁的处理器的队列的每个 cpu(per-cpu) 的拷贝,这意味着锁的拥有者可能在这个时刻释放了锁。因此我们可能通过 queued_spin_trylock 函数的调用尝试去再次获取锁。

if (queued_spin_trylock(lock))
		goto release;

queued_spin_trylock 函数在 include/asm-generic/qspinlock.h 头文件中被定义而且就像 queued_spin_lock 函数一样:

static __always_inline int queued_spin_trylock(struct qspinlock *lock)
	if (!atomic_read(&lock->val) &&
	   (atomic_cmpxchg_acquire(&lock->val, 0, _Q_LOCKED_VAL) == 0))
		return 1;
	return 0;



现在我们不再需要它了,因为锁已经获得了。如果 queued_spin_trylock 不成功,我们更新队列的尾部:

old = xchg_tail(lock, tail);


if (old & _Q_TAIL_MASK) {
	prev = decode_tail(old);
	WRITE_ONCE(prev->next, node);



next = READ_ONCE(node->next);
if (next)

如果新节点被添加,我们从通过使用 PREFETCHW 指令指出下一个队列实体的内存中预先去除缓存线(cache line)。以优化为目的我们现在预先载入这个指针。我们只是改变了队列的头而这意味着有将要到来的 MCS 进行解锁操作并且下一个实体会被创建。


smp_cond_acquire(!((val = atomic_read(&lock->val)) & _Q_LOCKED_PENDING_MASK));



3.3. 总结

这是 Linux 内核同步原语章节第二部分的结尾。在上一个部分我们已经见到了第一个同步原语自旋锁通过 Linux 内核 实现的排队自旋锁(ticket spinlock)。在这个部分我们了解了另一个自旋锁机制的实现 - 队列自旋锁。下一个部分我们继续深入 Linux 内核同步原语。

如果您有疑问或者建议,请在twitter 0xAX 上联系我,通过 email 联系我,或者创建一个 issue.

3.4. 链接

4. 信号量

这是本章的第三部分 chapter,本章描述了内核中的同步原语,在之前的部分我们见到了特殊的 自旋锁 - 排队自旋锁。 在更前的 部分 是和 自旋锁 相关的描述。我们将描述更多同步原语。

自旋锁 之后的下一个我们将要讲到的 内核同步原语信号量。我们会从理论角度开始学习什么是 信号量, 然后我们会像前几章一样讲到Linux内核是如何实现信号量的。


4.1. 介绍Linux内核中的信号量

那么究竟什么是 信号量 ?就像你可以猜到那样 - 信号量 是另外一种支持线程或者进程的同步机制。Linux内核已经提供了一种同步机制 - 自旋锁, 为什么我们还需要另外一种呢?为了回答这个问题,我们需要理解这两种机制。我们已经熟悉了 自旋锁 ,因此我们从 信号量 机制开始。

自旋锁 的设计理念是它仅会被持有非常短的时间。 但持有自旋锁的时候我们不可以进入睡眠模式因为其他的进程在等待我们。为了防止 死锁 上下文交换 也是不允许的。

当需要长时间持有一个锁的时候 信号量 就是一个很好的解决方案。从另一个方面看,这个机制对于需要短期持有锁的应用并不是最优。为了理解这个问题,我们需要知道什么是 信号量

就像一般的同步原语,信号量 是基于变量的。这个变量可以变大或者减少,并且这个变量的状态代表了获取锁的能力。注意这个变量的值并不限于 01。有两种类型的 信号量

  • 二值信号量;
  • 普通信号量.

第一种 信号量 的值可以为 1 或者 0。第二种 信号量 的值可以为任何非负数。如果 信号量 的值大于 1 那么它被叫做 计数信号量,并且它允许多于 1 个进程获取它。这种机制允许我们记录现有的资源,而 自旋锁 只允许我们为一个任务上锁。除了所有这些之外,另外一个重要的点是 信号量 允许进入睡眠状态。 另外当某进程在等待一个被其他进程获取的锁时, 调度器 也许会切换别的进程。

4.2. 信号量 API

因此,我们从理论方面了解一些 信号量的知识,我们来看看它在Linux内核中是如何实现的。所有 信号量 相关的 API 都在名为 include/linux/semaphore.h 的头文件中

我们看到 信号量 机制是有以下的结构体表示的:

struct semaphore {
	raw_spinlock_t		lock;
	unsigned int		count;
	struct list_head	wait_list;

在内核中, 信号量 结构体由三部分组成:

  • lock - 保护 信号量自旋锁;
  • count - 现有资源的数量;
  • wait_list - 等待获取此锁的进程序列.

在我们考虑Linux内核的的 信号量 API 之前,我们需要知道如何初始化一个 信号量。事实上, Linux内核提供了两个 信号量 的初始函数。这些函数允许初始化一个 信号量 为:

  • 静态;
  • 动态.

我们来看看第一个种初始化静态 信号量。我们可以使用 DEFINE_SEMAPHORE 宏将 信号量 静态初始化。

#define DEFINE_SEMAPHORE(name)  \
         struct semaphore name = __SEMAPHORE_INITIALIZER(name, 1)

就像我们看到这样,DEFINE_SEMAPHORE 宏只提供了初始化 二值 信号量。 DEFINE_SEMAPHORE 宏展开到 信号量 结构体的定义。结构体通过 __SEMAPHORE_INITIALIZER 宏初始化。我们来看看这个宏的实现

#define __SEMAPHORE_INITIALIZER(name, n)              \
{                                                                       \
    .lock           = __RAW_SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED((name).lock),        \
    .count          = n,                                            \
    .wait_list      = LIST_HEAD_INIT((name).wait_list),             \

__SEMAPHORE_INITIALIZER 宏传入了 信号量 结构体的名字并且初始化这个结构体的各个域。首先我们使用 __RAW_SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED 宏对给予的 信号量 初始化一个 自旋锁。就像你从 之前 的部分看到那样,__RAW_SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED 宏是在 include/linux/spinlock_types.h 头文件中定义,它展开到 __ARCH_SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED 宏,而 __ARCH_SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED 宏又展开到零或者无锁状态

#define __ARCH_SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED       { { 0 } }

信号量 的最后两个域 countwait_list 是通过现有资源的数量和空 链表来初始化。
第二种初始化 信号量 的方式是将 信号量 和现有资源数目传送给 sema_init 函数。 这个函数是在 include/linux/semaphore.h 头文件中定义的。

static inline void sema_init(struct semaphore *sem, int val)
   static struct lock_class_key __key;
   *sem = (struct semaphore) __SEMAPHORE_INITIALIZER(*sem, val);
   lockdep_init_map(&sem->lock.dep_map, "semaphore->lock", &__key, 0);

我们来看看这个函数是如何实现的。它看起来很简单。函数使用我们刚看到的 __SEMAPHORE_INITIALIZER 宏对传入的 信号量 进行初始化。就像我们在之前 部分 写的那样,我们将会跳过Linux内核关于 锁验证 的部分。
从现在开始我们知道如何初始化一个 信号量,我们看看如何上锁和解锁。Linux内核提供了如下操作 信号量API

void down(struct semaphore *sem);
void up(struct semaphore *sem);
int  down_interruptible(struct semaphore *sem);
int  down_killable(struct semaphore *sem);
int  down_trylock(struct semaphore *sem);
int  down_timeout(struct semaphore *sem, long jiffies);

前两个函数: downup 是用来获取或释放 信号量down_interruptible函数试图去获取一个 信号量。如果被成功获取,信号量 的计数就会被减少并且锁也会被获取。同时当前任务也会被调度到受阻状态,也就是说 TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE 标志将会被至位。TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE 表示这个进程也许可以通过 信号 退回到销毁状态。

down_killable 函数和 down_interruptible 函数提供类似的功能,但是它还将当前进程的 TASK_KILLABLE 标志置位。这表示等待的进程可以被杀死信号中断。

down_trylock 函数和 spin_trylock 函数相似。这个函数试图去获取一个锁并且退出如果这个操作是失败的。在这个例子中,想获取锁的进程不会等待。最后的 down_timeout函数试图去获取一个锁。当前进程将会被中断进入到等待状态当超过传入的可等待时间。除此之外你也许注意到,这个等待的时间是以 jiffies计数。

我们刚刚看了 信号量 API的定义。我们从 down 函数开始看。这个函数是在 kernel/locking/semaphore.c 源代码定义的。我们来看看函数实现:

void down(struct semaphore *sem)
        unsigned long flags;

        raw_spin_lock_irqsave(&sem->lock, flags);
        if (likely(sem->count > 0))
        raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sem->lock, flags);

我们先看在 down 函数起始处定义的 flags 变量。这个变量将会传入到 raw_spin_lock_irqsaveraw_spin_lock_irqrestore 宏定义。这些宏是在 include/linux/spinlock.h头文件定义的。这些宏用来保护当前 信号量 的计数器。事实上这两个宏的作用和 spin_lockspin_unlock 宏相似。只不过这组宏会存储/重置当前中断标志并且禁止 中断

就像你猜到那样, down 函数的主要就是通过 raw_spin_lock_irqsaveraw_spin_unlock_irqrestore 宏来实现的。我们通过将 信号量 的计数器和零对比,如果计数器大于零,我们可以减少这个计数器。这表示我们已经获取了这个锁。否则如果计数器是零,这表示所以的现有资源都已经被占用,我们需要等待以获取这个锁。就像我们看到那样, __down 函数将会被调用。
__down 函数是在 相同)的源代码定义的,它的实现看起来如下:

static noinline void __sched __down(struct semaphore *sem)

__down 函数仅仅调用了 __down_common 函数,并且传入了三个参数

  • semaphore;
  • flag - 对当前任务;
  • timeout - 最长等待 信号量 的时间.

在我们看 __down_common 函数之前,注意 down_trylock, down_timeoutdown_killable 的实现也都是基于 __down_common 函数。

static noinline int __sched __down_interruptible(struct semaphore *sem)
        return __down_common(sem, TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE, MAX_SCHEDULE_TIMEOUT);

__down_killable 函数:

static noinline int __sched __down_killable(struct semaphore *sem)
        return __down_common(sem, TASK_KILLABLE, MAX_SCHEDULE_TIMEOUT);

__down_timeout 函数:

static noinline int __sched __down_timeout(struct semaphore *sem, long timeout)
        return __down_common(sem, TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE, timeout);

现在我们来看看 __down_common 函数的实现。这个函数是在 kernel/locking/semaphore.c源文件中定义的。这个函数的定义从以下两个本地变量开始。

struct task_struct *task = current;
struct semaphore_waiter waiter;

第一个变量表示当前想获取本地处理器锁的任务。 current 宏是在 arch/x86/include/asm/current.h 头文件中定义的。

#define current get_current()

get_current 函数返回 current_task per-cpu 变量的值。

DECLARE_PER_CPU(struct task_struct *, current_task);

static __always_inline struct task_struct *get_current(void)
        return this_cpu_read_stable(current_task);

第二个变量是 waiter 表示了一个 semaphore.wait_list 列表的入口:

struct semaphore_waiter {
    struct list_head list;
    struct task_struct *task;
    bool up;

下一步我们将当前进程加入到 wait_list 并且在定义如下变量后填充 waiter

list_add_tail(&waiter.list, &sem->wait_list);
waiter.task = current;
waiter.up = false;


for (;;) {
    if (signal_pending_state(state, task))
        goto interrupted;

    if (unlikely(timeout <= 0))
        goto timed_out;

    __set_task_state(task, state);

    timeout = schedule_timeout(timeout);

    if (waiter.up)
        return 0;

在之前的代码中我们将 waiter.up 设置为 false。所以当 up 没有设置为 true 任务将会在这个无限循环中循环。这个循环从检查当前的任务是否处于 pending 状态开始,也就是说此任务的标志包含 TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE 或者 TASK_WAKEKILL 标志。我之前写到当一个任务在等待获取一个信号的时候任务也许可以被 信号 中断。signal_pending_state 函数是在 include/linux/sched.h原文件中定义的,它看起来如下:

static inline int signal_pending_state(long state, struct task_struct *p)
             return 0;
     if (!signal_pending(p))
             return 0;

     return (state & TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE) || __fatal_signal_pending(p);

我们先会检测 state 位掩码 包含 TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE 或者 TASK_WAKEKILL 位,如果不包含这两个位,函数退出。下一步我们检测当前任务是否有一个挂起信号,如果没有挂起信号函数退出。最后我们就检测 state 位掩码的 TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE 位。如果,我们任务包含一个挂起信号,我们将会跳转到 interrupted 标签:

    return -EINTR;

在这个标签中,我们会删除等待锁的列表,然后返回 -EINTR 错误码。 如果一个任务没有挂起信号,我们检测超时是否小于等于零。

if (unlikely(timeout <= 0))
    goto timed_out;

我们跳转到 timed_out 标签:

    return -ETIME;

在这个标签里,我们继续做和 interrupted 一样的事情。我们将任务从锁等待者中删除,但是返回 -ETIME 错误码。如果一个任务没有挂起信号而且给予的超时也没有过期,当前的任务将会被设置为传入的 state

__set_task_state(task, state);

然后调用 schedule_timeout 函数:

timeout = schedule_timeout(timeout);

这个函数是在 kernel/time/timer.c 代码中定义的。schedule_timeout 函数将当前的任务置为休眠到设置的超时为止。

这就是所有关于 __down_common 函数。如果一个函数想要获取一个已经被其它任务获取的锁,它将会转入到无限循环。并且它不能被信号中断,当前设置的超时不会过期或者当前持有锁的任务不释放它。现在我们来看看 up 函数的实现。

up 函数和 down 函数定义在同一个 原文件。这个函数的主要功能是释放锁,这个函数看起来:

void up(struct semaphore *sem)
    unsigned long flags;

    raw_spin_lock_irqsave(&sem->lock, flags);
    if (likely(list_empty(&sem->wait_list)))
    raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sem->lock, flags);

它看起来和 down 函数相似。这里有两个不同点。首先我们增加 semaphore 的计数。如果等待列表是空的,我们调用在当前原文件中定义的 __up 函数。如果等待列表不是空的,我们需要允许列表中的第一个任务去获取一个锁:

static noinline void __sched __up(struct semaphore *sem)
        struct semaphore_waiter *waiter = list_first_entry(&sem->wait_list,
                                                struct semaphore_waiter, list);
        waiter->up = true;

在此我们获取待序列中的第一个任务,将它从列表中删除,将它的 waiter-up 设置为真。从此刻起 __down_common 函数中的无限循环将会被停止。 wake_up_process 函数将会在 __up 函数的结尾调用。我们从 __down_common 函数调用的 schedule_timeout 函数调用了 schedule_timeout 函数。schedule_timeout 函数将当前任务置于睡眠状态直到超时等待。现在我们进程也许会睡眠,我们需要唤醒。这就是为什么我们需要从 kernel/sched/core.c 源代码中调用 wake_up_process 函数


4.3. 小结

这就是Linux内核中关于 同步原语 的第三部分的终结。在之前的两个部分,我们已经见到了第一个Linux内核的同步原语 自旋锁,它是使用 ticket spinlock 实现并且用于很短时间的锁。在这个部分我们见到了另外一种同步原语 - 信号量,信号量用于长时间的锁,因为它会导致 上下文切换。 在下一部分,我们将会继续深入Linux内核的同步原语并且讨论另一个同步原语 - 互斥量

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5. 互斥锁

This is the fourth part of the chapter which describes synchronization primitives in the Linux kernel and in the previous parts we finished to consider different types spinlocks and semaphore synchronization primitives. We will continue to learn synchronization primitives in this part and consider yet another one which is called - mutex which is stands for MUTual EXclusion.

As in all previous parts of this book, we will try to consider this synchronization primitive from the theoretical side and only than we will consider API provided by the Linux kernel to manipulate with mutexes.

So, let’s start.

5.1. 互斥锁的概念

We already familiar with the semaphore synchronization primitive from the previous part. It represented by the:

struct semaphore {
	raw_spinlock_t		lock;
	unsigned int		count;
	struct list_head	wait_list;

structure which holds information about state of a lock and list of a lock waiters. Depends on the value of the count field, a semaphore can provide access to a resource of more than one wishing of this resource. The mutex concept is very similar to a semaphore concept. But it has some differences. The main difference between semaphore and mutex synchronization primitive is that mutex has more strict semantic. Unlike a semaphore, only one process may hold mutex at one time and only the owner of a mutex may release or unlock it. Additional difference in implementation of lock API. The semaphore synchronization primitive forces rescheduling of processes which are in waiters list. The implementation of mutex lock API allows to avoid this situation and as a result expensive context switches.

The mutex synchronization primitive represented by the following:

struct mutex {
    atomic_t                count;
    spinlock_t              wait_lock;
    struct list_head        wait_list;
    struct task_struct      *owner;
    struct optimistic_spin_queue osq;
    void                    *magic;
    struct lockdep_map      dep_map;

structure in the Linux kernel. This structure is defined in the include/linux/mutex.h header file and contains similar to the semaphore structure set of fields. The first field of the mutex structure is - count. Value of this field represents state of a mutex. In a case when the value of the count field is 1, a mutex is in unlocked state. When the value of the count field is zero, a mutex is in the locked state. Additionally value of the count field may be negative. In this case a mutex is in the locked state and has possible waiters.

The next two fields of the mutex structure - wait_lock and wait_list are spinlock for the protection of a wait queue and list of waiters which represents this wait queue for a certain lock. As you may notice, the similarity of the mutex and semaphore structures ends. Remaining fields of the mutex structure, as we may see depends on different configuration options of the Linux kernel.

The first field - owner represents process which acquired a lock. As we may see, existence of this field in the mutex structure depends on the CONFIG_DEBUG_MUTEXES or CONFIG_MUTEX_SPIN_ON_OWNER kernel configuration options. Main point of this field and the next osq fields is support of optimistic spinning which we will see later. The last two fields - magic and dep_map are used only in debugging mode. The magic field is to storing a mutex related information for debugging and the second field - lockdep_map is for lock validator of the Linux kernel.

Now, after we have considered the mutex structure, we may consider how this synchronization primitive works in the Linux kernel. As you may guess, a process which wants to acquire a lock, must to decrease value of the mutex->count if possible. And if a process wants to release a lock, it must to increase the same value. That’s true. But as you may also guess, it is not so simple in the Linux kernel.

Actually, when a process try to acquire a mutex, there three possible paths:

  • fastpath:没人占用这个锁;
  • midpath:已经被加锁,使用MCS锁;
  • slowpath:已经被加锁.
/* optimistic spinning,乐观自旋,到底有多乐观呢?
 *  当发现锁被持有时,optimistic spinning相信持有者很快就能把锁释放,
 *  因此它选择自旋等待,而不是睡眠等待,这样也就能减少进程切换带来的开销了。
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 上文中提到过Mutex在实现过程中,采用了optimistic spinning自旋等待机制, 这个机制的核心就是基于MCS锁机制来实现的;
MCS锁机制是由John Mellor Crummey和Michael Scott在论文中《algorithms for scalable synchronization on shared-memory multiprocessors》提出的,并以 他俩的名字来命名;
MCS锁机制要解决的问题是:在多CPU系统中,自旋锁都在同一个变量上进行自旋, 在获取锁时会将包含锁的cache line移动到本地CPU,这种cache-line bouncing会 很大程度影响性能;
MCS锁机制的核心思想:每个CPU都分配一个自旋锁结构体,自旋锁的申请者(per- CPU)在local-CPU变量上自旋,这些结构体组建成一个链表,申请者自旋等待前驱 节点释放该锁;
osq(optimistci spinning queue)是基于MCS算法的一个具体实现,并经过了迭代优化;

which may be taken, depending on the current state of the mutex. The first path or fastpath is the fastest as you may understand from its name. Everything is easy in this case. Nobody acquired a mutex, so the value of the count field of the mutex structure may be directly decremented. In a case of unlocking of a mutex, the algorithm is the same. A process just increments the value of the count field of the mutex structure. Of course, all of these operations must be atomic.

Yes, this looks pretty easy. But what happens if a process wants to acquire a mutex which is already acquired by other process? In this case, the control will be transferred to the second path - midpath. The midpath or optimistic spinning tries to spin with already familiar for us MCS lock while the lock owner is running. This path will be executed only if there are no other processes ready to run that have higher priority. **This path is called optimistic because the waiting task will not be sleep and rescheduled. **This allows to avoid expensive context switch.


In the last case, when the fastpath and midpath may not be executed, the last path - slowpath will be executed. This path acts like a semaphore lock. If the lock is unable to be acquired by a process, this process will be added to wait queue which is represented by the following:

struct mutex_waiter {
    struct list_head        list;
    struct task_struct      *task;
    void                    *magic;


 * This is the control structure for tasks blocked on mutex,
 * which resides on the blocked task's kernel stack:
struct mutex_waiter {
	struct list_head	list;
	struct task_struct	*task;
	struct ww_acquire_ctx	*ww_ctx;
	void			*magic;

structure from the include/linux/mutex.h header file and will be sleep. Before we will consider API which is provided by the Linux kernel for manipulation with mutexes, let’s consider the mutex_waiter structure. If you have read the previous part of this chapter, you may notice that the mutex_waiter structure is similar to the semaphore_waiter structure from the kernel/locking/semaphore.c source code file:

struct semaphore_waiter {
    struct list_head list;
    struct task_struct *task;
    bool up;

It also contains list and task fields which are represent entry of the mutex wait queue. The one difference here that the mutex_waiter does not contains up field, but contains the magic field which depends on the CONFIG_DEBUG_MUTEXES kernel configuration option and used to store a mutex related information for debugging purpose.

Now we know what is it mutex and how it is represented the Linux kernel. In this case, we may go ahead and start to look at the API which the Linux kernel provides for manipulation of mutexes.

5.2. 互斥锁 API

Ok, in the previous paragraph we knew what is it mutex synchronization primitive and saw the mutex structure which represents mutex in the Linux kernel. Now it’s time to consider API for manipulation of mutexes. Description of the mutex API is located in the include/linux/mutex.h header file. As always, before we will consider how to acquire and release a mutex, we need to know how to initialize it.

There are two approaches to initialize a mutex. The first is to do it statically. For this purpose the Linux kernel provides following:

#define DEFINE_MUTEX(mutexname) \
        struct mutex mutexname = __MUTEX_INITIALIZER(mutexname)

macro. Let’s consider implementation of this macro. As we may see, the DEFINE_MUTEX macro takes name for the mutex and expands to the definition of the new mutex structure. Additionally new mutex structure get initialized with the __MUTEX_INITIALIZER macro. Let’s look at the implementation of the __MUTEX_INITIALIZER:

#define __MUTEX_INITIALIZER(lockname)         \
{                                                             \
       .count = ATOMIC_INIT(1),                               \
       .wait_lock = __SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED(lockname.wait_lock), \
       .wait_list = LIST_HEAD_INIT(lockname.wait_list)        \

This macro is defined in the same header file and as we may understand it initializes fields of the mutex structure the initial values. The count field get initialized with the 1 which represents unlocked state of a mutex. The wait_lock spinlock get initialized to the unlocked state and the last field wait_list to empty doubly linked list.

The second approach allows us to initialize a mutex dynamically. To do this we need to call the __mutex_init function from the kernel/locking/mutex.c source code file. Actually, the __mutex_init function rarely called directly. Instead of the __mutex_init, the:

# define mutex_init(mutex)                \
do {                                                    \
    static struct lock_class_key __key;             \
    __mutex_init((mutex), #mutex, &__key);          \
} while (0)

macro is used. We may see that the mutex_init macro just defines the lock_class_key and call the __mutex_init function. Let’s look at the implementation of this function:

__mutex_init(struct mutex *lock, const char *name, struct lock_class_key *key)
        atomic_set(&lock->count, 1);
        debug_mutex_init(lock, name, key);

As we may see the __mutex_init function takes three arguments:

  • lock - a mutex itself;
  • name - name of mutex for debugging purpose;
  • key - key for lock validator.

At the beginning of the __mutex_init function, we may see initialization of the mutex state. We set it to unlocked state with the atomic_set function which atomically set the give variable to the given value. After this we may see initialization of the spinlock to the unlocked state which will protect wait queue of the mutex and initialization of the wait queue of the mutex. After this we clear owner of the lock and initialize optimistic queue by the call of the osq_lock_init function from the include/linux/osq_lock.h header file. This function just sets the tail of the optimistic queue to the unlocked state:

static inline bool osq_is_locked(struct optimistic_spin_queue *lock)
   return atomic_read(&lock->tail) != OSQ_UNLOCKED_VAL;

In the end of the __mutex_init function we may see the call of the debug_mutex_init function, but as I already wrote in previous parts of this chapter, we will not consider debugging related stuff in this chapter.

After the mutex structure is initialized, we may go ahead and will look at the lock and unlock API of mutex synchronization primitive. Implementation of mutex_lock and mutex_unlock functions located in the kernel/locking/mutex.c source code file. First of all let’s start from the implementation of the mutex_lock. It looks:

void __sched mutex_lock(struct mutex *lock)
    __mutex_fastpath_lock(&lock->count, __mutex_lock_slowpath);

We may see the call of the might_sleep macro from the include/linux/kernel.h header file at the beginning of the mutex_lock function. Implementation of this macro depends on the CONFIG_DEBUG_ATOMIC_SLEEP kernel configuration option and if this option is enabled, this macro just prints a stack trace if it was executed in atomic context. This macro is helper for debugging purposes. In other way this macro does nothing.

After the might_sleep macro, we may see the call of the __mutex_fastpath_lock function. This function is architecture-specific and as we consider x86_64 architecture in this book, the implementation of the __mutex_fastpath_lock is located in the arch/x86/include/asm/mutex_64.h header file. As we may understand from the name of the __mutex_fastpath_lock function, this function will try to acquire lock in a fast path or in other words this function will try to decrement the value of the count of the given mutex.

Implementation of the __mutex_fastpath_lock function consists from two parts. The first part is inline assembly statement. Let’s look at it:

asm_volatile_goto(LOCK_PREFIX "   decl %0\n"
                              "   jns %l[exit]\n"
                              : : "m" (v->counter)
                              : "memory", "cc"
                              : exit);

First of all, let’s pay attention to the asm_volatile_goto. This macro is defined in the include/linux/compiler-gcc.h header file and just expands to the two inline assembly statements:

#define asm_volatile_goto(x...) do { asm goto(x); asm (""); } while (0)

可参见:Linux Jump Label/static-key机制详解

The first assembly statement contains goto specificator and the second empty inline assembly statement is barrier. Now let’s return to the our inline assembly statement. As we may see it starts from the definition of the LOCK_PREFIX macro which just expands to the lock instruction:

#define LOCK_PREFIX LOCK_PREFIX_HERE "\n\tlock; "

As we already know from the previous parts, this instruction allows to execute prefixed instruction atomically. So, at the first step in the our assembly statement we try decrement value of the given mutex->counter. At the next step the jns instruction will execute jump at the exit label if the value of the decremented mutex->counter is not negative. The exit label is the second part of the __mutex_fastpath_lock function and it just points to the exit from this function:


For this moment he implementation of the __mutex_fastpath_lock function looks pretty easy. But the value of the mutex->counter may be negative after increment. In this case the:


will be called after our inline assembly statement. The fail_fn is the second parameter of the __mutex_fastpath_lock function and represents pointer to function which represents midpath/slowpath paths to acquire the given lock. In our case the fail_fn is the __mutex_lock_slowpath function. Before we will look at the implementation of the __mutex_lock_slowpath function, let’s finish with the implementation of the mutex_lock function. In the simplest way, the lock will be acquired successfully by a process and the __mutex_fastpath_lock will be finished. In this case, we just call the


in the end of the mutex_lock. The mutex_set_owner function is defined in the kernel/locking/mutex.h header file and just sets owner of a lock to the current process:

static inline void mutex_set_owner(struct mutex *lock)
        lock->owner = current;

In other way, let’s consider situation when a process which wants to acquire a lock is unable to do it, because another process already acquired the same lock. We already know that the __mutex_lock_slowpath function will be called in this case. Let’s consider implementation of this function. This function is defined in the kernel/locking/mutex.c source code file and starts from the obtaining of the proper mutex by the mutex state given from the __mutex_fastpath_lock with the container_of macro:

__visible void __sched
__mutex_lock_slowpath(atomic_t *lock_count)
        struct mutex *lock = container_of(lock_count, struct mutex, count);

        __mutex_lock_common(lock, TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE, 0,
                            NULL, _RET_IP_, NULL, 0);

and call the __mutex_lock_common function with the obtained mutex. The __mutex_lock_common function starts from preemption disabling until rescheduling:


After this comes the stage of optimistic spinning. As we already know this stage depends on the CONFIG_MUTEX_SPIN_ON_OWNER kernel configuration option. If this option is disabled, we skip this stage and move at the last path - slowpath of a mutex acquisition:

if (mutex_optimistic_spin(lock, ww_ctx, use_ww_ctx)) {
        return 0;

First of all the mutex_optimistic_spin function check that we don’t need to reschedule or in other words there are no other tasks ready to run that have higher priority. If this check was successful we need to update MCS lock wait queue with the current spin. In this way only one spinner can complete for the mutex at one time:


At the next step we start to spin in the next loop:

while (true) {
    owner = READ_ONCE(lock->owner);

    if (owner && !mutex_spin_on_owner(lock, owner))

    if (mutex_try_to_acquire(lock)) {
        lock_acquired(&lock->dep_map, ip);

        return true;

and try to acquire a lock. First of all we try to take current owner and if the owner exists (it may not exists in a case when a process already released a mutex) and we wait for it in the mutex_spin_on_owner function before the owner will release a lock. If new task with higher priority have appeared during wait of the lock owner, we break the loop and go to sleep. In other case, the process already may release a lock, so we try to acquire a lock with the mutex_try_to_acquired. If this operation finished successfully, we set new owner for the given mutex, removes ourself from the MCS wait queue and exit from the mutex_optimistic_spin function. At this state a lock will be acquired by a process and we enable preemption and exit from the __mutex_lock_common function:

if (mutex_optimistic_spin(lock, ww_ctx, use_ww_ctx)) {
    return 0;

That’s all for this case.

In other case all may not be so successful. For example new task may occur during we spinning in the loop from the mutex_optimistic_spin or even we may not get to this loop from the mutex_optimistic_spin in a case when there were task(s) with higher priority before this loop. Or finally the CONFIG_MUTEX_SPIN_ON_OWNER kernel configuration option disabled. In this case the mutex_optimistic_spin will do nothing:

static bool mutex_optimistic_spin(struct mutex *lock,
                                  struct ww_acquire_ctx *ww_ctx, const bool use_ww_ctx)
    return false;

In all of these cases, the __mutex_lock_common function will acct like a semaphore. We try to acquire a lock again because the owner of a lock might already release a lock before this time:

if (!mutex_is_locked(lock) &&
   (atomic_xchg_acquire(&lock->count, 0) == 1))
      goto skip_wait;

In a failure case the process which wants to acquire a lock will be added to the waiters list

list_add_tail(&waiter.list, &lock->wait_list);
waiter.task = task;

In a successful case we update the owner of a lock, enable preemption and exit from the __mutex_lock_common function:

        return 0; 

In this case a lock will be acquired. If can’t acquire a lock for now, we enter into the following loop:

for (;;) {

    if (atomic_read(&lock->count) >= 0 && (atomic_xchg_acquire(&lock->count, -1) == 1))

    if (unlikely(signal_pending_state(state, task))) {
        ret = -EINTR;
        goto err;

    __set_task_state(task, state);


where try to acquire a lock again and exit if this operation was successful. Yes, we try to acquire a lock again right after unsuccessful try before the loop. We need to do it to make sure that we get a wakeup once a lock will be unlocked. Besides this, it allows us to acquire a lock after sleep. In other case we check the current process for pending signals and exit if the process was interrupted by a signal during wait for a lock acquisition. In the end of loop we didn’t acquire a lock, so we set the task state for TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE and go to sleep with call of the schedule_preempt_disabled function.

That’s all. We have considered all three possible paths through which a process may pass when it will wan to acquire a lock. Now let’s consider how mutex_unlock is implemented. When the mutex_unlock will be called by a process which wants to release a lock, the __mutex_fastpath_unlock will be called from the arch/x86/include/asm/mutex_64.h header file:

void __sched mutex_unlock(struct mutex *lock)
    __mutex_fastpath_unlock(&lock->count, __mutex_unlock_slowpath);

Implementation of the __mutex_fastpath_unlock function is very similar to the implementation of the __mutex_fastpath_lock function:

static inline void __mutex_fastpath_unlock(atomic_t *v,
                                           void (*fail_fn)(atomic_t *))
       asm_volatile_goto(LOCK_PREFIX "   incl %0\n"
                         "   jg %l[exit]\n"
                         : : "m" (v->counter)
                         : "memory", "cc"
                         : exit);

Actually, there is only one difference. We increment value if the mutex->count. So it will represent unlocked state after this operation. As mutex released, but we have something in the wait queue we need to update it. In this case the fail_fn function will be called which is __mutex_unlock_slowpath. The __mutex_unlock_slowpath function just gets the correct mutex instance by the given mutex->count and calls the __mutex_unlock_common_slowpath function:

__mutex_unlock_slowpath(atomic_t *lock_count)
      struct mutex *lock = container_of(lock_count, struct mutex, count);

      __mutex_unlock_common_slowpath(lock, 1);

In the __mutex_unlock_common_slowpath function we will get the first entry from the wait queue if the wait queue is not empty and wakeup related process:

if (!list_empty(&lock->wait_list)) {
    struct mutex_waiter *waiter =
           list_entry(lock->, struct mutex_waiter, list); 

After this, a mutex will be released by previous process and will be acquired by another process from a wait queue.

That’s all. We have considered main API for manipulation with mutexes: mutex_lock and mutex_unlock. Besides this the Linux kernel provides following API:

  • mutex_lock_interruptible;
  • mutex_lock_killable;
  • mutex_trylock.

and corresponding versions of unlock prefixed functions. This part will not describe this API, because it is similar to corresponding API of semaphores. More about it you may read in the previous part.

That’s all.

5.3. 结论

This is the end of the fourth part of the synchronization primitives chapter in the Linux kernel. In this part we met with new synchronization primitive which is called - mutex. From the theoretical side, this synchronization primitive very similar on a semaphore. Actually, mutex represents binary semaphore. But its implementation differs from the implementation of semaphore in the Linux kernel. In the next part we will continue to dive into synchronization primitives in the Linux kernel.

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Please note that English is not my first language and I am really sorry for any inconvenience. If you found any mistakes please send me PR to linux-insides.

5.4. 链接

6. 读写信号量

This is the fifth part of the chapter which describes synchronization primitives in the Linux kernel and in the previous parts we finished to consider different types spinlocks, semaphore and mutex synchronization primitives. We will continue to learn synchronization primitives in this part and start to consider special type of synchronization primitives - readers–writer lock.

The first synchronization primitive of this type will be already familiar for us - semaphore. As in all previous parts of this book, before we will consider implementation of the reader/writer semaphores in the Linux kernel, we will start from the theoretical side and will try to understand what is the difference between reader/writer semaphores and normal semaphores.

So, let’s start.

6.1. 介绍

Actually there are two types of operations may be performed on the data. We may read data and make changes in data. Two fundamental operations - read and write. Usually (but not always), read operation is performed more often than write operation. In this case, it would be logical to we may lock data in such way, that some processes may read locked data in one time, on condition that no one will not change the data. The readers/writer lock allows us to get this lock.

When a process which wants to write something into data, all other writer and reader processes will be blocked until the process which acquired a lock, will not release it. When a process reads data, other processes which want to read the same data too, will not be locked and will be able to do this. As you may guess, implementation of the reader/writer semaphore is based on the implementation of the normal semaphore. We already familiar with the semaphore synchronization primitive from the third part of this chapter. From the theoretical side everything looks pretty simple. Let’s look how reader/writer semaphore is represented in the Linux kernel.

The semaphore is represented by the:

struct semaphore {
	raw_spinlock_t		lock;
	unsigned int		count;
	struct list_head	wait_list;

structure. If you will look in the include/linux/rwsem.h header file, you will find definition of the rw_semaphore structure which represents reader/writer semaphore in the Linux kernel. Let’s look at the definition of this structure:

#include <linux/rwsem-spinlock.h>
struct rw_semaphore {
        long count;
        struct list_head wait_list;
        raw_spinlock_t wait_lock;
        struct optimistic_spin_queue osq;
        struct task_struct *owner;
        struct lockdep_map      dep_map;

Before we will consider fields of the rw_semaphore structure, we may notice, that declaration of the rw_semaphore structure depends on the CONFIG_RWSEM_GENERIC_SPINLOCK kernel configuration option. This option is disabled for the x86_64 architecture by default. We can be sure in this by looking at the corresponding kernel configuration file. In our case, this configuration file is - arch/x86/um/Kconfig:

	def_bool 64BIT


So, as this book describes only x86_64 architecture related stuff, we will skip the case when the CONFIG_RWSEM_GENERIC_SPINLOCK kernel configuration is enabled and consider definition of the rw_semaphore structure only from the include/linux/rwsem.h header file.

If we will take a look at the definition of the rw_semaphore structure, we will notice that first three fields are the same that in the semaphore structure. It contains count field which represents amount of available resources, the wait_list field which represents doubly linked list of processes which are waiting to acquire a lock and wait_lock spinlock for protection of this list. Notice that rw_semaphore.count field is long type unlike the same field in the semaphore structure.

The count field of a rw_semaphore structure may have following values:

  • 0x0000000000000000 - reader/writer semaphore is in unlocked state and no one is waiting for a lock;
  • 0x000000000000000X - X readers are active or attempting to acquire a lock and no writer waiting;
  • 0xffffffff0000000X - may represent different cases. The first is - X readers are active or attempting to acquire a lock with waiters for the lock. The second is - one writer attempting a lock, no waiters for the lock. And the last - one writer is active and no waiters for the lock;
  • 0xffffffff00000001 - may represented two different cases. The first is - one reader is active or attempting to acquire a lock and exist waiters for the lock. The second case is one writer is active or attempting to acquire a lock and no waiters for the lock;
  • 0xffffffff00000000 - represents situation when there are readers or writers are queued, but no one is active or is in the process of acquire of a lock;
  • 0xfffffffe00000001 - a writer is active or attempting to acquire a lock and waiters are in queue.

So, besides the count field, all of these fields are similar to fields of the semaphore structure. Last three fields depend on the two configuration options of the Linux kernel: the CONFIG_RWSEM_SPIN_ON_OWNER and CONFIG_DEBUG_LOCK_ALLOC. The first two fields may be familiar us by declaration of the mutex structure from the previous part. The first osq field represents MCS lock spinner for optimistic spinning and the second represents process which is current owner of a lock.

The last field of the rw_semaphore structure is - dep_map - debugging related, and as I already wrote in previous parts, we will skip debugging related stuff in this chapter.

That’s all. Now we know a little about what is it reader/writer lock in general and reader/writer semaphore in particular. Additionally we saw how a reader/writer semaphore is represented in the Linux kernel. In this case, we may go ahead and start to look at the API which the Linux kernel provides for manipulation of reader/writer semaphores.

6.2. 读写信号量 API

So, we know a little about reader/writer semaphores from theoretical side, let’s look on its implementation in the Linux kernel. All reader/writer semaphores related API is located in the include/linux/rwsem.h header file.

As always Before we will consider an API of the reader/writer semaphore mechanism in the Linux kernel, we need to know how to initialize the rw_semaphore structure. As we already saw in previous parts of this chapter, all synchronization primitives may be initialized in two ways:

  • statically;
  • dynamically.

And reader/writer semaphore is not an exception. First of all, let’s take a look at the first approach. We may initialize rw_semaphore structure with the help of the DECLARE_RWSEM macro in compile time. This macro is defined in the include/linux/rwsem.h header file and looks:

#define DECLARE_RWSEM(name) \
        struct rw_semaphore name = __RWSEM_INITIALIZER(name)

As we may see, the DECLARE_RWSEM macro just expands to the definition of the rw_semaphore structure with the given name. Additionally new rw_semaphore structure is initialized with the value of the __RWSEM_INITIALIZER macro:

#define __RWSEM_INITIALIZER(name)              \
{                                                              \
        .count = RWSEM_UNLOCKED_VALUE,                         \
        .wait_list = LIST_HEAD_INIT((name).wait_list),         \
        .wait_lock = __RAW_SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED(name.wait_lock)  \
         __RWSEM_OPT_INIT(name)                                \

and expands to the initialization of fields of rw_semaphore structure. First of all we initialize count field of the rw_semaphore structure to the unlocked state with RWSEM_UNLOCKED_VALUE macro from the arch/x86/include/asm/rwsem.h architecture specific header file:

#define RWSEM_UNLOCKED_VALUE            0x00000000L

After this we initialize list of a lock waiters with the empty linked list and spinlock for protection of this list with the unlocked state too. The __RWSEM_OPT_INIT macro depends on the state of the CONFIG_RWSEM_SPIN_ON_OWNER kernel configuration option and if this option is enabled it expands to the initialization of the osq and owner fields of the rw_semaphore structure. As we already saw above, the CONFIG_RWSEM_SPIN_ON_OWNER kernel configuration option is enabled by default for x86_64 architecture, so let’s take a look at the definition of the __RWSEM_OPT_INIT macro:

    #define __RWSEM_OPT_INIT(lockname) , .osq = OSQ_LOCK_UNLOCKED, .owner = NULL
    #define __RWSEM_OPT_INIT(lockname)

As we may see, the __RWSEM_OPT_INIT macro initializes the MCS lock lock with unlocked state and initial owner of a lock with NULL. From this moment, a rw_semaphore structure will be initialized in a compile time and may be used for data protection.

The second way to initialize a rw_semaphore structure is dynamically or use the init_rwsem macro from the include/linux/rwsem.h header file. This macro declares an instance of the lock_class_key which is related to the lock validator of the Linux kernel and to the call of the __init_rwsem function with the given reader/writer semaphore:

#define init_rwsem(sem)                         \
do {                                                            \
        static struct lock_class_key __key;                     \
        __init_rwsem((sem), #sem, &__key);                      \
} while (0)

If you will start definition of the __init_rwsem function, you will notice that there are couple of source code files which contain it. As you may guess, sometimes we need to initialize additional fields of the rw_semaphore structure, like the osq and owner. But sometimes not. All of this depends on some kernel configuration options. If we will look at the kernel/locking/Makefile makefile, we will see following lines:

obj-$(CONFIG_RWSEM_GENERIC_SPINLOCK) += rwsem-spinlock.o

As we already know, the Linux kernel for x86_64 architecture has enabled CONFIG_RWSEM_XCHGADD_ALGORITHM kernel configuration option by default:

	def_bool 64BIT

in the arch/x86/um/Kconfig kernel configuration file. In this case, implementation of the __init_rwsem function will be located in the kernel/locking/rwsem.c source code file for us. Let’s take a look at this function:

void __init_rwsem(struct rw_semaphore *sem, const char *name,
                    struct lock_class_key *key)
        debug_check_no_locks_freed((void *)sem, sizeof(*sem));
        lockdep_init_map(&sem->dep_map, name, key, 0);
        sem->count = RWSEM_UNLOCKED_VALUE;
        sem->owner = NULL;

We may see here almost the same as in __RWSEM_INITIALIZER macro with difference that all of this will be executed in runtime.

So, from now we are able to initialize a reader/writer semaphore let’s look at the lock and unlock API. The Linux kernel provides following primary API to manipulate reader/writer semaphores:

  • void down_read(struct rw_semaphore *sem) - lock for reading;
  • int down_read_trylock(struct rw_semaphore *sem) - try lock for reading;
  • void down_write(struct rw_semaphore *sem) - lock for writing;
  • int down_write_trylock(struct rw_semaphore *sem) - try lock for writing;
  • void up_read(struct rw_semaphore *sem) - release a read lock;
  • void up_write(struct rw_semaphore *sem) - release a write lock;

Let’s start as always from the locking. First of all let’s consider implementation of the down_write function which executes a try of acquiring of a lock for write. This function is kernel/locking/rwsem.c source code file and starts from the call of the macro from the include/linux/kernel.h header file:

void __sched down_write(struct rw_semaphore *sem)
        rwsem_acquire(&sem->dep_map, 0, 0, _RET_IP_);

        LOCK_CONTENDED(sem, __down_write_trylock, __down_write);

We already met the might_sleep macro in the previous part. In short words, Implementation of the might_sleep macro depends on the CONFIG_DEBUG_ATOMIC_SLEEP kernel configuration option and if this option is enabled, this macro just prints a stack trace if it was executed in atomic context. As this macro is mostly for debugging purpose we will skip it and will go ahead. Additionally we will skip the next macro from the down_read function - rwsem_acquire which is related to the lock validator of the Linux kernel, because this is topic of other part.

The only two things that remained in the down_write function is the call of the LOCK_CONTENDED macro which is defined in the include/linux/lockdep.h header file and setting of owner of a lock with the rwsem_set_owner function which sets owner to currently running process:

static inline void rwsem_set_owner(struct rw_semaphore *sem)
        sem->owner = current;

As you already may guess, the LOCK_CONTENDED macro does all job for us. Let’s look at the implementation of the LOCK_CONTENDED macro:

#define LOCK_CONTENDED(_lock, try, lock) \

As we may see it just calls the lock function which is third parameter of the LOCK_CONTENDED macro with the given rw_semaphore. In our case the third parameter of the LOCK_CONTENDED macro is the __down_write function which is architecture specific function and located in the arch/x86/include/asm/rwsem.h header file. Let’s look at the implementation of the __down_write function:

static inline void __down_write(struct rw_semaphore *sem)
        __down_write_nested(sem, 0);

which just executes a call of the __down_write_nested function from the same source code file. Let’s take a look at the implementation of the __down_write_nested function:

static inline void __down_write_nested(struct rw_semaphore *sem, int subclass)
        long tmp;

        asm volatile("# beginning down_write\n\t"
                     LOCK_PREFIX "  xadd      %1,(%2)\n\t"
                     "  test " __ASM_SEL(%w1,%k1) "," __ASM_SEL(%w1,%k1) "\n\t"
                     "  jz        1f\n"
                     "  call call_rwsem_down_write_failed\n"
                     "# ending down_write"
                     : "+m" (sem->count), "=d" (tmp)
                     : "a" (sem), "1" (RWSEM_ACTIVE_WRITE_BIAS)
                     : "memory", "cc");

As for other synchronization primitives which we saw in this chapter, usually lock/unlock functions consists only from an inline assembly statement. As we may see, in our case the same for __down_write_nested function. Let’s try to understand what does this function do. The first line of our assembly statement is just a comment, let’s skip it. The second like contains LOCK_PREFIX which will be expanded to the LOCK instruction as we already know. The next xadd instruction executes add and exchange operations. In other words, xadd instruction adds value of the RWSEM_ACTIVE_WRITE_BIAS:


#define RWSEM_WAITING_BIAS              (-RWSEM_ACTIVE_MASK-1)
#define RWSEM_ACTIVE_BIAS               0x00000001L

or 0xffffffff00000001 to the count of the given reader/writer semaphore and returns previous value of it. After this we check the active mask in the rw_semaphore->count. If it was zero before, this means that there were no-one writer before, so we acquired a lock. In other way we call the call_rwsem_down_write_failed function from the arch/x86/lib/rwsem.S assembly file. The call_rwsem_down_write_failed function just calls the rwsem_down_write_failed function from the kernel/locking/rwsem-xadd.c source code file anticipatorily save general purpose registers:

	movq %rax,%rdi
	call rwsem_down_write_failed

The rwsem_down_write_failed function starts from the atomic update of the count value:

struct rw_semaphore __sched *rwsem_down_write_failed(struct rw_semaphore *sem)
    count = rwsem_atomic_update(-RWSEM_ACTIVE_WRITE_BIAS, sem);

with the -RWSEM_ACTIVE_WRITE_BIAS value. The rwsem_atomic_update function is defined in the arch/x86/include/asm/rwsem.h header file and implement exchange and add logic:

static inline long rwsem_atomic_update(long delta, struct rw_semaphore *sem)
        return delta + xadd(&sem->count, delta);

This function atomically adds the given delta to the count and returns old value of the count. After this it just returns sum of the given delta and old value of the count field. In our case we undo write bias from the count as we didn’t acquire a lock. After this step we try to do optimistic spinning by the call of the rwsem_optimistic_spin function:

if (rwsem_optimistic_spin(sem))
      return sem;

We will skip implementation of the rwsem_optimistic_spin function, as it is similar on the mutex_optimistic_spin function which we saw in the previous part. In short words we check existence other tasks ready to run that have higher priority in the rwsem_optimistic_spin function. If there are such tasks, the process will be added to the MCS waitqueue and start to spin in the loop until a lock will be able to be acquired. If optimistic spinning is disabled, a process will be added to the and marked as waiting for write:

waiter.task = current;

if (list_empty(&sem->wait_list))
    waiting = false;

list_add_tail(&waiter.list, &sem->wait_list);

waiters list and start to wait until it will successfully acquire the lock. After we have added a process to the waiters list which was empty before this moment, we update the value of the rw_semaphore->count with the RWSEM_WAITING_BIAS:

count = rwsem_atomic_update(RWSEM_WAITING_BIAS, sem);

with this we mark rw_semaphore->counter that it is already locked and exists/waits one writer which wants to acquire the lock. In other way we try to wake reader processes from the wait queue that were queued before this writer process and there are no active readers. In the end of the rwsem_down_write_failed a writer process will go to sleep which didn’t acquire a lock in the following loop:

while (true) {
    if (rwsem_try_write_lock(count, sem))
    do {
    } while ((count = sem->count) & RWSEM_ACTIVE_MASK);

I will skip explanation of this loop as we already met similar functional in the previous part.

That’s all. From this moment, our writer process will acquire or not acquire a lock depends on the value of the rw_semaphore->count field. Now if we will look at the implementation of the down_read function which executes a try of acquiring of a lock. We will see similar actions which we saw in the down_write function. This function calls different debugging and lock validator related functions/macros:

void __sched down_read(struct rw_semaphore *sem)
        rwsem_acquire_read(&sem->dep_map, 0, 0, _RET_IP_);

        LOCK_CONTENDED(sem, __down_read_trylock, __down_read);

and does all job in the __down_read function. The __down_read consists of inline assembly statement:

static inline void __down_read(struct rw_semaphore *sem)
         asm volatile("# beginning down_read\n\t"
                     LOCK_PREFIX _ASM_INC "(%1)\n\t"
                     "  jns        1f\n"
                     "  call call_rwsem_down_read_failed\n"
                     "# ending down_read\n\t"
                     : "+m" (sem->count)
                     : "a" (sem)
                     : "memory", "cc");

which increments value of the given rw_semaphore->count and call the call_rwsem_down_read_failed if this value is negative. In other way we jump at the label 1: and exit. After this read lock will be successfully acquired. Notice that we check a sign of the count value as it may be negative, because as you may remember most significant word of the rw_semaphore->count contains negated number of active writers.

Let’s consider case when a process wants to acquire a lock for read operation, but it is already locked. In this case the call_rwsem_down_read_failed function from the arch/x86/lib/rwsem.S assembly file will be called. If you will look at the implementation of this function, you will notice that it does the same that call_rwsem_down_read_failed function does. Except it calls the rwsem_down_read_failed function instead of rwsem_dow_write_failed. Now let’s consider implementation of the rwsem_down_read_failed function. It starts from the adding a process to the wait queue and updating of value of the rw_semaphore->counter:

long adjustment = -RWSEM_ACTIVE_READ_BIAS;

waiter.task = tsk;

if (list_empty(&sem->wait_list))
    adjustment += RWSEM_WAITING_BIAS;
list_add_tail(&waiter.list, &sem->wait_list);

count = rwsem_atomic_update(adjustment, sem);

Notice that if the wait queue was empty before we clear the rw_semaphore->counter and undo read bias in other way. At the next step we check that there are no active locks and we are first in the wait queue we need to join currently active reader processes. In other way we go to sleep until a lock will not be able to acquired.

That’s all. Now we know how reader and writer processes will behave in different cases during a lock acquisition. Now let’s take a short look at unlock operations. The up_read and up_write functions allows us to unlock a reader or writer lock. First of all let’s take a look at the implementation of the up_write function which is defined in the kernel/locking/rwsem.c source code file:

void up_write(struct rw_semaphore *sem)
        rwsem_release(&sem->dep_map, 1, _RET_IP_);


First of all it calls the rwsem_release macro which is related to the lock validator of the Linux kernel, so we will skip it now. And at the next line the rwsem_clear_owner function which as you may understand from the name of this function, just clears the owner field of the given rw_semaphore:

static inline void rwsem_clear_owner(struct rw_semaphore *sem)
	sem->owner = NULL;

The __up_write function does all job of unlocking of the lock. The _up_write is architecture-specific function, so for our case it will be located in the arch/x86/include/asm/rwsem.h source code file. If we will take a look at the implementation of this function, we will see that it does almost the same that __down_write function, but conversely. Instead of adding of the RWSEM_ACTIVE_WRITE_BIAS to the count, we subtract the same value and check the sign of the previous value.

If the previous value of the rw_semaphore->count is not negative, a writer process released a lock and now it may be acquired by someone else. In other case, the rw_semaphore->count will contain negative values. This means that there is at least one writer in a wait queue. In this case the call_rwsem_wake function will be called. This function acts like similar functions which we already saw above. It store general purpose registers at the stack for preserving and call the rwsem_wake function.

First of all the rwsem_wake function checks if a spinner is present. In this case it will just acquire a lock which is just released by lock owner. In other case there must be someone in the wait queue and we need to wake or writer process if it exists at the top of the wait queue or all reader processes. The up_read function which release a reader lock acts in similar way like up_write, but with a little difference. Instead of subtracting of RWSEM_ACTIVE_WRITE_BIAS from the rw_semaphore->count, it subtracts 1 from it, because less significant word of the count contains number active locks. After this it checks sign of the count and calls the rwsem_wake like __up_write if the count is negative or in other way lock will be successfully released.

That’s all. We have considered API for manipulation with reader/writer semaphore: up_read/up_write and down_read/down_write. We saw that the Linux kernel provides additional API, besides this functions, like the , and etc. But I will not consider implementation of these function in this part because it must be similar on that we have seen in this part of except few subtleties.

6.3. 结论

This is the end of the fifth part of the synchronization primitives chapter in the Linux kernel. In this part we met with special type of semaphore - readers/writer semaphore which provides access to data for multiply process to read or for one process to writer. In the next part we will continue to dive into synchronization primitives in the Linux kernel.

If you have questions or suggestions, feel free to ping me in twitter 0xAX, drop me email or just create issue.

Please note that English is not my first language and I am really sorry for any inconvenience. If you found any mistakes please send me PR to linux-insides.

6.4. 链接

7. 顺序锁

顺序锁(seqlock)是对读写锁的一种优化, 提高了读锁和写锁的独立性。写锁不会被读锁阻塞,读锁也不会被写锁阻塞。写锁会被写锁阻塞。
若使用顺序锁,读执行单元绝对不会被写执行单元所阻塞,也就是说, 临界区可以在写临界区对被顺序锁保护的共享资源进行写操作的同时仍然可以继续读, 而不必等待写执行单元完成之后再去读,同样, 写执行单元也不必等待所有的读执行单元读完之后才去进行写操作。
但是写执行单元与写执行单元之间仍然是互斥的,即:如果有写执行单元正在进行写操作, 那么其它的写执行单元必须自旋在那里,直到写执行单元释放顺序锁为止。
如果读执行单元在读操作期间,写执行单元已经发生了写操作,那么, 读执行单元必须重新去读数据,以便确保读到的数据是完整的; 这种锁在读写操作同时进行的概率比较小,性能是非常好的,而且它允许读写操作同时进行, 因而更大地提高了并发性。
顺序锁有一个限制:它必须要求被保护的共享资源中不能含有指针; 因为写执行单元可能会使指针失效,当读执行单元如果正要访问该指针时,系统就会崩溃。

This is the sixth part of the chapter which describes synchronization primitives in the Linux kernel and in the previous parts we finished to consider different readers-writer lock synchronization primitives. We will continue to learn synchronization primitives in this part and start to consider a similar synchronization primitive which can be used to avoid the writer starvation problem. The name of this synchronization primitive is - seqlock or sequential locks.

We know from the previous part that readers-writer lock is a special lock mechanism which allows concurrent access for read-only operations, but an exclusive lock is needed for writing or modifying data. As we may guess, it may lead to a problem which is called writer starvation. In other words, a writer process can’t acquire a lock as long as at least one reader process which acquired a lock holds it. So, in the situation when contention is high, it will lead to situation when a writer process which wants to acquire a lock will wait for it for a long time.

The seqlock synchronization primitive can help solve this problem.

As in all previous parts of this book, we will try to consider this synchronization primitive from the theoretical side and only than we will consider API provided by the Linux kernel to manipulate with seqlocks.

So, let’s start.

7.1. 顺序锁介绍

So, what is a seqlock synchronization primitive and how does it work? Let’s try to answer on these questions in this paragraph. Actually sequential locks were introduced in the Linux kernel 2.6.x. Main point of this synchronization primitive is to provide fast and lock-free access to shared resources. Since the heart of sequential lock synchronization primitive is spinlock synchronization primitive, sequential locks work in situations where the protected resources are small and simple. Additionally write access must be rare and also should be fast.

Work of this synchronization primitive is based on the sequence of events counter. Actually a sequential lock allows free access to a resource for readers, but each reader must check existence of conflicts with a writer. This synchronization primitive introduces a special counter. The main algorithm of work of sequential locks is simple: Each writer which acquired a sequential lock increments this counter and additionally acquires a spinlock. When this writer finishes, it will release the acquired spinlock to give access to other writers and increment the counter of a sequential lock again.

Read only access works on the following principle, it gets the value of a sequential lock counter before it will enter into critical section and compares it with the value of the same sequential lock counter at the exit of critical section. If their values are equal, this means that there weren’t writers for this period. If their values are not equal, this means that a writer has incremented the counter during the critical section. This conflict means that reading of protected data must be repeated.

That’s all. As we may see principle of work of sequential locks is simple.

unsigned int seq_counter_value;

do {
    seq_counter_value = get_seq_counter_val(&the_lock);
    // do as we want here
} while (__retry__);

Actually the Linux kernel does not provide get_seq_counter_val() function. Here it is just a stub. Like a __retry__ too. As I already wrote above, we will see actual the API for this in the next paragraph of this part.

Ok, now we know what a seqlock synchronization primitive is and how it is represented in the Linux kernel. In this case, we may go ahead and start to look at the API which the Linux kernel provides for manipulation of synchronization primitives of this type.

7.2. 顺序锁 API

So, now we know a little about sequential lock synchronization primitive from theoretical side, let’s look at its implementation in the Linux kernel. All sequential locks API are located in the include/linux/seqlock.h header file.

First of all we may see that the a sequential lock mechanism is represented by the following type:

typedef struct {
	struct seqcount seqcount;
	spinlock_t lock;
} seqlock_t;

As we may see the seqlock_t provides two fields. These fields represent a sequential lock counter, description of which we saw above and also a spinlock which will protect data from other writers. Note that the seqcount counter represented as seqcount type. The seqcount is structure:

typedef struct seqcount {
	unsigned sequence;
	struct lockdep_map dep_map;
} seqcount_t;

which holds counter of a sequential lock and lock validator related field.

As always in previous parts of this chapter, before we will consider an API of sequential lock mechanism in the Linux kernel, we need to know how to initialize an instance of seqlock_t.

We saw in the previous parts that often the Linux kernel provides two approaches to execute initialization of the given synchronization primitive. The same situation with the seqlock_t structure. These approaches allows to initialize a seqlock_t in two following:

  • statically;
  • dynamically.

ways. Let’s look at the first approach. We are able to initialize a seqlock_t statically with the DEFINE_SEQLOCK macro:

#define DEFINE_SEQLOCK(x) \
		seqlock_t x = __SEQLOCK_UNLOCKED(x)

which is defined in the include/linux/seqlock.h header file. As we may see, the DEFINE_SEQLOCK macro takes one argument and expands to the definition and initialization of the seqlock_t structure. Initialization occurs with the help of the __SEQLOCK_UNLOCKED macro which is defined in the same source code file. Let’s look at the implementation of this macro:

#define __SEQLOCK_UNLOCKED(lockname)			\
	{						\
		.seqcount = SEQCNT_ZERO(lockname),	\
		.lock =	__SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED(lockname)	\

As we may see the, __SEQLOCK_UNLOCKED macro executes initialization of fields of the given seqlock_t structure. The first field is seqcount initialized with the SEQCNT_ZERO macro which expands to the:

#define SEQCNT_ZERO(lockname) { .sequence = 0, SEQCOUNT_DEP_MAP_INIT(lockname)}

So we just initialize counter of the given sequential lock to zero and additionally we can see lock validator related initialization which depends on the state of the CONFIG_DEBUG_LOCK_ALLOC kernel configuration option:

# define SEQCOUNT_DEP_MAP_INIT(lockname) \
    .dep_map = { .name = #lockname } \
# define SEQCOUNT_DEP_MAP_INIT(lockname)

As I already wrote in previous parts of this chapter we will not consider debugging and lock validator related stuff in this part. So for now we just skip the SEQCOUNT_DEP_MAP_INIT macro. The second field of the given seqlock_t is lock initialized with the __SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED macro which is defined in the include/linux/spinlock_types.h header file. We will not consider implementation of this macro here as it just initialize rawspinlock with architecture-specific methods (More abot spinlocks you may read in first parts of this chapter).

We have considered the first way to initialize a sequential lock. Let’s consider second way to do the same, but do it dynamically. We can initialize a sequential lock with the seqlock_init macro which is defined in the same include/linux/seqlock.h header file.

Let’s look at the implementation of this macro:

#define seqlock_init(x)					\
	do {						\
		seqcount_init(&(x)->seqcount);		\
		spin_lock_init(&(x)->lock);		\
	} while (0)

As we may see, the seqlock_init expands into two macros. The first macro seqcount_init takes counter of the given sequential lock and expands to the call of the __seqcount_init function:

# define seqcount_init(s)				\
	do {						\
		static struct lock_class_key __key;	\
		__seqcount_init((s), #s, &__key);	\
	} while (0)

from the same header file. This function

static inline void __seqcount_init(seqcount_t *s, const char *name,
					  struct lock_class_key *key)
    lockdep_init_map(&s->dep_map, name, key, 0);
    s->sequence = 0;

just initializes counter of the given seqcount_t with zero. The second call from the seqlock_init macro is the call of the spin_lock_init macro which we saw in the first part of this chapter.

So, now we know how to initialize a sequential lock, now let’s look at how to use it. The Linux kernel provides following API to manipulate sequential locks:

static inline unsigned read_seqbegin(const seqlock_t *sl);
static inline unsigned read_seqretry(const seqlock_t *sl, unsigned start);
static inline void write_seqlock(seqlock_t *sl);
static inline void write_sequnlock(seqlock_t *sl);
static inline void write_seqlock_irq(seqlock_t *sl);
static inline void write_sequnlock_irq(seqlock_t *sl);
static inline void read_seqlock_excl(seqlock_t *sl)
static inline void read_sequnlock_excl(seqlock_t *sl)

and others. Before we move on to considering the implementation of this API, we must know that actually there are two types of readers. The first type of reader never blocks a writer process. In this case writer will not wait for readers. The second type of reader which can lock. In this case, the locking reader will block the writer as it will wait while reader will not release its lock.

First of all let’s consider the first type of readers. The read_seqbegin function begins a seq-read critical section.

As we may see this function just returns value of the read_seqcount_begin function:

static inline unsigned read_seqbegin(const seqlock_t *sl)
	return read_seqcount_begin(&sl->seqcount);

In its turn the read_seqcount_begin function calls the raw_read_seqcount_begin function:

static inline unsigned read_seqcount_begin(const seqcount_t *s)
	return raw_read_seqcount_begin(s);

which just returns value of the sequential lock counter:

static inline unsigned raw_read_seqcount(const seqcount_t *s)
	unsigned ret = READ_ONCE(s->sequence);
	return ret;

After we have the initial value of the given sequential lock counter and did some stuff, we know from the previous paragraph of this function, that we need to compare it with the current value of the counter the same sequential lock before we will exit from the critical section. We can achieve this by the call of the read_seqretry function. This function takes a sequential lock, start value of the counter and through a chain of functions:

static inline unsigned read_seqretry(const seqlock_t *sl, unsigned start)
	return read_seqcount_retry(&sl->seqcount, start);

static inline int read_seqcount_retry(const seqcount_t *s, unsigned start)
	return __read_seqcount_retry(s, start);

it calls the __read_seqcount_retry function:

static inline int __read_seqcount_retry(const seqcount_t *s, unsigned start)
	return unlikely(s->sequence != start);

which just compares value of the counter of the given sequential lock with the initial value of this counter. If the initial value of the counter which is obtained from read_seqbegin() function is odd, this means that a writer was in the middle of updating the data when our reader began to act. In this case the value of the data can be in inconsistent state, so we need to try to read it again.

This is a common pattern in the Linux kernel. For example, you may remember the jiffies concept from the first part of the timers and time management in the Linux kernel chapter. The sequential lock is used to obtain value of jiffies at x86_64 architecture:

u64 get_jiffies_64(void)
	unsigned long seq;
	u64 ret;

	do {
		seq = read_seqbegin(&jiffies_lock);
		ret = jiffies_64;
	} while (read_seqretry(&jiffies_lock, seq));
	return ret;

Here we just read the value of the counter of the jiffies_lock sequential lock and then we write value of the jiffies_64 system variable to the ret. As here we may see do/while loop, the body of the loop will be executed at least one time. So, as the body of loop was executed, we read and compare the current value of the counter of the jiffies_lock with the initial value. If these values are not equal, execution of the loop will be repeated, else get_jiffies_64 will return its value in ret.

We just saw the first type of readers which do not block writer and other readers. Let’s consider second type. It does not update value of a sequential lock counter, but just locks spinlock:

static inline void read_seqlock_excl(seqlock_t *sl)

So, no one reader or writer can’t access protected data. When a reader finishes, the lock must be unlocked with the:

static inline void read_sequnlock_excl(seqlock_t *sl)


Now we know how sequential lock work for readers. Let’s consider how does writer act when it wants to acquire a sequential lock to modify data. To acquire a sequential lock, writer should use write_seqlock function. If we look at the implementation of this function:

static inline void write_seqlock(seqlock_t *sl)

We will see that it acquires spinlock to prevent access from other writers and calls the write_seqcount_begin function. This function just increments value of the sequential lock counter:

static inline void raw_write_seqcount_begin(seqcount_t *s)

When a writer process will finish to modify data, the write_sequnlock function must be called to release a lock and give access to other writers or readers. Let’s consider at the implementation of the write_sequnlock function. It looks pretty simple:

static inline void write_sequnlock(seqlock_t *sl)

First of all it just calls write_seqcount_end function to increase value of the counter of the sequential lock again:

static inline void raw_write_seqcount_end(seqcount_t *s)

and in the end we just call the spin_unlock macro to give access for other readers or writers.

That’s all about sequential lock mechanism in the Linux kernel. Of course we did not consider full API of this mechanism in this part. But all other functions are based on these which we described here. For example, Linux kernel also provides some safe macros/functions to use sequential lock mechanism in interrupt handlers of softirq: write_seqclock_irq and write_sequnlock_irq:

static inline void write_seqlock_irq(seqlock_t *sl)

static inline void write_sequnlock_irq(seqlock_t *sl)

As we may see, these functions differ only in the initialization of spinlock. They call spin_lock_irq and spin_unlock_irq instead of spin_lock and spin_unlock.

Or for example write_seqlock_irqsave and write_sequnlock_irqrestore functions which are the same but used spin_lock_irqsave and spin_unlock_irqsave macro to use in IRQ handlers.

That’s all.

7.3. 结论

This is the end of the sixth part of the synchronization primitives chapter in the Linux kernel. In this part we met with new synchronization primitive which is called - sequential lock. From the theoretical side, this synchronization primitive very similar on a readers-writer lock synchronization primitive, but allows to avoid writer-starving issue.

If you have questions or suggestions, feel free to ping me in twitter 0xAX, drop me email or just create issue.

Please note that English is not my first language and I am really sorry for any inconvenience. If you found any mistakes please send me PR to linux-insides.

7.4. 链接





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